Should Churches Be Forced to Accomodate for Homosexual Adoptions?

Should Churches Be Forced to Accomodate For Homosexual Adoptions?

  • Yes, if they hold general public accomodation they will have to adopt to gay couples

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 24 82.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 2 6.9%

  • Total voters
Again, you don't put a child from bad to worse:

So don't adopt children out to nude men?

All adoptive families in the US (unless they are doing an adoption through an attorney in Georgia) must be screened through a home study. A home study is done by a social worker who determines that the home is safe emotional and physical place for a child. Most states also require adoptive parents to have a fingerprint background check.

Read more: Is there a screening process that adoptive families go through Adoption Questions

Rather than discriminating against homosexuals- simply because you hate homosexuals- and denying children parents that will support them emotionally and financially for the rest of their lives- screen adoptive parents for what does matter.
The Orphan Crisis In America

May is National Foster Care Month - an important time to remember that not every child goes to sleep at night in a permanent home. In a nation that compassionately cares for "the least of these," the shockingly high number of children languishing in foster care, waiting for a home they can truly call their own, should cause each of us to take action.

The data is shocking. There are approximately 400,000 children living today in the American foster care system, of which about 100,000 are in need of an adoptive family. The vast majority of foster children are in safe placements, but they are still desperately in need of the stability and security that only a loving "forever family" can provide. There is no substitute for permanency, whether with a biological family or an adoptive one.

On average, more than 250,000 children in the U.S. enter the foster care system every year. While more than half of these children will return to their parents, the remainder will stay in the system.

One out of four foster children is available for adoption, but sadly, each year more than 20,000 children age out of foster care (around the age of 18) without being adopted. The outlook for foster youth who age out of the system is dire. Studies show that one in four will be incarcerated within two years of leaving the system, and over one-fifth will become homeless at some time after age 18. In addition, only 58 percent obtain their high school diploma by age 19, compared to the national average of 87 percent for non-foster youth.

Facts and Statistics

Children raised in orphanages have an IQ 20 points lower than their peers in foster care, according to a meta-analysis of 75 studies (more than 3,800 children in 19 countries).

Again, you don't put a child from bad to worse:


Worse would be with your people.


  • Westboro.jpg
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Again, you don't put a child from bad to worse:

So don't adopt children out to nude men?

Ah if it were just that simple...isolate JUST the nude guys in the photo and ignore the pregnant lesbian, all the rainbow flags and the fact that police were standing around just out of camera shot, doing nothing...and that no LGBT person to my knowledge has ever publicly denounced such a display in the main stream media. That's 0% of LGBTs have spoken out against these types of pride parades. 0%.

Yes, ignore all that because if you took it all into account, a bigger picture on the collective-tolerance...nay dogma...of displaying this in front of children might not go well for legal arguments in court as to why this nation has to submit to allowing this culture access to adoptable orphans against the collective Will of the majority.. [ie: mandating legal gay marriage]

Again, you don't put a child from bad to worse:

So don't adopt children out to nude men?

Ah if it were just that simple...isolate JUST the nude guys in the photo and ignore the pregnant lesbian, all the rainbow flags and the fact that police were standing around just out of camera shot, doing nothing...and that no LGBT person to my knowledge has ever publicly denounced such a display in the main stream media. That's 0% of LGBTs have spoken out against these types of pride parades. 0%.

So once again- you are siding with your people:
Again, you don't put a child from bad to worse:

So don't adopt children out to nude men?

Ah if it were just that simple...isolate JUST the nude guys in the photo and ignore the pregnant lesbian, all the rainbow flags and the fact that police were standing around just out of camera shot, doing nothing...and that no LGBT person to my knowledge has ever publicly denounced such a display in the main stream media. That's 0% of LGBTs have spoken out against these types of pride parades. 0%.

So once again- you are siding with your people:
View attachment 33200
How may of those do you see a day? And how condoned are they by the hetero culture?

Answer: rare if ever not condoned at all.


Gay pride parades which seem to happen weekly, and are condoned by 100% of the gay culture. Are you saying that one cleverly placed bunch of posters for a photo op negates the importance of decades of regular gay pride parades? That because of that one woman photo op, we should allow the people in the other picture above to adopt orphans?
Again, you don't put a child from bad to worse:

So don't adopt children out to nude men?

Ah if it were just that simple...isolate JUST the nude guys in the photo and ignore the pregnant lesbian, all the rainbow flags and the fact that police were standing around just out of camera shot, doing nothing...and that no LGBT person to my knowledge has ever publicly denounced such a display in the main stream media. That's 0% of LGBTs have spoken out against these types of pride parades. 0%.

So once again- you are siding with your people:
View attachment 33200
How may of those do you see a day? And how condoned are they by the hetero culture?

Answer: rare if ever not condoned at all.


Gay pride parades which seem to happen weekly, and are condoned by 100% of the gay culture.

Once again you are siding with your people- birds of a feather so to speak

Once again you are siding with your people- birds of a feather so to speak

Those types of people are denounced in my culture. In yours, the people marching naked in the parade are 100% supported by your culture.
These are your people, with 0% denouncement from the ranks...fanning their genitals in the faces of children. And....two wrongs do not mean that your wrong gets unfettered legal access to adoptable orphans via the legal-loophole of marriage..

These are your people, with 0% denouncement from the ranks...fanning their genitals in the faces of children. And....two wrongs do not mean that your wrong gets unfettered legal access to adoptable orphans via the legal-loophole of marriage..

My people are people who care for children- who don't abandon their children- who take responsibility for children.

