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Should Jerusalem be made an international city?

"...It was obvious Political Postering by Nasser..."
I'll bet that was the last time that a$$hole engaged in 'Political Posturing' using his Armed Forces along the borders of Israel...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ubw5N8iVDHI]He chose... poorly - YouTube[/ame]

That simple.
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Jerusalem belongs to God so whatever he says should be done with it should be done with it and that's that.
If those quates are wrong, or is this your usual Camel Crap? Alan Hart is a goole search, I'm sure Wiki has the same...

No matter which way you put it, Alan Hart has no credibility. I've read that article before and it's filled with lies, sorry just my opinion.
To think that Israel was the aggressor in the 1967 war is absurd. Look at a map of Israel compared to Syria, Egypt and Jordan, who also had plenty of support from about 8 other Arab/Muslim States.
There is nothing that says that the belligerent who fired the first shot is the aggressor
Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia a tour of the 67 War...It was obvious Political Postering by Nasser...He wanted Public Aprooval for his Arab Leadership asperations , and the 6 day war surely prooves that it was a War of Aggression to Annex Land.

That simple.
Nah, Arabs tried over and over to destroy the Jewish state and failed miserably each time. 1967 was just another example.

After concluding that Arab armies can't fight worth shit, Muslims have turned to terrorism in their war against Israel in the last four decades.

That simple.
Alan Hart? Professional anti Semite and false propagandist. Next?
If those quates are wrong, or is this your usual Camel Crap? Alan Hart is a goole search, I'm sure Wiki has the same...
There's your Alan Hart, sounds like he makes his living bashing Jews and Israel:

Some have gone further. For example, Alan Hart, once a reporter for BBC, alleged in a May 2010 Internet radio interview with Kevin Barrett that Israel and the Mossad were behind the 9/11 attacks.

After pre-emptively trying to dismiss charges of anti-Semitism, Hart asserts:

:cuckoo: I tell you what I honestly believe. I think it started out as an all-Muslim operation, but I think it would have been very quickly penetrated by Mossad agents…My guess is at an early point they said to the bad guys at the CIA, 'Hey this operation is running. What do we do?" And the Zionists and the neo-cons said, 'Let's use it." :cuckoo:

Hart's interview has appeared on YouTube and other places on the Internet. His video is just one of thousands online blaming Jews or Israel for 9/11. These videos have been seen by tens of thousands of people and continue to gain currency among those who wish to demonize Israel and the Jews.

:cuckoo: Hart has also suggested that the United States is in danger of an Israeli nuclear strike with a stolen nuclear weapon to trigger a war with Iran and "finish the ethnic cleansing of Palestine" under cover of war, which Hart claims that Israel is planning to do "as soon as the opportunity presents itself."[5][6] :cuckoo:

In May 2010, Hart stated on various media, including the Kevin Barrett Show, that consultants close to the world’s most prominent construction company assured him that “The twin towers were brought down by a controlled ground explosion, not the planes.” Hart also speculated that the planes had been fitted with transponders and that Israeli Mossad agents guided them into the towers. Regarding the purpose of the 9/11 attacks, Hart stated that: “My guess is that at an early point they said to the bad guys in the CIA – hey this operation’s running what do we do, and the zionists and the neo-cons said let’s use it.” Hart also stated that the Israeli operation which became 9/11 was likely aided by certain corrupt American leaders.[9][10]
In another interview, Hart stated that "In my analysis there’s enough evidence – visual, technical and scientific, and from eye-witnesses including fire fighters – to invite the conclusion that the Twin Towers, like Building Seven, were pre-wired for controlled demolition with nanothermite, the highest-tech military explosive."[11]

He also stated that the "Jews who went to Palestine in answer to Zionism’s call had no biological connection to the ancient Hebrews. The incoming Zionist Jews were mainly foreign nationals of many lands... The notion that there are two entire peoples with an equally valid claim to the same land is an historical nonsense.".[3]

Sounds like you know all the haters, but they are just trees in a forest. Most Jews and Arab would share Palestine and recognized as a Jewish State by the Arab League.

