Should Gun Owners Form A Militia?

They planned on killing that man to set an example. There was no reason to shoot to kill.

They were terrorists threatening Federal Officers. They were breaking the law. They had no standing, no right, nothing but impotent rage.

Fuck em'.

Just like that faggot and his family at Ruby Ridge. -- Fucker trained his children to point guns at U.S. Marshals, we can't have people like that living in our country.

Flush those turds down the toilet.

Sorry, but this is why abortion clinics in Red States are so crucial.
Again, I say the man was slated for death when he took off in his truck. Everyone watching knew he was a dead man driving.

That's what happens when you go for your gun at a traffic stop.
Did you see a gun? Maybe he was reaching for a cough drop.

Then why did he give chase? [sigh] I always have to do your homework for you....

Inconclusive. The cops said he was reaching for his pocket when he was shot and had a pistol in his pocket. That picture proves nothing. Besides, he never pointed any gun at anybody. A criminal court will determine if the shooting was legal. And if it isn't proved wrong, a civil court will get his survivors some big bucks.
Article I section 8.
" and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"

Authority of training is NOT regulating the founding or forming.
Nor does it regulate the firearms. If ANYTHING it shows government HAS failed its duties to educate firearms training.
Article I Section 8

Um....Furry? You do realize that we can read the constitution too, right?

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

So either Congress or the States are in charge of the training, the appointment of officers, the disciplining, the organizing, and the calling forth of the militia. With the President to lead them in the service of the United States But they're not actually in charge of the militia? you ever get tired of not knowing what the fuck you're talking about?
And the OP is not alone in that regard – most of his fellow conservatives also have no idea what they're talking about.
Here is a peak at the crazy paranoid beliefs of these militias.They really believe all the crazy stuff they say.

bulldog, you cited the problem IMHO and I will try to explain cogently. When a private militia is formed and trained, it needs to be kept in an emotional high to stay alert and not go rusty. So many, or most, are out looking for causes just to stay tuned up. And since they are here in-country, that's where they look. So they wrap their eagerness in the flag and make up slights to liberty, gin up an offense and go play savior. This is just my own assessment, but only a fool would think they can out-shoot the US Military. I am thinking of the couple who went to the Cliven Bundy stand-off and when nothing happened, they couldn't wait to be attacked by the BLM so they took out a trooper to make their anti-government point.

They have to be nuts to get tied up in the militia mentality to start with.



Please do that!!!


The law murdered that man.

Maybe he committed suicide by cop.

But murder? Fuck off, idiot.




Please do that!!!


The law murdered that man.

Maybe he committed suicide by cop.

But murder? Fuck off, idiot.

They planned on killing that man to set an example. There was no reason to shoot to kill.

They were terrorists threatening Federal Officers. They were breaking the law. They had no standing, no right, nothing but impotent rage.

Fuck em'.

Just like that faggot and his family at Ruby Ridge. -- Fucker trained his children to point guns at U.S. Marshals, we can't have people like that living in our country.

Flush those turds down the toilet.

Sorry, but this is why abortion clinics in Red States are so crucial.

Again, I say the man was slated for death when he took off in his truck. Everyone watching knew he was a dead man driving.

He was armed.

He previously stated he would not be taken alive

He appeared to reach for a gun

Dude, if you think this guy is innocent, you must love the BLM movement.
The law murdered that man.

Maybe he committed suicide by cop.

But murder? Fuck off, idiot.
The law murdered that man.

Maybe he committed suicide by cop.

But murder? Fuck off, idiot.
They planned on killing that man to set an example. There was no reason to shoot to kill.

They were terrorists threatening Federal Officers. They were breaking the law. They had no standing, no right, nothing but impotent rage.

Fuck em'.

Just like that faggot and his family at Ruby Ridge. -- Fucker trained his children to point guns at U.S. Marshals, we can't have people like that living in our country.

Flush those turds down the toilet.

Sorry, but this is why abortion clinics in Red States are so crucial.
Again, I say the man was slated for death when he took off in his truck. Everyone watching knew he was a dead man driving.

He was armed.

