Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings?

Should places of worship be required to hold gay weddings

  • Yes, Denmark does it, the Scandinavians are enlightened

    Votes: 17 7.0%
  • No, I THOUGHT this was AMERICA

    Votes: 198 81.8%
  • You are a baby brains without a formed opinion

    Votes: 5 2.1%
  • Other, explain

    Votes: 22 9.1%

  • Total voters
What can you expect from the group that thinks Kinsey should be the final word on all things juvenile?
That's nice. Slave owners believed that all men were created equal in the likeness of the all-loving invisible man in the sky.

You still have the right to believe that bullshit because America legalized marijuana in 1942.
Do you respect the Bill of Rights and Constitution?
More than the Founders who signed it. How did slave-owners convince you that they respect freedom?

"No," you don't respect the Bill of Rights and Constitution, in other words.
If a church holds itself out as a public service for weddings, then, certainly yes.

If it does not, then certainly not.

It doesn't hold itself out as a public service, adult diaper lord. Even if it did, where does the Constitution say they are forced to perform weddings for whoever asks them to?
Its understanadable that some churches may feel they are following their concience by not allowing Homosexual marriage.Because there are scriptures that says that is a sin , whether or not I agree with that, I think they should be allowed to choose to marry them or not. There are plenty of churches and other places they can get married if they get turned down by one.

Where inthe bible does it say to discriminate by race ? If a church discriminates by race I dont see how that is the same thing.

What follows is everything that Jesus had to say about homosexuality:

The End

Matthew 19. Marriage is a man and woman.

LMAO OOOOOOOOOoooooooooo SMackdown
It doesn't. Statist starkey is just doing what he does..pretending to be Christian when he's anti-Christian, and pretending to be right wing when he's progressive.

Just another lying pig....
Yes. Separation of church and state. Right?

I agree, then I also agree businesses should be able to refuse services for whatever reason as well. But I believe in something called freedom of association and private property, novel concepts in today's america.

If they provide services to the public, they can't deny services to a certain group of people just because they are that certain group of people. If you are open to anyone, then to serve anyone.

They don't provide services to the public. They only provide services to believers. Even if they did provide services to the public, the Constitution does not allow the federal government to force them to serve anyone.
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This question can apply to all places of worship, so mosques, synagogues, hindu temples etc.

Should places or worship be forced to accommodate for gay weddings?

No...just like churches should not be forced to accomodate inter-racial marriages.

Just like churches should not be forced to accomodate inter-faith marriages.

Just like churches should not be forced to accomodate marriages of previously divorced people.
Don't you just love the tyrannical language a leftist uses?? "ALLOW" "Should we allow a church," "Should we allow" Amazing.. their entire brain is fucking warped.
I'm not gonna worry about gay kids. I'm talking about the agenda. That crap doesn't belong in public schools. If parents of a child believe their child is gay then that's their problem, not mine.

If you or your kid run around a public school that this gay kid attends.....telling him that he's abnormal.....then you become the problem. Public school...rightfully....will discourage you and your child from being bigots.
I bullycided a crossdressing kid at my high school. Junior year, good times.

Too bad he didn't gut-stab you with a dull, rusty butcher knife.
The leftist agenda is to bring down everything traditional about America to weaken us because the traditional family is the backbone of America. Utopia is a land where everyone thinks the same way. That's why they control the school system.

And that is ridiculous. I am a leftist. Married to a woman for 28 years. Three kids. I love my country. I dig many of our traditions. I have no interest in thinking like anyone else. I don't have anything to do with the school system.


Yeah, and if someone put an amendment on the ballot to hand out school vouchers to parents, you would be the first in line to vote "yes" on it, right?
Churches should burn in Hell because religion is the single greatest lie in all of human history.'re not biased and are sure tolerant of other people's beliefs while demanding people be tolerant of your beliefs


I am not tolerant at all, I think all atheist conventions should be burned down, so the feeling is mutual.

In other words: you are psychotic and should probably be locked up. You should CERTAINLY never be permitted to raise children.
I'm not gonna worry about gay kids. I'm talking about the agenda. That crap doesn't belong in public schools. If parents of a child believe their child is gay then that's their problem, not mine.

If you or your kid run around a public school that this gay kid attends.....telling him that he's abnormal.....then you become the problem. Public school...rightfully....will discourage you and your child from being bigots.
I bullycided a crossdressing kid at my high school. Junior year, good times.

You did what?
What can you expect from the group that thinks Kinsey should be the final word on all things juvenile?