This is Israel's real opportunity for Legitimacy by the Arabs and the World.

I hope they don’t miss this Historic Oppurtunity.
If those quates are wrong, or is this your usual Camel Crap? Alan Hart is a goole search, I'm sure Wiki has the same...

No matter which way you put it, Alan Hart has no credibility. I've read that article before and it's filled with lies, sorry just my opinion.
To think that Israel was the aggressor in the 1967 war is absurd. Look at a map of Israel compared to Syria, Egypt and Jordan, who also had plenty of support from about 8 other Arab/Muslim States.
There is nothing that says that the belligerent who fired the first shot is the aggressor
Six-Day War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia a tour of the 67 War...It was obvious Political Postering by Nasser...He wanted Public Aprooval for his Arab Leadership asperations , and the 6 day war surely prooves that it was a War of Aggression to Annex Land.

That simple.

Bullshit. Following the 6 day war, Israel offered to return the Golan back to Syria in exchange for peace, but they refused and then signed the Khartoum resolution:
Khartoum Resolution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Khartoum Resolution of September 1, 1967 was issued at the conclusion of 1967 Arab League summit convened in the wake of the Six-Day War, in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan.The summit lasted from August 29 to September 1 and was attended by eight Arab heads of state.[1] The resolution called for: a continued state of belligerency with Israel, ending the Arab oil boycott declared during the Six-Day War, an end to the North Yemen Civil War, and economic assistance for Egypt and Jordan. It is famous for containing (in the third paragraph) what became known as the "Three No's": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it."[2]

Israel offered to return the West Bank to Jordan following the 6 day war in exchange for peace, but they refused. However in 1994, a peace agreement was reached between the two states

ISrael offered Gaza back to Egypt in exchange for peace, but they also refused. However in 1979, they reached a peace agreement which saw the Sinai returned to Egypt, under the condition that it would remain de - militarized.
Then there was the offers made to the Palestinians for a peace treaty in 1993, 2000, and 2008 which they refused
:cuckoo: Israel conquered the West Bank after Arabs used it to try to invade and destroy Israel.

They also conquered the Sinai, which they gave back in exchange for peace.
Yeah, Israel also made peace with the Jordanians. But Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. It also has to do with the fact that external factors such as Iran and Syria have such great influence that they will never allow the Palestinians to enter into any concrete treaty with Israel. The survival of many of these regimes and groups depends on the continuation of the Palestinian conflict.
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If those quates are wrong, or is this your usual Camel Crap? Alan Hart is a goole search, I'm sure Wiki has the same...
There's your Alan Hart, sounds like he makes his living bashing Jews and Israel:

Some have gone further. For example, Alan Hart, once a reporter for BBC, alleged in a May 2010 Internet radio interview with Kevin Barrett that Israel and the Mossad were behind the 9/11 attacks.

After pre-emptively trying to dismiss charges of anti-Semitism, Hart asserts:

:cuckoo: I tell you what I honestly believe. I think it started out as an all-Muslim operation, but I think it would have been very quickly penetrated by Mossad agents…My guess is at an early point they said to the bad guys at the CIA, 'Hey this operation is running. What do we do?" And the Zionists and the neo-cons said, 'Let's use it." :cuckoo:

Hart's interview has appeared on YouTube and other places on the Internet. His video is just one of thousands online blaming Jews or Israel for 9/11. These videos have been seen by tens of thousands of people and continue to gain currency among those who wish to demonize Israel and the Jews.