He previously stated he would not be taken alive

He appeared to reach for a gun

Dude, if you think this guy is innocent, you must love the BLM movement.
I ain't an admirer of any "movements." And the courts will decide what the outcome on this man's murder.
When you read the second carefully it says a "Well Regulated Militia" NOT a federal government regulated one NOR state regulated one or even a party regulated one. Just a well regulated one.

Nothing in the second even gives the federal OR state governments the power to regulate ANY militia. Citizens are in charge of deciding that and are able granted by that very law to do so.

Maybe its time to organize? A militia IS a form of a union so why not ask even DEMAND the National Rifle Association to form the National Rifle Militia? That meets the context of the law perfectly. Members would of course set the rules/training for the militia.

Federal and states would NO longer have the power {stolen anyway} to regulate the "peoples militia". The federals would set the rules for the federal arm forces the state for state reserves and the National Rifle Militia for the citizens.

Citizen gun control belongs to the citizens NOT any legislative branch of government. I think in some ways we are fighting the wrong fight. Its not a matter of how much control a federal/state government should have. Its a question of should they have ANY at all.

And after breaking down the second and lets not forget that comma I don't think they should. There is NOTHING in the second that gives the federal OR state the right to regulate the citizens militia. NO limit on types of weapons/caliber/ammo, or the number of weapons.

Democrats AND gun grabbers argue the "persons" right. A National Rifle Militia REMOVES that argument BECAUSE it IS protected.





Please do that!!!


The law murdered that man.

I saw the video and that was murder. Obama's Ruby ridge.

too bad you didn't think it was worth your while to join the military, much easier for you to be a message board rambo
Most Americans believe more gun control is intrusive and mis-directed, childish at best.
The country has much bigger fish to fry....
Maybe he committed suicide by cop.

But murder? Fuck off, idiot.
Maybe he committed suicide by cop.

But murder? Fuck off, idiot.
They planned on killing that man to set an example. There was no reason to shoot to kill.

They were terrorists threatening Federal Officers. They were breaking the law. They had no standing, no right, nothing but impotent rage.

Fuck em'.

Just like that faggot and his family at Ruby Ridge. -- Fucker trained his children to point guns at U.S. Marshals, we can't have people like that living in our country.

Flush those turds down the toilet.

Sorry, but this is why abortion clinics in Red States are so crucial.
Again, I say the man was slated for death when he took off in his truck. Everyone watching knew he was a dead man driving.

He was armed.

He previously stated he would not be taken alive

He appeared to reach for a gun

Dude, if you think this guy is innocent, you must love the BLM movement.
I ain't an admirer of any "movements." And the courts will decide what the outcome on this man's murder.

Oh, so now it's up to the courts. Previously you implied he was the victim.
Gun owners should train themselves to fight, as we never know when the levers of government might be seized by traitors and put to nefarious purposes.
They planned on killing that man to set an example. There was no reason to shoot to kill.

They were terrorists threatening Federal Officers. They were breaking the law. They had no standing, no right, nothing but impotent rage.

Fuck em'.

Just like that faggot and his family at Ruby Ridge. -- Fucker trained his children to point guns at U.S. Marshals, we can't have people like that living in our country.

Flush those turds down the toilet.

Sorry, but this is why abortion clinics in Red States are so crucial.
Again, I say the man was slated for death when he took off in his truck. Everyone watching knew he was a dead man driving.

He was armed.

He previously stated he would not be taken alive

He appeared to reach for a gun

Dude, if you think this guy is innocent, you must love the BLM movement.
I ain't an admirer of any "movements." And the courts will decide what the outcome on this man's murder.

Oh, so now it's up to the courts. Previously you implied he was the victim.
He was murdered. He was a victim.
I don't think I would trust a bunch of militias anymore than I trust our government.
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This neon clock is a stylish way to honor one of our most important freedoms that our Founding Fathers fought to protect: the right to Keep and Bear Arms. Continue Reading...
When you read the second carefully it says a "Well Regulated Militia" NOT a federal government regulated one NOR state regulated one or even a party regulated one. Just a well regulated one.

Nothing in the second even gives the federal OR state governments the power to regulate ANY militia. Citizens are in charge of deciding that and are able granted by that very law to do so.

