Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
That depends on you. When people like you try telling us that you know for certain G-d does not exist, you are full of crap.
Atheists and Theists are both morons. Don't lump me in with those groups.

And what you do in church is mostly, up to you...
I agree, however the courts do not, and Equal Before The Law is a right, which is what Marriage Equality is actually about.

If you find an old dictionary, before people started screwing with the words....

The definition of "marriage" is:

'a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife'

Husband.... and wife. Marriage has ALWAYS been defined as male and female.

You could have multiple females. But it was still between a man, and a woman.

Even in societies that were very open to homosexuality, you could have partners as such, but they were still not "married". They were partners, and had some level of legal standing, but they were not "married".

Marriage was between a man and woman. If there is such a example of any historical society where man and man, or woman and woman, could marry, I don't know of it.

So to that end, I would say to you that everyone is legally equal under the law. Everyone has the ability to marry a member of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Now if society wants to allow some sort of legal partnership.... I would be ok with that. I'd feel sad for the people who agreed to it, but let the pagans be pagans, in my book. If that's what they want, knock themselves out.
Marriage is a word. Equal Before The Law is a concept, an American value. Go with that.

And the tradition was to beat your wife but we're past that now, mostly, just as we should be past worrying about two gay people having the same legal standing in a secular nation as two straight people.

You are hung up on a word, a tradition, when there is a higher principle at stake, equality.

You have the equal right to marry a member of the opposite sex, just like anyone else.

There is equality under the law.

Equality is a word too.
Law is a word too.

Can we just redefine all those words, because you want to redefine marriage? Or have you decided arbitrarily that only the words you want to redefine, can be?
There is no God. Marriage is a human invention, open to interpretation by humans.

Listen to this:
[ame=]A Perfect Circle - Judith - YouTube[/ame]

Congrats! You have proved yourself completely unworthy to be read by me. When I talk to these people, I'm just trying to be transparent.

You are intentionally insulting. Jesus never did that to pagans. You are not following him, or his belief system, and you are a terrible poster in general.

You have been ignored! And I will never see your posts ever again.
Hmm...any that converted were freed? Well, that is considerably LESS than what the Church did for centuries! Those who converted were often still killed (or died from the forced "conversion"), just not quite so horribly.

Oh, really? And you're now going to cite the proof for that, knowing that no one's word is worth shit on a message board, PARTICULARLY yours, right?

And don't think I didn't notice that you completely skipped the entire post except for one sentence that let you spew a little more "Christians are BAD! Nothing is bad except Christians! I hate Christians, and . . . and I hate Christians, and I can't think of anything but how I hate Christians!" Topic? What topic? You don't need to know nothing 'bout no stinking topic except how much you hate Christians, and they are therefore the only bad thing that has ever existed in the world.

I do not hate Christians...but like Jesus, I hate hypocrisy!

Oh, spare me. You're such a kneejerk anti-religious bigot, they'd use you on recruiting posters, if they had any. You're a walking cliche.
There is no God. Marriage is a human invention, open to interpretation by humans.

Listen to this:
[ame=]A Perfect Circle - Judith - YouTube[/ame]

Right.... so now a music video is our proof G-d doesn't exist. G-d must spend most of his time just laughing at the people of Earth.

Seriously, don't waste your time with GISMYS.
If you find an old dictionary, before people started screwing with the words....

The definition of "marriage" is:

'a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife'

Husband.... and wife. Marriage has ALWAYS been defined as male and female.

You could have multiple females. But it was still between a man, and a woman.

Even in societies that were very open to homosexuality, you could have partners as such, but they were still not "married". They were partners, and had some level of legal standing, but they were not "married".

Marriage was between a man and woman. If there is such a example of any historical society where man and man, or woman and woman, could marry, I don't know of it.

So to that end, I would say to you that everyone is legally equal under the law. Everyone has the ability to marry a member of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.

Now if society wants to allow some sort of legal partnership.... I would be ok with that. I'd feel sad for the people who agreed to it, but let the pagans be pagans, in my book. If that's what they want, knock themselves out.
Marriage is a word. Equal Before The Law is a concept, an American value. Go with that.

And the tradition was to beat your wife but we're past that now, mostly, just as we should be past worrying about two gay people having the same legal standing in a secular nation as two straight people.

