CDZ Should Homosexual People Be Allowed To Legally Adopt Children?

After more than 100 posts, the question "Should Homosexual People Be Allowed To Legally Adopt Children?" has been clearly answered: of course. Let's close the thread.
I agree but I would like to give old Bob one more chance to respond with something sensible. I want to give him the opportunity to show that he is not so invested in his need to discriminate, in his desire to disparage gays by painting them as child abusers, that he can't learn something that might challenge those views. Bob? Are you listening?
First of all, as I previously posted right here, this story has nothing to do with adoption and the fact that SHE is in the care of lesbians is irrelevant. There are plenty of transgender and transsexual kids with heterosexual parents. You might want to start to educate yourself:

There is no rational basis on which to describe what is being done to him as anything other than an extreme form of sexual abuse, for which his abusers ought to be locked up in prison for a very, very long time.

Well I believe that what is happening is being done with the consent of his medical doctors and his parents.

Tell us why you believe you have a rational basis but his doctors and parents do not? Or even why you presume to believe that you know more of the facts than his doctors and his parents.

The facts are clear enough. This is a boy, a child, who is being given drugs for the intended purpose of preventing him from undergoing puberty, and of stunting his natural growth and development. There is absolutely no legitimate reason to do this to this child. There is no benefit to this treatment, and it will almost certainly cause serious long-term harm to him as an adult.

This is not medical treatment. This is a grotesque, unethical science experiment, conducted with no more concern for this child than for a common laboratory rat.

Everyone who is a willing part of this belongs in prison. Any “doctor” who would have any willing part in this sort of abuse has no business being in the medical field. This is in the same category of many of the experiments conducted by Josef Mengele on concentration camp inmates.

Settle down Bob…you’re beginning to sound like you have a few screws loose with this talk of jail. The fact that you do not accept or understand transgender conditions, and are content to remain ignorant of the facts is no ones problem but your own. This child is getting the help that SHE needs thanks to her parents.

Furthermore, I doubt if you really give a crap about this child as much as you want to use this case to scream about child abuse and disparage these lesbian parents. Your phony outrage about the treatment of this child is very transparent.

This thread is about adoption by gay people. It has nothing to do with the issue of transgenderism or for that matter child abuse. You are way off base here. Please try to learn something, although I doubt if you really are interested in doing so.

Treatments help transgender kids cope

ST. LOUIS (KTVI) - More transgender children in St. Louis are coming forward and getting medical help that is proving to be life changing and life saving. Doctors in St. Louis are blocking puberty so these kids don’t have to grow up in the wrong body. A Ladue High School senior went through this medical procedure before puberty. Will Copeland is 17 and was born female. When he was two years old he asked his father why God made him wrong. He has never wavered from that belief that he was born the wrong gender.

Dr. Norman Spack recently visited St. Louis to speak with medical professionals and parents about treating transgender children. He is one of the first doctors in the country to tackle the medical problem of treating transgender children. One in five of his patients at Boston Children's hospital had tried to self mutilate or commit suicide because of the affects of puberty on their bodies. Dr. Spack says in order to pass as somebody of a female for example, you must give the hormone blockers before age 16 to stop the pronounced facial bone structure, Adam’s apple and voice change.

NEWS CENTER) -- Being transgender isn't just a state of mind, it is a diagnosed medical condition called Gender Dysphoria.

Doctors can identify symptoms and begin treating Gender Dysphoria before children become adults. Maine Health recognized a need for that treatment and established a gender clinic at Barbara Bush Children's Hospital.

Four years ago, pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Jerrold Olshan was treating just one or two children for Gender Dysphoria. Today, he sees between 20 and 30. He says all children have quesitons about gender, but sometimes those questions run deeper. That's when parents are likely to take a child to see a specialist. It can happen at a very young age.

I didn't wanna go down this road with him & get off topic- that's why I didn't even try to get into a 'discussion' concerning transgender children... I figured if he can't even wrap his head about 'gay adoption', then this side road would have been even more fruitless.

I agree, it's easy to be led astray. However, it is not totally off topic because he is using this alleged child abuse to justify not allowing gays to adopt.
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Blaylock is merely repeating the line of the Latter-day Saints, the largest Mormon denomination.

LDS Social Services is getting out of the adoption business so it does not get sued.
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First of all, as I previously posted right here, this story has nothing to do with adoption and the fact that SHE is in the care of lesbians is irrelevant. There are plenty of transgender and transsexual kids with heterosexual parents. You might want to start to educate yourself:

There is no rational basis on which to describe what is being done to him as anything other than an extreme form of sexual abuse, for which his abusers ought to be locked up in prison for a very, very long time.

Well I believe that what is happening is being done with the consent of his medical doctors and his parents.

Tell us why you believe you have a rational basis but his doctors and parents do not? Or even why you presume to believe that you know more of the facts than his doctors and his parents.