Maybe its time to organize? A militia IS a form of a union so why not ask even DEMAND the National Rifle Association to form the National Rifle Militia? That meets the context of the law perfectly. Members would of course set the rules/training for the militia.

Federal and states would NO longer have the power {stolen anyway} to regulate the "peoples militia". The federals would set the rules for the federal arm forces the state for state reserves and the National Rifle Militia for the citizens.

Citizen gun control belongs to the citizens NOT any legislative branch of government. I think in some ways we are fighting the wrong fight. Its not a matter of how much control a federal/state government should have. Its a question of should they have ANY at all.

And after breaking down the second and lets not forget that comma I don't think they should. There is NOTHING in the second that gives the federal OR state the right to regulate the citizens militia. NO limit on types of weapons/caliber/ammo, or the number of weapons.

Democrats AND gun grabbers argue the "persons" right. A National Rifle Militia REMOVES that argument BECAUSE it IS protected.

You are fucking nuts. We in Oregon have had enough of your non-feathered loons in the militias.
Yes, I think we need to form some new Militias. The Militiias would protect from the other Militiias.
The islamic militia is landing now as is the Mexican militia.
Oh........................Gawd........................ Mabel, bar the door, get out the shotgun, hide under the bed, shit your pants and tremble..................................
They were terrorists threatening Federal Officers. They were breaking the law. They had no standing, no right, nothing but impotent rage.

Fuck em'.

Just like that faggot and his family at Ruby Ridge. -- Fucker trained his children to point guns at U.S. Marshals, we can't have people like that living in our country.

Flush those turds down the toilet.

Sorry, but this is why abortion clinics in Red States are so crucial.
Again, I say the man was slated for death when he took off in his truck. Everyone watching knew he was a dead man driving.

He was armed.

He previously stated he would not be taken alive

He appeared to reach for a gun

Dude, if you think this guy is innocent, you must love the BLM movement.
I ain't an admirer of any "movements." And the courts will decide what the outcome on this man's murder.

Oh, so now it's up to the courts. Previously you implied he was the victim.
He was murdered. He was a victim.
He was a dumb fuck felon that had a gun, and reached for it when ordered not to. A completely justified shoot.
When you read the second carefully it says a "Well Regulated Militia" NOT a federal government regulated one NOR state regulated one or even a party regulated one. Just a well regulated one.

Nothing in the second even gives the federal OR state governments the power to regulate ANY militia. Citizens are in charge of deciding that and are able granted by that very law to do so.

Maybe its time to organize? A militia IS a form of a union so why not ask even DEMAND the National Rifle Association to form the National Rifle Militia? That meets the context of the law perfectly. Members would of course set the rules/training for the militia.

Federal and states would NO longer have the power {stolen anyway} to regulate the "peoples militia". The federals would set the rules for the federal arm forces the state for state reserves and the National Rifle Militia for the citizens.

Citizen gun control belongs to the citizens NOT any legislative branch of government. I think in some ways we are fighting the wrong fight. Its not a matter of how much control a federal/state government should have. Its a question of should they have ANY at all.

And after breaking down the second and lets not forget that comma I don't think they should. There is NOTHING in the second that gives the federal OR state the right to regulate the citizens militia. NO limit on types of weapons/caliber/ammo, or the number of weapons.

Democrats AND gun grabbers argue the "persons" right. A National Rifle Militia REMOVES that argument BECAUSE it IS protected.

You are fucking nuts. We in Oregon have had enough of your non-feathered loons in the militias.
Government owned land in Oregon-----53.1%---Did you know that?

Again, I say the man was slated for death when he took off in his truck. Everyone watching knew he was a dead man driving.

He was armed.

He previously stated he would not be taken alive

He appeared to reach for a gun

Dude, if you think this guy is innocent, you must love the BLM movement.
I ain't an admirer of any "movements." And the courts will decide what the outcome on this man's murder.

Oh, so now it's up to the courts. Previously you implied he was the victim.
He was murdered. He was a victim.
He was a dumb fuck felon that had a gun, and reached for it when ordered not to. A completely justified shoot.
He was reaching to scratch his nut sack.Cop murdered him.

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