Should High School drivers ed students be taught how to de-escalate when stopped by police.

Why should anyone have to "de-escalate" anything when they're pulled over? Police officers are for the most part courteous and professional. I know this to be true, in spite of the stupid shit I've done in the past that got me pulled over or worse.

I have seldom had that experience. That said, when I did get pulled it was for a burned out light they used as a pretext and once they saw I have no warrants, they let me go with a "warning". Seems to me though I heard that in Virginia they changed that law a couple years ago that allowed them to pull you for a burned out light as part of the war on racism.

I did have a stop one time that was pretty damn perfect. I handed the trooper my license and registration without either of us saying a word. He went back to his car, came and handed them back and said "fix your headlight" and walked away. Literally the only words spoken.
When was the last time they ever had to get on to you for anything? Due to all that has happened since whenever your last time was, they have only been given reason to come down even harder on people because people have only gotten worse out there. If anything, people these days are only out there doing whatever they are out there doing just to see how much it is that they can actually get away with anymore. Anything to garner a fifteen-minute time frame in the spotlight for themselves.

God bless you always!!!


The last time was 2010, when I was clocked doing 78 in a 55 mph zone in another county. Evidently my radar detector didn't pick up his radar. Even though the officer wrote me the ticket, he thanked me for handing him my driver's license, registration, proof of insurance, and concealed carry card when he had walked up to the window.

I did get stopped for two other minor "over the limit" violations within the last 5 years. In both cases, they thanked me for handing them my concealed carry card when they approached the window, and let me off with a warning.

Every other bit of trouble I've been into was in other states. I've lived here since 2007, am on a first-name basis with 7 current or former officers, and a former Circuit Judge was the best man at my wedding.
Couldn't hurt,but a parent should also teach their kids not to be disrespectful when dealing with cops.
The only time I've ever had a cop get angry was when I was in college. I turned left on a yellow light that changed to red when I was in the intersection so a unit with two cops lit me up. I didn't notice the lights right away and went through another light, which was as green as Petra Kelly and they blew the siren. I pulled over, and instead of hands at ten and two, I got out my license and put both hands outside of my drivers side window, so they could see my hands right away. I honestly thought they would appreciate that.

They did not.

They came up on each side of me, and the one on my side said, "your inspection is out of date." I said, "I know it is, I have to wait for payday." He yelled, "If you knew your inspection is out, why did you run that red light?" I was honestly confused, and I told them "I didn't realize I had run a red light."

Anyway, he yelled at me some more for not seeing the siren, for running the yellow light, with a lot of "next time . . . " His partner noticed that I had a red rag instead of a gas cap and smarted off about that. He was so mad that he was shaking, literally. He did not even write a ticket, and I think it was because his pen would have shook.
I have seldom had that experience. That said, when I did get pulled it was for a burned out light they used as a pretext and once they saw I have no warrants, they let me go with a "warning". Seems to me though I heard that in Virginia they changed that law a couple years ago that allowed them to pull you for a burned out light as part of the war on racism.

I did have a stop one time that was pretty damn perfect. I handed the trooper my license and registration without either of us saying a word. He went back to his car, came and handed them back and said "fix your headlight" and walked away. Literally the only words spoken.

I had what could be considered a "perfect stop" in 2020. There were some white liberal idiots who were plastering BLM and other propaganda signs on a large piece of plywood that was attached to a fence around a baseball field in a public park.

I took to getting up at 3 AM, driving to town, and defacing their signs. Then I made some stencils so I could change the signs from "Black Lives Matter" to "Blue Lives Matter." One morning I was doing that and a cop pulls up behind my car. He got out and asked "Are you ok?", thinking I had broken down.

I told him that I wasn't broken down, I was just changing the signs to read "Blue Lives Matter." He laughed, got back in his car, and left.

True story.

Defacing the signs didn't stop those idiots from plastering them all over the place, until a Sheriff's Deputy friend of mine told me where the signs were coming from. Apparently it was some white liberal girl who worked at a local printing company. All I had to do was remove a couple of them, write the name of the printing company on the back in big, bold letters, and staple it back up.

They immediately stopped putting up their little signs, and she probably got her ass chewed out by the owner of the company.

