Should Casebolt Have Shot the Kids who Charged At Him ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
According to the police training in just about all police academies, police should draw their gun and fire when charging at them gets to within 21 feet of them. This is the standard 21 FOOT RULE. The kids who charged at officer Eric Casebolt, at an illicit pool party attended by a mob of over 100 trespassers,came right up to Casebolt, with a couple of feet of him, or less than that.

I'd say those kids are lucky to be alive, and that Casebolt did not shoot them, is a testimony to his restraint (in opposition to the 21 foot rule), not the crazy things cop-haters in this forum have been saying about him.

I have a concealed weapon permit, and I carry a pistol. If some goofball charges at me, yelling trash at me, like those loons did at Casebolt, I can tell you they will be eating hollowpoints. Neither I or Casebolt or anybody else has any way of knowing what the intention is of any screwball who runs at somebody. And if you are armed with a gun, all of these idiots, whether you can initially see if they are armed or not, represent a deadly threat against you. They could pull a knife (in less than a second), hit you with a rock, or grab you own gun from you and shoot you with it.

Under self defense laws, Casebolt could have, and probably should have, shot the 2 fools who charged at him, and the 2 women who did the same, one of whom (in the white bikini) actually hit Casebolt with her hand, or grabbed at him.

Since the 21 foot rule was established, there has been some rethinking of it and much talk of changing the rule to a longer distance of 35 feet.

Lastly, I would strongly CAUTION anyone responding to this OP to watch the video entitled > 21 Foot rule, before posting. When you watch it, you'll see why.

Rethinking the 21-Foot Rule - Article - POLICE Magazine
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The police on site with him disagreed to the point of coming to his side and trying to call him down when he pulled his gun. The chief of police also disagreed to the point that he made a press statement saying exactly that.
The police on site with him disagreed to the point of coming to his side and trying to call him down when he pulled his gun. The chief of police also disagreed to the point that he made a press statement saying exactly that.
1. You didn't see the video as I suggested. You posted even before I posted the video.

2. The chief of police was responding to his boss the mayor, who was responding to the Obama/Sharpton race hustle, Justice Dept court suit threat, that all cities in America are now under.

3. I see no proof of what you say about the police on site with him, and if they did disagree, they would have been disagreeing with their own 21 foot rule police training.
Had he done as you suggest, he would be up for murder, or dead, as the other two policemen that restrained him would probably have shot him.
The police on site with him disagreed to the point of coming to his side and trying to call him down when he pulled his gun. The chief of police also disagreed to the point that he made a press statement saying exactly that.
1. You didn't see the video as I suggested. You posted even before I posted the video.

2. The chief of police was responding to his boss the mayer, who was responding to the Obama/Sharpton race hustle Justice Dept court suit threat, that all cities in America are now under.

3. I see no proof of what you say about the police on site with him, and if they did disagree, they would have been disagreeing with their own 21 foot rule police training.

The chief of police was responding to the incident itself, and the fact that the officer had resigned.

His words, verbatim, were: "I had 12 officers on site yesterday, and only one didn't not following department policy."
Had he done as you suggest, he would be up for murder, or dead, as the other two policemen that restrained him would probably have shot him.
No, he would have been confirmed by the 21 foot rule, and if the other officers shot him, THEY would have been arrested for murder. You talk as if the 21 foot rule didn't exist. IT DOES (and has since 1988)
The chief of police was responding to the incident itself, and the fact that the officer had resigned.

His words, verbatim, were: "I had 12 officers on site yesterday, and only one didn't not following department policy."[

it doesn't matter what he says. His words (just like Rawlings in Baltimore, et al) are all within th context of the Justice Dept court action threat from the Obama/Sharpton/Rawlings/Mosby (and what ever other lowlifes) Black base VOTE campaign.
Had he done as you suggest, he would be up for murder, or dead, as the other two policemen that restrained him would probably have shot him.
No, he would have been confirmed by the 21 foot rule, and if the other officers shot him, THEY would have been arrested for murder. You talk as if the 21 foot rule didn't exist. IT DOES (and has since 1988)

It only applies to armed suspects.