:cuckoo: Hart has also suggested that the United States is in danger of an Israeli nuclear strike with a stolen nuclear weapon to trigger a war with Iran and "finish the ethnic cleansing of Palestine" under cover of war, which Hart claims that Israel is planning to do "as soon as the opportunity presents itself."[5][6] :cuckoo:

In May 2010, Hart stated on various media, including the Kevin Barrett Show, that consultants close to the world’s most prominent construction company assured him that “The twin towers were brought down by a controlled ground explosion, not the planes.” Hart also speculated that the planes had been fitted with transponders and that Israeli Mossad agents guided them into the towers. Regarding the purpose of the 9/11 attacks, Hart stated that: “My guess is that at an early point they said to the bad guys in the CIA – hey this operation’s running what do we do, and the zionists and the neo-cons said let’s use it.” Hart also stated that the Israeli operation which became 9/11 was likely aided by certain corrupt American leaders.[9][10]
In another interview, Hart stated that "In my analysis there’s enough evidence – visual, technical and scientific, and from eye-witnesses including fire fighters – to invite the conclusion that the Twin Towers, like Building Seven, were pre-wired for controlled demolition with nanothermite, the highest-tech military explosive."[11]

He also stated that the "Jews who went to Palestine in answer to Zionism’s call had no biological connection to the ancient Hebrews. The incoming Zionist Jews were mainly foreign nationals of many lands... The notion that there are two entire peoples with an equally valid claim to the same land is an historical nonsense.".[3]

Sounds like you know all the haters, but they are just trees in a forest. Most Jews and Arab would share Palestine and recognized as a Jewish State by the Arab League.

This is Israel's real opportunity for Legitimacy by the Arabs and the World.

I hope they don’t miss this Historic Oppurtunity.
You just quoted this "hater", moron. I learned about these haters from anti Semites like you that keep repeating their lies and propaganda as legitimate sources. There's a few more losers like this Hart character.

Ask Sherri, she knows them all. Ha ha ha.
Then there was the offers made to the Palestinians for a peace treaty in 1993, 2000, and 2008 which they refused
They'd be lucky to get a portion of those offers today. That boat left a long time ago. And with the passing of time, it's getting much worse for the Palestinians. As I said the only real option is Israel eventually annexing the West Bank or creation of a mini Palestinian state in the West Bank, that guarantees the safety of the Jews that are already there. There isn't going to be a removal of over 300,000 Jews from the West Bank. As they say, those are the "facts in the ground" that dictate the conditions of any deal. Gaza will not be part of any deal.

Jerusalem is off the table.

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=ed3e6t5uEo4]Obama Declares Jerusalem Will Remain Undivided - YouTube[/ame]
I have been struggling mightily to avoid casting our colleague "pbel" in the same mold as Sherri and GeorgeP, despite increasing indications to the contrary as this newcomer (me) has been finding his way around this board system.

Post #278 cured me of that particular bit of foolishness.
Some anti Semites like Paeballs do a good job hiding their anti Semetism but when exposed you will find them to be even worse than the openly anti Semitic ones such as Sherri.

Remember how you were once told be be careful of the quiet ones that show very little emotion?
If Dr. Hawkins is an anti-Semite because he can see the forrest from the trees, I take your accusations of anti-Semistism as a despereate defenses when you cannot attack the logic of what is posted...

To me, the truth matters.
Bah! For every Hawking there are a thousand scientists that respect and admire Israel.

Check out the who's who attendees for Israel's latest science and technology convention, google, Microsoft, apple, Facebook, etc. all the founders and CEO's are there. Keep dreaming.
...Jerusalem is off the table.

And yet EVERY negotiator from Barak to Olmert, has offered chunks of East Jerusalem to the Palestinians.

You better be prepared for the eventual splitting of Jerusalem.

That's unless you want Jerusalem to eventually become an Arab city due to the Palestinians' very high birthrate.
Then there was the offers made to the Palestinians for a peace treaty in 1993, 2000, and 2008 which they refused

No final settlement was offered in 1993.

The 2000 offer gave the Palestinians only 75% of the West Bank for the next 25 years. No Palestinians leader would accept such a deal.

