Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
"And yay," Jesus did say, "when you meet the non-believers, do tell them they are beneath you, and hurl epithets at them. Above all remember that when I say to ye do not be prideful, that I am totally joking. Know ye that you are better than other people, and they must know it also."
You make a mockery of the word, and you do this because you are attempting to defend the indefensible...

Its only a mockery if you claim that such positions don't reflect Jesus' teachings.

And there's nothing particularly 'indefensible' about being gay or getting married.
Matters that reside within the Church, are matters in which are handled by the Church and within the Church as according to it's members and the council in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a member and his actions or violations of his oath in which he may have taken to become a member of when joining the Church in the beginning.

Then apply your own logic.

Matter that reside within the State are matters in which are handled by the State law enforcement officers in according to its citizens and laws in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a resident and his actions or violations of the law. Like, Public Accommodation laws.

Every Church has the right to handle a matter of a member who may be violating the oath or his or her membership that was agreed to in the Church when joining it.

Wouldn't every State have the right to handle a matter of a resident who may be violating the laws of his or her state that was agreed to in the State when choosing to live there?
The key word is agreed to or was it a forced situation that most did not agree to, but are now being forced to by an out of control government ?

PA laws exist with the consent of the governed. Are you saying that you don't have to follow any law that you don't agree with?
Last I checked consent was no where in the room when these new things that are yes new did arise in our midst, and then the laws are merely being adopted by those things in which to club another over the head with them.

So only those laws that you personally consent to apply to you?
Matters that reside within the Church, are matters in which are handled by the Church and within the Church as according to it's members and the council in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a member and his actions or violations of his oath in which he may have taken to become a member of when joining the Church in the beginning.

Then apply your own logic.

Matter that reside within the State are matters in which are handled by the State law enforcement officers in according to its citizens and laws in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a resident and his actions or violations of the law. Like, Public Accommodation laws.

Every Church has the right to handle a matter of a member who may be violating the oath or his or her membership that was agreed to in the Church when joining it.

Wouldn't every State have the right to handle a matter of a resident who may be violating the laws of his or her state that was agreed to in the State when choosing to live there?
The key word is agreed to or was it a forced situation that most did not agree to, but are now being forced to by an out of control government ?

PA laws exist with the consent of the governed. Are you saying that you don't have to follow any law that you don't agree with?
Last I checked consent was no where in the room when these new things that are yes new did arise in our midst, and then the laws are merely being adopted by those things in which to club another over the head with them.

So only those laws that you personally consent to apply to you?

Yes we know the far left wants to force churches to perform same sex marriages..

We know that already, stop pretending that they don't.
Then apply your own logic.

Matter that reside within the State are matters in which are handled by the State law enforcement officers in according to its citizens and laws in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a resident and his actions or violations of the law. Like, Public Accommodation laws.

Wouldn't every State have the right to handle a matter of a resident who may be violating the laws of his or her state that was agreed to in the State when choosing to live there?
The key word is agreed to or was it a forced situation that most did not agree to, but are now being forced to by an out of control government ?

PA laws exist with the consent of the governed. Are you saying that you don't have to follow any law that you don't agree with?
Last I checked consent was no where in the room when these new things that are yes new did arise in our midst, and then the laws are merely being adopted by those things in which to club another over the head with them.

So only those laws that you personally consent to apply to you?

Yes we know the far left wants to force churches to perform same sex marriages..

We know that already, stop pretending that they don't.

Not by the government we don't.
"And yay," Jesus did say, "when you meet the non-believers, do tell them they are beneath you, and hurl epithets at them. Above all remember that when I say to ye do not be prideful, that I am totally joking. Know ye that you are better than other people, and they must know it also."
You make a mockery of the word, and you do this because you are attempting to defend the indefensible...

I'm making a mockery of Conservative65. These are his exact positions, and he claims his behavior is in line with Scripture.
Yes we know the far left wants to force churches to perform same sex marriages..

We know that already, stop pretending that they don't.

Given: That a church is merely a congregation of individual Christians and...

Given: That individual Christians embody the soul of any religion and...

Given: That individual Christians greatest exercise of their faith is in daily life and...

Given: That individual Christians are being sued and losing for exercising their faith in daily life...