Whatever happened to that cop?
I remember when that happened, I believe I said that was wrong…

The cop was found not guilty by the courts. A sickening result as far as I am concerned.

He was promptly fired by the police department regardless. Clearly they realized that he doesn't have the right disposition to be a cop.

His family won a civil suit against the police for $3M or so.

That video will forever be etched in my mind and I don't like it.
We certainly were. We were taught that a police officer pulling you over is not like a teacher stopping you in the hallway to ask for you to spit out your gum. You can get away with being sarcastic and rude to your teacher, but it may go badly if you speak the same way to a police officer.

I know that there are many democrats, and unfortunately many people who claim to be libertarian, who believed that policemen should be disrespected and not cooperated with when they stop you. Maybe that's what helps you protect your fragile understanding of your own manhood, but it's not a particularly good way to keep yourself out of jail or keep your skull intact.

Yes, in an ideal world one would never fear a police officer. But any person who has ever interacted with a police officer in a negative way knows that the situation can become volatile and dangerous.

Be polite. Be compliant. If you feel your rights were violated don't take the law into your own hands, you take them to court and hit them where they really live. You won't win against them on the sidewalk or the side of a road.

I taught my own kids at, but sadly it is the school who must parent many kids today. Since we're parenting them, let's remember to teach them police officer safety. By that I mean how to be safe when dealing with a police officer.
I taught for 21 years and never at a school that still had driver's ed. Are you basing your opinion on YOUR high school experience?
The only time I've ever had a cop get angry was when I was in college. I turned left on a yellow light that changed to red when I was in the intersection so a unit with two cops lit me up. I didn't notice the lights right away and went through another light, which was as green as Petra Kelly and they blew the siren. I pulled over, and instead of hands at ten and two, I got out my license and put both hands outside of my drivers side window, so they could see my hands right away. I honestly thought they would appreciate that.

They did not.

They came up on each side of me, and the one on my side said, "your inspection is out of date." I said, "I know it is, I have to wait for payday." He yelled, "If you knew your inspection is out, why did you run that red light?" I was honestly confused, and I told them "I didn't realize I had run a red light."

Anyway, he yelled at me some more for not seeing the siren, for running the yellow light, with a lot of "next time . . . " His partner noticed that I had a red rag instead of a gas cap and smarted off about that. He was so mad that he was shaking, literally. He did not even write a ticket, and I think it was because his pen would have shook.

Reading your posts should be required for high school students to learn how NOT to write!

Seeing a siren? :abgg2q.jpg:
The cop was found not guilty by the courts. A sickening result as far as I am concerned.

He was promptly fired by the police department regardless. Clearly they realized that he doesn't have the right disposition to be a cop.

His family won a civil suit against the police for $3M or so.

That video will forever be etched in my mind and I don't like it.
Well, at least he’s in another profession.

You know what videos are etched in my mind? The ones where thugs walk up to parked police cars and fire into them for no reason…

the video (recently) where a 16 year old beats a cop for trying to do his job in NYC….

And, the system just turning the criminals loose on the community with no bail…who do these people sue?
You won't win against them in court either. Who do you think the judge is going to believe, that fine upstanding officer of the law. or you, you sorry piece of shit? (Note. I'm not saying you are a sorry piece of shit. Just that is what the judge will think of you in comparison to what he thinks of the cop. )

I don't really expect people to believe anecdotal experiences but.........

A few years ago my daughter was stopped on New Years eve and arrested for DUI. Now she knew she could have called me if she was drunk but she knew she wasn't. She did go to a party and had a drink but it she left hours later. She has Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Her lungs don't work like most people.

So he has her get out of the car he does all the physical tests and she passes all of them. He says OK, one last thing.......has her blow into the breathalyzer. It was a very cold night and he wouldn't allow her to put her coat on. (She left the party and just threw her coat in the car). She couldn't get enough air. She explains her situation and he has her use her inhaler. Still not enough.

So he takes her back to the station where after two more inhales from the inhaler she registers a .8. .8 is the legal limit. He arrests her. I research the situation and read where an inhaler will cause high readings. We go to court.

Guess what? The judge believes us and ripped the officer a new one as the judge happened to be a asthmatic. She made the officer read the law in court. LOL. The charges were tossed.

