Should Donald Trump get credit for killing al Baghdadi?

Should Donald Trump get credit for killing al Baghdadi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 64.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Fuck Obama

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Fuck Donald

    Votes: 7 11.3%

  • Total voters
Not really, it's not like any other president wouldn't have given the same order.

I say that realizing the same is true for President Obama.

Then there the fact that this guy has been killed a couple of times before and it's never stuck so who knows if he's really gone or not. Could be a look alike, could be a body double, or maybe he used to be named Kenny McCormick before he got his current job.
Clinton said NO when asked for permission to kill OBL.
A flawless operation. Trump approved the operation.
Yeah, Trump gets some credit, but the military gets 99% of the credit.
Trump will eventually be known as the best president this country has ever had. :)

It is embarrassing to read these post of worship for another human being. I truly pity you.
Be proud of your president for once

Emotional liberal are not allowed to be proud apparently

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A flawless operation. Trump approved the operation.
Yeah, Trump gets some credit, but the military gets 99% of the credit.

How much credit did you give Obama for OBL?

Obama gets credit for OBL. He also gets credit for not fucking with the DoD Intel that Bush-Cheney spent a decade rebuilding and enhancing after the Clintons practically dismantled it.
Commander in Chief gets credit. Obama/bin Laden, Trump/al Bagdhadi.

If shit had gone south, they'd have been blamed.

Congratulations, Mr. President!

If shit had gone south, Rump would have found someone else to blame. Even if he had nothing to do with it going south. But if it goes right like it did, he wants all the credit. The Hit was going to happen regardless. That's what those guys are there for and they don't stop and ask permission. There are a lot going on that any one President isn't aware of for a lot of reasons. One of those reasons is Plausible Deniability. Welcome to Spec Ops.
It is embarrassing to read these post of worship for another human being. I truly pity you.
Be proud of your president for once

were YOU EVER PROUD of Obama?

please tell the truth.....(I know you are a conservative and you can't help but lie.....)

were YOU EVER PROUD of Obama?
Absolutely not! He was horrible

Obama is the greatest President of this century so far. It's not even close. He will go down as one of the top ten easily, while Trump will be at the bottom.
Haha now that’s funny

It's true. Two Republican failures, and one successful Democrat. As of 2019.
Not really, it's not like any other president wouldn't have given the same order.

I say that realizing the same is true for President Obama.

Then there the fact that this guy has been killed a couple of times before and it's never stuck so who knows if he's really gone or not. Could be a look alike, could be a body double, or maybe he used to be named Kenny McCormick before he got his current job.
Clinton said NO when asked for permission to kill OBL.
For good reasons.

"The principals’ wariness about ordering a strike appears to have been vindicated: Bin Laden left his room unexpectedly, and if a strike had been ordered he would not have been hit,” the commission wrote.
It was the Surrender Monkey, just like our great economy, who did this....and no doubt some of our ABNORMALS will pick this up as a rally cry.....oh....the Manchurian muslim, with the help of the Hildebeast did this (Got to get the Beasty in here as if Trump isn't reelected....And she gets to be president...lololol... all the DEEP STATE shit we have found out about, especially iupcoming indicted felons from AG Barr, will disappear!
As a president he did a job and he acted on it unlike berry Obama let it grow into a another problem

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just like that you lie?

Obama gave the order to take out OBL..

You know what you make United States of America look like we’re so bad ytf don’t you go. Don’t come back because you don’t need to come home because you can’t accept it that your lazy president let isis get out of hand

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It was the Surrender Monkey, just like our great economy, who did this....and no doubt some of our ABNORMALS will pick this up as a rally cry.....oh....the Manchurian muslim, with the help of the Hildebeast did this (Got to get the Beasty in here as if Trump isn't reelected....And she gets to be president...lololol... all the DEEP STATE shit we have found out about, especially iupcoming indicted felons from AG Barr, will disappear!
WTF are you babbling about now, Dickless?
Not really, it's not like any other president wouldn't have given the same order.

I say that realizing the same is true for President Obama.

Then there the fact that this guy has been killed a couple of times before and it's never stuck so who knows if he's really gone or not. Could be a look alike, could be a body double, or maybe he used to be named Kenny McCormick before he got his current job.
Clinton said NO when asked for permission to kill OBL.
For good reasons.

"The principals’ wariness about ordering a strike appears to have been vindicated: Bin Laden left his room unexpectedly, and if a strike had been ordered he would not have been hit,” the commission wrote.
Set aside the accuracy of that, Clinton was asked for permission to kill OBL. Clinton said no. Whether the attempt would have been successful or not is irrelevant. Clinton said no.
Please explain your answer.

Heres a perfect explanation.

As expected, Donald Trump announced that U.S. forces had found and killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. According to Trump, several other ISIS fighters were killed at the site while a smaller group was taken prisoner. Overall, a successful military operation to take out someone who was a genuine monster in both his ideas and his actions. But Donald Trump’s speech about that operation is likely to lead to additional violence.