THEREFORE: Churches are ALREADY being sued by the LGBT cult to force a complete abdication of one religion for another.
You can believe whatever you want....but you must follow the secular laws. A person is not a church until the legal requirements are met.

What Constitutes a Church Under Federal Laws

Again, don't confuse the process with the result.

While you may enjoy the secular laws now with you sexual deviance, God's laws will be the only thing that matters eventually. The secular ones mean nothing to Him. Good luck munching that carpet when it's hot.

Ah nothing is more 'Christian' than having a poster say your going to hell.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I'm not saying. Just passing along what has already been said.

And I am saying

Ah nothing is more 'Christian' than having a poster say your going to hell.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
You're an idiot. It's very Christian to warn people about hellfire. Where the "hell" did you get your information on Christian conduct?

And I am saying

Ah nothing is more 'Christian' than having a poster say your going to hell.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I often find comfort in the words of Jesus....

21“You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’d22

But I say, if you are even angry with someone,e you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot,f you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone,[URL='']g you are in danger of the fires of hell.h[/URL]
Yes we know the far left wants to force churches to perform same sex marriages..

We know that already, stop pretending that they don't.

Given: That a church is merely a congregation of individual Christians and...

Given: That individual Christians embody the soul of any religion and...

Given: That individual Christians greatest exercise of their faith is in daily life and...

Given: That individual Christians are being sued and losing for exercising their faith in daily life...

THEREFORE: Churches are ALREADY being sued by the LGBT cult to force a complete abdication of one religion for another.
Baking cakes for a living is serving a Profit, not a Prophet. Now you know.

And when are you going to give this up? You're running out of time. By the end of June this will be over and done with.
Then apply your own logic.

Matter that reside within the State are matters in which are handled by the State law enforcement officers in according to its citizens and laws in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a resident and his actions or violations of the law. Like, Public Accommodation laws.

Wouldn't every State have the right to handle a matter of a resident who may be violating the laws of his or her state that was agreed to in the State when choosing to live there?
The key word is agreed to or was it a forced situation that most did not agree to, but are now being forced to by an out of control government ?

PA laws exist with the consent of the governed. Are you saying that you don't have to follow any law that you don't agree with?
Last I checked consent was no where in the room when these new things that are yes new did arise in our midst, and then the laws are merely being adopted by those things in which to club another over the head with them.

So only those laws that you personally consent to apply to you?

Yes we know the far left wants to force churches to perform same sex marriages..

The voices in your head don't really count as 'we'
Matters that reside within the Church, are matters in which are handled by the Church and within the Church as according to it's members and the council in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a member and his actions or violations of his oath in which he may have taken to become a member of when joining the Church in the beginning.

Then apply your own logic.

Matter that reside within the State are matters in which are handled by the State law enforcement officers in according to its citizens and laws in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a resident and his actions or violations of the law. Like, Public Accommodation laws.

Every Church has the right to handle a matter of a member who may be violating the oath or his or her membership that was agreed to in the Church when joining it.

Wouldn't every State have the right to handle a matter of a resident who may be violating the laws of his or her state that was agreed to in the State when choosing to live there?
The key word is agreed to or was it a forced situation that most did not agree to, but are now being forced to by an out of control government ?

PA laws exist with the consent of the governed. Are you saying that you don't have to follow any law that you don't agree with?
Last I checked consent was no where in the room when these new things that are yes new did arise in our midst, and then the laws are merely being adopted by those things in which to club another over the head with them.

Do you believe that laws passed by your elected representatives are not passed with your implicit consent? That in our representative Democracy, that we delegate our vote to our representatives and that they 'represent' us when they cast their votes?
Matters that reside within the Church, are matters in which are handled by the Church and within the Church as according to it's members and the council in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a member and his actions or violations of his oath in which he may have taken to become a member of when joining the Church in the beginning.

Then apply your own logic.

Matter that reside within the State are matters in which are handled by the State law enforcement officers in according to its citizens and laws in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a resident and his actions or violations of the law. Like, Public Accommodation laws.

Every Church has the right to handle a matter of a member who may be violating the oath or his or her membership that was agreed to in the Church when joining it.

