Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
If you are not a Christian any longer-why do you believe anyone will burn in hell?

I don't have to be a master chef to know how to read a basic cookbook. Jude 1 isn't vague or open to interpretation. Its mandates are straightforward and simple. I know that Christians are adherents to the New Testment and use the Old one as a "where we came from" reference only.

I am not authorized to weigh in on whether or not the dire mandate/warning in Jude 1 is true. I'd suggest erring on the side of caution for all Christians though...
If you are not a Christian any longer-why do you believe anyone will burn in hell?

I don't have to be a master chef to know how to read a basic cookbook. Jude 1 isn't vague or open to interpretation. Its mandates are straightforward and simple. I know that Christians are adherents to the New Testment and use the Old one as a "where we came from" reference only.

Jude 1 doesn't say a thing about gay marriage. Or about wedding cakes.

That's just you, pretending that you know what Jude 1 'really means'. And you don't know what you're talking about.[/QUOTE]
Jude 1 doesn't say a thing about gay marriage. Or about wedding cakes...

Marriage is the core of any culture. Jude 1 says "do not aide or abet actively or passively any homosexual takeover of your culture". So then Jude 1 says do not aide or abet "gay marriage". A "gay wedding cake" is that aiding and abetting.
Jude 1 doesn't say a thing about gay marriage. Or about wedding cakes...

Marriage is the core of any culture. Jude 1 says "do not aide or abet actively or passively any homosexual takeover of your culture". So then Jude 1 says do not aide or abet "gay marriage". A "gay wedding cake" is that aiding and abetting.

And which verse is that, exactly? Because I'm pretty sure you're just pulling that sideways out of your ass.
Jude 1 doesn't say a thing about gay marriage. Or about wedding cakes...

Marriage is the core of any culture. Jude 1 says "do not aide or abet actively or passively any homosexual takeover of your culture". So then Jude 1 says do not aide or abet "gay marriage". A "gay wedding cake" is that aiding and abetting.

And which verse is that, exactly? Because I'm pretty sure you're just pulling that sideways out of your ass.

There is no verse like that, at all. Where would Sil even get...holy crap. Silhouette, have you been trolling us???
Jude 1 doesn't say a thing about gay marriage. Or about wedding cakes...

Marriage is the core of any culture. Jude 1 says "do not aide or abet actively or passively any homosexual takeover of your culture". So then Jude 1 says do not aide or abet "gay marriage". A "gay wedding cake" is that aiding and abetting.

And which verse is that, exactly? Because I'm pretty sure you're just pulling that sideways out of your ass.

There is no verse like that, at all. Where would Sil even get...holy crap. Silhouette, have you been trolling us???

Oh, no. You've just gotten a look behind the curtain. He believes it.

Silo is quite delusional. You should see the imaginative shit he imagines for the Windsor decision. Entire passages that simply never existed. We've even coined a phrase for it:

Jude 1 doesn't say a thing about gay marriage. Or about wedding cakes...

Marriage is the core of any culture. Jude 1 says "do not aide or abet actively or passively any homosexual takeover of your culture". So then Jude 1 says do not aide or abet "gay marriage". A "gay wedding cake" is that aiding and abetting.

And which verse is that, exactly? Because I'm pretty sure you're just pulling that sideways out of your ass.

There is no verse like that, at all. Where would Sil even get...holy crap. Silhouette, have you been trolling us???

Oh, no. You've just gotten a look behind the curtain. He believes it.

Silo is quite delusional. You should see the imaginative shit he imagines for the Windsor decision. Entire passages that simply never existed. We've even coined a phrase for it:


Nooo. No one would just make up a Bible verse. This is an incredibly long-term troll.
Jude 1 doesn't say a thing about gay marriage. Or about wedding cakes...

Marriage is the core of any culture. Jude 1 says "do not aide or abet actively or passively any homosexual takeover of your culture". So then Jude 1 says do not aide or abet "gay marriage". A "gay wedding cake" is that aiding and abetting.

And which verse is that, exactly? Because I'm pretty sure you're just pulling that sideways out of your ass.

There is no verse like that, at all. Where would Sil even get...holy crap. Silhouette, have you been trolling us???