You are hung up on a word, a tradition, when there is a higher principle at stake, equality.

You have the equal right to marry a member of the opposite sex, just like anyone else.

There is equality under the law.

Equality is a word too.
Law is a word too.

Can we just redefine all those words, because you want to redefine marriage? Or have you decided arbitrarily that only the words you want to redefine, can be?
We have a word for Equality but it is an American value. Marriage is a word and also a legal standing here, based upon a license issued by the State, a secular state.

And I've been married since before dirt was old. Now I'm watching as people who didn't have the same rights as I had are granted them, and I'm very pleased about it even if none of them ever use said right.

HEAR GOD'S WARNING TO YOU!!! Scream in terror, for the Lord’s time has come, the time for the Almighty to crush you. 7 Your arms lie paralyzed with fear; the strongest hearts melt 8 and are afraid. Fear grips you with terrible pangs, like those of a woman in labor. You look at one another, helpless, as the flames of the burning city reflect upon your pallid faces. 9 For see, the day of the Lord is coming, the terrible day of his wrath and fierce anger. The land shall be destroyed and all the sinners with it. 10 The heavens will be black above them. No light will shine from stars or sun or moon.

11 And I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sin; I will crush the arrogance of the proud man and the haughtiness of the rich. 12 Few will live when I have finished up my work.

Men will be as scarce as gold—of greater value than the gold of Ophir. 13 For I will shake the heavens in my wrath and fierce anger, and the earth will move from its place in the skies.
ISAIAH 13:6-13
I believe God is and always has been and always be.

I care nothing for atheism, for it is a fool's dream without proof.

The Constitution is secular, and We the People through our legislatures and courts decide marriage law.

Twenty straight court decisions, the majority of American opinion, and the overwhelming supermajority of American opinion are clear indicators that marriage equality is inevitable.
I believe God is and always has been and always be.

I care nothing for atheism, for it is a fool's dream without proof.

The Constitution is secular, and We the People through our legislatures and courts decide marriage law.

Twenty straight court decisions, the majority of American opinion, and the overwhelming supermajority of American opinion are clear indicators that marriage equality is inevitable.

And once again the far left Obama drones show that that they do want the state merged with religion.

Get government out of the business of "Marriage".
Marriage is a word. Equal Before The Law is a concept, an American value. Go with that.

And the tradition was to beat your wife but we're past that now, mostly, just as we should be past worrying about two gay people having the same legal standing in a secular nation as two straight people.

You are hung up on a word, a tradition, when there is a higher principle at stake, equality.

You have the equal right to marry a member of the opposite sex, just like anyone else.

There is equality under the law.

Equality is a word too.
Law is a word too.

Can we just redefine all those words, because you want to redefine marriage? Or have you decided arbitrarily that only the words you want to redefine, can be?
We have a word for Equality but it is an American value. Marriage is a word and also a legal standing here, based upon a license issued by the State, a secular state.

And I've been married since before dirt was old. Now I'm watching as people who didn't have the same rights as I had are granted them, and I'm very pleased about it even if none of them ever use said right.

But they are not married. Marriage is between a man and woman. Two men, can't be married. Don't care what the law says. They are not married. No bit of paper changes that.
Very True - in fact there's a strong case for the theory that Jesus may have been Black himself.

And that case would be . . . ?

I didn't say I agreed with it - I justsaid there was a case for it . IMO Jesus was a Nyth.

While many people have a fixed mental image of Jesus, drawn from his artistic depictions, these images often conform to stereotypes which are not grounded in any serious research on the historical Jesus, but are based on second or third hand interpretations of spurious sources

In explaining the development of racial theories in the context of scripture, Colin Kidd, in his book The forging of races, argues that the assignment of race to biblical individuals has been a mostly subjective practice based on cultural stereotypes and societal trends rather than on scientific methods. Kidd reviews a number of theories about the race of Jesus, ranging from a white Aryan Jesus to a black African Jesus, illustrating that there is no general agreement among scholars on the race of Jesus
Race and appearance of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In other words, "I just say shit to be saying it. I have no real fucking clue what I'm talking about, and as soon as someone asks me to actually explain the dribble coming out of my mouth, I backpedal."