Wouldn't every State have the right to handle a matter of a resident who may be violating the laws of his or her state that was agreed to in the State when choosing to live there?
The key word is agreed to or was it a forced situation that most did not agree to, but are now being forced to by an out of control government ?

"Out of Control" government?

Does your state or city have PA laws? Do you even know if they do? Are they acceptable to you- or not?

And if not- what have you done about them? Have you contacted your legislators?
Again, don't confuse the process with the result.

While you may enjoy the secular laws now with you sexual deviance, God's laws will be the only thing that matters eventually. The secular ones mean nothing to Him. Good luck munching that carpet when it's hot.

Ah nothing is more 'Christian' than having a poster say your going to hell.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I'm not saying. Just passing along what has already been said.

And I am saying

Ah nothing is more 'Christian' than having a poster say your going to hell.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
You're an idiot. It's very Christian to warn people about hellfire. Where the "hell" did you get your information on Christian conduct?

He's one that thinks he knows more about the Bible than someone that actually reads it in the theological manner in which is supposed to be read.

'in which it is supposed to be read'

LOL.....well even Christians can't agree on how the Bible should be read- heck they can't even agree on which translation is the most accurate translation.

Catholics don't agree with Protestants who don't agree with Eastern Orthodox who don't agree with Copts. Even within Protestants, the Episcopalians don't agree with the Baptists who don't agree with Seventh Day Adventists who don't agree with Christian Scientists
Ah nothing is more 'Christian' than having a poster say your going to hell.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I'm not saying. Just passing along what has already been said.

And I am saying

Ah nothing is more 'Christian' than having a poster say your going to hell.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
You're an idiot. It's very Christian to warn people about hellfire. Where the "hell" did you get your information on Christian conduct?

He's one that thinks he knows more about the Bible than someone that actually reads it in the theological manner in which is supposed to be read.

'in which it is supposed to be read'

LOL.....well even Christians can't agree on how the Bible should be read- heck they can't even agree on which translation is the most accurate translation.

Catholics don't agree with Protestants who don't agree with Eastern Orthodox who don't agree with Copts. Even within Protestants, the Episcopalians don't agree with the Baptists who don't agree with Seventh Day Adventists who don't agree with Christian Scientists

As an aside- what can get a member banned here? I just noticed one of the posters was- and I am not speaking about his situation- but other than calling someone a pedophile- how do posters possibly end up banned on this board?
I'm not saying. Just passing along what has already been said.

And I am saying

Ah nothing is more 'Christian' than having a poster say your going to hell.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
You're an idiot. It's very Christian to warn people about hellfire. Where the "hell" did you get your information on Christian conduct?

He's one that thinks he knows more about the Bible than someone that actually reads it in the theological manner in which is supposed to be read.

'in which it is supposed to be read'

LOL.....well even Christians can't agree on how the Bible should be read- heck they can't even agree on which translation is the most accurate translation.

Catholics don't agree with Protestants who don't agree with Eastern Orthodox who don't agree with Copts. Even within Protestants, the Episcopalians don't agree with the Baptists who don't agree with Seventh Day Adventists who don't agree with Christian Scientists

As an aside- what can get a member banned here? I just noticed one of the posters was- and I am not speaking about his situation- but other than calling someone a pedophile- how do posters possibly end up banned on this board?

Paint got banned once, though what for I can't possibly imagine since each post is pretty much as offensive as he can make it.
Given: That a church is merely a congregation of individual Christians and...

Given that 'church' has a specific legal definition and this is a question of churches being forced to accommodate homosexual weddings by PA laws, only the legal definitions are relevant.

Your made up definitions aren't.
I'm not saying. Just passing along what has already been said.

And I am saying

Ah nothing is more 'Christian' than having a poster say your going to hell.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
You're an idiot. It's very Christian to warn people about hellfire. Where the "hell" did you get your information on Christian conduct?

He's one that thinks he knows more about the Bible than someone that actually reads it in the theological manner in which is supposed to be read.

'in which it is supposed to be read'

LOL.....well even Christians can't agree on how the Bible should be read- heck they can't even agree on which translation is the most accurate translation.

