Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
Could you please give us the quotes from the Bible, Torah, or Koran where God condones gay "marriage" ?

No one is scared of gays. No one is scared of gays living together in a legal committed relationship. But no matter how many ways you try to spin it, "gay marriage" is an oxymoron.

I can quote passages from the bible that prohibits interracial marriage, will that do? :lol:

please do, but include the entire context of the quote.

Numbers: 36:1-6

1 The family heads of the clan of Gilead son of Makir, the son of Manasseh, who were from the clans of the descendants of Joseph, came and spoke before Moses and the leaders, the heads of the Israelite families. 2 They said, "When the LORD commanded my lord to give the land as an inheritance to the Israelites by lot, he ordered you to give the inheritance of our brother Zelophehad to his daughters. 3 Now suppose they marry men from other Israelite tribes; then their inheritance will be taken from our ancestral inheritance and added to that of the tribe they marry into. And so part of the inheritance allotted to us will be taken away. 4 When the Year of Jubilee for the Israelites comes, their inheritance will be added to that of the tribe into which they marry, and their property will be taken from the tribal inheritance of our forefathers." 5 Then at the LORD's command Moses gave this order to the Israelites: "What the tribe of the descendants of Joseph is saying is right. 6 This is what the LORD commands for Zelophehad's daughters: They may marry anyone they please as long as they marry within the tribal clan of their father.

Deuteronomy 7:1-4

When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you— 2 and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally.[a] Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. 3 Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, 4 for they will turn your children away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you.

Nehemiah 13:25-27

25 And I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, Ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves.26 Did not Solomon king of Israel sin by these things? yet among many nations was there no king like him, who was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Israel: nevertheless even him did outlandish women cause to sin.27 Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil, to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives?
Yes, it will support the argument that marriage should be kept out of the govt altogether, since even as it stands, it already imposes on some people's religious beliefs.

Some atheists sue and win their cases to have crosses removed from public institutions.
Many atheists don't sue and just put up with the imposition. I know a friend who has more right to sue than cases that have won, but he puts up with it for fear of reprisal.

But govt CANNOT MAKE you forgive these impositions that are going on religiously.
You STILL have the right to sue and change the laws if you want to.
If people choose not to sue, it doesn't mean there ISN'T a religious imposition by govt.

The death penalty is another imposition on a lot of people's religious beliefs, and war is for people who don't believe but still pay taxes to the military.

If we write the laws better, this doesn't have to happen, the conflicts can be bypassed.

One state allowed gay marriages in churches, but did not have the state endorse them.

I can quote passages from the bible that prohibits interracial marriage, will that do? :lol:

Yes, I have spoken with Klan who still believe this today against race mixing.

And the bone marrow registry can verify it is harder to find matches for biracial patients that have practically 0 chance of finding a match, compared with pure Caucasian patients having 90% and minority patients of pure race having 10% chance of a match where their highest chances are to find a match within their own ethnicity or nationality.

So there are differences with biracial children, not found in those of pure race.

WTF over?!?
Why are you quoting the Old Testament when Christianity is about the New Testament? You know, Jesus' testament?

Try quoting Jude 1 or something. Jude was a one of Jesus's homies. He palled around with him everywhere. Remember, Jesus came to modify the Old Testament. Hence the name "the New Testament"?

Or are you trying to be the new messiah, where you get to rewrite the New Testament with "The Testament of Seawytch", where Jude 1 gets heavily redacted?...
I oppose government mandating forcing churches to marry anyone.

Has not happened yet and never will.
How do you keep marriage "out of government altogether" when there are children, divorces, tax law, child support, division of property, on and on and on?
Marriage was arranged for centuries, youth were told who to marry and that was the norm.

Works a lot better if we allow folks to marry who they fall in love with as long as it is 2 consenting adults.
I oppose government mandating forcing churches to marry anyone.

Has not happened yet and never will.

And it's pretty impressive that this poll has so many voters and the votes are in at 86% in favor of freedom of religion over the gay agenda. That also can be rendered out to say that 86% of people believe states should be able to weigh in on gay marriage for themselves instead of having it forced upon the states by a federal decision.

Kind of makes you wonder if all those polls declaring "most people support gay marriage" the gay-dominated media have been reporting all these years are accurate?

Poor democrats. The smoke and mirrors worked on their "strategic team" at the top...
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How do you keep marriage "out of government altogether" when there are children, divorces, tax law, child support, division of property, on and on and on?
Marriage was arranged for centuries, youth were told who to marry and that was the norm.

Works a lot better if we allow folks to marry who they fall in love with as long as it is 2 consenting adults.

You don't. They know it's impossible which is why they just bitch about it on message boards. None of them do anything like actually call their legislators and demand that the government get out of the "marriage business".
"Pro gay"
What a ridiculous term.
I am pro law abiding citizens.
NO thinking adult has a problem with gay folk falling in love with someone of the same sex.
Anti gay is really anti people as guaranteed they are anti some other kind of folk also.
I oppose government mandating forcing churches to marry anyone.

