Should Christians Get Cremated?

Road Runner

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Jun 16, 2021
I didn't really stop and think about this until this morning, but I believe in you either go to Heaven or Hell after you die, not that your bodies will be raised up again later because Jesus specifically told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him today in paradise. So anyways, I don't really see any issue if you believe in life directly after death, but even if bodies will be resurrected after His return, The Lord could still resurrect cremated Christians if He wanted to. So, I don't think that there would be any issues anyways.
I didn't really stop and think about this until this morning, but I believe in you either go to Heaven or Hell after you die, not that your bodies will be raised up again later because Jesus specifically told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him today in paradise. So anyways, I don't really see any issue if you believe in life directly after death, but even if bodies will be resurrected after His return, The Lord could still resurrect cremated Christians if He wanted to. So, I don't think that there would be any issues anyways.
try to occupy your mind with other more productive thoughts
I didn't really stop and think about this until this morning, but I believe in you either go to Heaven or Hell after you die, not that your bodies will be raised up again later because Jesus specifically told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him today in paradise. So anyways, I don't really see any issue if you believe in life directly after death, but even if bodies will be resurrected after His return, The Lord could still resurrect cremated Christians if He wanted to. So, I don't think that there would be any issues anyways.
Your body is just a meat suit. What you do while you occupy it is the most important thing.
I didn't really stop and think about this until this morning, but I believe in you either go to Heaven or Hell after you die, not that your bodies will be raised up again later because Jesus specifically told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him today in paradise. So anyways, I don't really see any issue if you believe in life directly after death, but even if bodies will be resurrected after His return, The Lord could still resurrect cremated Christians if He wanted to. So, I don't think that there would be any issues anyways.
Orthodox Judaism forbids cremation. They must be buried within 24 hours of death and the funeral is very simple and quiet. The family mourns for 3 days and that is called "Sitting Shivah".
I didn't really stop and think about this until this morning, but I believe in you either go to Heaven or Hell after you die, not that your bodies will be raised up again later because Jesus specifically told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him today in paradise. So anyways, I don't really see any issue if you believe in life directly after death, but even if bodies will be resurrected after His return, The Lord could still resurrect cremated Christians if He wanted to. So, I don't think that there would be any issues anyways.
If you died tomorrow, your clay exterior goes in the ground or is reduced to ashes, and your spirit<you, go directly to Heaven. But when the time comes, The Lord will resurrect all of His followers still alive and the bodies of those formally dead, regardless of the condition of their bodies.
And those bodies will be glorified, but it is still your body that you will use for eternity. You will be like Christ. Total understanding. 33 1/3 years old. You will never age beyond that. You can eat, if you want, but your glorified body won't require it. You will be able to move from dimension to dimension by just a thought. You will not be tethered to gravity, etc.

The same thing happened when Christ died on the cross. The graves, of those in spirit form in Abraham's Bosom, opened and the bodies of those formally dead, were reclaimed. Christ is in His earthly body now and will always be.

Matthew 27:52 At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split. The tombs broke open, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised. After Jesus’ resurrection, when they had come out of the tombs, they entered the holy city and appeared to many people...
I didn't really stop and think about this until this morning, but I believe in you either go to Heaven or Hell after you die, not that your bodies will be raised up again later because Jesus specifically told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him today in paradise. So anyways, I don't really see any issue if you believe in life directly after death, but even if bodies will be resurrected after His return, The Lord could still resurrect cremated Christians if He wanted to. So, I don't think that there would be any issues anyways.

The Bible does not say one way or the other about cremation other than not to burn your son or daughter as an offering. Some have argued that it is unchristian either because the biblical references to it being done is mostly bad guys, or because of the direction to give up pagan belief and traditions.
If you died tomorrow, your clay exterior goes in the ground or is reduced to ashes, and your spirit<you, go directly to Heaven. But when the time comes, The Lord will resurrect all of His followers still alive and the bodies of those formally dead, regardless of the condition of their bodies.
And those bodies will be glorified, but it is still your body that you will use for eternity. You will be like Christ. Total understanding. 33 1/3 years old. You will never age beyond that. You can eat, if you want, but your glorified body won't require it. You will be able to move from dimension to dimension by just a thought. You will not be tethered to gravity, etc.

The same thing happened when Christ died on the cross. The graves, of those in spirit form in Abraham's Bosom, opened and the bodies of those formally dead, were reclaimed. Christ is in His earthly body now and will always be.

Matthew 27:52 At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split. The tombs broke open, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised. After Jesus’ resurrection, when they had come out of the tombs, they entered the holy city and appeared to many people...

That doesn't make sense though. Wouldn't we already be glorified and like Christ if we went to Heaven directly after death as how I believe? Tagging JohnDB for this because I'm really curious to know his thoughts.
That doesn't make sense though. Wouldn't we already be glorified and like Christ if we went to Heaven directly after death as how I believe? Tagging JohnDB for this because I'm really curious to know his thoughts.
Christ didn't go directly to Heaven. He spent 3 days in Abraham's Bosom. In spirit form. When He was resurrected < reclaimed His earthly body, so did all those spirits with Abraham. Christ, and those formally dead, stayed here on earth for 40 days before they ascended with Christ to Heaven.

Acts 1:3-4 After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God. On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.

^That "gift" was the Holy Spirit. And with it they went from hiding to boldly proclaiming the Word.

Absent from the body means present with the Lord. Body stays, spirit goes up. But when it comes time to return to earth with Christ, we reunite with our bodies which are made immortal at that time.
You are you and will be you, for eternity, body and all...
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Christ didn't go directly to Heaven. He spent 3 days in Abraham's Bosom. In spirit form. When He was resurrected < reclaimed His earthly body, so did all those spirits with Abraham. Christ, and those formally dead, stayed here on earth for 40 days before they ascended with Christ to Heaven.

Are you talking about His descent into Hell?
The Lord could still resurrect cremated Christians
It's actually an old Pagan saying which the Christians never gave up:

"Burning the body sends to soul to hell."

So when the Lord resurrects the bodies of Christians that have been cremated or incinerated, whose souls are going to hell for the burning of the bodies?
I didn't really stop and think about this until this morning, but I believe in you either go to Heaven or Hell after you die, not that your bodies will be raised up again later because Jesus specifically told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him today in paradise. So anyways, I don't really see any issue if you believe in life directly after death, but even if bodies will be resurrected after His return, The Lord could still resurrect cremated Christians if He wanted to. So, I don't think that there would be any issues anyways.
after you die its just an empty husk.....
I didn't really stop and think about this until this morning, but I believe in you either go to Heaven or Hell after you die, not that your bodies will be raised up again later because Jesus specifically told the thief on the cross that he would be with Him today in paradise. So anyways, I don't really see any issue if you believe in life directly after death, but even if bodies will be resurrected after His return, The Lord could still resurrect cremated Christians if He wanted to. So, I don't think that there would be any issues anyways.

My family has typically gone for cremation, but I hesitate to want that for myself just in the extremely unlikely chance that there may need to be an autopsy done in the future. But none of that is a religious matter.
My family has typically gone for cremation, but I hesitate to want that for myself just in the extremely unlikely chance that there may need to be an autopsy done in the future. But none of that is a religious matter.
Premeditated murder becomes much more likely when the murderers know that the body is to be burned and the evidence incinerated.
physiology is a metaphysical substance that disappears when its spiritual content is removed - being laid in a field or buried without alteration is its proper disposal - tombstones / burial plots are a sin.

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