Should Democrats be worried about Hillary?

Liberals, the real ones, are a lot less enamored with Hillary than most of them are willing to admit.


I'm more than happy to admit I dislike Hilary Clinton, and always have. I don't want her to be the Dem nominee, although I can't really think of anyone I would want.

Honestly, I don't know if she's even going to actually run.
Ask an honest question....and then watch the honest answers.

Pssssst. Just because you may dislike an answer.....does not make it dishonest.

Just because I threw in some sarcasm does not mean the question wasn't honest.

Does this look like an honest answer to you?

Keep going after Hillary in a sexist bent, that's the sure way to lose the few female voters you have.

Sure. He feels that way, I am sure.

Try me. Ask me an honest question. See what happens.

I did.

Oh yes. They are worried. Very worried. She doesn't stand a chance Oh.....nevermind.
Hillary stands the biggest chance of getting out the vote on the left, which is the biggest concern for them after historical turnouts with Obama. The black voters will not turn out in the same droves, and she doesn't have an automatic lock on the female vote...women tend to be harder on other women, so they'll either love her or hate her. She desperately needs Bill to pick up the slack for her much as I'm sure he'd love to be walking the halls of the WH again, I wonder if subconsciously he wouldn't sabotage her efforts. His presidency will go down in history as a good one, so why risk her admin potentially tarnishing his image. He just might be the one who talks her out of running...motivated by his love and concern for her, of course.:D

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