The facts are clear enough. This is a boy, a child, who is being given drugs for the intended purpose of preventing him from undergoing puberty, and of stunting his natural growth and development. There is absolutely no legitimate reason to do this to this child. There is no benefit to this treatment, and it will almost certainly cause serious long-term harm to him as an adult.

This is not medical treatment. This is a grotesque, unethical science experiment, conducted with no more concern for this child than for a common laboratory rat.

Everyone who is a willing part of this belongs in prison. Any “doctor” who would have any willing part in this sort of abuse has no business being in the medical field. This is in the same category of many of the experiments conducted by Josef Mengele on concentration camp inmates.

So I say once again why do you believe you know more than his parents- and his doctors?

For instance- what is your medical degree in that enables you to diagnose him remotely without ever conversing with him?
Tell us about your qualifications in endocrinology which qualifies you to advise what is not only appropriate but why his actual doctors are treating him incorrectly.

And tell me again how you think you should be deciding the treatment of this boy- rather than his parents?
First of all, as I previously posted right here, this story has nothing to do with adoption and the fact that SHE is in the care of lesbians is irrelevant. There are plenty of transgender and transsexual kids with heterosexual parents. You might want to start to educate yourself:

There is no rational basis on which to describe what is being done to him as anything other than an extreme form of sexual abuse, for which his abusers ought to be locked up in prison for a very, very long time.

Well I believe that what is happening is being done with the consent of his medical doctors and his parents.

Tell us why you believe you have a rational basis but his doctors and parents do not? Or even why you presume to believe that you know more of the facts than his doctors and his parents.

The facts are clear enough. This is a boy, a child, who is being given drugs for the intended purpose of preventing him from undergoing puberty, and of stunting his natural growth and development. There is absolutely no legitimate reason to do this to this child. There is no benefit to this treatment, and it will almost certainly cause serious long-term harm to him as an adult.

This is not medical treatment. This is a grotesque, unethical science experiment, conducted with no more concern for this child than for a common laboratory rat.

Everyone who is a willing part of this belongs in prison. Any “doctor” who would have any willing part in this sort of abuse has no business being in the medical field. This is in the same category of many of the experiments conducted by Josef Mengele on concentration camp inmates.

So I say once again why do you believe you know more than his parents- and his doctors?

For instance- what is your medical degree in that enables you to diagnose him remotely without ever conversing with him?
Tell us about your qualifications in endocrinology which qualifies you to advise what is not only appropriate but why his actual doctors are treating him incorrectly.

And tell me again how you think you should be deciding the treatment of this boy- rather than his parents?
Bob is LDS, believes a certain way, and cannot context.
Transgender South Florida teen Jazz Jennings gets reality show, makes skincare commercial

"Set to premiere this summer, Jazz will explain how she handles all the typical teen experiences, including dating, sleepovers and high school. You'll get to know Jazz, but also her understanding parents, Greg and Jeanette, her grandparents Jack and Jacky, and her siblings Ari, Griffen and Sander,”

So, you would take Jazz away from her straight parents?

Possibly. It's quite clear that he has some serious psychiatric issues, and instead of seeking proper treatment for these issues, his parents are apparently indulging his delusions. That cannot be indicative of competent parenting.

And sleepovers? A teenaged boy, with such serious issues, being involved in sleepovers, I assume with teenaged girls? This certainly casts serious doubts, not only on his parents' judgment, but on that of any other parents who would allow their teenaged daughters to participate in a sleepover with a teenaged boy.

What point did you think you were making by bringing this up?
That you are an ignorant fucking bigot. Mission accomplished.
After more than 100 posts, the question "Should Homosexual People Be Allowed To Legally Adopt Children?" has been clearly answered: of course. Let's close the thread.
I agree but I would like to give old Bob one more chance to respond with something sensible. I want to give him the opportunity to show that he is not so invested in his need to discriminate, in his desire to disparage gays by painting them as child abusers, that he can't learn something that might challenge those views. Bob? Are you listening?

In an insane world, it is no honor to be deemed “normal”.

It is incomprehensible how anyone could even think of defending the outrageous and unethical abuse that is being done to the boy in that story; yet you eagerly take the side of those who are responsible for it. If I am to come up with a response that you would find “sensible”, then that could only mean that I am going dangerously in the direction of falling into the same madness and evil which has already consumed you.
After more than 100 posts, the question "Should Homosexual People Be Allowed To Legally Adopt Children?" has been clearly answered: of course. Let's close the thread.
I agree but I would like to give old Bob one more chance to respond with something sensible. I want to give him the opportunity to show that he is not so invested in his need to discriminate, in his desire to disparage gays by painting them as child abusers, that he can't learn something that might challenge those views. Bob? Are you listening?

In an insane world, it is no honor to be deemed “normal”.

