Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
What a mess of moving the goalposts and strawmen. You didn't say people "share your views," you said your view was basically "universal."


You were wrong.

I said that what we would today describe as homosexual behavior appears very frequently throughout history, not equal marriage.

What you've gotten most wrong, though, was my frickin' point. My characterization of anti-homosexual prejudice as "bizarre" was not the point of my post.

They key word there isn't "bizarre," they're "ancient religious texts." And technically, I wasn't just talking about the Bible's anti-homosexual prejudice, I was talking about a lot of its Bronze Age rules which would be crazy to follow today. The reason it's not in American law that adulterers will be stoned, or that we can't eat shellfish, isn't that those things are in the Old Testament instead of the New; it's that something being in the Bible is in no way good cause to make it law. How much less sense it would make, then, that these things should supercede modern law where the two contradict?
You are the only one moving the goal posts and creating strawmen. What does "accept homosexuality" entail? And it is an entirely different question than marriage. So my point stands. Your contention was my view on gay marriage was bizarre and thus wrong, I responded by saying my view on gay marriage is pretty universal outside the secular west, across cultures historically and in modern times. You have yet to prove my view on gay marriage is bizarre, meaning unusual or odd, thus your argument on those grounds is flawed. Not only is the premise flawed, the argument is a logical fallacy as it suggests a view is right based on majority consensus.

I never stated homosexual behavior is a modern manifestation, so I don't understand what exactly you are talking about here. So what exactly is your point here and how does homosexuality in the ancient world relate to gay marriage now? None of the societies you cited allowed gay marriage, so what exactly is your point here?

Just because a code of morality is old or comes from ancient times doesn't make it wrong. You even admit this when you cite Rome and ancient Greece, though incorrectly. But you appeal to ancients. In many way the ancients were wiser than us moderns.

You implied we as Christians were hypocritical and picking and choosing which laws we follow. You claimed we ignore dietary laws, but follow the passages which tell us homosexuality is a sin. Your assertion we are hypocrites is simply incorrect, as we aren't bound by those mosaic laws as Christians. So your basis we are picking or choosing and our opposition to homosexuality is arbitrary is false.

I never said the law should be based on the Bible. I joined the conversation when you were discussing whether there was any clear condemnation of homosexuality in the New Testament and I provided scripture to that end. What I said is that the government shouldn't promote a homosexuality, which is a mental illness, and a personally and socially destructive lifestyle as equal to the union of a man in the wife who come together to have children and build a family.

First, I clearly said ancient religious texts were no basis for legal exceptions because they were ancient religious texts. I even quoted it, people can read that, so I don't know why you think you can straw man me on this point.

Perhaps for the same reason you think you can continue to claim your view is "universal," or near-to, when I have posted a poll clearly refuting this. If you averaged all those scores (including some horrendously morally backwards Middle Eastern nations), you'd probably have something like 60% who are prejudiced against homosexuality, 40% who think it's fine. Hardly universal.

I have really no interest in discussing whether Christians are bound by Old Testament laws, and whether it's a "fair" comparison. Enough of them point to "mosaic" passages to justify their position, and hang the Ten Commandments in their churches (and our courthouses) that I am inclined to believe you are the minority view. I also seem to recall Jesus himself disagreeing with you; however, the Bible is so endlessly open to interpretation that there can be no definitive position.

Regardless, it matters not one whit what the Bible says, in the eyes of the law.
That was a lot of effort to just repeat yourself.

You have yet to prove my view on gay marriage unusual, accepting homosexuality as something that exists and will be practiced is entirely different from supporting gay marriage. You have yet to establish that Christians are picking and choosing when it comes to opposing homosexual marriage.

Now you are making some argument that I want to oppose the bible on you and stop your gay marriage when I never said anything about having biblically based law. I only brought up the bible when you used it to call us hypocrites and you have yet to provide proof to that end. You just cited some old kosher laws we Christians aren't bound to. Last I checked, the ten Commandments don't require us to keep kosher.

