Zone1 Should Christians get more physical in defending their religion?

And by the way, you have stated before that you're an atheist. If you still are then I don't necessarily expect you to agree with everything I've said here. But respectfully, please don't speak for Christians or try to be a bible teacher because the scriptures clearly say that "the natural person" (which includes atheists) does not accept or understand things of the Spirit of God, they are foolishness to him; because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:1)

I can read as well as anybody else, probably much better than most, thank you. You are just finding isolated verses to handwave away the facts in the bible that don't suit your personal slant is all. It's pretty common. The fact is defending yourself, your family, and your nation is not 'living by the sword', plain and simple. You just keep trying to redefine that to suit yourself.
The fact is defending yourself, your family, and your nation is not 'living by the sword', plain and simple. You just keep trying to redefine that to suit yourself.

Again, that's not what he was talking about. The title says, "defending their religion." He brought up how people attack Christianity, or try to oppress Christians. I'm pretty sure he even mentioned that Muslims don't take offensive stuff from people, so why should Christians? Implying that we should be violent like Muslims. (I'm paraphrasing and I'd have to go back thru the thread to see what he said exactly, but it's 4 AM here and I need to sleep.)
Again, that's not what he was talking about. The title says, "defending their religion." He brought up how people attack Christianity, or try to oppress Christians. I'm pretty sure he even mentioned that Muslims don't take offensive stuff from people, so why should Christians? Implying that we should be violent like Muslims. (I'm paraphrasing and I'd have to go back thru the thread to see what he said exactly, but it's 4 AM here and I need to sleep.)

I don't care what Mortimer is saying, so quit claiming I am. I don't indulge strawman fallacies. I don't have a problem with his slant because historically Muslims and pagans did have to be fought in order for the Christians to survive their attempts at violent eradication of Christians. He's 100% right in that narrow context.
I don't care what Mortimer is saying, so quit claiming I am. I don't indulge strawman fallacies. I don't have a problem with his slant because historically Muslims and pagans did have to be fought in order for the Christians to survive their attempts at violent eradication of Christians. He's 100% right in that narrow context.
So you DO care what Mortimer is saying. Quit lying.
Besides, it's HIS THREAD. She was responding to HIS questions from the SCRIPTURES. You are looking to argue

You say you agree with him, but at least HE is asking God's will. If he's trying to understand God's will from the CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE, buttercup presented it admirably.

You're stating YOUR OPINION AS AN ATHEIST, but that wasn't Mortimer's question, IF he is sincere.
So their martyrdom in those countries not physical, is the cross physical or just spiritual duty and faith?
Jesus said, "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him (the Father) who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell

This is a hard thing for a Christian. Impossible for the nonbeliever. It is the goal God wants you to look for. Are you up to THIS fight?

Matthew 5:38-39
Jesus said, "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him (the Father) who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell

This is a hard thing for a Christian. Impossible for the nonbeliever. It is the goal God wants you to look for. Are you up to THIS fight?

Rubbish. You don't even know your own texts well. Jesus wanted his Apostles to carry swords, as said in Luke 22:36 on, and we know they had at least three among them according to other verses, and we know Peter was well acquainted with using swords since he cut off a govt. official's ear with one. There is more but you will just deny your own book in order to feed your personal vanities.
Rubbish. You don't even know your own texts well. Jesus wanted his Apostles to carry swords, as said in Luke 22:36 on, and we know they had at least three among them according to other verses, and we know Peter was well acquainted with using swords since he cut off a govt. official's ear with one. There is more but you will just deny your own book in order to feed your personal vanities.
You, an ATHEIST, twist the scriptures you don't understand.

Jesus already told them they were to go out with NOTHING and depend on the Father when He sent them to the cities of Judah. They did.

He asked them, "Did you LACK ANYTHING?" They told Him, "no, we lacked nothing."

But now, Jesus was betrayed by Judas, whom Satan had entered in order to fulfill Scripture.

It was THEN, when the Romans were coming for Him, that He told the disciples to buy a sword.

Did He tell them that because He wanted them to FIGHT for Him?


It was to fulfill the Scripture, "HE WAS COUNTED AMONG THE LAWLESS"

They were to appear like a bunch of TERRORIST -- A "LAWLESS" bunch so the Scripture was fulfilled.

So many twist this Scripture to violate everything the Lord said in His Sermon on the Mount

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WE know the Apostles carried swords, and Peter cut off the ear of a govt. official with one. It's a myth to claim Christians shouldn't defend themselves from vermin.
Now, the rest of the story. Jesus told Peter to stop and restored the ear to the soldier. It's one thing to throw the tables and stuff out of the Temple. It's another to physically attack another and harm him. Self defense is one thing. But, to physically attack someone who doesn't agree with you would be contrary to what Jesus taught. The Crusades are simply an example of not following Jesus Christ.
They once were but nowadays they are not willing to protect their religion physically anymore against attacks. I listened to TikTok videos, Andrew Tate an American said islam is the true religion because it is the last religion, that means the last religion where you wont get out alive if you insult Mohammed or burn the Quran even in a Secular country where muslims are immigrants like Sweden, but in a mostly christian country like sweden or the USA you can insult in the most vile way Jesus and Christians wont defend themselfes physically.

A devout Christian answered, that we should focus more the heavenly realm, Gods realm not the physical realm and that the Bible says it is God who is to avenge, not we, God is the perfect judge, and it is not our buisness to protect God.

I think that is a bit more complicated, while we do really need to focus on the godly realm the Bible says we must first seek the kingodm of God and his righteousness, and that his will should be done on earth like in heaven, right?

Matthew 6,33 Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness...

Also according to the Bible we should do what Christ would do, we should strife to be holy like he was holy... But didnt Christ got physical with the money changers in the Temple? Does that mean if we something unrighteous and blaspheming etc. at least in Church maybe not in the state, but at least in our Church/Temple we can or should get physical? Didnt Christ throw over the tables of the money changers?

Matthew 21,12 Then Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those selling doves. 13And He declared to them, “It is written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer.’ But you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’ ”…

So can we get or are allowed to get physical? Should we get physical?

In my opinion I would if i know i can win... or if im angry enough
Get "physical" about what?
There's Christian churches on nearly every corner in America
There's no ongoing "war" to destroy Christianity.


Is your desire to simply force everyone into your church Spanish Inquisition style?
Now, the rest of the story. Jesus told Peter to stop and restored the ear to the soldier. It's one thing to throw the tables and stuff out of the Temple. It's another to physically attack another and harm him. Self defense is one thing. But, to physically attack someone who doesn't agree with you would be contrary to what Jesus taught. The Crusades are simply an example of not following Jesus Christ.
the bloody Crusades and the second issue defining christianity-----the inquisition and islamo nazism is second
the bloody Crusades and the second issue defining christianity-----the inquisition and islamo nazism is second
You are the normal crazy nutcase who cannot differentiate between the people who follow peaceful teachings of Jesus Christ and those actions of people who use Christianity as a smoke screen to pursue violence and unrighteous domination.
You are the normal crazy nutcase who cannot differentiate between the people who follow peaceful teachings of Jesus Christ and those actions of people who use Christianity as a smoke screen to pursue violence and unrighteous domination.
I am a "normal crazy nutcase" who is far more familiar with christian writings and
teachings than are most christians and who is also far more familiar with the
pertinent history than are most christians
I am a "normal crazy nutcase" who is far more familiar with christian writings and
teachings than are most christians and who is also far more familiar with the
pertinent history than are most christians
Surada disagreed with my statement----THEREFORE, I will add

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