Trump delivered his speech with such bloody glee, that clips of it could be used for any number of terrorist recruiting videos. He repeatedly returned to claims that al-Baghdadi had “screamed, cried, and whimpered,” that he had “run like a dog, like a coward.” And, according to Trump, the ISIS founder was eventually pursued into a dead-end tunnel by dogs brought to the compound by U.S. forces. He then died by setting off a suicide vest. In the process he also killed three children.

No one mourns al-Baghdadi. The level of fanaticism, intolerance, and violence he brought to ISIS was disturbing even to other terrorist leaders. However, the way that Trump painted his end, including his emphasis on the use of dogs, his calling al-Baghdadi a dog, and repeatedly talking about the ISIS leader crying and screaming … will not go down well in the Middle East. Additionally, the idea that al-Baghdadi ultimately evaded capture and died by his own hand will also be seen as a “victory” of sort by his followers. Trump’s delivery of the information, and the disturbing level of childish gloating that came with it, is likely to generate considerable anger, if not immediate unrest.

Trump reported that eleven children were taken out of the compound and handed over to “someone” who could be trusted to look over them. He did not say who, and he did not provide any figures for the number of ISIS fighters killed or captured at the site.

At numerous times during the announcement and the short Q&A that followed, Trump thanked Russia, Turkey, and Syria for their help. He mentioned the Kurds only in response to a question, and denied that Kurdish soldiers had been involved even though Kurdish leaders had earlier described al-Baghdadi’s death as a “joint operation.” Trump also noted that he had called Russia in advance to let them know U.S. forces were coming in to do something “they would like.”

Finally, Trump ended the Q&A session by claiming that he had called for Mohammed bin Laden to be taken out in a book published before 9/11. Which was simply not true.

In Trump’s description of events, al-Baghdadi fled from U.S. forces, taking three children with him. The ISIS leader ran into a tunnel where, as dogs closed in, he ignited a suicide vest. The explosion killed al-Baghdadi and “mutilated his body,” killed the children and caused a collapse of the tunnel. But U.S. forces were apparently able to collect DNA from the body to make an “immediate” ID.

In describing the action, Trump repeatedly bragged about what a great view of the action he had calling it “like a movie.” He seemed particularly impressed by the fact that the forces had blasted their way into the compound. “If you're a normal person, you say ‘Knock, knock, may I come in?’” said Trump. “But they didn't go through the door." He returned to this moment at least three times.

In the Q & A, Trump repeatedly praised the assistance of Turkey and Russia, but declared he was disappointed in the U.K., France, and Germany for not taking “their ISIS fighters.” He said that he had already threatened the leaders of those countries that he would take the terrorists and “drop them right on their borders.” Trump also said he did not tell Nancy Pelosi of the upcoming action out of security concerns. However, he did brief Russian officials in the Oval Office.

Finally, Trump used his speech to once again make claims that the United States should have taken the oil when invading Iraq and declared that the U.S. actually would take some of the oil from Syria — even though such action is clearly against international law. "It helps us, because we should be able to take some also," said Trump. He suggested that Exxon could do the job as he repeated that the U.S. would keep forces in Syria not to protect people … but to take oil.

Oskaer on Twitter
Not really, it's not like any other president wouldn't have given the same order.

I say that realizing the same is true for President Obama.

Then there the fact that this guy has been killed a couple of times before and it's never stuck so who knows if he's really gone or not. Could be a look alike, could be a body double, or maybe he used to be named Kenny McCormick before he got his current job.
Clinton said NO when asked for permission to kill OBL.
For good reasons.

"The principals’ wariness about ordering a strike appears to have been vindicated: Bin Laden left his room unexpectedly, and if a strike had been ordered he would not have been hit,” the commission wrote.
Set aside the accuracy of that, Clinton was asked for permission to kill OBL. Clinton said no. Whether the attempt would have been successful or not is irrelevant. Clinton said no.
Actually that's not irrelevant.
Sure, why not, It's not like he risked anything to give the order.
A little history...

Here's Biden's flip flopping on his role in the Bin Laden killing. As reported by CBS....

Remember this whenever Biden's muzzle is removed and he speaks about el Bagman's killing.
Not really, it's not like any other president wouldn't have given the same order.

I say that realizing the same is true for President Obama.

Then there the fact that this guy has been killed a couple of times before and it's never stuck so who knows if he's really gone or not. Could be a look alike, could be a body double, or maybe he used to be named Kenny McCormick before he got his current job.
Clinton said NO when asked for permission to kill OBL.
For good reasons.

"The principals’ wariness about ordering a strike appears to have been vindicated: Bin Laden left his room unexpectedly, and if a strike had been ordered he would not have been hit,” the commission wrote.
Set aside the accuracy of that, Clinton was asked for permission to kill OBL. Clinton said no. Whether the attempt would have been successful or not is irrelevant. Clinton said no.
Actually that's not irrelevant.
So your telling us Clinton can tell the future. What a baboon.

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