Has not happened yet and never will.

And it's pretty impressive that this poll has so many voters and the votes are in at 86% in favor of freedom of religion over the gay agenda. That also can be rendered out to say that 86% of people believe states should be able to weigh in on gay marriage for themselves instead of having it forced upon the states by a federal decision.

Kind of makes you wonder if all those polls declaring "most people support gay marriage" the gay-dominated media have been reporting all these years are accurate?

Poor democrats. The smoke and mirrors worked on their "strategic team" at the top...

I fully support gay marriage.
Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth that only a dumb ass would believe.
It is not part of any agenda much less the catch phrase for morons "the gay agenda".

"Do you support government forcing churches to marry gay couples" is the same as asking "How many times did you beat your wife this week?" question.
For the uninformed:
Do you support government forcing churches to marry gay folks OR ANYONE
Do you support gays having the right to marry?

The anti gay agenda tries to be clever with their prejudices but thinking folk know better.

Gay marriage is a non issue only mother hen busy body gossipers worry about.
No, it cannot "be rendered out to say that 86% of people believe states should be able to weigh in on gay marriage for themselves instead of having it forced upon the states by a federal decision."

The majority of Americans (including African Americans now), and an overwhelming majority of millennial approve gay marriage.

As Windsor clearly pointed out that if states violate the 14th amendment, they lose the right regulate marriage.
I oppose government mandating forcing churches to marry anyone.

Has not happened yet and never will.

And it's pretty impressive that this poll has so many voters and the votes are in at 86% in favor of freedom of religion over the gay agenda. That also can be rendered out to say that 86% of people believe states should be able to weigh in on gay marriage for themselves instead of having it forced upon the states by a federal decision.

Kind of makes you wonder if all those polls declaring "most people support gay marriage" the gay-dominated media have been reporting all these years are accurate?

Poor democrats. The smoke and mirrors worked on their "strategic team" at the top...

I fully support gay marriage.
Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth that only a dumb ass would believe.
It is not part of any agenda much less the catch phrase for morons "the gay agenda".

"Do you support government forcing churches to marry gay couples" is the same as asking "How many times did you beat your wife this week?" question.

Well Gaydawg - you're finally right about something - Congratulations !

- Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth - Now if you could kindly get your head out of your ass and face the music on the subject you ran away from with your tail betweenst your legs . <<< What are you Afraid of ? :lol:
I oppose government mandating forcing churches to marry anyone.

Has not happened yet and never will.

And it's pretty impressive that this poll has so many voters and the votes are in at 86% in favor of freedom of religion over the gay agenda. That also can be rendered out to say that 86% of people believe states should be able to weigh in on gay marriage for themselves instead of having it forced upon the states by a federal decision.

Kind of makes you wonder if all those polls declaring "most people support gay marriage" the gay-dominated media have been reporting all these years are accurate?

Poor democrats. The smoke and mirrors worked on their "strategic team" at the top...

I fully support gay marriage.
Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth that only a dumb ass would believe.
It is not part of any agenda much less the catch phrase for morons "the gay agenda".

"Do you support government forcing churches to marry gay couples" is the same as asking "How many times did you beat your wife this week?" question.

Then it's nice to see you supporting Windsor's finding that the government shouldn't force gay marriage on the states as well as not on churches. And that "the government forcing gay marriage on the states is a myth that only a dumb ass would believe".

I'm assuming you support people's rights in the secular world as well to support or not support gay marriage as they see fit with their vote? Since, you know, of the hundred or so who voted on the poll above, 86% believe it shouldn't be forced on people?
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And it's pretty impressive that this poll has so many voters and the votes are in at 86% in favor of freedom of religion over the gay agenda. That also can be rendered out to say that 86% of people believe states should be able to weigh in on gay marriage for themselves instead of having it forced upon the states by a federal decision.

Kind of makes you wonder if all those polls declaring "most people support gay marriage" the gay-dominated media have been reporting all these years are accurate?

Poor democrats. The smoke and mirrors worked on their "strategic team" at the top...

I fully support gay marriage.
Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth that only a dumb ass would believe.
It is not part of any agenda much less the catch phrase for morons "the gay agenda".

"Do you support government forcing churches to marry gay couples" is the same as asking "How many times did you beat your wife this week?" question.

Well Gaydawg - you're finally right about something - Congratulations !

- Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth - Now if you could kindly get your head out of your ass and face the music on the subject you ran away from with your tail betweenst your legs . <<< What are you Afraid of ? :lol:

I am a heterosexual flannel shirt wearing, former football playin, huntin, fishin, tobacco chewin, southern drawl talkin white male 59 almost 60 with 3 grown college educated kids and 2 grand kids.

I have never run away from anything at 6'5" and 280 lbs. Chasing QBs and cracking heads of fugitives was my hobby for 10 years. Got a full ride for 5 and paid big $$$ the other 5.

Am not scared of the gay boogeyman like milk weak sissies are.
Govern yourself accordingly.
I fully support gay marriage.
Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth that only a dumb ass would believe.
It is not part of any agenda much less the catch phrase for morons "the gay agenda".

