Should Jerusalem be made an international city?

Originally posted by Kondor
This war is over. It was over in 1948. The results were confirmed in 1967.

Yeah, right.



José;7423601 said:
Originally posted by Kondor
This war is over. It was over in 1948. The results were confirmed in 1967.
Yeah, right....


Yeah... right.

( Oh, and, I did not realize that Palestinians had attacked the US on 9-11. I also did not realize that we were a Party-of-the-First-Part in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Ya learn sumfin' new every day. )
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"...The Golan Heights and East Jerusalem are permanently off the table? In your wildest dreams."
This will not be a meeting of peers.

This will be a meeting of the Winners (Israel) and the Losers (Palestinians).

The Winners dictate the terms.

The Palestinians must come hat-in-hand, humbly, contritely, sincerely, and understand that the Golan and East Jerusalem are off the table, or they should not come to the meeting at all.

And, if they do not come to the table soon, they will reap the consequences of the inevitable harsher end-game, in which they may be forcibly ejected from the country.

This war is over. It was over in 1948. The results were confirmed in 1967.

It is said that 'the Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.' and intransigence on the part of the Palestinians at this very late juncture would be a final demonstration of that old maxim.

There is very little time left. I am guessing that they either come to the table, hat-in-hand, and take whatever scraps the Israelis are still willing to grant them, or lose it all.

And the Palestinians will lose it all if they delay much longer - there can be no objective and practical doubt about that. The map tells that story. Coldly. Dispassionately. Truthfully.

The Palestinians can keep pi$$ing into the wind, or they can shut the phukk up and concede reality, and make the best deal they can under incredibly unfavorable circumstances.

The Palestinians could have cut a much better deal, for many years, but it's too late for all that now - that ship has sailed - those old offers are off the table.

The end-game is almost upon the Palestinians, and, if it comes to annexation and expulsion...

There will be no question that the Palestinians will lose.

The only question will be: will they do a Custer's Last Stand, or will they choose life and happiness and a fresh start, elsewhere.

My money is on the Custers' Last Stand. Collectively, as a body-politic, the Palestinians are not very bright. But, under such draconian circumstances, we can always hope they'll regain their sanity in time to avoid the worst of it.

The Golan is an issue between the Israelis and Syrians--not between the Israelis and Palestinians.
"...The Golan is an issue between the Israelis and Syrians--not between the Israelis and Palestinians."
Quite true, but even moderate Palestinians are reputed to be willing to accept no less than a return to pre-1967 borders, and, of course, the Golan is a strategic part of that... so, I tossed that one in... and ya caught me at it...
José;7423601 said:
Originally posted by Kondor
This war is over. It was over in 1948. The results were confirmed in 1967.

Yeah, right.




9/11 was about a clash of civilizations, Western vs. Islam.

Mohammed Atta, 9/11 ringleader, would beg to differ if he were alive, FY.

All his friends and relatives say his virulent anti-americanism was a direct result of America's support for Israel.
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Ralph Bodenstein​

Atta's friends in Germany described him as an intelligent man with religious beliefs who grew angry over the Western policy toward the Middle East, including the Oslo Accords and the Gulf War.

MSNBC, in its special "The Making of the Death Pilots," interviewed German friend Ralph Bodenstein who traveled, worked and talked a lot with Mohamed Atta. Bodenstein said, "He was most imbued [sic] actually about Israeli politics in the region and about U.S. protection of these Israeli politics in the region. And he was to a degree personally suffering from that."

Ralph Bodenstein Interview
José;7423601 said:
Originally posted by Kondor
This war is over. It was over in 1948. The results were confirmed in 1967.

Yeah, right.




9/11 was about a clash of civilizations, Western vs. Islam.
And the point of friction has been induced US supplied Israel re-created dead center of its old Asian neighborhood in a Sea of Islam...Sometimes I think a Nazi wrote this script...A UN Safe-Haven in the midst of enemies...

Go Figure.
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None of that $hit matters...

The Palestinians have suicide-bombed and rocket-launched themselves into a corner...

The Israelis have hardened their hearts in response and most long-running deals are now off the table...

The Palestinians are never, ever going to get their mitts on Jerusalem again...

And there is no way that Israel will allow Jerusalem to be converted into some kind of hall-a$$ed 'International City'...

Ain't gonna happen...

And if the Palestinians don't come back to the table, soon, conceding the Israeli victory, the Palestinians soon wont' have enough arable land between them to field a grove of olive trees...

Time is running out, and the delusional Palestinians have yet to come to grips with that...

Chances are, there is a wake-up call awaiting the Palestinians, sometime in the not-too-distant future...
9/11 was about a clash of civilizations, Western vs. Islam.

Regardless of Neo-Zionist propaganda, the West isn't at war with Islam.

The West is at war with Radical Islam.

And Radical Islam is at war with the rest of the world.

Regardless of the propaganda of Radical Islamist apologists, sympathizers and fifth-columnists.
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No, the only options are probably (1) submit to the bad deal that the Israelis are willing to give them at this late juncture or (2) face annexation and expulsion.

If they choose to resist then they will be beaten into submission, but allowed to live, and to go elsewhere, to rebuild their lives....

Fascism to the extreme. Sounds like a plan to make Israel "Arabrein".

The West is at war with Radical Islam.

And Radical Islam is at war with the rest of the world.

Regardless of the propaganda of Radical Islamist apologists, sympathizers and fifth-columnists.

Wrong again. Most of the world, including several Muslim nations, are at war with Islamists.
No, the only options are probably (1) submit to the bad deal that the Israelis are willing to give them at this late juncture or (2) face annexation and expulsion.

If they choose to resist then they will be beaten into submission, but allowed to live, and to go elsewhere, to rebuild their lives....

This is Fascism.
No, the only options are probably (1) submit to the bad deal that the Israelis are willing to give them at this late juncture or (2) face annexation and expulsion.

If they choose to resist then they will be beaten into submission, but allowed to live, and to go elsewhere, to rebuild their lives....

This is Fascism.

That is war.

To win a war, one must beat one's opponent into submission.

Next slide, please.

That is war.

To win a war, one must beat one's opponent into submission.

Next slide, please.

Giving unwanted minorities the option of exile or death, is Fascism.

Ironic that Fascism tried to wipe out the Jewish people.

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