Should morals be taught in school? (Ethics is taught in college)

we have a set of moral guidelines. The 10 commandments.

Romans 2:14-15 NLT​

Even Gentiles, who do not have God’s written law, show that they know his law when they instinctively obey it, even without having heard it. [15] They demonstrate that God’s law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right.

I don't believe that i have ever, EVER, seen a course on Ethics in any college i have attended.
Xavier University's core curriculum includes the Ethics/Religion and Society Focus. The goal of this sequence of courses is to foster students' understanding of socially significant issues from the perspectives of the humanities, especially literature, philosophy, and theology, as well as the social and natural sciences. The Focus is comprised of four courses:

  • Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy
  • Theological Foundations
  • Literature and the Moral Imagination
  • An elective course concerned with the ethical and/or religious dimensions of socially significant issues.
Examples from the university I attended.
Searched the first one.

what arrogance. LoL These men, these philosophers are not the author in any way shape or form of any moral code.
Define Ethics:
: [noun] the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation.
Ethics is based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues.

and what might that standard be? :wink:
Now THAT was funny scruffy

and thanks for the reminder.

what is it 'they' say? You can't make this shit up.
That's way too deep for students in K-12 except perhaps in accelerated classes for college credit.

You can get most people to agree on a basic set of morals like being kind and polite to others, not stealing, fighting, or putting your hands on anyone without permission, not lying etc.

If you could get that done and get those morals imbued fully before they graduate they'd be off to a pretty good start in life.

Teaching them that there are consequences for breaking the rules and laws that would be a very valuable thing to teach as well.
which is why it is not taught in grade school

There are perverts in control of the schools who do not want kids to know much of anything that would actually BENEFIT them OR society

it's scary... reminds me of that Scripture about how the devil has come down hard on the world as he knows he is running out of time..

Ought to be taught in the home, by example and training, as well as in church. I think all kids should be exposed to church and Sunday school at an early age, whether they reject it later or not.
some kids are not

they should be exposed to such at school if only bc their classmates have been (some)

in other words, no one is fully educated who doesn't know... things like the essentials of the BIBLE (accepted by Jews, Catholics and Protestants, albeit all the varied interpretations... )
Parents should be teaching their children all about right and wrong from the get-go.
but if they don't do that... and some don't do it bc they are ignorant of such themselves.. not really their fault, then the schools should do it. I mean, as stated, if one is ignorant of the Bible, one is truly ignorant.. For one, there is a lot of good and life-changing stuff in that Book which again.. Catholics, Protestants and Jews refer to
They already teach progressive morals in many schools but call it "social justice" or some other CRT codeword.
It's all about indoctrinating the kids with destructive claptrap like all white people are racist or gender dysmorphia is normal.
Leave the morals to the family
all the more reason for conservatives to push for.. for starters, teaching kids about the Bible.. last time I heard it is still Best selling book of all time..

and yet so many are so ignorant about... so many things RE the Bible
which is why it is not taught in grade school

There are perverts in control of the schools who do not want kids to know much of anything that would actually BENEFIT them OR society

it's scary... reminds me of that Scripture about how the devil has come down hard on the world as he knows he is running out of time..

Evil is a very real thing.
It is NOT the schools job to teach morals. They have zero business in the morals game. ZERO. That's ALL on parents. ALL.
Sadly, way too many parents do not have intact families, because nobody taught their parents right from wrong.

There's an error in this post. I meant to say…

Sadly, way too many children do not have intact families, because nobody taught their parents right from wrong.

But in my error, there's another point to be made.

Children often don't have intact homes because nobody taught their parents right from wrong. Nobody taught their parents, because they also likely came from broken or never formed homes, because their parents, in turn, had nobody to teach them basic morality.

And the children who do not have intact homes, because no one taught their parents right from wrong, will likely go on to spawn future generations with the same problem.

I wish would put it into the hands of the schools to step up and teach basic morality to children who do not have intact sets of parents to teach them,; but we've seen the insane and immoral shit that schools are now trying to brainwash into children, much of which is even worse than the amoral upbringing their are getting at home.
It is NOT the schools job to teach morals. They have zero business in the morals game. ZERO. That's ALL on parents. ALL.
The problem is a hell of a lot of parents don't and schools then become completely unmanageable as a result.

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