Should men be allowed to be stay-at-home parents?

Given that rates of child molestation are higher in regards to men, than women, I'm skeptical that society should encourage men to be "stay at home parents", unless it is otherwise unavoidable, what would you say on the subject.

I'd venture a woman is more naturally inclined to be superior at such an endeavor, as evidenced in the animal kingdom as well, so all other factors equal, the woman, rather than the man should be viewed as the rightful caretaker, such as in child custody settlements, particularly if allegations of sexual abuse are a factor, since statistics and the biological realties these are based on indicate that the man, rather than the woman, would be more inclined to it, which are law naturally and thankfully considers, instead of childish and archaic pleas for "egalitarianism", even at the expense of reality and the safety of children.

What the hell is wrong with you?
Given that rates of child molestation are higher in regards to men, than women, I'm skeptical that society should encourage men to be "stay at home parents", unless it is otherwise unavoidable, what would you say on the subject.

I'd venture a woman is more naturally inclined to be superior at such an endeavor, as evidenced in the animal kingdom as well, so all other factors equal, the woman, rather than the man should be viewed as the rightful caretaker, such as in child custody settlements, particularly if allegations of sexual abuse are a factor, since statistics and the biological realties these are based on indicate that the man, rather than the woman, would be more inclined to it, which are law naturally and thankfully considers, instead of childish and archaic pleas for "egalitarianism", even at the expense of reality and the safety of children.
Sure, why NOT? My brother, for instance, was a MUCH better parent to his three daughters than the mother was. His girls NEVER got hurt under his supervision, while one of the girls almost drowned in their swimming pool and one sustained a broken arm (we think the mother probably did it, it was blamed on her sister) happened under the mother's supervision. Also, the mother was witnessed by neighbors pulling one of her daughters BY THE HAIR and dragging her that way into the house. Yep, the mother was and probably still is, a real psycho. Thank GOD she and my brother divorced after about 9-10 years of marriage. All three of the girls are wonderful, pleasant, well-adjusted adults now, I think due in large part to my brother's parenting.
You actually think.
Damn, you ARE one DIM MOTHERFUCKER. Please get your sorry ass out of here if you have nothing that pertains to the thread topic. What a dumbass.
Given that rates of child molestation are higher in regards to men, than women, I'm skeptical that society should encourage men to be "stay at home parents", unless it is otherwise unavoidable, what would you say on the subject.

I'd venture a woman is more naturally inclined to be superior at such an endeavor, as evidenced in the animal kingdom as well, so all other factors equal, the woman, rather than the man should be viewed as the rightful caretaker, such as in child custody settlements, particularly if allegations of sexual abuse are a factor, since statistics and the biological realties these are based on indicate that the man, rather than the woman, would be more inclined to it, which are law naturally and thankfully considers, instead of childish and archaic pleas for "egalitarianism", even at the expense of reality and the safety of children.
Sure, why NOT? My brother, for instance, was a MUCH better parent to his three daughters than the mother was. His girls NEVER got hurt under his supervision, while one of the girls almost drowned in their swimming pool and one sustained a broken arm (we think the mother probably did it, it was blamed on her sister) happened under the mother's supervision. Also, the mother was witnessed by neighbors pulling one of her daughters BY THE HAIR and dragging her that way into the house. Yep, the mother was and probably still is, a real psycho. Thank GOD she and my brother divorced after about 9-10 years of marriage. All three of the girls are wonderful, pleasant, well-adjusted adults now, I think due in large part to my brother's parenting.
You actually think.
Damn, you ARE one DIM MOTHERFUCKER. Please get your sorry ass out of here if you have nothing that pertains to the thread topic. What a dumbass.
GO AWAY, SHITHEAD. You're welcome.
Given that rates of child molestation are higher in regards to men, than women, I'm skeptical that society should encourage men to be "stay at home parents", unless it is otherwise unavoidable, what would you say on the subject.

I'd venture a woman is more naturally inclined to be superior at such an endeavor, as evidenced in the animal kingdom as well, so all other factors equal, the woman, rather than the man should be viewed as the rightful caretaker, such as in child custody settlements, particularly if allegations of sexual abuse are a factor, since statistics and the biological realties these are based on indicate that the man, rather than the woman, would be more inclined to it, which are law naturally and thankfully considers, instead of childish and archaic pleas for "egalitarianism", even at the expense of reality and the safety of children.
Sure, why NOT? My brother, for instance, was a MUCH better parent to his three daughters than the mother was. His girls NEVER got hurt under his supervision, while one of the girls almost drowned in their swimming pool and one sustained a broken arm (we think the mother probably did it, it was blamed on her sister) happened under the mother's supervision. Also, the mother was witnessed by neighbors pulling one of her daughters BY THE HAIR and dragging her that way into the house. Yep, the mother was and probably still is, a real psycho. Thank GOD she and my brother divorced after about 9-10 years of marriage. All three of the girls are wonderful, pleasant, well-adjusted adults now, I think due in large part to my brother's parenting.
You actually think.
Damn, you ARE one DIM MOTHERFUCKER. Please get your sorry ass out of here if you have nothing that pertains to the thread topic. What a dumbass.
GO AWAY, SHITHEAD. You're welcome.
Stay on topic hypocrite.
Given that rates of child molestation are higher in regards to men, than women, I'm skeptical that society should encourage men to be "stay at home parents", unless it is otherwise unavoidable, what would you say on the subject.

