Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
The far left wants "separation of church and state", but wants the government to control "Marriage".

The far left Hypocrisy on this issue is an eye opener.

Well not really.

Civil marriage is not religious. The government already "controls" civil marriage, gays want equal access to it, equal protection under the law. It has absolutely N-O-T-H-I-N-G to do with religion.

Religions will be free, as they always have, to not perform marriage ceremonies that violate the tenants of their faith. How do I know this? By all the churches that were forced to perform interracial or interfaith marriages.

Churches will change through public opinion...just as they ALWAYS have.

Let's get something straight puss bucket -


Your repeated attempts to link African Americans with Sexual Perverts is a vile and disgusting antic
- there is no correlation between the two - Got It !?
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The far left wants "separation of church and state", but wants the government to control "Marriage".

The far left Hypocrisy on this issue is an eye opener.

Well not really.

This doesn’t make any sense.

It was the original intent of the Framers that church and state remain separate, liberals understand and acknowledge this fact.

And government has always controlled marriage, as the states write the marriage laws and administer those laws in state courts. The 14th Amendment requires that the states allow all persons access to the laws of the states, in this case same-sex couples access to marriage law they’re eligible to participate in.

Consequently, there’s no ‘hypocrisy’ on the part of liberals, as their position is consistent with the Constitution and it’s case law. 14th Amendment jurisprudence applies only to government, and can in no way interfere with religious practice.

Which brings us once again back to the idiocy of the OP, where no one is seeking to compel any Christian denomination to marry same-sex couples in their churches, and no government has the authority to compel them to do so.

Of course the far left does not understand as it is not part of their programming.

Marriage is a product of religion despite the far left myths being promoted.

Thus the far left wants to control "Marriage"..

So we should no longer ever see the far left claim they want a "separation of church and state", which is not in the Constitution.

The Separation Of Church and State

The phrase "separation of church and state" does not appear anywhere in the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson wrote that the 1st Amendment erected a "wall of separation" between the church and the state (James Madison said it "drew a line," but it is Jefferson's term that sticks with us today). The phrase is commonly thought to mean that the government should not establish, support, or otherwise involve itself in any religion.

Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -
Oh, I claim no particular legal expertise in the matter, despite the fact that I have 20+ years of nonprofit -focused middle-management experience.

If you believe that my assessment of nonprofit status, in connection with the rental of facilities, is incorrect, then, by all means say so, and offer-up a few words of wisdom as to why you believe that to be the case. Otherwise, you're shootin' blanks on this one, mine good colleague.

Rent My Church | Home demonstrates that churches advertise publicly their wedding facilities for rent.

Public accommodation law, my friend.

Are you operating under the impression that I disputed the idea that churches rent-out their premises for various events?

You wrongfully disputed that by doing so publicly they will open themselves to homosexual weddings.
I don't really know OFF HAND - But male sex drive and female sex drive are two different creatures . I can't think of a single case of females molesting children , except of course the occassiona lteacher who bangs an under age student. What's your point ? and why don't you google it and get back to us .

Indeed, you don't think, Greanbean, you simply emote.

You have no factual, objective evidence for your opinions, and they are not evidence. You are flatly wrong. And, in fact, the numbers overwhelmingly of abusers are heterosexual adult males.

Greenbean Snow, you know nothing.

Do you understand percentages and per capita ? Apparently not - well where I went to school that was taught in Junior High -percentages in Grade School - have you gotten to level yet ?

When less than 5% of the Population is committing about 1/3 of the child molestation cases then yes - that is an indication that something is drastically wrong with that minute percentage of people.

Do you understand that your opinions, your numbers, are not facts.

But it is a fact to which you agreed that the overwhelming numbers of abuse are heterosexuals.
The far left wants "separation of church and state", but wants the government to control "Marriage".

The far left Hypocrisy on this issue is an eye opener.

Well not really.

Civil marriage is not religious. The government already "controls" civil marriage, gays want equal access to it, equal protection under the law. It has absolutely N-O-T-H-I-N-G to do with religion.

Religions will be free, as they always have, to not perform marriage ceremonies that violate the tenants of their faith. How do I know this? By all the churches that were forced to perform interracial or interfaith marriages.

Churches will change through public opinion...just as they ALWAYS have.

Another far left myth being promoted so the hate for the church can flow and be justified by those who only want to punish.

:cuckoo: Kosh is a far right myth maker. As long as churches do not publicly hold themselves out as wedding centers for rent, they will be shielded by the 1st Amendment.

The overwhelming number of real Christians (not the heretics of the social con far right) understand this truth.
That's the ignorant post of the day.

Not hardly. You and koshergrl and Greenbean regularly post stupidly all day.

NAMBLA, though, has nothing to do with the OP.

Yet you are unable to refute - why because it's true and you're an asshat.

Your nonsense, your opinions posting as facts on this OP, have been constantly and correctly refuted.

Churches, as long as they are not renting out their facilities public for weddings, will be shielded by the 1st Amendment from having to host weddings by your types.
GreenBean said:
Let's get something straight puss bucket

Your vileness on this board confirms your heterofascism, your bigotry against women and people of color, and against the majority of Christians who disagree with you.

The behavior of you and those who think like you are exactly why marriage equality is required.
Not hardly. You and koshergrl and Greenbean regularly post stupidly all day.

NAMBLA, though, has nothing to do with the OP.

Yet you are unable to refute - why because it's true and you're an asshat.

Your nonsense, your opinions posting as facts on this OP, have been constantly and correctly refuted.

Churches, as long as they are not renting out their facilities public for weddings, will be shielded by the 1st Amendment from having to host weddings by your types.

Your nonsense, your opinions posting as facts on this OP, have been constantly and correctly refuted.


Case in Point ?
To the 3 people who voted in favor of forcing churches to accommodate homosexual marriage, what planet are you from?

Amen! Just as there exists a far right religious social con agenda to deprive people of their civil liberties, there is a group of homofascists on the far left that wish to "corral" churches to their perverted world view.
GreenBean said:
Let's get something straight puss bucket

Your vileness on this board confirms your heterofascism, your bigotry against women and people of color, and against the majority of Christians who disagree with you.

The behavior of you and those who think like you are exactly why marriage equality is required.

Let's get something straight Jake the Fake - Fun and games is one thing - taunting one another and so forth - it's all part of the game - Don't you ever ever say that again -do you fucking got that asshat !!! I am a "person of color" and I will not tolerate racist innuendos by you or any of the other liberal asshats who infest the internet under various guises. You will also refrain from using the struggles of my people for equal rights to aid and abed perverts .

Other than that -feel free to throw out all the insults you'd like -

Have a Nice Day :smiliehug:
Rent My Church | Home demonstrates that churches advertise publicly their wedding facilities for rent.

Public accommodation law, my friend.

Are you operating under the impression that I disputed the idea that churches rent-out their premises for various events?

You wrongfully disputed that by doing so publicly they will open themselves to homosexual weddings.
I did?

You haven't got a link to that by any chance, do you?
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Wow, 86% of pollers here seem to not be as supportive of so-called "gay marriage" as the LGBT cult would have the media [and politicians keeping an eagle-eye on prospective votes] believe.

Weird. Also weird how avid they are to force their value system upon the sovereign states when they report at the same time that "a clear majority of Americans support gay marriage'

Something just ain't adding up?
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