What really made me mad was that the prosecutors office knew it was a bogus charge but went forward anyway. She had called an attorney and they wanted $1000. The judge told us afterwards that the attorney would have made one phone call and the charges would have been dropped but the system still put her through all of this.

It's another reason why I support it when people burn things down.
I don't really expect people to believe anecdotal experiences but.........

A few years ago my daughter was stopped on New Years eve and arrested for DUI. Now she knew she could have called me if she was drunk but she knew she wasn't. She did go to a party and had a drink but it she left hours later. She has Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Her lungs don't work like most people.

So he has her get out of the car he does all the physical tests and she passes all of them. He says OK, one last thing.......has her blow into the breathalyzer. It was a very cold night and he wouldn't allow her to put her coat on. (She left the party and just threw her coat in the car). She couldn't get enough air. She explains her situation and he has her use her inhaler. Still not enough.

So he takes her back to the station where after two more inhales from the inhaler she registers a .8. .8 is the legal limit. He arrests her. I research the situation and read where an inhaler will cause high readings. We go to court.

Guess what? The judge believes us and ripped the officer a new one as the judge happened to be a asthmatic. She made the officer read the law in court. LOL. The charges were tossed.

What really made me mad was that the prosecutors office knew it was a bogus charge but went forward anyway. She had called an attorney and they wanted $1000. The judge told us afterwards that the attorney would have made one phone call and the charges would have been dropped but the system still put her through all of this.

It's another reason why I support it when people burn things down.
Why did she drink if she knew she was going to drive?
I don't really expect people to believe anecdotal experiences but.........

A few years ago my daughter was stopped on New Years eve and arrested for DUI. Now she knew she could have called me if she was drunk but she knew she wasn't. She did go to a party and had a drink but it she left hours later. She has Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Her lungs don't work like most people.

So he has her get out of the car he does all the physical tests and she passes all of them. He says OK, one last thing.......has her blow into the breathalyzer. It was a very cold night and he wouldn't allow her to put her coat on. (She left the party and just threw her coat in the car). She couldn't get enough air. She explains her situation and he has her use her inhaler. Still not enough.

So he takes her back to the station where after two more inhales from the inhaler she registers a .8. .8 is the legal limit. He arrests her. I research the situation and read where an inhaler will cause high readings. We go to court.

Guess what? The judge believes us and ripped the officer a new one as the judge happened to be a asthmatic. She made the officer read the law in court. LOL. The charges were tossed.

What really made me mad was that the prosecutors office knew it was a bogus charge but went forward anyway. She had called an attorney and they wanted $1000. The judge told us afterwards that the attorney would have made one phone call and the charges would have been dropped but the system still put her through all of this.

It's another reason why I support it when people burn things down.
You can have all the justice you can afford.
You can have all the justice you can afford.

Costs us only time but the point is, it shouldn't have even cost us that. The system is broke. The D.A. only wanted a "win" not actually defend the law as the law was not even on their side.
We certainly were. We were taught that a police officer pulling you over is not like a teacher stopping you in the hallway to ask for you to spit out your gum. You can get away with being sarcastic and rude to your teacher, but it may go badly if you speak the same way to a police officer.

I know that there are many democrats, and unfortunately many people who claim to be libertarian, who believed that policemen should be disrespected and not cooperated with when they stop you. Maybe that's what helps you protect your fragile understanding of your own manhood, but it's not a particularly good way to keep yourself out of jail or keep your skull intact.

Yes, in an ideal world one would never fear a police officer. But any person who has ever interacted with a police officer in a negative way knows that the situation can become volatile and dangerous.

Be polite. Be compliant. If you feel your rights were violated don't take the law into your own hands, you take them to court and hit them where they really live. You won't win against them on the sidewalk or the side of a road.

I taught my own kids at, but sadly it is the school who must parent many kids today. Since we're parenting them, let's remember to teach them police officer safety. By that I mean how to be safe when dealing with a police officer.

No. They shouldn't.

If they are raised by parents to be decent people, with common consideration, and decent manners. Not even spectacular, just decent, then it won't be needed. And if parents teach them personal responsibility meaning if a cop pulls you over you need to realize they are doing so because you did something, just suck it up.

And be safe with a police officer? Well shit that's easy. That's only 2 rules.