I'd venture a woman is more naturally inclined to be superior at such an endeavor, as evidenced in the animal kingdom as well, so all other factors equal, the woman, rather than the man should be viewed as the rightful caretaker, such as in child custody settlements, particularly if allegations of sexual abuse are a factor, since statistics and the biological realties these are based on indicate that the man, rather than the woman, would be more inclined to it, which are law naturally and thankfully considers, instead of childish and archaic pleas for "egalitarianism", even at the expense of reality and the safety of children.
Sure, why NOT? My brother, for instance, was a MUCH better parent to his three daughters than the mother was. His girls NEVER got hurt under his supervision, while one of the girls almost drowned in their swimming pool and one sustained a broken arm (we think the mother probably did it, it was blamed on her sister) happened under the mother's supervision. Also, the mother was witnessed by neighbors pulling one of her daughters BY THE HAIR and dragging her that way into the house. Yep, the mother was and probably still is, a real psycho. Thank GOD she and my brother divorced after about 9-10 years of marriage. All three of the girls are wonderful, pleasant, well-adjusted adults now, I think due in large part to my brother's parenting.
You actually think.
Damn, you ARE one DIM MOTHERFUCKER. Please get your sorry ass out of here if you have nothing that pertains to the thread topic. What a dumbass.
GO AWAY, SHITHEAD. You're welcome.
Are you yelling or just hard of hearing?
As long as they aren't democrats or muslims.
Yep your dumb ass inclinations would be wrong. Major study conducted throught the eighties and nineties initiated by Judge Alan Travis found that children of single parent homes were much better off if that parent was dad. You were 99 times more likely to go to prison if mom was primary care giver.
Bullshit studies by lying democrats assisting child molesters.
Go fuck your self mike judge travis was a rep[ublican. ZzCowardly little bitch! Still carying that 22 there little boy?
It doesn't matter what label you apply to them they are lying freaks. A far as the 22, come take it.
Given that rates of child molestation are higher in regards to men, than women, I'm skeptical that society should encourage men to be "stay at home parents", unless it is otherwise unavoidable, what would you say on the subject.

I'd venture a woman is more naturally inclined to be superior at such an endeavor, as evidenced in the animal kingdom as well, so all other factors equal, the woman, rather than the man should be viewed as the rightful caretaker, such as in child custody settlements, particularly if allegations of sexual abuse are a factor, since statistics and the biological realties these are based on indicate that the man, rather than the woman, would be more inclined to it, which are law naturally and thankfully considers, instead of childish and archaic pleas for "egalitarianism", even at the expense of reality and the safety of children.

Well first off, if the man is willing and desires to engage in child abuse, then he is going to find a way to do it, whether he's a stay-at-home parent or not.

That said, I don't think it is inherently impossible for a man to be better at keeping a home, than a women. However it is unlikely.

Men typically have no problem living in a level of disorganization, that would drive a typical woman insane.
They are less likely to clean. Less likely to do laundry. As long as there is still a clean pair of underwear left in the house, why bother doing laundry?

Women generally are more interested in keeping the home. Why that is true, I don't know, but it is.

The only real negative I see in the reversal, is the attitude of the woman actually. As much as many women say they would love their husband to stay at home, and clean, cook, and do chores around the house.... My experience is, that women whose husbands stay at home, do not respect their husbands.

In public, yeah they are all for it. But in reality, they seem to look down on men who sit at home and do nothing.

Now I'm not talking about society. I'm talking about the woman actually in the home. You see these chicks on Talk shows, saying how brave and wonderful it is for men to be in traditional women's roles... but none of those talking heads are married to such men.

You talk to the women who are actually married to a guy that stays at home, and precious few have anything go to say about their supposedly brave husband breaking the stereotype.

i am all for whoever makes more money to go out & earn it.

I am all for whoever does a better job of keeping the family together and whole.

If the man can make $50K and the women can make $100K, but the woman being at home will keep the family together better.... better to live on $50K, and have a good family.

Life isn't defined by income, or money, or the standard of living. It's defined by the family.

If your family sucks, no amount of money in the world, or standard of living, or car / house / or other possession will make up for it.
As long as they aren't democrats or muslims.
Yep your dumb ass inclinations would be wrong. Major study conducted throught the eighties and nineties initiated by Judge Alan Travis found that children of single parent homes were much better off if that parent was dad. You were 99 times more likely to go to prison if mom was primary care giver.
Bullshit studies by lying democrats assisting child molesters.
Go fuck your self mike judge travis was a rep[ublican. ZzCowardly little bitch! Still carying that 22 there little boy?
It doesn't matter what label you apply to them they are lying freaks. A far as the 22, come take it.
Yeh, bitch after your story of fear no fear nor respect for your idiot ass!
I think that they should be. Sometimes the dad can end up being the better parent. I have two cousins who would attest to that. Sadly their dad passed away when they were kids and because of how worthless their mother still is if she herself is out there somewhere, my two cousins had to go and live with other family members.

God bless you and my family always!!!

Given that rates of child molestation are higher in regards to men, than women, I'm skeptical that society should encourage men to be "stay at home parents", unless it is otherwise unavoidable, what would you say on the subject.

I'd venture a woman is more naturally inclined to be superior at such an endeavor, as evidenced in the animal kingdom as well, so all other factors equal, the woman, rather than the man should be viewed as the rightful caretaker, such as in child custody settlements, particularly if allegations of sexual abuse are a factor, since statistics and the biological realties these are based on indicate that the man, rather than the woman, would be more inclined to it, which are law naturally and thankfully considers, instead of childish and archaic pleas for "egalitarianism", even at the expense of reality and the safety of children.
A truly idiotic thread premise.

Who is going to ‘disallow’ men to be stay-at-home parents – the government?

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