Should Israel bomb Iran???

You point is what… You did not deny my points but you did try to bury them with your typical attempts of muddying the water ..Typical behaviour on your part you make accusations I prove you wrong then you shrilly try another tactic you are so predictable.. It doesn’t matter if Israelsupposedly helped Hamas get started what is important is where things are now and Hamas is a proxy of Iran getting funded by the mad mullahs to do their dirty work until Israel says enough and that time is coming..
so true-----the level of SCHADENFREUDE that gladdens and nourishes the islamo/nazi heart
is mind-boggling
so true-----the level of SCHADENFREUDE that gladdens and nourishes the islamo/nazi heart
is mind-boggling
She has claimed that she is not a Muslim but I have observed her and how she answers posts and I feel she is using Taqiyya which for any who don’t know is a form of lying that is permissible by a Muslim to further their cause at any who is not a Muslim .. There are different concepts of Taqiyya ( that is permissible lying) and I have observed her using all of them at different points andon multiple occasions…
She has claimed that she is not a Muslim but I have observed her and how she answers posts and I feel she is using Taqiyya which for any who don’t know is a form of lying that is permissible by a Muslim to further their cause at any who is not a Muslim .. There are different concepts of Taqiyya ( that is permissible lying) and I have observed her using all of them at different points andon multiple occasions…
I have no idea-----fact is that the nazi literature I read as a child (don't tell anyone---in the
1950s) that floated around in seedy little pamphlets in my very WASP (and until the 1950s--
RESTRICTED ) town -------included the same crap. When I read her stuff I feel like a 10 year
old kid again. The writers of the stuff I read included Nuremburg escapees living in Syria and
Egypt. The same crap seems to show up ALL OVER UMMAH LANDS. Pakistanis I have known
quote it chapter and verse. They learn it by rote like they are SUPPOSED to learn the koran
She has claimed that she is not a Muslim but I have observed her and how she answers posts and I feel she is using Taqiyya which for any who don’t know is a form of lying that is permissible by a Muslim to further their cause at any who is not a Muslim .. There are different concepts of Taqiyya ( that is permissible lying) and I have observed her using all of them at different points andon multiple occasions…