So as I said before. My view on gay marriage is not unusual. And is nearly universal outside of the view of some in secular western societies. And we Christians aren't hypocrites for opposing it because we don't follow some jewish laws. I reject the legal equality of gay marriages to traditional marriages because they clearly aren't equal in value to society, and I don't support destructive anti social behaviors like homosexuality being encouraged by the state.
People didn't acknowledge homosexuality exists, they said they were okay with it. And how can you continue to demand proof of the changing opinion of equal marriage specifically when the last three pages of this thread have been about nothing but?

If you have confidence in your theological stance, fine. 50 years ago we'd have had this same argument over anti-miscegenation laws. "But it's in the New Testament!" "But the Ten Commandments are still hip because they're not kosher!" These theological minutiae mean nothing to me, but if the Old Testament is so unimportant you may want to inform fellow Christians, who continue to tout its lessons.

If you have any proof besides the Bible that equal marriage is destructive for society, by all means share it with us.
What do they mean by ok with it? It depends how you word it. Basically, in no way does your question mean these people support gay marriage. Someone can be against sodomy laws, but oppose gay marriage. someone can support sodomy laws, but support lenient enforcement, like most people did until recently. Basically, keep the behavior to the fringes of society and only prosecute those who are overt in their displays of sodomy and keep it from children. I support this. I guess depending on how the question is worded, I "accept it", meaning I don't think people should be arrested for having this mental illness and engaging in their deviant acts as long as it is private. However, I support Russian style laws, where their propaganda is banned and they can't make displays in public. So in conclusion, you haven't shown what is meant by the question, and it can be interpreted several different ways. But none of those way entail support for gay marriage. Thus, you have failed in your contention that my view is unusual, and therefore invalid.

Also, you are misconstruing my position. My position on gay marriage isn't based on public opinion. My contention was with your characterization of my view as unusual, which it isn't. You are the one with the odd view. Outside of your secular western bubble, opposition to gay marriage is nearly universal.

You are just creating strawman after strawman. Look, if you have problems with Jesus not holding us to kosher laws you cite and perfecting the Old Testament law, perhaps you should look to Judaism. However, you cannot call us hypocrites or picking and choosing when we oppose gay marriage but don't follow Kosher laws.

"Hear me, all of you, and understand: there is nothing outside a man which by going into him can defile him; but the things which come out of a man are what defile him." And when he had entered the house, and left the people, his disciples asked him about the parable. And he said to them, "Then are you also without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into a man from outside cannot defile him, since it enters, not his heart but his stomach, and so passes on?" (Thus he declared all foods clean.) (Mark 7:14-19)

[L]et no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink or with regard to a festival or a new moon . . . These are only a shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ . . . Why do you submit to regulations, "Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch" (referring to things which all perish as they are used), according to human precepts and doctrines? These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting rigor of devotion and self-abasement and severity to the body, but they are of no value in checking the indulgence of the flesh. (Col. 2:16-17; 20-23)

Why We Are Not Bound by Everything in the Old Law Catholic Answers

I think the proof that homosexuality as a "lifestyle" is more destructive than heterosexuality is obvious, if you need a link to see this, I don't really see us going anywhere.
The wording of the question is "Should Society Accept Homosexuality?" In fact, it's right there at the top of the poll. This disingenuous tactic of demanding to have your hand held through every tedious step of the discussion is getting tiring, as is your insistence on vacillating between homosexuality and equal marriage as suits your purpose.

And then you post more scripture! I am not a Christian. I do not care about your myriad self-contradictory rules. And my position, no matter how many times you have tried to misconstrue it, remains the same: not that your position is invalid because it's unusual, but that the Bible has no legal standing.