Rule 1: don't break the law and the cops won't ever bother you. It's that easy.

Rule 2: if you fail rule 1 then keep your mouth shut, and just do what they say. The cops will escalate everytime you do, you can't win. You need to shut up and do what they say. And if you don't like rule number 2 then see rule number 1.

Although I'll admit every kid should have to watch this.

I don't really expect people to believe anecdotal experiences but.........

A few years ago my daughter was stopped on New Years eve and arrested for DUI. Now she knew she could have called me if she was drunk but she knew she wasn't. She did go to a party and had a drink but it she left hours later. She has Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Her lungs don't work like most people.

So he has her get out of the car he does all the physical tests and she passes all of them. He says OK, one last thing.......has her blow into the breathalyzer. It was a very cold night and he wouldn't allow her to put her coat on. (She left the party and just threw her coat in the car). She couldn't get enough air. She explains her situation and he has her use her inhaler. Still not enough.

So he takes her back to the station where after two more inhales from the inhaler she registers a .8. .8 is the legal limit. He arrests her. I research the situation and read where an inhaler will cause high readings. We go to court.

Guess what? The judge believes us and ripped the officer a new one as the judge happened to be a asthmatic. She made the officer read the law in court. LOL. The charges were tossed.

What really made me mad was that the prosecutors office knew it was a bogus charge but went forward anyway. She had called an attorney and they wanted $1000. The judge told us afterwards that the attorney would have made one phone call and the charges would have been dropped but the system still put her through all of this.

It's another reason why I support it when people burn things down.
Just more proof you are an idiot and reproduced another one.
We certainly were. We were taught that a police officer pulling you over is not like a teacher stopping you in the hallway to ask for you to spit out your gum. You can get away with being sarcastic and rude to your teacher, but it may go badly if you speak the same way to a police officer.

I know that there are many democrats, and unfortunately many people who claim to be libertarian, who believed that policemen should be disrespected and not cooperated with when they stop you. Maybe that's what helps you protect your fragile understanding of your own manhood, but it's not a particularly good way to keep yourself out of jail or keep your skull intact.

Yes, in an ideal world one would never fear a police officer. But any person who has ever interacted with a police officer in a negative way knows that the situation can become volatile and dangerous.

Be polite. Be compliant. If you feel your rights were violated don't take the law into your own hands, you take them to court and hit them where they really live. You won't win against them on the sidewalk or the side of a road.

I taught my own kids at, but sadly it is the school who must parent many kids today. Since we're parenting them, let's remember to teach them police officer safety. By that I mean how to be safe when dealing with a police officer.
they just need to be taught to be polite and respectful
I don't really expect people to believe anecdotal experiences but.........

A few years ago my daughter was stopped on New Years eve and arrested for DUI. Now she knew she could have called me if she was drunk but she knew she wasn't. She did go to a party and had a drink but it she left hours later. She has Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Her lungs don't work like most people.

So he has her get out of the car he does all the physical tests and she passes all of them. He says OK, one last thing.......has her blow into the breathalyzer. It was a very cold night and he wouldn't allow her to put her coat on. (She left the party and just threw her coat in the car). She couldn't get enough air. She explains her situation and he has her use her inhaler. Still not enough.

So he takes her back to the station where after two more inhales from the inhaler she registers a .8. .8 is the legal limit. He arrests her. I research the situation and read where an inhaler will cause high readings. We go to court.

Guess what? The judge believes us and ripped the officer a new one as the judge happened to be a asthmatic. She made the officer read the law in court. LOL. The charges were tossed.

What really made me mad was that the prosecutors office knew it was a bogus charge but went forward anyway. She had called an attorney and they wanted $1000. The judge told us afterwards that the attorney would have made one phone call and the charges would have been dropped but the system still put her through all of this.

It's another reason why I support it when people burn things down.
One incident with a cop just doing his job who doesn't happen to know about asthma and you "support it when people burn things down"?
Got pulled over once by Craig Peyer (look him up)....his whole attitude changed when he realized I was not alone in the car at night (passenger had seat reclined to sleep).
One incident with a cop just doing his job who doesn't happen to know about asthma and you "support it when people burn things down"?

Obviously you understand this isn't just about one instance. I've noted in the past it wasn't the only instance I've had but again, it's not just about me.

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