Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Jesus answered the call and told them to repent and believe the head Jew, Jesus Christ.



jesus was a jew. he was never anything BUT a jew.

and you understand that your arrogant nonsense has no more resonance for me than if a muslim were saying that the only true religion is islam, right?

Um, yeah. You resonance resonates resoundingly in your rotund resonator.

in other words, you're a total and complete moron.

ah well... it's not like we couldn't tell.
You must have skipped Matthew 19.

That passage says that sex after a divorce for any other reason than an unfaithful spouse is adultery.

Yes, it does. It also says a man and a woman. It won't go away just because you ignore the truth.

It's also followed by the passage where Christ explains how difficult it will be for a rich man to get into heaven.

Do you hold to that as an absolute truth?


jesus was a jew. he was never anything BUT a jew.

and you understand that your arrogant nonsense has no more resonance for me than if a muslim were saying that the only true religion is islam, right?

Um, yeah. You resonance resonates resoundingly in your rotund resonator.

in other words, you're a total and complete moron.

ah well... it's not like we couldn't tell.

Go read your bible, heretic.
That passage says that sex after a divorce for any other reason than an unfaithful spouse is adultery.

Yes, it does. It also says a man and a woman. It won't go away just because you ignore the truth.

It's also followed by the passage where Christ explains how difficult it will be for a rich man to get into heaven.

Do you hold to that as an absolute truth?

Quote the entire passage you are referring to.
And you're a dumbshit for suggesting that someone said they don't. Most child molestation cases are heterosexual in nature - but then again heteros comprise roughly 95% of the population.

Homosexual Men comprise roghly 2% - 3% of the population, yet are responsible for roughly 33 - 35% of all child molestation cases against boys - that alone should tell you something is rotten in Denmark. Can't people such as you break out of your Liberal induced stupor - escape from your socio-fascist blogospheres just long enough to realize that there are kids - real kids sufferring every fucking day because of your ignorance.

What percentage of molesters are men? Hmm?

I don't really know OFF HAND - But male sex drive and female sex drive are two different creatures . I can't think of a single case of females molesting children , except of course the occassiona lteacher who bangs an under age student. What's your point ? and why don't you google it and get back to us .

Indeed, you don't think, Greanbean, you simply emote.

You have no factual, objective evidence for your opinions, and they are not evidence. You are flatly wrong. And, in fact, the numbers overwhelmingly of abusers are heterosexual adult males.

Greenbean Snow, you know nothing.
Right wing social con progressive drive: "However - what you and like minded people fail to realize is that the "GAY AGENDA" is not a tin hat conspiracy theory - it is a true concerted effort by homosexual elitists for not just acceptance but domination . Destruction of the Family Unit and indoctrination or neutralization of Youth. It is Degeneration on a Mass Scale."

So called Christians like Greenbean, etc., are every bit as hateful as the few homofascists of the far left.

No one is going to make government make churches have to marry gays as a part of being churches.

Won't happen.

No one is going to let churches make money as wedding centers without them having to marry whoever applies.
NAMBLA is a queer organization. Isn't it? I'm sure most of them vote democrat.

Most of them apparently are quite well off; thus, they will vote Republican. This does not relate to the OP.
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Yes, it does. It also says a man and a woman. It won't go away just because you ignore the truth.

It's also followed by the passage where Christ explains how difficult it will be for a rich man to get into heaven.

Do you hold to that as an absolute truth?

Quote the entire passage you are referring to.

You Bible mongers always end up at the same deadend.

Why is it you insist that we must take the alleged words of Jesus Christ literally and at full strength in one passage,

because it happens to fit your agenda,

but in the next passage, or the next, or the next, well maybe not so much and not so literally,

because it doesn't happen to fit your agenda?

You know, Christ also said in Matthew (allegedly)

"If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."

Now we all know that prayers go unfulfilled all the time, so what was Christ saying?

Was he completely wrong, just talking some religiousy bullshit, or,

was he just reminding the lot of you that you really aren't believers, despite all your protestations and proclamations to the contrary,

and THAT"S why prayer doesn't get you what you want?
NAMBLA is a queer organization. Isn't it? I'm sure most of them vote democrat.

Ask at the next meeting.

Can't make it. Is your sexual identity the most important thing about you?

So you admit you go to the meetings?

And yes, my sexual identity is important to me. As well as my intelligence, good looks, compassion, political acumen, and the ability to prove you homophobes for the absolute ignorant fools you are.
That passage says that sex after a divorce for any other reason than an unfaithful spouse is adultery.

Yes, it does. It also says a man and a woman. It won't go away just because you ignore the truth.

Do you hold to Christ's rule about divorce? Should our laws adhere strictly to those rules?

And with that stunned silence as the only response, there go the inviolable laws of the Christ under the bus.

Funny how that works isn't it?
I didn't notice a stunned silence.

Perhaps your hiv drugs are causing you to hallucinate.

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