Catholics don't agree with Protestants who don't agree with Eastern Orthodox who don't agree with Copts. Even within Protestants, the Episcopalians don't agree with the Baptists who don't agree with Seventh Day Adventists who don't agree with Christian Scientists

As an aside- what can get a member banned here? I just noticed one of the posters was- and I am not speaking about his situation- but other than calling someone a pedophile- how do posters possibly end up banned on this board?
Arbitrary standards. There's a mod here who has a real hard on for me. No rules were violated, but I got warnings all the same. Of course you get this with every moderated discussion board. This one is still the best I've come across in years.
Again, don't confuse the process with the result.

While you may enjoy the secular laws now with you sexual deviance, God's laws will be the only thing that matters eventually. The secular ones mean nothing to Him. Good luck munching that carpet when it's hot.

Ah nothing is more 'Christian' than having a poster say your going to hell.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I'm not saying. Just passing along what has already been said.

And I am saying

Ah nothing is more 'Christian' than having a poster say your going to hell.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
You're an idiot. It's very Christian to warn people about hellfire. Where the "hell" did you get your information on Christian conduct?

And I am saying

Ah nothing is more 'Christian' than having a poster say your going to hell.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

I often find comfort in the words of Jesus....

21“You have heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not murder. If you commit murder, you are subject to judgment.’d22

But I say, if you are even angry with someone,e you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot,f you are in danger of being brought before the court. And if you curse someone,g you are in danger of the fires of hell.h
May you be infested with the fleas of a thousand camels.
Matters that reside within the Church, are matters in which are handled by the Church and within the Church as according to it's members and the council in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a member and his actions or violations of his oath in which he may have taken to become a member of when joining the Church in the beginning.

Then apply your own logic.

Matter that reside within the State are matters in which are handled by the State law enforcement officers in according to its citizens and laws in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a resident and his actions or violations of the law. Like, Public Accommodation laws.

Every Church has the right to handle a matter of a member who may be violating the oath or his or her membership that was agreed to in the Church when joining it.

Wouldn't every State have the right to handle a matter of a resident who may be violating the laws of his or her state that was agreed to in the State when choosing to live there?
The key word is agreed to or was it a forced situation that most did not agree to, but are now being forced to by an out of control government ?

PA laws exist with the consent of the governed. Are you saying that you don't have to follow any law that you don't agree with?
Last I checked consent was no where in the room when these new things that are yes new did arise in our midst, and then the laws are merely being adopted by those things in which to club another over the head with them.

So only those laws that you personally consent to apply to you?
You just keep spinning and spinning your little heart out, but you know good and well that I was talking about the consent of the governed as in the citizenry at large or for those who are found in the majority upon many issues, but not for me personally as you tried to spin it no.

Good try though, and so I guess spin it is from you now. Carry on...
Matters that reside within the Church, are matters in which are handled by the Church and within the Church as according to it's members and the council in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a member and his actions or violations of his oath in which he may have taken to become a member of when joining the Church in the beginning.

Then apply your own logic.

Matter that reside within the State are matters in which are handled by the State law enforcement officers in according to its citizens and laws in which resides over such matters. This usually is in concerning a resident and his actions or violations of the law. Like, Public Accommodation laws.

Every Church has the right to handle a matter of a member who may be violating the oath or his or her membership that was agreed to in the Church when joining it.

Wouldn't every State have the right to handle a matter of a resident who may be violating the laws of his or her state that was agreed to in the State when choosing to live there?
The key word is agreed to or was it a forced situation that most did not agree to, but are now being forced to by an out of control government ?

PA laws exist with the consent of the governed. Are you saying that you don't have to follow any law that you don't agree with?
Last I checked consent was no where in the room when these new things that are yes new did arise in our midst, and then the laws are merely being adopted by those things in which to club another over the head with them.

Do you believe that laws passed by your elected representatives are not passed with your implicit consent? That in our representative Democracy, that we delegate our vote to our representatives and that they 'represent' us when they cast their votes?

Maybe once upon a time they represented us, and they honored our wishes given them upon our consent for them to represent us on such wishes, and then upon our asking of them to do so, but not anymore they don't. They look at us as fools anymore, and they look at us now as if we can't find our way any longer, so they have to find it for us. WHAT HAPPENED?

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