Just for a change of pace, though let's talk about your monstrous "position." "Keep the behavior to the fringes of society?" "Prosecute those who are overt in their displays of sodomy?" "Keep it from children?" "Russian-style laws?" It amazes me how often bigots will weaponize children to justify their own prejudices. And how do you justify these strict measures? You've offered no proof of homosexuality's detrimental effect on society. You insist it's self-apparent, but that's bull. If there was current, solid medical or sociological evidence of your claim, you'd be touting it like a banner.

'Cease with your projection, I never "fought" against civil unions and in fact I have no qualms about same sex people having a union. Just don't call it "marriage".'

Which is ignorant, ridiculous, and unwarranted.

There is only one marriage law written by the states and administered by state courts. This law can accommodate two consenting equal adult partners in a committed relationship recognized by the state – same- or opposite-sex, it makes no difference.

And this one marriage law is called marriage, regardless the gender configuration of the couple.

It always goes back to the homosexuals think by being "married" they will appear normal and accepted.
So in your mind it has just nothing, nothing to do with two people who love each other and won't settle for a demonstrably inferior "civil union?"
Stop posting bigoted remarks and then you will stop being called a bigot.

Translation: stop exercizing free speech and we'll stop beating you up. The irony is they claim they are being bullied. Very Orweillian. The Ministry of Anti-Bullying dishes out the most abuse.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism.

This forum allows you to post all the bigoted, homophobic crap you invent.

It also allows me to criticize you and your bigoted, homophobic crap.

That is free speech.

There is criticism, like what I do; and there is abuse, like what you do. And you aren't alone. Pretty much every single LGBT person lashes out abusively to A-N-Y criticism of their patently deviant and ill lifestyles. You harbor ZERO tolerance for defectors of your dogma while feeling quite at liberty to expect endless (literally, without end) tolerances from those who oppose your lifestyles....or else!

There are no concessions from your ilk, even when concession is absolutely called for in the name of sanity, even in the name of consistency. For instance, you don't say "you know, maybe we should take a pedophile (Harvey Milk) off our "venerated sexual icon" list. Instead, and any correlation drawn from critics of your movement that you seem tolerant of pedophilia, you lash out with attacks, and defend Milk simultaneously.

Or when it's suggested your gay education czar Jennings should reel in his "fisting" or "the joys of anal sex" curriculum taught to little kids, you lash out with abusive language and double down on inviting youngsters to your "bi-curious youth parties"..

It's the lack of reason in your ilk that is alarming, and your zero tolerance of criticism which makes you seem like the Nazi Party of WWII.
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Stop posting bigoted remarks and then you will stop being called a bigot.

Translation: stop exercizing free speech and we'll stop beating you up. The irony is they claim they are being bullied. Very Orweillian. The Ministry of Anti-Bullying dishes out the most abuse.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism.

This forum allows you to post all the bigoted, homophobic crap you invent.

It also allows me to criticize you and your bigoted, homophobic crap.

That is free speech.

There is criticism, like what I do; and there is abuse, like what you do. .

'abuse'? No- abuse is what you do- as you continually insult Americans for being homosexuals, and attempt to foment discrimination against them.

I will continue to criticize you and your bigoted, homophobic crap.
No, see, that's abuse, not criticism. That you don't even know the difference is the bold, italicized underscore to my points in post 7762.
Sure, I'll be happy to return to the subject of this thread which is essentially that if 30 christian bakers, photographers, caterers and florists all belong to the same church with say 35 people total, that church has been already sued to accomodate homosexual weddings..
Sure, I'll be happy to return to the subject of this thread which is essentially that if 30 christian bakers, photographers, caterers and florists all belong to the same church with say 35 people total, that church has been already sued to accomodate homosexual weddings..


No more than the Church has already paid income taxes because those 30 people paid income taxes.

Churches are churches.
Business's are business's.

Business's are obligated to follow laws regarding business's- including public accomodation laws.
Stop posting bigoted remarks and then you will stop being called a bigot.