It is incomprehensible how anyone could even think of defending the outrageous and unethical abuse that is being done to the boy in that story; yet you eagerly take the side of those who are responsible for it. If I am to come up with a response that you would find “sensible”, then that could only mean that I am going dangerously in the direction of falling into the same madness and evil which has already consumed you.

Oh well, you had your chance and you predictably blew it. Now I know for certain what we're dealing with here. No desire whatsoever to learn and understand the issue. Have a good evening.
Oh well, you had your chance and you predictably blew it. Now I know for certain what we're dealing with here. No desire whatsoever to learn and understand the issue. Have a good evening.

It is clear enough than when you say I should “learn and understand”, that what you really mean is that I should abandon decency and reason, as you have done, to embrace madness and evil. No thanks.
Korihor Bad Bob has not shown "decency and reason" at all in this discussion.
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Oh well, you had your chance and you predictably blew it. Now I know for certain what we're dealing with here. No desire whatsoever to learn and understand the issue. Have a good evening.

It is clear enough than when you say I should “learn and understand”, that what you really mean is that I should abandon decency and reason, as you have done, to embrace madness and evil. No thanks.

I have yet to see any evidence that you have any claim to reason, and your decency only goes so far as insisting that everyone else agree with what you think is decent.
I have yet to see any evidence that you have any claim to reason, and your decency only goes so far as insisting that everyone else agree with what you think is decent.

You haven't said anything to dispute the notion that, in one instance, you seem to think that it's OK for a 14-year-old boy to be having sleepovers with teenaged girls.

And you have actively defended the use of drugs on a pre-adolescent boy, to intentionally stunt his growth and development pursuant to his perverted “parents'” with to turn him into a transsexual.

You are not standing on very firm ground to question my grounding in reason and decency.
I have yet to see any evidence that you have any claim to reason, and your decency only goes so far as insisting that everyone else agree with what you think is decent.

And you have actively defended the use of drugs on a pre-adolescent boy, to intentionally stunt his growth and development pursuant to his perverted “parents'” with to turn him into a transsexual.

You are not standing on very firm ground to question my grounding in reason and decency.

I have actively pointed out that the treatment of the boy is being done with the consent of his parents- and his doctors.

You keep insisting that you know better than this childs own parents- and the doctors- and you have no medical expertise, never have met this person.

Yeah- I have very firm ground on you keeping on insisting that you know more than the people actually entrusted with caring for this child.

What is really funny- in a sick sad bigoted way- is that you keep claiming you are all for a child having a mother and father- and yet when you disagree with a child's mother and father- you suddenly pretend like parents are irrelevent.

yeah- I haven't seen anything close to reason or decency regarding your posts.

You prefer that children who have gay parents not have married parents- because it offends you- so you prefer those children suffering actual harm- so no- you have no reason or decency.
I have yet to see any evidence that you have any claim to reason, and your decency only goes so far as insisting that everyone else agree with what you think is decent.

And you have actively defended the use of drugs on a pre-adolescent boy, to intentionally stunt his growth and development pursuant to his perverted “parents'” with to turn him into a transsexual.

You are not standing on very firm ground to question my grounding in reason and decency.

I have actively pointed out that the treatment of the boy is being done with the consent of his parents- and his doctors.

The child to whom this is being done cannot possibly understand the significance of what is being done to him, or what the long-term consequences will be. If he did have the capacity to understand this, and what it would mean for his future, and to give or withhold informed consent, I think it's a safe bet that he would not consent to this.

By law, a child is not considered to have the capacity to consent to sexual activity. This is far more profound and damaging than that.

What is really funny- in a sick sad bigoted way- is that you keep claiming you are all for a child having a mother and father- and yet when you disagree with a child's mother and father- you suddenly pretend like parents are irrelevent.

Who is this child's father? His “parents” are a pair of homosexual women. That is probably a very big part of the problem. He has no father to show him how to be a man, to show him what it means to be a man and why it matters. Just a pair of perverted “mothers” who probably hate men, and have put it into his head that being a man is something horrible that he wants to avoid. It is apparent that they have willfully brainwashed him into hating the fact that he is male, and that he is naturally destined to grow up to be a man; and to accept their desire that he instead become a mutilated imitation of a woman.

yeah- I haven't seen anything close to reason or decency regarding your posts.

You prefer that children who have gay parents not have married parents- because it offends you- so you prefer those children suffering actual harm- so no- you have no reason or decency.

Here is an undeniable case of a child, in the custody of a pair of homosexual female “parents”, who is suffering very real, very permanent, and very serious harm, at the hands of these women, and you're all in favor of it.
There MUST be a biological balance and harmony. If homosexuals can produce a child then it is considered natural. As harsh as it may sound this is the reality. Man + Woman = child. Mother and father provide different and unique love and are naturally able to produce a child by their natural harmony with the bio system in place.

