Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Yes, it does. It also says a man and a woman. It won't go away just because you ignore the truth.

Do you hold to Christ's rule about divorce? Should our laws adhere strictly to those rules?

And with that stunned silence as the only response, there go the inviolable laws of the Christ under the bus.

Funny how that works isn't it?

You're funny. You try so hard. This thread is about queer marriage. You're distracted too easily. Jesus allowed divorce. Did you read it?
Imo it's pretty clear that so long as a church's hierarch or dogma (Catholic/Presbyterian) say no gay marriage, or so long as an "independent church's by laws say no gay marriage, court's aren't going to intervene in forcing marriages.

The problem would come about if they are renting out facilities to the public or other church groups that don't share their views.
The left desperately needs everything under govt control. They're very insecure frightened creatures.
Ah, good. Let's hope kg and Iben remember the rules.

No court will interfere with a church's right to private association in marriage. If a church does it for profit, it will get the judicial whip.
Ah, good. Let's hope kg and Iben remember the rules.

No court will interfere with a church's right to private association in marriage. If a church does it for profit, it will get the judicial whip.

Spoken like a true nazi. Seig heil.
What does that, Iben, have to do with the OP?

The courts will protect the 1st Amendment rights of churches.

Godwin's law is invoked, and Iben loses. Again.
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Do you hold to Christ's rule about divorce? Should our laws adhere strictly to those rules?

And with that stunned silence as the only response, there go the inviolable laws of the Christ under the bus.

Funny how that works isn't it?

You're funny. You try so hard. This thread is about queer marriage. You're distracted too easily. Jesus allowed divorce. Did you read it?

Yeah, divorce for infidelity. What about all other divorces? Why don't you really follow the teachings of Jesus the way you pretend to?
It's not for profit. They take a fee to cover the expense.

Try again, loon.
So long as the overarching organization qualifies as a nonprofit, and so long as any subsidiary organization or paper-shell under which the rental occurs qualifies as a nonprofit, confidence is reasonably high that they may be as selective as they wish, in approving such rentals, and, if they are ever successfully challenged, then they simply cease rental operations and find some other source of funding-supplement; letting the community know who was responsible for spoiling it for everyone else, as part of the shutdown process.

The more P(ublic) R(elations) disasters for these freaks, the better.
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As you know, they aren't the freaks.

The freaks are the homo lobby lunatic extremists who want to use the state to *force* churches to marry them.

Thankfully, you're a tiny minority of the population.
It's not for profit. They take a fee to cover the expense.

Try again, loon.
So long as the overarching organization qualifies as a nonprofit, and so long as any subsidiary organization or paper-shell under which the rental occurs qualifies as a nonprofit, confidence is reasonably high that they may be as selective as they wish, in approving such rentals, and, if they are ever successfully challenged, then they simply cease rental operations and find some other source of funding-supplement; letting the community know who was responsible for spoiling it for everyone else, as part of the shutdown process.

The more P(ublic) R(elations) disasters for these freaks, the better.

Kondor, give it up. If you are a lawyer trying to gin up business, you are going to lose big time if you actually try it.
The far left homofascists freaks, as kg points out, are wrong and will be defeated.

And the hetero-fascist far right social con freaks, like kg, who are opposed to marriage equality are wrong also, and are losing the fight as we speak.
The far left wants "separation of church and state", but wants the government to control "Marriage".

The far left Hypocrisy on this issue is an eye opener.

Well not really.
And with that stunned silence as the only response, there go the inviolable laws of the Christ under the bus.

Funny how that works isn't it?

You're funny. You try so hard. This thread is about queer marriage. You're distracted too easily. Jesus allowed divorce. Did you read it?

Yeah, divorce for infidelity. What about all other divorces? Why don't you really follow the teachings of Jesus the way you pretend to?

What about all the other divorces? It appears that all the other divorces have traumatized you. Jesus can heal you and make it all better. Try him. He never fails.

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