Next time, just save everyone the time and don't bother talking at all.
You have the equal right to marry a member of the opposite sex, just like anyone else.

There is equality under the law.

Equality is a word too.
Law is a word too.

Can we just redefine all those words, because you want to redefine marriage? Or have you decided arbitrarily that only the words you want to redefine, can be?
We have a word for Equality but it is an American value. Marriage is a word and also a legal standing here, based upon a license issued by the State, a secular state.

And I've been married since before dirt was old. Now I'm watching as people who didn't have the same rights as I had are granted them, and I'm very pleased about it even if none of them ever use said right.

But they are not married. Marriage is between a man and woman. Two men, can't be married. Don't care what the law says. They are not married. No bit of paper changes that.
You are welcome to stand your ground, as it moves beneath you, but society is leaving you in the past and moving on, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Oh, really? And you're now going to cite the proof for that, knowing that no one's word is worth shit on a message board, PARTICULARLY yours, right?

And don't think I didn't notice that you completely skipped the entire post except for one sentence that let you spew a little more "Christians are BAD! Nothing is bad except Christians! I hate Christians, and . . . and I hate Christians, and I can't think of anything but how I hate Christians!" Topic? What topic? You don't need to know nothing 'bout no stinking topic except how much you hate Christians, and they are therefore the only bad thing that has ever existed in the world.

I do not hate Christians...but like Jesus, I hate hypocrisy!

Oh, spare me. You're such a kneejerk anti-religious bigot, they'd use you on recruiting posters, if they had any. You're a walking cliche.

It's impossible to be a liberal if you truly hate hypocrisy.
Do you include mosques in that sentiment?
All religions. Churches, mosques and synagogues. Anyone who thinks that there is an invisible man in the sky, but especially anyone who is willing to kill to prove just how much their invisible man in the sky loves us. You find them in every culture.

Christians, Muslims and Jews all pray to the One True Invisible Man in the Sky. They only kill each other over what name to call it. And they pollute and poison God's paradise called Earth because they think that they're going to be able to sit around in Never Never Land and play harps in outer space after they die.

Human adults need to grow up and stop having imaginary friends.
How can you prove 100 percent there is not a higher power?? You cant.. This is your opinion..

And, apparently, its your opinion that there is.

Cool. You go with that. Makes no difference to anything at all and you're welcome to it.

But, KNB's point is valid. All the various religions all say basically the same thing - my god can beat up you god.

Again, believe whatever gets you through the night but there ain't no way your "god" is happy about the mess his followers have made.
We have a word for Equality but it is an American value. Marriage is a word and also a legal standing here, based upon a license issued by the State, a secular state.

And I've been married since before dirt was old. Now I'm watching as people who didn't have the same rights as I had are granted them, and I'm very pleased about it even if none of them ever use said right.

But they are not married. Marriage is between a man and woman. Two men, can't be married. Don't care what the law says. They are not married. No bit of paper changes that.
You are welcome to stand your ground, as it moves beneath you, but society is leaving you in the past and moving on, and there's nothing you can do about it.

NO!!! Society is moving backwards to sodom and we have already been there=not a good place!!!
Churches and religious institutions should be taxed as any other business unless they can prove what money they used to help in charity . Then we can say there is separation of church and state.

When people donate to religious groups, it's tax-deductible. Churches don't pay property taxes on their land or buildings. When they buy stuff, they don't pay sales taxes. When they sell stuff at a profit, they don't pay capital gains tax. If they spend less than they take in, they don't pay corporate income taxes. Priests, ministers, rabbis and Imams get "parsonage exemptions" that let them deduct mortgage payments, rent and other living expenses when they're doing their income taxes. They also are the only group allowed to opt out of Social Security taxes . The estimate is a total subsidy at $71 billion year.

It would have been faster for you to just post, "I have no fucking clue how the tax laws for churches work, I just assume they're crooked and getting a deal they don't deserve." Same result for less space.
And still no matter how much the far left posts, "Marriage" is not a right!

It is a right. So is not marrying. And, its no one's business what you choose for yourself or why. Its no one's business if you want to marry another of the same sex or a damn bridge.

The only time it becomes the business of others is if the participants are not consenting adults.

Otherwise, MYOB.

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