Should Desantis resign over horrible Covid-19 handling ?

Once again Florida is chockfull of people with covid.
Given his inability to reign the pandemic in his state (after pretending that he is the best at controlling it).. should he resign?
With all due respect, Pyetro...Florida is chock full of people period! I've lived here twenty years now and I've never seen such an influx of people pouring into the State! Traffic is getting crazy. The price of real estate is through the roof. Restaurants are packed. Stores are busy.
We have Covid here for the same reason we have flu here every winter! People bring it from other places. It's ALWAYS been that way!
I'm not quite sure what it is you want DeSantis to do? Panic like other Governors have and shut things down again? Show me where any of that worked? The shutdowns in States like New York didn't defeat Covid. All it did was devastate the businesses of hard working people.
You want to know why Florida is chock full of people? Because we have FREEDOMS here that you don't have other places in America and part of that is due to Ron DeSantis' policies! Policies that you on the left have tried desperately to paint as wrong all through this pandemic. Sorry to break this to you but DeSantis was right about how to handle this crisis FAR more than the Cuomo's and Whitmer's were!
Fuck off and die you worthless piece of shit. Joe Biden has allowed 500,000 people to die of the Kung Flu since he took over office.
Take away Florida deaths when blaming Biden, please. Biden isn't the governor of Florida.
And when things are going fine in Florida, you Republicans don't credit Biden. You credit Desantis.
And take away the New York deaths because you blame Cuomo.
With all due respect, Pyetro...Florida is chock full of people period! I've lived here twenty years now and I've never seen such an influx of people pouring into the State! Traffic is getting crazy. The price of real estate is through the roof. Restaurants are packed. Stores are busy.
We have Covid here for the same reason we have flu here every winter! People bring it from other places. It's ALWAYS been that way!
I'm not quite sure what it is you want DeSantis to do? Panic like other Governors have and shut things down again? Show me where any of that worked? The shutdowns in States like New York didn't defeat Covid. All it did was devastate the businesses of hard working people.
You want to know why Florida is chock full of people? Because we have FREEDOMS here that you don't have other places in America and part of that is due to Ron DeSantis' policies! Policies that you on the left have tried desperately to paint as wrong all through this pandemic. Sorry to break this to you but DeSantis was right about how to handle this crisis FAR more than the Cuomo's and Whitmer's were!
New York is a northern State wwhere it's winter right now. People gather indoors more in the winter. Florida people can go outside and spread out. Also New York has subways and buses. Germs spread more easily in these vehicles. If you can make up excuses for florida, I can make up lots of excuses for new york.
Once again Florida is chockfull of people with covid.
Given his inability to reign the pandemic in his state (after pretending that he is the best at controlling it).. should he resign?
AOC and other democrats dont think hes doing a bad job since they choose florida to take a vacation in,,

New York is a northern State wwhere it's winter right now. People gather indoors more in the winter. Florida people can go outside and spread out. Also New York has subways and buses. Germs spread more easily in these vehicles. If you can make up excuses for florida, I can make up lots of excuses for new york. think we spend all of our time "outside", Pyetro? I was in downtown Fort Myer's last night for dinner and there were waiting lines at every restaurant. The bars were packed.
A lot of those people are northerners who have left "winter" behind and come down here either on vacation or for the season. This is flu season for us because of so many people bringing in so many strains of flu from all over the world. We've dealt with that WITHOUT closing down our economy! It's why people like AOC are HERE!
Take away Florida deaths when blaming Biden, please. Biden isn't the governor of Florida.
And when things are going fine in Florida, you Republicans don't credit Biden. You credit Desantis.
And take away the New York deaths because you blame Cuomo.
cases don't mean shit.
people are testing themselves these days like they are checking there phone.
I had ONE test in 2 years. And it was positive.If there are more cases it's probably all those illegals being bussed in by Biden.
And just so you know...I don't really have to make up "excuses" for Florida! We're kicking ass down here. think we spend all of our time "outside", Pyetro? I was in downtown Fort Myer's last night for dinner and there were waiting lines at every restaurant. The bars were packed.
A lot of those people are northerners who have left "winter" behind and come down here either on vacation or for the season. This is flu season for us because of so many people bringing in so many strains of flu from all over the world. We've dealt with that WITHOUT closing down our economy! It's why people like AOC are HERE!
Show me where I said Floridians spend "all" of your time outside.
I'm familiar with the fallacy you're using (Strawman).
By the way, no state "closed down" the economy. Not that "closing down the economy" is a term anyway.
DeathSantis came out of hiding to beg for more monoclonal antibody drugs
Show me where I said Floridians spend "all" of your time outside.
I'm familiar with the fallacy you're using (Strawman).
By the way, no state "closed down" the economy. Not that "closing down the economy" is a term anyway.
Where do you live? If you lived in New York City then you'd know better than to claim that its economy wasn't shut down! My friend Jerry has an apartment in Manhattan...he said during the Covid lock downs it was like something out of the Dawn of the Dead...nobody on the streets except homeless people. All the regular folks scared to leave their buildings. That went on for months under Cuomo and DeBlasio! Thousands of business owners have given up on NYC and moved to Florida. Why? Because we're business friendly.
Where do you live? If you lived in New York City then you'd know better than to claim that its economy wasn't shut down! My friend Jerry has an apartment in Manhattan...he said during the Covid lock downs it was like something out of the Dawn of the Dead...nobody on the streets except homeless people. All the regular folks scared to leave their buildings. That went on for months under Cuomo and DeBlasio! Thousands of business owners have given up on NYC and moved to Florida. Why? Because we're business friendly.
I guess your friend forgot to tell you how well NY was doing until just a couple weeks ago, covidiot
Florida is kicking ass, if we exclude Covid.
Sorry to disappoint you, Pyetro but Florida has been back to normal for quite sometime. Do we have people dying from Covid? Yeah, about the same amount of people that would die from the regular flu in any other year! We've got an older population. It comes with the territory.
This latest variant isn't even a very strong flu. The average person here couldn't care less about it.
I guess your friend forgot to tell you how well NY was doing until just a couple weeks ago, covidiot
The city is just starting to recover from all of the economic damage that Cuomo and DeBlasio did to it. They're also dealing with a major crime wave because of "Dumb and Dumber"! Anyone that says NYC is doing "well" is blowing smoke up your ass!

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