She has nothing bad to say about the Iranians mullahs repressing their people.
She has claimed that she is not a Muslim but I have observed her and how she answers posts and I feel she is using Taqiyya which for any who don’t know is a form of lying that is permissible by a Muslim to further their cause at any who is not a Muslim .. There are different concepts of Taqiyya ( that is permissible lying) and I have observed her using all of them at different points andon multiple occasions…
My goodness you're stupid. I'm Episcopalian and a WASP.
Iran isn't going to attack Israel. Bibi just likes to keep Israelis jacked up and it keeps US foreign aid flowing.
I suggest Reuters, AP News and the BBC.
I then suggest that you post that these 3 news outlets are lying.
My goodness you're stupid. I'm Episcopalian and a WASP.
Suradie is a fairly typical Episcopalian---I grew up in
an Episcopalian town-----it was a town in the USA
even before the Revolutionary war and WASP thru
and thru. As a kid I was an avid reader without
much to read but there was a PLETHORA of
islamo-nazi propaganda in seedy little throw-away
booklets ALL OVER THE PLACE ----her posts are
....deja vous for me-----the crap dated all the way
back to the 1930s and forward. I was reading it
in the mid 50s thru mid 60s. ------little kid that I
was----it took me a long time to know what it was
........ I was so naive I thought Syria and Turkey
were christian countries-----friendly people who
made pita and halvah for me
Suradie is a fairly typical Episcopalian---I grew up in
an Episcopalian town-----it was a town in the USA
even before the Revolutionary war and WASP thru
and thru. As a kid I was an avid reader without
much to read but there was a PLETHORA of
islamo-nazi propaganda in seedy little throw-away
booklets ALL OVER THE PLACE ----her posts are
....deja vous for me-----the crap dated all the way
back to the 1930s and forward. I was reading it
in the mid 50s thru mid 60s. ------little kid that I
was----it took me a long time to know what it was
........ I was so naive I thought Syria and Turkey
were christian countries-----friendly people who
made pita and halvah for me
I attended non denominational protestant services and Sunday school in Arabia before I became an Episcopalian in Charleston, SC.
I attended non denominational protestant services and Sunday school in Arabia before I became an Episcopalian in Charleston, SC.
I am fascinated-----I have no idea what a non denominational protestant is like. In my little town
there was a whole conglomeration of "protestant"
from Lutheran to Baptist to something called
"chruch of christ"-------- It is clear to me
why the Episcopalian approach would appeal to you.
Thomas Edison claimed to be a "deist"---but then--
so did lots of the EPISCOPALIANS of the "new world"
in his time ----his good friend Adolf Hitler IMHO --
was something like a functional non-church member
"protestant" too (albeit "raised catholic)
Iran isn't going to attack Israel. Bibi just likes to keep Israelis jacked up and it keeps US foreign aid flowing.
Iran has already attacked Israel via its proxy pigs---
Hezbollah. Your statement about "aid" is so familiar------you are SO TYPICAL
Iran has already attacked Israel via its proxy pigs---
Hezbollah. Your statement about "aid" is so familiar------you are SO TYPICAL
The Israelis have committed acts of terrorism in Iran but they call their terrorists, Commandos. Very clever.
The Israelis have committed acts of terrorism in Iran but they call their terrorists, Commandos. Very clever.
your accusation is idiotic-----can you DEFINE
"terrorism" ? I know of no Israeli called a
"commando" in Iran or any acts of "terrorism"
there committed by your imaginary "commandos"
Targeted assassinations of known murderers is not
"terrorism" ----it is one of the best ideas to avert
the horrors of war and genocide. Had the USA
been smart enough to employ the technique
against the islamic hero, adolf hitler in the 1930s--
MILLIONS of lives could have been saved. Other
excellent candidates include Saddaam Hussein,
Moamar daffy duck, Pol Pot, Stalin.....and on and
on. American Hero Oliver North did warn us
about Osama bin Laden----whose target
assassination came too late
RE: Should Israel bomb Iran???
SUBTOPIC: Is it Terrorism?
⁜→ August West, et al,

This is wrong on the major points of perspective.

The Israelis have committed acts of terrorism in Iran but they call their terrorists, Commandos. Very clever.
The Necessary Reference:



1. Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person unlawfully and intentionally delivers, places, discharges or detonates an explosive or other lethal device in, into or against a place of public use, a State or government facility, a public transportation system or an infrastructure facility:

(a) With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or

  1. (b) With the intent to cause extensive destruction of such a place, facility or system, where such destruction results in or is likely to result in major economic loss.
  1. Any person also commits an offence if that person attempts to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1,
  2. Any person also commits an offence if that person:
    1. (a) Participates as an accomplice in an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2; or
    2. (b) Organizes or directs others to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2; or
    3. (c) In any other way contributes to the commission of one or more offences as set forth in paragraph 1 or 2 by a group of persons acting with a common purpose; such contribution shall be intentional and either be made with the aim of furthering the general criminal activity or purpose of the group or be made in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit the offence or offences concerned.

In contemporary times, many nations have established their own criteria with the addition protocol on "intent:"

Criminal Acts directed against a State with the intention of → or calculated to → cause death or serious bodily injury to the civilian population, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities, the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population and to compel a government or an international organization to do (or to abstain from doing) some act that furthers the criminal objective.

This is done IAW the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR):

Article 20

1. Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.
2. Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.

This is a bit distinct from the commando raids or military operations conducted in support of an enforcement measure or a international convention or to setback the development of a valid criteria on the issues of preemptive strikes and or the denial in the construction, research and development of prohibited materials and devices.

Once again it is important that when making accusations (terrorism being a crime) such as this, that you don NOT violate the General Principle of Criminal Law:

Article 22. Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court​
Nullum crimen sine lege
The definition of a crime shall be strictly construed and shall not be extended by analogy. In case of ambiguity, the definition shall be interpreted in favour of the person being investigated, prosecuted or convicted.​


Most Respectfully,


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