These are your people- hate mongers whom you would provide unfettered legal access to adoptable orphans.
Only 2% actually go through the process of a home study.
That is not true. You prove this assertion with CONCRETE verifiable evidence. It is simply not at all true.
Persons Seeking to Adopt

Have at it. Lots of people talk about it but very few even go there.

I think I see the misunderstanding- I thought you were saying that only 2% of the homes of adoptive parents underwent a home evaluation.

But the study says only 2% of Americans have adopted children.

Which wouldn't surprise me.

Making the huge assumption that the same percentage of gay Americans will adopt that would mean that 192,000 gay people would adopt.

Considering that there are 200,000 children who go unadopted every year......preventing gay people from adopting pretty much ensures those children never get adopted.
Only 2% actually go through the process of a home study.
That is not true. You prove this assertion with CONCRETE verifiable evidence. It is simply not at all true.
Persons Seeking to Adopt

Have at it. Lots of people talk about it but very few even go there.

I think I see the misunderstanding- I thought you were saying that only 2% of the homes of adoptive parents underwent a home evaluation.

But the study says only 2% of Americans have adopted children.

Which wouldn't surprise me.

Making the huge assumption that the same percentage of gay Americans will adopt that would mean that 192,000 gay people would adopt.

Considering that there are 200,000 children who go unadopted every year......preventing gay people from adopting pretty much ensures those children never get adopted.

Lots of people talk about adopting but few take the necessary steps to actually follow through. I provided the same information in a debate on abortion. People are under the impression that all of these people really, really, really are lining up to adopt kids and they aren't. Same sex couples make excellent parents.
Only 2% actually go through the process of a home study.
That is not true. You prove this assertion with CONCRETE verifiable evidence. It is simply not at all true.
Persons Seeking to Adopt

Have at it. Lots of people talk about it but very few even go there.

I think I see the misunderstanding- I thought you were saying that only 2% of the homes of adoptive parents underwent a home evaluation.

But the study says only 2% of Americans have adopted children.

Which wouldn't surprise me.

Making the huge assumption that the same percentage of gay Americans will adopt that would mean that 192,000 gay people would adopt.

Considering that there are 200,000 children who go unadopted every year......preventing gay people from adopting pretty much ensures those children never get adopted.

Lots of people talk about adopting but few take the necessary steps to actually follow through. I provided the same information in a debate on abortion. People are under the impression that all of these people really, really, really are lining up to adopt kids and they aren't. Same sex couples make excellent parents.

Not only do we make great parents, we're more likely to adopt at risk children.

A 2007 report by the Williams Institute and the Urban Institute found that 65,000 adopted children and 14,000 foster children were living with same-sex parents. At a time when it is increasingly difficult to find families for the 114,000 foster children who are freed for adoption, it is hard to ignore the implications of studies that find roughly 2 million gay people are interested in adopting.

What the Research Really Says About Gay Parents and Kids - Mic
Only 2% actually go through the process of a home study.
That is not true. You prove this assertion with CONCRETE verifiable evidence. It is simply not at all true.
Persons Seeking to Adopt

Have at it. Lots of people talk about it but very few even go there.

I think I see the misunderstanding- I thought you were saying that only 2% of the homes of adoptive parents underwent a home evaluation.

But the study says only 2% of Americans have adopted children.

Which wouldn't surprise me.

Making the huge assumption that the same percentage of gay Americans will adopt that would mean that 192,000 gay people would adopt.

Considering that there are 200,000 children who go unadopted every year......preventing gay people from adopting pretty much ensures those children never get adopted.

Lots of people talk about adopting but few take the necessary steps to actually follow through. I provided the same information in a debate on abortion. People are under the impression that all of these people really, really, really are lining up to adopt kids and they aren't. Same sex couples make excellent parents.

Not only do we make great parents, we're more likely to adopt at risk children.

A 2007 report by the Williams Institute and the Urban Institute found that 65,000 adopted children and 14,000 foster children were living with same-sex parents. At a time when it is increasingly difficult to find families for the 114,000 foster children who are freed for adoption, it is hard to ignore the implications of studies that find roughly 2 million gay people are interested in adopting.

What the Research Really Says About Gay Parents and Kids - Mic

Which is perfect.
Lots of people talk about adopting but few take the necessary steps to actually follow through. I provided the same information in a debate on abortion. People are under the impression that all of these people really, really, really are lining up to adopt kids and they aren't. Same sex couples make excellent parents.

Can you provide me with a single link to same-sex "parents" [redefining another word I see..] who have openly and publicly denounced gay pride parades or the veneration of Harvey Milk as an LGBT icon?
Lots of people talk about adopting but few take the necessary steps to actually follow through. I provided the same information in a debate on abortion. People are under the impression that all of these people really, really, really are lining up to adopt kids and they aren't. Same sex couples make excellent parents.

Can you provide me with a single link to same-sex "parents" [redefining another word I see..] who have openly and publicly denounced gay pride parades or the veneration of Harvey Milk as an LGBT icon?

I don't have to. You're just a troll that regurgitates the same shit even after having been proved wrong.
Can you provide me with a single link to same-sex "parents" [redefining another word I see..] who have openly and publicly denounced gay pride parades or the veneration of Harvey Milk as an LGBT icon?

I don't have to. You're just a troll that regurgitates the same shit even after having been proved wrong.

No, your assertion is that not all LGBTs approve of/promote gay pride parades or Harvey Milk: both phenomenons of which promote sex acts in front of or with children. Your challenge therefore, is to provide a link to this board to prove that less than 100% of the LGBT community approves of those things.

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