Oh, no. You've just gotten a look behind the curtain. He believes it.

Silo is quite delusional. You should see the imaginative shit he imagines for the Windsor decision. Entire passages that simply never existed. We've even coined a phrase for it:


Nooo. No one would just make up a Bible verse. This is an incredibly long-term troll.

Quotation marks in SIlo's mind aren't actually a gramatical tool. They're a statement of what he things something oughta mean.
Again, there's no prohibition in the Bible forbidding anyone to sell cake. You've hallucinated it.

And your religious beliefs don't allow you to ignore the law. Yours is nothing more than a religiously based sovereign citizen argument, where you are exempt from any law you don't like.

Again, individual Christians enjoy the 1st Amendment right to exercise their faith. Exercise is an active, not a passive word.

And your exercise of religion doesn't trump civil law. Religion can't be targeted with a particular law. But the religious can be subject to the same laws as everyone else. Public Accommodation laws, taxes, speed limits, etc. If your religious faith allowed you to arbitrarily ignore any law you wished, then you'd have essential anarchy. With any law a mere suggestion.

That's not our system nor has it ever been nor was it ever intended to be.

And that exercise is active and effective 24/7/365. In other words, it can never be disenfranchised by the state or fed or any other entity at any moment in time, including while that person is running a business.

Says you. You're still subject to all the same laws as everyone else. If your religion required say, human sacrifice....too bad, so sad. If it required that you never pay taxes, well, it sucks to be you. If it requires that you be able to keep slaves, do whatever drugs you want, you're out of luck.

Religion does not trump civil law. What you're describing is a theocracy. And it is not ours.

The gay cult interfers with their 1st Amendment right specifically in this way: Jude 1 of Jesus's New Testament forbids Christians from promoting ANY gay culture, while it encourages them to reach out to individual gays making a difference in their life. If they fail, they are damned to an eternity in the Pit of Fire. The terms of this Biblical passage are non-negotiable.

And selling a cake isn't promoting your customer. The very premise of your argument is nonsense. Selling a cake is promoting the cake and your business. There is no biblical prohibition against selling cake. None. You've quite literally invented it because you don't like gay people.

And like all the generally applicable laws that apply to the devout and non-devout alike, your subjective religious beliefs don't make you exempt. You want your religion to trump any law, so you can use your religious beliefs as justification for treating gays and less, for abusing them, for discriminating against them. But your need to treat others as less doesn't grant you immunity from laws.
Selling a cake is one thing, but to cutomize it would be another. When something gets personal, it gets personal. I wonder if the customer knew the baker was a christian, and therefore he knew what the outcome would be the whole time ?
Again, there's no prohibition in the Bible forbidding anyone to sell cake. You've hallucinated it.

And your religious beliefs don't allow you to ignore the law. Yours is nothing more than a religiously based sovereign citizen argument, where you are exempt from any law you don't like.

Again, individual Christians enjoy the 1st Amendment right to exercise their faith. Exercise is an active, not a passive word.

And your exercise of religion doesn't trump civil law. Religion can't be targeted with a particular law. But the religious can be subject to the same laws as everyone else. Public Accommodation laws, taxes, speed limits, etc. If your religious faith allowed you to arbitrarily ignore any law you wished, then you'd have essential anarchy. With any law a mere suggestion.

That's not our system nor has it ever been nor was it ever intended to be.

And that exercise is active and effective 24/7/365. In other words, it can never be disenfranchised by the state or fed or any other entity at any moment in time, including while that person is running a business.

Says you. You're still subject to all the same laws as everyone else. If your religion required say, human sacrifice....too bad, so sad. If it required that you never pay taxes, well, it sucks to be you. If it requires that you be able to keep slaves, do whatever drugs you want, you're out of luck.

Religion does not trump civil law. What you're describing is a theocracy. And it is not ours.

The gay cult interfers with their 1st Amendment right specifically in this way: Jude 1 of Jesus's New Testament forbids Christians from promoting ANY gay culture, while it encourages them to reach out to individual gays making a difference in their life. If they fail, they are damned to an eternity in the Pit of Fire. The terms of this Biblical passage are non-negotiable.

