Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Homosexuals are not excluded from marriage.
They're excluded from marrying each other. Or at least, used to be. In 30 of 50 States, its completely legal. As for what marraige is, you just keep making a declaration. And then repeating yourself. That's not an argument based on logic, reason or evidence. That's just repetition.

And logically, marriage can have more than one valid purpose. As infertile couples who are married demonstrate. As couples who choose to have no children demonstrate. There is clearly a purpose in marriage that has nothing to do with children, else none of these marriages would be valid.

Yet they are. Disproving the foundational basis of your assumptions. And when faced with the refutation of your assumptoins and the collapse of your simply declare that your definition again. Void of reason, logic, or rational thinking.

And without such a reasonable, logical basis......why would we deny gays and lesbians the right to marry for failing to meet the standard that applies to NO one?

Logically, we wouldn't. Which is why gay marriage bans are falling.
Wow. Big. Red. Words. This guy must be serious.

Seriously in denial.

More deflection... Why its as if obscurant retorts were, on some level, valid reasoning.

LOL! You concession is again duly noted and summarily accepted.

Oh good.

You really don't need to feel guilty about that dick your ass. God loves you anyway.

OH! A violent response to the rejection of your closely held feelings. COOL!

Sadly, your discourse fails to meet the minimal standards for qualification to participate in discussions with reasonable people.... so you're hereby sentenced to LIFE IN IGNORE! (Say hit to the other idiots for me... )

Buh Bye!

Shucks, I was looking forward to enlightening discussion with you. I felt like you were on the brink of a real breakthrough, finally coming to terms with your latent feelings.
Three and one half hour since she was asked to simply state the basis for her rejection of the Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification... and accept for the non-denial denial wherein she claimed to have never stated that she rejects Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification, and despite my having formally granted another opportunity for her to state that she DOES reject The Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification, and the basis on which her rejection rests... she can't find a way to profess a rejection of the most vile of all human pursuits.

Why... I wonder?
Homosexuals are not excluded from marriage.

They're excluded from marrying each other.

No... that is simply not true. Any homosexual person can marry another homosexual person who they manage to talk into it, as along as the respective parties represent the distinct genders.

You see, Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.


Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... .

Says you, citing you.

Homosexuals are not excluded from marriage.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... . Homosexuals come in both flavors.

You have been asked now 9 times to state the basis for your rejection of Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification, BECAUSE: REASON REQUIRES THAT A 'REASONABLE PERSON' VEHEMENTLY REJECTS THE ADULT PURSUIT OF CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION. And never less so, than where one implies that they do so... .

So... towards helping you, help me expose you and your cult for what you are... I again provide you the OPPORTUNITY: TO STATE THE BASIS OF YOUR REJECTION OF ADULTS WHO PURSUE CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION.
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Homosexuals are not excluded from marriage.

They're excluded from marrying each other.

No... that is simply not true. Any homosexual person can marry another homosexual person who they manage to talk into it, as along as the respective parties represent the distinct genders.

You see, Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.


Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... .

Says you, citing you.

Homosexuals are not excluded from marriage.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... . Homosexuals come in both flavors.

You have been asked now 9 times to state the basis for your rejection of Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification, BECAUSE: REASON REQUIRES THAT A 'REASONABLE PERSON' VEHEMENTLY REJECTS THE ADULT PURSUIT OF CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION. And never less so, than where one implies that they do so... .

So... towards helping you, help me expose you and your cult for what you are... I again provide you the OPPORTUNITY: TO STATE THE BASIS OF YOUR REJECTION OF ADULTS WHO PURSUE CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION.

More bat guano crazy.

Now in big red letters.
No... that is simply not true. Any homosexual person can marry another homosexual person who they manage to talk into it, as along as the respective parties represent the distinct genders.

Alright. I seems I'm going to have to walk you through this slowly and explicitly. Because you're not just not able to follow. Gays and lesbians are not allowed to enter into same sex marriages until recently. Which, of course, you knew I was referring to all along. But if semantic games are the best you can manage, I'll play.

You see, Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

And you once again simply 'declare' your belief. And repeat it again and again. That's not an argument based on logic, reason or evidence. That's just repetition.

And logically, marriage can have more than one valid purpose. As infertile couples who are married demonstrate. As couples who choose to have no children demonstrate. There is clearly a purpose in marriage that has nothing to do with children, else none of these marriages would be valid.

Yet they are. Disproving the foundational basis of your assumptions. And when faced with the refutation of your assumptoins and the collapse of your simply declare that your definition again. Void of reason, logic, or rational thinking.

And without such a reasonable, logical basis......why would we deny gays and lesbians the right to marry for failing to meet the standard that applies to NO one?