Translation: stop exercizing free speech and we'll stop beating you up. The irony is they claim they are being bullied. Very Orweillian. The Ministry of Anti-Bullying dishes out the most abuse.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism.

This forum allows you to post all the bigoted, homophobic crap you invent.

It also allows me to criticize you and your bigoted, homophobic crap.

That is free speech.

There is criticism, like what I do; and there is abuse, like what you do. And you aren't alone. Pretty much every single LGBT person lashes out abusively to A-N-Y criticism of their patently deviant and ill lifestyles.

So if you are called bigoted and homophobic, that's abuse. But if you call gays 'deviant and ill', that's criticism?

Sure, I'll be happy to return to the subject of this thread which is essentially that if 30 christian bakers, photographers, caterers and florists all belong to the same church with say 35 people total, that church has been already sued to accomodate homosexual weddings..


No more than the Church has already paid income taxes because those 30 people paid income taxes.

Churches are churches.
Business's are business's.

Business's are obligated to follow laws regarding business's- including public accomodation laws.
The case was rather open-and-shut. On March 1, 2013, “Stutzman refused to provide to Ingersoll a service she provided to others,” Ekstrom wrote. What she believes about same-sex marriage is immaterial, because the law’s protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation “address conduct, not beliefs.” Agreeing with the plaintiffs and the attorney general, Ekstrom asserted that “no Court has ever held that religiously motivated conduct, expressive or otherwise, trumps state discrimination law in public accommodations.” He also pointed out that Stutzman is not a minister nor is Arlene’s Flowers a religious organization. Likewise, the law does not specifically target her because of her beliefs, but is “neutral and generally applicable” to all people of all beliefs.

Ekstrom agreed that “the State’s compelling interest in combating discrimination in public accommodations is well settled” and is not superseded by an individual’s religious beliefs. As the Supreme Court wrote in the 1982 case United States v. Lee, “When followers of a particular sect enter into commercial activity as a matter of choice, the limits they accept on their own conduct as a matter of conscience and faith are not to be superimposed on the statutory schemes which are binding on others in that activity. Granting an exemption… operates to impose [the follower’s] religious faith on the [person sought to be protected by the law.]”
Religion is Not an Excuse to Defy Anti Discrimination Laws
Sure, I'll be happy to return to the subject of this thread which is essentially that if 30 christian bakers, photographers, caterers and florists all belong to the same church with say 35 people total, that church has been already sued to accomodate homosexual weddings..

That isn't the topic of this thread. The topic is rather plain and it is "should churches be forced to accommodate homosexuals weddings?" The answer from gay marriage supporters and opponents alike is a clear no.

Now you have been reduced to making up nonsensical hypotheticals so you can claim churches are being forced to marry gay people. I am sure your next silliness will include how individual members of the church are in fact churches themselves which is absurd and not supported any law. Don't believe me? Do not pay taxes this year and claim it is b/c you're a church.
Stop posting bigoted remarks and then you will stop being called a bigot.

Translation: stop exercizing free speech and we'll stop beating you up. The irony is they claim they are being bullied. Very Orweillian. The Ministry of Anti-Bullying dishes out the most abuse.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism.

This forum allows you to post all the bigoted, homophobic crap you invent.

It also allows me to criticize you and your bigoted, homophobic crap.

That is free speech.

There is criticism, like what I do; and there is abuse, like what you do. And you aren't alone. Pretty much every single LGBT person lashes out abusively to A-N-Y criticism of their patently deviant and ill lifestyles.

So if you are called bigoted and homophobic, that's abuse. But if you call gays 'deviant and ill', that's criticism?


Countless gays have been beaten, murderer, discharged from their jobs, imprisoned, institutionalized, and subject to shock therapy but we must remember Sil and her ilk are the true victims here. Never forget! Perhaps they can get Toby Keith to write a song about the enormous struggles they've had to endure?
Stop posting bigoted remarks and then you will stop being called a bigot.