What the heck does a fictional private detective have to do with anything? Are you in the right thread? Are you on the right FORUM?!
So churches should have the right to discriminate against homosexuals?

How about against racial minorities as well?

Its understanadable that some churches may feel they are following their concience by not allowing Homosexual marriage.Because there are scriptures that says that is a sin , whether or not I agree with that, I think they should be allowed to choose to marry them or not. There are plenty of churches and other places they can get married if they get turned down by one.

Where inthe bible does it say to discriminate by race ? If a church discriminates by race I dont see how that is the same thing.

So government should force churches to perform mixed race ceremonies but not homosexual ceremonies?

Government should not be allowed to force ANYTHING on anybody that violates their belief systems. Government should not be involved in marriage at all. Heck, my wife and I held hands and jumped over a stick. Why do we need a license for that!:lol:
You can do that all you want. You are free to. Clearly. But you won't turn the tide against equality. That train has left the station.

Is there an agenda in your schools?

The leftist agenda has nothing to do with equality and rights. Those are just buzz words to make the useful Idiots believe they are part of a righteous cause. It's about submission and silencing the opposition.

There is a leftist agenda in our government schools, yes.

Interesting. Do you know any leftists?

What is the leftist agenda in schools?

  • Teach kids the homosexuality is no different that heterosexuality.
  • Teach kids that capitalism is evil and that it's destroying the earth.
  • Teach kids that government is the solution to ever problem.
Churches should burn in Hell because religion is the single greatest lie in all of human history.

Wow! That is one strange post. I guess you don't believe in religion, but you believe there is a hell.:confused:
The leftist agenda is to bring down everything traditional about America to weaken us because the traditional family is the backbone of America. Utopia is a land where everyone thinks the same way. That's why they control the school system.

And that is ridiculous. I am a leftist. Married to a woman for 28 years. Three kids. I love my country. I dig many of our traditions. I have no interest in thinking like anyone else. I don't have anything to do with the school system.


You aren't representative of the leftist agenda. That doesn't mean there isn't one.

YEs he is. Like all leftists he's lying about what he believes.
Why don't we just let everyone decide what they want to force on the populace..

I'll go first..

I'd like the government to force liberals to accept that abortion is the slaughter of a child and outlaw it.

See how that works???? Don't like it when the shoes on the other foot..
The real question is: why in the world we are mixing a legal issue up with a religious issue?

Marriage is a religious issue when it takes place within the church (or any other religious body).

But for the purposes of the state, it is a legal issue. A marriage conferred by a justice of the peace has absolutely nothing to do with a "church" ceremony.

I see no reason in the world why Christian Churches, Synagogues or Mosques (or any other religious organization) should have to allow gay marriage if they don't want to. And why in the world would gay people want to get married in a place where they are not wanted, anyway? That makes no sense.

But those same churches have no right in saying whether gay people can become legally married, i.e., via Justice of the Peace, and with a legal and binding marriage certificate. Technically, once outside of their buildings of worship, those religious people actually have nothing to say about this. You see, the sword cuts both ways.

I also believe that those religous organizations that use the power of the pulpit to sway politics in this way should lose their tax-exempt status.

Any why in the world are so many people obsessed with things "gay" these days?!?!?


you make alot of sense...

but when it comes to religious people having a say 'outside their buildings of worship' they have as much say as the next guy....the secular left is attempting to corral Christian attitudes to only their 'houses of worship'....

States should have the right to make their own marriage laws....not the Feds.....per the Constitution We The People have the right to make our own marriage laws....not because it is religion but because marriage is a societal issue.....

people are 'obsessed' with all things 'gay' these days because the leftists are pushing it....they are using it as a wedge issue to destroy Christianity.....every commie movement has attacked God....and these anti-American cross-knockers are out in full force these days....

This is ridiculous and ignorant.

The states do have the right to compose their own marriage laws; and the 14th Amendment requires the states to allow all persons access to a state’s laws, including marriage law – where both same- and opposite-sex couples are eligible to enter into the marriage contract.

Consequently the states are in the wrong, where gay Americans have no other recourse than to seek relief in the Federal courts from state overreach, as laws denying gay Americans their equal protection rights are repugnant to the Constitution.

Last, the issue has nothing to do with ‘the left,’ and when the states err and enact un-Constitutional measures such as those intended only to seek to deny gay Americans their civil liberties, invalidating those laws has nothing to do with religious expression or belief – as again: 14th Amendment jurisprudence applies only to government, where religious entities remain at liberty to practice their dogma of ignorance and hate, and exclude gay Americans from their churches accordingly.

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