I think it's ok if gay men do but not lesbians. Pedophilia is obnoxiously prevalent in the lesbian population and that aside, they will destroy the child for their political purposes.

Gay men have no interest in a child being gay so are unlikely to convince it to be.
I have yet to see any evidence that you have any claim to reason, and your decency only goes so far as insisting that everyone else agree with what you think is decent.

And you have actively defended the use of drugs on a pre-adolescent boy, to intentionally stunt his growth and development pursuant to his perverted “parents'” with to turn him into a transsexual.

You are not standing on very firm ground to question my grounding in reason and decency.

I have actively pointed out that the treatment of the boy is being done with the consent of his parents- and his doctors.

The child to whom this is being done cannot possibly understand the significance of what is being done to him, or what the long-term consequences will be. If he did have the capacity to understand this, and what it would mean for his future, and to give or withhold informed consent, I think it's a safe bet that he would not consent to this.

By law, a child is not considered to have the capacity to consent to sexual activity. This is far more profound and damaging than that.

What is really funny- in a sick sad bigoted way- is that you keep claiming you are all for a child having a mother and father- and yet when you disagree with a child's mother and father- you suddenly pretend like parents are irrelevent.

Who is this child's father? His “parents” are a pair of homosexual women. That is probably a very big part of the problem. He has no father to show him how to be a man, to show him what it means to be a man and why it matters. Just a pair of perverted “mothers” who probably hate men, and have put it into his head that being a man is something horrible that he wants to avoid. It is apparent that they have willfully brainwashed him into hating the fact that he is male, and that he is naturally destined to grow up to be a man; and to accept their desire that he instead become a mutilated imitation of a woman.

yeah- I haven't seen anything close to reason or decency regarding your posts.

You prefer that children who have gay parents not have married parents- because it offends you- so you prefer those children suffering actual harm- so no- you have no reason or decency.

Here is an undeniable case of a child, in the custody of a pair of homosexual female “parents”, who is suffering very real, very permanent, and very serious harm, at the hands of these women, and you're all in favor of it.

These lesbians do indeed turn the boys into transsexuals and the girls into lesbians.

I have nothing against transsexuals but creating extra lesbians is a terrible problem.
I have yet to see any evidence that you have any claim to reason, and your decency only goes so far as insisting that everyone else agree with what you think is decent.

And you have actively defended the use of drugs on a pre-adolescent boy, to intentionally stunt his growth and development pursuant to his perverted “parents'” with to turn him into a transsexual.

You are not standing on very firm ground to question my grounding in reason and decency.

I have actively pointed out that the treatment of the boy is being done with the consent of his parents- and his doctors.

The child to whom this is being done cannot possibly understand the significance of what is being done to him, or what the long-term consequences will be. If he did have the capacity to understand this, and what it would mean for his future, and to give or withhold informed consent, I think it's a safe bet that he would not consent to this.

By law, a child is not considered to have the capacity to consent to sexual activity. This is far more profound and damaging than that.

What is really funny- in a sick sad bigoted way- is that you keep claiming you are all for a child having a mother and father- and yet when you disagree with a child's mother and father- you suddenly pretend like parents are irrelevent.

Who is this child's father? His “parents” are a pair of homosexual women. That is probably a very big part of the problem. He has no father to show him how to be a man, to show him what it means to be a man and why it matters. Just a pair of perverted “mothers” who probably hate men, and have put it into his head that being a man is something horrible that he wants to avoid. It is apparent that they have willfully brainwashed him into hating the fact that he is male, and that he is naturally destined to grow up to be a man; and to accept their desire that he instead become a mutilated imitation of a woman.

yeah- I haven't seen anything close to reason or decency regarding your posts.

You prefer that children who have gay parents not have married parents- because it offends you- so you prefer those children suffering actual harm- so no- you have no reason or decency.

Here is an undeniable case of a child, in the custody of a pair of homosexual female “parents”, who is suffering very real, very permanent, and very serious harm, at the hands of these women, and you're all in favor of it.

These lesbians do indeed turn the boys into transsexuals and the girls into lesbians.

I have nothing against transsexuals but creating extra lesbians is a terrible problem.
This is absolutely ridiculous ! Where do you get thus hateful crap from??? You either just made that up or someone fed you a line of horseshit that you swallowed whole. If your are going to post outrageous and inflammatory nonsense like this you need to document a credible source. It's a refreshing change though. Most people who have a problem with gays accuse the men of being the ones who are harmful to children.
There MUST be a biological balance and harmony. If homosexuals can produce a child then it is considered natural. As harsh as it may sound this is the reality. Man + Woman = child. Mother and father provide different and unique love and are naturally able to produce a child by their natural harmony with the bio system in place.

You think an orphan child really cares who raises them as long as said child is loved and cared for?

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