"Do you support government forcing churches to marry gay couples" is the same as asking "How many times did you beat your wife this week?" question.

Well Gaydawg - you're finally right about something - Congratulations !

- Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth - Now if you could kindly get your head out of your ass and face the music on the subject you ran away from with your tail betweenst your legs . <<< What are you Afraid of ? :lol:

I am a heterosexual flannel shirt wearing, former football playin, huntin, fishin, tobacco chewin, southern drawl talkin white male 59 almost 60 with 3 grown college educated kids and 2 grand kids.

I have never run away from anything at 6'5" and 280 lbs. Chasing QBs and cracking heads of fugitives was my hobby for 10 years. Got a full ride for 5 and paid big $$$ the other 5.

Am not scared of the gay boogeyman like milk weak sissies are.
Govern yourself accordingly.

Bullying people around might work on the football field, but it's not gonna work out so well in the courts I think.
I fully support gay marriage.
Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth that only a dumb ass would believe.
It is not part of any agenda much less the catch phrase for morons "the gay agenda".

"Do you support government forcing churches to marry gay couples" is the same as asking "How many times did you beat your wife this week?" question.

Well Gaydawg - you're finally right about something - Congratulations !

- Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth - Now if you could kindly get your head out of your ass and face the music on the subject you ran away from with your tail betweenst your legs . <<< What are you Afraid of ? :lol:

I am a heterosexual flannel shirt wearing, former football playin, huntin, fishin, tobacco chewin, southern drawl talkin white male 59 almost 60 with 3 grown college educated kids and 2 grand kids.

I have never run away from anything at 6'5" and 280 lbs. Chasing QBs and cracking heads of fugitives was my hobby for 10 years. Got a full ride for 5 and paid big $$$ the other 5.

Am not scared of the gay boogeyman like milk weak sissies are.
Govern yourself accordingly.

So if people object to gay marriage they are "weak sissies"? Weird. You do sound desperate.

Sounds like you're scared actually of the 86% who voted here that they don't believe gay marriage should be forced upon people. Speaking of fear and sissies...
Well Gaydawg - you're finally right about something - Congratulations !

- Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth - Now if you could kindly get your head out of your ass and face the music on the subject you ran away from with your tail betweenst your legs . <<< What are you Afraid of ? :lol:

I am a heterosexual flannel shirt wearing, former football playin, huntin, fishin, tobacco chewin, southern drawl talkin white male 59 almost 60 with 3 grown college educated kids and 2 grand kids.

I have never run away from anything at 6'5" and 280 lbs. Chasing QBs and cracking heads of fugitives was my hobby for 10 years. Got a full ride for 5 and paid big $$$ the other 5.

Am not scared of the gay boogeyman like milk weak sissies are.
Govern yourself accordingly.

So if people object to gay marriage they are "weak sissies"? Weird. You do sound desperate.

Sounds like you're scared actually of the 86% who voted here that they don't believe gay marriage should be forced upon people.
Forced upon churches. And there's no reason that shouldn't be 100%. The churches can do as they please. The secular American government cannot.
I fully support gay marriage.
Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth that only a dumb ass would believe.
It is not part of any agenda much less the catch phrase for morons "the gay agenda".

"Do you support government forcing churches to marry gay couples" is the same as asking "How many times did you beat your wife this week?" question.

Well Gaydawg - you're finally right about something - Congratulations !

- Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth - Now if you could kindly get your head out of your ass and face the music on the subject you ran away from with your tail betweenst your legs . <<< What are you Afraid of ? :lol:

I am a heterosexual flannel shirt wearing, former football playin, huntin, fishin, tobacco chewin, southern drawl talkin white male 59 almost 60 with 3 grown college educated kids and 2 grand kids.

I have never run away from anything at 6'5" and 280 lbs. Chasing QBs and cracking heads of fugitives was my hobby for 10 years. Got a full ride for 5 and paid big $$$ the other 5.

Am not scared of the gay boogeyman like milk weak sissies are.
Govern yourself accordingly.

I know you're on our side, but....

I've known quite a few homos that fit that description, even with kids. :)
Well Gaydawg - you're finally right about something - Congratulations !

- Government forcing churches to marry gays is a myth - Now if you could kindly get your head out of your ass and face the music on the subject you ran away from with your tail betweenst your legs . <<< What are you Afraid of ? :lol:

I am a heterosexual flannel shirt wearing, former football playin, huntin, fishin, tobacco chewin, southern drawl talkin white male 59 almost 60 with 3 grown college educated kids and 2 grand kids.

I have never run away from anything at 6'5" and 280 lbs. Chasing QBs and cracking heads of fugitives was my hobby for 10 years. Got a full ride for 5 and paid big $$$ the other 5.

Am not scared of the gay boogeyman like milk weak sissies are.
Govern yourself accordingly.

Bullying people around might work on the football field, but it's not gonna work out so well in the courts I think.

True, the courts are the bullies

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