And selling a cake isn't promoting your customer. The very premise of your argument is nonsense. Selling a cake is promoting the cake and your business. There is no biblical prohibition against selling cake. None. You've quite literally invented it because you don't like gay people.

And like all the generally applicable laws that apply to the devout and non-devout alike, your subjective religious beliefs don't make you exempt. You want your religion to trump any law, so you can use your religious beliefs as justification for treating gays and less, for abusing them, for discriminating against them. But your need to treat others as less doesn't grant you immunity from laws.
Selling a cake is one thing, but to cutomize it would be another. When something gets personal, it gets personal. I wonder if the customer knew the baker was a christian, and therefore he knew what the outcome would be the whole time ?

Given that they refused to do either, your point is moot.
Again, there's no prohibition in the Bible forbidding anyone to sell cake. You've hallucinated it.

And your religious beliefs don't allow you to ignore the law. Yours is nothing more than a religiously based sovereign citizen argument, where you are exempt from any law you don't like.

Again, individual Christians enjoy the 1st Amendment right to exercise their faith. Exercise is an active, not a passive word.

And your exercise of religion doesn't trump civil law. Religion can't be targeted with a particular law. But the religious can be subject to the same laws as everyone else. Public Accommodation laws, taxes, speed limits, etc. If your religious faith allowed you to arbitrarily ignore any law you wished, then you'd have essential anarchy. With any law a mere suggestion.

That's not our system nor has it ever been nor was it ever intended to be.

And that exercise is active and effective 24/7/365. In other words, it can never be disenfranchised by the state or fed or any other entity at any moment in time, including while that person is running a business.

Says you. You're still subject to all the same laws as everyone else. If your religion required say, human sacrifice....too bad, so sad. If it required that you never pay taxes, well, it sucks to be you. If it requires that you be able to keep slaves, do whatever drugs you want, you're out of luck.

Religion does not trump civil law. What you're describing is a theocracy. And it is not ours.

The gay cult interfers with their 1st Amendment right specifically in this way: Jude 1 of Jesus's New Testament forbids Christians from promoting ANY gay culture, while it encourages them to reach out to individual gays making a difference in their life. If they fail, they are damned to an eternity in the Pit of Fire. The terms of this Biblical passage are non-negotiable.

And selling a cake isn't promoting your customer. The very premise of your argument is nonsense. Selling a cake is promoting the cake and your business. There is no biblical prohibition against selling cake. None. You've quite literally invented it because you don't like gay people.

And like all the generally applicable laws that apply to the devout and non-devout alike, your subjective religious beliefs don't make you exempt. You want your religion to trump any law, so you can use your religious beliefs as justification for treating gays and less, for abusing them, for discriminating against them. But your need to treat others as less doesn't grant you immunity from laws.
Selling a cake is one thing, but to cutomize it would be another. When something gets personal, it gets personal. I wonder if the customer knew the baker was a christian, and therefore he knew what the outcome would be the whole time ?

I wonder at the time of the bakers advertized on the web, yellow pages, etc. that they sold wedding cakes?

I wonder at the time of the bakers advertized on the web, yellow pages, etc. that they sold wedding cakes?


Doesn't matter whether they did or not. They cannot promote a type of core value of a culture (marriage) to be taken over by homosexuals. It is expressly forbidden as a mortal sin in the New Testament of Jesus in Jude 1. It's not a gray-area mandate. To deny that mandate is for a Christian to completely abdicate their faith. It is made implicitly clear that being passive about that takeover is equally punishable as being active about assiting it (making a "gay wedding cake"). There simply is no choice for a Christian. They are forbidden to do so.
I wonder at the time of the bakers advertized on the web, yellow pages, etc. that they sold wedding cakes?


Doesn't matter whether they did or not. They cannot promote a type of core value of a culture (marriage).

See I happen to think that these would be the core values- not something that Jesus never mentioned

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make idols.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet.
So if a Christian orders a cake from a Jewish baker- can the Jewish baker refuse to bake that cake for the Christian- just because he is a Christian- because that baker believes that the Christian has another god other than Ywh?
I wonder at the time of the bakers advertized on the web, yellow pages, etc. that they sold wedding cakes?