Translation: stop exercizing free speech and we'll stop beating you up. The irony is they claim they are being bullied. Very Orweillian. The Ministry of Anti-Bullying dishes out the most abuse.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism.

This forum allows you to post all the bigoted, homophobic crap you invent.

It also allows me to criticize you and your bigoted, homophobic crap.

That is free speech.

There is criticism, like what I do; and there is abuse, like what you do. And you aren't alone. Pretty much every single LGBT person lashes out abusively to A-N-Y criticism of their patently deviant and ill lifestyles.

So if you are called bigoted and homophobic, that's abuse. But if you call gays 'deviant and ill', that's criticism?


Countless gays have been beaten, murderer, discharged from their jobs, imprisoned, institutionalized, and subject to shock therapy but we must remember Sil and her ilk are the true victims here. Never forget! Perhaps they can get Toby Keith to write a song about the enormous struggles they've had to endure?

You choose a perverted lifestyle you're probably going to have problems. I never claimed to be a "victim" that's strictly a leftist thing
Stop posting bigoted remarks and then you will stop being called a bigot.

Translation: stop exercizing free speech and we'll stop beating you up. The irony is they claim they are being bullied. Very Orweillian. The Ministry of Anti-Bullying dishes out the most abuse.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism.

This forum allows you to post all the bigoted, homophobic crap you invent.

It also allows me to criticize you and your bigoted, homophobic crap.

That is free speech.

There is criticism, like what I do; and there is abuse, like what you do. And you aren't alone. Pretty much every single LGBT person lashes out abusively to A-N-Y criticism of their patently deviant and ill lifestyles.

So if you are called bigoted and homophobic, that's abuse. But if you call gays 'deviant and ill', that's criticism?


Countless gays have been beaten, murderer, discharged from their jobs, imprisoned, institutionalized, and subject to shock therapy but we must remember Sil and her ilk are the true victims here. Never forget! Perhaps they can get Toby Keith to write a song about the enormous struggles they've had to endure?

You choose a perverted lifestyle you're probably going to have problems. I never claimed to be a "victim" that's strictly a leftist thing

Wow....describing murder for being gay as 'going to have problem's.......
Translation: stop exercizing free speech and we'll stop beating you up. The irony is they claim they are being bullied. Very Orweillian. The Ministry of Anti-Bullying dishes out the most abuse.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism.

This forum allows you to post all the bigoted, homophobic crap you invent.

It also allows me to criticize you and your bigoted, homophobic crap.

That is free speech.

There is criticism, like what I do; and there is abuse, like what you do. And you aren't alone. Pretty much every single LGBT person lashes out abusively to A-N-Y criticism of their patently deviant and ill lifestyles.

So if you are called bigoted and homophobic, that's abuse. But if you call gays 'deviant and ill', that's criticism?


Countless gays have been beaten, murderer, discharged from their jobs, imprisoned, institutionalized, and subject to shock therapy but we must remember Sil and her ilk are the true victims here. Never forget! Perhaps they can get Toby Keith to write a song about the enormous struggles they've had to endure?

You choose a perverted lifestyle you're probably going to have problems. I never claimed to be a "victim" that's strictly a leftist thing

Wow....describing murder for being gay as 'going to have problem's.......

The homosexual victim mentality has ran it's course. Far too many have got caught faking these crimes and now it's like the boy who cried wolf
There is criticism, like what I do; and there is abuse, like what you do. And you aren't alone. Pretty much every single LGBT person lashes out abusively to A-N-Y criticism of their patently deviant and ill lifestyles.

So if you are called bigoted and homophobic, that's abuse. But if you call gays 'deviant and ill', that's criticism?


Countless gays have been beaten, murderer, discharged from their jobs, imprisoned, institutionalized, and subject to shock therapy but we must remember Sil and her ilk are the true victims here. Never forget! Perhaps they can get Toby Keith to write a song about the enormous struggles they've had to endure?