Logically, we wouldn't. Which is why gay marriage bans are falling.
More bat guano crazy.

Now in big red letters.

Cut him some slack. He's stuck. Logically, his arguments failed. Rationally, they failed. And no one is accepting him as infallible arbiter of Nature, Objective Truth and Morality.

So what does he have left but to abandon the conversation and insist we discuss pedophilia? Clearly the gay marriage debate wasn't working out so well for him.
Shucks, I was looking forward to enlightening discussion with you. I felt like you were on the brink of a real breakthrough, finally coming to terms with your latent feelings.

You won't get much. He's kinda stuck in a little feedback loop where he won't discuss gay marriage or any of his assumptions about it. He'll just repeat the same declaration and then try to turn the conversation to pedophilia.

He blinked.
No... that is simply not true. Any homosexual person can marry another homosexual person who they manage to talk into it, as along as the respective parties represent the distinct genders.

Alright. I seems I'm going to have to walk you through this slowly and explicitly. Because you're not just not able to follow. Gays and lesbians are not allowed to enter into same sex marriages ...

That's because:
You see, Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

And you once again simply 'declare' your belief.

Yes... You should know that I also 'believe' that it's hot on the sun, that socialism rests within an invalid species of reasoning and you refuse to publicly profess your rejection of adults pursuing children for sexual gratification, along with the basis that you have for rejecting such.

To wit:

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... .

Says you, citing you.

Homosexuals are not excluded from marriage.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... . Homosexuals come in both flavors.

You were asked, now 10 times, over 4 hours... to declare your position on the Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification, BECAUSE: REASON REQUIRES THAT A 'REASONABLE PERSON' VEHEMENTLY REJECTS THE ADULT PURSUIT OF CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION and you've implied that you REJECT SUCH, without actually stating such.

Homosexuals are not excluded from marriage.

They're excluded from marrying each other.

No... that is simply not true. Any homosexual person can marry another homosexual person who they manage to talk into it, as along as the respective parties represent the distinct genders.

You see, Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.


Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... .

Says you, citing you.

Homosexuals are not excluded from marriage.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... . Homosexuals come in both flavors.

You have been asked now 9 times to state the basis for your rejection of Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification, BECAUSE: REASON REQUIRES THAT A 'REASONABLE PERSON' VEHEMENTLY REJECTS THE ADULT PURSUIT OF CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION. And never less so, than where one implies that they do so... .

So... towards helping you, help me expose you and your cult for what you are... I again provide you the OPPORTUNITY: TO STATE THE BASIS OF YOUR REJECTION OF ADULTS WHO PURSUE CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION.

More bat guano crazy.

Now in big red letters.
Are you skylar's sock or just like to run around defending her?
Yes... You should know that I also 'believe' that it's hot on the sun, that socialism rests within an invalid species of reasoning and you refuse to publicly profess your rejection of adults pursuing children for sexual gratification, along with the basis that you have for rejecting such.

That's not a rational or logical basis. You're not factually establishing that the purposes of marriage, that the purpose of marraige is singular, or that the purposes of marriage can only be served by heterosexual unions. You're just saying that's the case. Repeating the claim without giving a logical or rational basis for it is just a personal opinion.

While you can believe whatever you'd like, you're beliefs are quite irrelevant to the rights of any other person.

Worse for you, I can logically prove that there is more than one purpose in marriage. And that this purpose has nothing to do with children. Infertile couples can still marry. And their marriages are still valid. Couples who choose not to have children can still be married. And are valid even if they never have children. Demonstrating that there is a valid purpose in marriage that has nothing to do with children or the ability to have them.

Why then would we deny gays and lesbians the right to same sex marriage....based on a standard that applies to no one?

You can't say. Your logic breaks yet again. You can't logically or rationally establish that marriage has only one purpose. And I can logically prove that it doesn't.
No the bat guano crazy isn't over. They'll get crazier with each new marriage equality state. :lol:

There's no such thing as "Marriage Equality", as Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.

Your opinion does not alter my civil marriage in any way, shape or form. I still get a dependent ID card for my spouse and she still gets my SS benefits. [emoji13]

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman. But I am thrilled to hear that you have setup a legally binding roommate agreement, that's probably a really good idea.

Denial...ain't just a river. It's also a slightly insane poster who apparently also lost his keys along with his mind.
So.. at the end of this day, we learn that The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality have no means to find any 'wrong' in the adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification. Thus we can readily conclude that the deviancy suffered by the lowly homosexual bears no discernible distinction with the deviancy suffered by adults who pursue children for sexual gratification... they are, therefore: ONE IN THE SAME.