Doesn't matter whether they did or not. They cannot promote a type of core value of a culture (marriage).

See I happen to think that these would be the core values- not something that Jesus never mentioned

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make idols.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet.
So if a Christian orders a cake from a Jewish baker- can the Jewish baker refuse to bake that cake for the Christian- just because he is a Christian- because that baker believes that the Christian has another god other than Ywh?
The Jews believe in Jesus also. There is more than just one name in the bible for God.
Doesn't matter whether they did or not. They cannot promote a type of core value of a culture (marriage) to be taken over by homosexuals.

Same problem as last time: selling a cake isn't promoting the customer. Its promoting the cake. Your entire basis of argument is nonsense.

It is expressly forbidden as a mortal sin in the New Testament of Jesus in Jude 1. It's not a gray-area mandate.

Where? We've asked you to quote the verse at least a dozen times. And you've never been able to.

To deny that mandate is for a Christian to completely abdicate their faith.

Save that there's no prohibition against selling cake in the Bible. And you're not even Christian. Making your assessment of 'complete abdication' meaningless twaddle.
I wonder at the time of the bakers advertized on the web, yellow pages, etc. that they sold wedding cakes?


Doesn't matter whether they did or not. They cannot promote a type of core value of a culture (marriage).

See I happen to think that these would be the core values- not something that Jesus never mentioned

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make idols.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet.
So if a Christian orders a cake from a Jewish baker- can the Jewish baker refuse to bake that cake for the Christian- just because he is a Christian- because that baker believes that the Christian has another god other than Ywh?
The Jews believe in Jesus also. There is more than just one name in the bible for God.

No....Jews do not 'believe in Jesus' other than to believe that there are men who have been named Jesus.

And it doesn't matter what you 'believe'- if a Jewish baker believes it would be offending his faith if he served a Christian- who would you support- the Christian or the Jew?
I wonder at the time of the bakers advertized on the web, yellow pages, etc. that they sold wedding cakes?


Doesn't matter whether they did or not. They cannot promote a type of core value of a culture (marriage).

See I happen to think that these would be the core values- not something that Jesus never mentioned

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make idols.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet.
So if a Christian orders a cake from a Jewish baker- can the Jewish baker refuse to bake that cake for the Christian- just because he is a Christian- because that baker believes that the Christian has another god other than Ywh?
The Jews believe in Jesus also. There is more than just one name in the bible for God.

No....Jews do not 'believe in Jesus' other than to believe that there are men who have been named Jesus.

And it doesn't matter what you 'believe'- if a Jewish baker believes it would be offending his faith if he served a Christian- who would you support- the Christian or the Jew?
The Jew.
I wonder at the time of the bakers advertized on the web, yellow pages, etc. that they sold wedding cakes?


Doesn't matter whether they did or not. They cannot promote a type of core value of a culture (marriage).

See I happen to think that these would be the core values- not something that Jesus never mentioned

  1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make idols.
  3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
  5. Honor your father and your mother.
  6. You shall not murder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery.
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  10. You shall not covet.
So if a Christian orders a cake from a Jewish baker- can the Jewish baker refuse to bake that cake for the Christian- just because he is a Christian- because that baker believes that the Christian has another god other than Ywh?
The Jews believe in Jesus also. There is more than just one name in the bible for God.

No....Jews do not 'believe in Jesus' other than to believe that there are men who have been named Jesus.

And it doesn't matter what you 'believe'- if a Jewish baker believes it would be offending his faith if he served a Christian- who would you support- the Christian or the Jew?
The Jew.

LOL....good so now you don't think that just Christians should be given special exemptions to ignore the law, but Jews too?

What about Muslims and Hindu's? Rastafarians? Atheists? Agnostics?
Sounds more and more like a religious 'sovereign citizen' argument to me.

Though don't bother asking about Sharia or Muslims. Beagle knows his answer. He also knows the ludicrous inconsistency of refusing to put sharia above our civil law, but insisting we do exactly that for Christianity. So he won't touch the question with a 10 foot pole.

Because his issue isn't about the freedom of religion. Its about the supremacy of Christianity over civil law. Not freedom of religion.

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