You choose a perverted lifestyle you're probably going to have problems. I never claimed to be a "victim" that's strictly a leftist thing

Wow....describing murder for being gay as 'going to have problem's.......

The homosexual victim mentality has ran it's course. Far too many have got caught faking these crimes and now it's like the boy who cried wolf

Says who?
Stop posting bigoted remarks and then you will stop being called a bigot.

Translation: stop exercizing free speech and we'll stop beating you up. The irony is they claim they are being bullied. Very Orweillian. The Ministry of Anti-Bullying dishes out the most abuse.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from criticism.

This forum allows you to post all the bigoted, homophobic crap you invent.

It also allows me to criticize you and your bigoted, homophobic crap.

That is free speech.

There is criticism, like what I do; and there is abuse, like what you do. And you aren't alone. Pretty much every single LGBT person lashes out abusively to A-N-Y criticism of their patently deviant and ill lifestyles.

So if you are called bigoted and homophobic, that's abuse. But if you call gays 'deviant and ill', that's criticism?


Countless gays have been beaten, murderer, discharged from their jobs, imprisoned, institutionalized, and subject to shock therapy but we must remember Sil and her ilk are the true victims here. Never forget! Perhaps they can get Toby Keith to write a song about the enormous struggles they've had to endure?

You choose a perverted lifestyle you're probably going to have problems. I never claimed to be a "victim" that's strictly a leftist thing

I've been in a long-term monogamous relationship for 14 years so I doubt it. Good for you, I am glad you've never been a victim before.
So if you are called bigoted and homophobic, that's abuse. But if you call gays 'deviant and ill', that's criticism?


Countless gays have been beaten, murderer, discharged from their jobs, imprisoned, institutionalized, and subject to shock therapy but we must remember Sil and her ilk are the true victims here. Never forget! Perhaps they can get Toby Keith to write a song about the enormous struggles they've had to endure?

You choose a perverted lifestyle you're probably going to have problems. I never claimed to be a "victim" that's strictly a leftist thing

Wow....describing murder for being gay as 'going to have problem's.......

The homosexual victim mentality has ran it's course. Far too many have got caught faking these crimes and now it's like the boy who cried wolf

Says who?

Anyone paying attention
There is criticism, like what I do; and there is abuse, like what you do. And you aren't alone. Pretty much every single LGBT person lashes out abusively to A-N-Y criticism of their patently deviant and ill lifestyles.

So if you are called bigoted and homophobic, that's abuse. But if you call gays 'deviant and ill', that's criticism?


Countless gays have been beaten, murderer, discharged from their jobs, imprisoned, institutionalized, and subject to shock therapy but we must remember Sil and her ilk are the true victims here. Never forget! Perhaps they can get Toby Keith to write a song about the enormous struggles they've had to endure?

You choose a perverted lifestyle you're probably going to have problems. I never claimed to be a "victim" that's strictly a leftist thing

Wow....describing murder for being gay as 'going to have problem's.......

The homosexual victim mentality has ran it's course. Far too many have got caught faking these crimes and now it's like the boy who cried wolf

You are the person who described murder for being gay as 'going to have problems'.

And that is really disgusting.
So if you are called bigoted and homophobic, that's abuse. But if you call gays 'deviant and ill', that's criticism?


Countless gays have been beaten, murderer, discharged from their jobs, imprisoned, institutionalized, and subject to shock therapy but we must remember Sil and her ilk are the true victims here. Never forget! Perhaps they can get Toby Keith to write a song about the enormous struggles they've had to endure?

You choose a perverted lifestyle you're probably going to have problems. I never claimed to be a "victim" that's strictly a leftist thing

Wow....describing murder for being gay as 'going to have problem's.......

The homosexual victim mentality has ran it's course. Far too many have got caught faking these crimes and now it's like the boy who cried wolf

You are the person who described murder for being gay as 'going to have problems'.

And that is really disgusting.

You're once again projecting...and it's getting tiresome

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