The 2008 offer by Olmert was meaningless as he was about to be indicted for felony charges and was in no position to offer anyone anything, nor to carry out such a deal.
"...unless you want Jerusalem to eventually become an Arab city due to the Palestinians' very high birthrate."
That's fine, right up to the moment when the Israelis begin condemning whole city blocks under eminent domain, paying-off the residents, evicting them from their homes, refusing to sell or rent replacement housing to them inside the City, and setting them on the road to other destinations. There's a much easier workaround to that than you're giving credit for, and the Israelis will not hesitate for one moment to undertake such measures if it becomes clear to them that they are 'losing' Jerusalem in the manner that you describe.
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Then there was the offers made to the Palestinians for a peace treaty in 1993, 2000, and 2008 which they refused

No final settlement was offered in 1993.

The 2000 offer gave the Palestinians only 75% of the West Bank for the next 25 years. No Palestinians leader would accept such a deal.

The 2008 offer by Olmert was meaningless as he was about to be indicted for felony charges and was in no position to offer anyone anything, nor to carry out such a deal.

The 2000 proposal (Camp David summit) would have given the Palestinians 92% of the West Bank . They would get 75% right away and the rest over the next decade.

Olmerts deal was incredibly generous, and if you or any other pro - Palestinian think a better offer will be proposed, you will be sorely dissapointed.
The '67 border will never happen
Right of return will never happen.
The sooner people can accept this, the sooner we can move on !
The 2000 proposal (Camp David summit) would have given the Palestinians 92% of the West Bank . They would get 75% right away and the rest over the next decade.

Olmerts deal was incredibly generous, and if you or any other pro - Palestinian think a better offer will be proposed, you will be sorely dissapointed.
The '67 border will never happen
Right of return will never happen.
The sooner people can accept this, the sooner we can move on !

The 2000 offer would have given the Palestinians 75% of the West Bank for the following 25 years.

Then maybe, possibly, the Israelis would withdraw from a further 17% of the West Bank.

Sorry, but that was totally unacceptable.

Olmert's deal was lovely, but he had no power nor authority to implement it.

Had the Palestinians accepted it, the Israelis would have clearly rejected its legitimacy due to Olmert's scandal and upcoming indictments.
"...Sorry, but that was totally unacceptable..."
Don't look now, but what the Palestinians consider 'acceptable' or 'unacceptable' is quickly becoming a moot point, as they continue to be squeezed off of the few scraps of land still remaining to them, and stacked higher on top of each other, or shunted off to Lebanon or Jordan. The days of Attractive Deals have passed, and the same is now almost true even for Bad Deals. They should have cut a Good Deal years ago, while they still could. Too late now.

The Ironic and funny part about that is, the world at-large is beginning not to care any longer; having watched the Palestinians make stupid decisions and to act stupidly for decades on end, and to shift increasingly towards Radical Militant Islam, which is a Mortal Enemy to much of Mankind.

The sooner this is over, the sooner the world can go back to sleep, and forget all about the flyspeck Palestinians, and devote its energies to far more important things.
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"...Sorry, but that was totally unacceptable..."
Don't look now, but what the Palestinians consider 'acceptable' or 'unacceptable' is quickly becoming a moot point, as they continue to be squeezed off of the few scraps of land still remaining to them, and stacked higher on top of each other, or shunted off to Lebanon or Jordan. The days of Attractive Deals have passed, and the same is now almost true even for Bad Deals. They should have cut a Good Deal years ago, while they still could. Too late now. and the Ironic and funny part about that is, the world at-large is beginning not to care any longer; being bone-weary of this $hit and just wanting it to be over.

Are you implying they should be put out of their misery?
...The days of Attractive Deals have passed, and the same is now almost true even for Bad Deals. They should have cut a Good Deal years ago, while they still could. Too late now. and the Ironic and funny part about that is, the world at-large is beginning not to care any longer; being bone-weary of this $hit and just wanting it to be over.

Yep, the days of the good deal may be gone.

The Palestinians might as well abandon an independent state and just call for one nation between the river and the sea.

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