How do we know this? We know them by their fruits. And these fruits are OUT THERE kids... and THAT is why they should NEVER be allowed to hold ANY POSITION of trust, period... as they have no means to honor that trust... and as such is NEVER more critical than where their authority would involve children.
Denial...ain't just a river. It's also a slightly insane poster who apparently also lost his keys along with his mind.

He's stuck. Its what painting yourself into the corner looks like. You just start going in smaller and smaller circles.
There's a real debate over PA laws underlying this. Despite Where_r_my_Keys' sexual insecurity.
So.. at the end of this day, we learn that The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality have no means to find any 'wrong' in the adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification

We learned that you made the accusation. You've never been able to factually establish it.

Just as you've never been able to factually establish that marriage has only one purpose. Just as you've never been able to factually establish that sex has only one purpose. And both ideas have been disproven by infertile couples. If marriage was only about children, infertile couples couldn't marry. If sex was only about procreation, then infertile couples would never have sex

You're certainly welcome to whatever subjective, personal opinions you'd like. But they have no particular relevance to the rights or freedoms of any other person.
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Homosexuals are not excluded from marriage.

They're excluded from marrying each other.

No... that is simply not true. Any homosexual person can marry another homosexual person who they manage to talk into it, as along as the respective parties represent the distinct genders.

You see, Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman.


Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... .

Says you, citing you.

Homosexuals are not excluded from marriage.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... . Homosexuals come in both flavors.

You have been asked now 9 times to state the basis for your rejection of Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification, BECAUSE: REASON REQUIRES THAT A 'REASONABLE PERSON' VEHEMENTLY REJECTS THE ADULT PURSUIT OF CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION. And never less so, than where one implies that they do so... .

So... towards helping you, help me expose you and your cult for what you are... I again provide you the OPPORTUNITY: TO STATE THE BASIS OF YOUR REJECTION OF ADULTS WHO PURSUE CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION.

More bat guano crazy.

Now in big red letters.
Are you skylar's sock or just like to run around defending her?

More bat guano crazy.

But without big red letters.
So.. at the end of this day, we learn that The Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality have no means to find any 'wrong' in the adult pursuit of children for sexual gratification. Thus we can readily conclude that the deviancy suffered by the lowly homosexual bears no discernible distinction with the deviancy suffered by adults who pursue children for sexual gratification... they are, therefore: ONE IN THE SAME.

How do we know this? We know them by their fruits. And these fruits are OUT THERE kids... and THAT is why they should NEVER be allowed to hold ANY POSITION of trust, period... as they have no means to honor that trust... and as such is NEVER more critical than where their authority would involve children.

No Bat Guano crazy includes Keys talking to himself in the third person.
No Bat Guano crazy includes Keys talking to himself in the third person.

His position is self enclosed. We don't really need to be here for this. We never have.

Which is why I'm more than content to let Mr. Garrison and Mr. Hat work out the 'Laws of Nature' between themselves. Marriage equality is about the law anyway.
Yes... You should know that I also 'believe' that it's hot on the sun, that socialism rests within an invalid species of reasoning and you refuse to publicly profess your rejection of adults pursuing children for sexual gratification, along with the basis that you have for rejecting such.

That's not a rational or logical basis. You're not factually establishing that the purposes of marriage, that the purpose of marraige is singular, or that the purposes of marriage can only be served by heterosexual unions.

It is precisely logical, therefore it is rational... You're deceitfully claiming that you're ignorant of the dozens of times prior to that post wherein I set forth the defining elements of marriage and the singular purpose for such.

You're further claiming that because individuals who otherwise meet the standards of marriage: Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... have been accepted in marriage, that this precedent requires that those who do NOT meet the standards, should also be accepted.

Such is unreasonable, and it is unreasonable because your cult is founded upon a profound delusion... your advocacy is likewise set upon a profound deceit, which rests upon that delusion. Your demand that others accept your behavior and are perfectly happy to use the power of the state to render those who reject your behavior into servitude, PROVES the FOLLY OF TOLERATING YOU AND THE FRAUDULENCE YOU REPRESENT.

Your refusal to declare your position on something as simple as Adults Pursuing Children for Sexual Gratification FURTHER establishes that your reasoning offers the collective assent for THAT UNHINGED ABNORMALITY.

To wit:

Homosexuals are not excluded from marriage.

Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman... . Homosexuals come in both flavors.

You were asked, now 11 times, over 4 1/2 hours... to declare your position on the Adult Pursuit of Children for Sexual Gratification, BECAUSE: REASON REQUIRES THAT A 'REASONABLE PERSON' VEHEMENTLY REJECTS THE ADULT PURSUIT OF CHILDREN FOR SEXUAL GRATIFICATION and you've implied that you REJECT SUCH, without actually stating such.


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