Revisiting the 21-Foot Rule - Article - POLICE Magazine

Neither of those boys were armed.
The chief of police was responding to the incident itself, and the fact that the officer had resigned.

His words, verbatim, were: "I had 12 officers on site yesterday, and only one didn't not following department policy."[

it doesn't matter what he says. His words (just like Rawlings in Baltimore, et al) are all within th context of the Justice Dept court action threat from the Obama/Sharpton/Rawlings/Mosby (and what ever other lowlifes) Black base VOTE campaign.

It does matter what he says. He's the fucking chief of police.
It does matter what he says. He's the fucking chief of police.
Big deal. Every chief of police in America, and all their bosses (mayors) are currently under the duress of the Obama Justice Dept which threatens lawsuits, that the cities can not afford to defend themselves against. Haven't you been paying attention to the news ? This has been going on for nearly a year now.
Had he done as you suggest, he would be up for murder, or dead, as the other two policemen that restrained him would probably have shot him.
No, he would have been confirmed by the 21 foot rule, and if the other officers shot him, THEY would have been arrested for murder. You talk as if the 21 foot rule didn't exist. IT DOES (and has since 1988)

It's 21 feet when the attacker is armed with a knife. Get your facts straight. The officer grossly overacted, the situation was calm until he showed up.
After the fact, of course everyone will hang the officer.

Two boys were charging the officer. It looked like they might have wanted to use his distraction with the girl to perhaps make a grab for the gun themselves. The boys were absolutely taunting Casebolt.
It's 21 feet when the attacker is armed with a knife. Get your facts straight. The officer grossly overacted, the situation was calm until he showed up.

That was already answered in >

1) the OP

2) Post # 10

Get your posts straight.
It's 21 feet when the attacker is armed with a knife. Get your facts straight. The officer grossly overacted, the situation was calm until he showed up.

That was already answered in >

1) the OP

2) Post # 9

3) Post # 10.

Get your posts straight.

No, it wasn't. The kids were not armed. Pull your head out of your ass.
It does matter what he says. He's the fucking chief of police.
Big deal. Every chief of police in America, and all their bosses (mayors) are currently under the duress of the Obama Justice Dept which threatens lawsuits, that the cities can not afford to defend themselves against. Haven't you been paying attention to the news ? This has been going on for nearly a year now.

Yeah, cause everyone knows that it is Obama's fault that this police officer assaulted a 14 year old girl and pulled his gun out on two other teenagers attending a pool party. :afro:
The police on site with him disagreed to the point of coming to his side and trying to call him down when he pulled his gun. The chief of police also disagreed to the point that he made a press statement saying exactly that.
Prove it. Those teens are lucky.
No, it wasn't. The kids were not armed. Pull your head out of your ass.

You just don't get it. Try reading Post # 10 again, and again, and again, and again. Pheeeew!! (high-:rolleyes-41:pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head) :rolleyes-41:
No, it wasn't. The kids were not armed. Pull your head out of your ass.

You just don't get it. Try reading Post # 10 again, and again, and again, and again. Pheeeew!! (high-:rolleyes-41:pitched whistle; eyes rolling around in head) :rolleyes-41:

Where oh where could they possibly have a weapon hidden? Up their keesters? where your brain resides?
It does matter what he says. He's the fucking chief of police.
Big deal. Every chief of police in America, and all their bosses (mayors) are currently under the duress of the Obama Justice Dept which threatens lawsuits, that the cities can not afford to defend themselves against. Haven't you been paying attention to the news ? This has been going on for nearly a year now.

Yeah, cause everyone knows that it is Obama's fault that this police officer assaulted a 14 year old girl and pulled his gun out on two other teenagers attending a pool party. :afro:
1. He didn't "assault" anybody.

2. He was justified in pulling his gun. Read the Op and watch the VIDEO.

3. It doesn't matter what everybody knows or thinks. Obama & Sharpton are scamming young blacks into voting Democrat, and threatening mayors with the Justice Dept. That's what's happening. Like it or nor.

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