Should morals be taught in school? (Ethics is taught in college)

Just like no other human is qualified to teach my kids the Christian religion. As a Christian that is solely my job, not a school or another christians place.
We've got schools now grooming young children into depraved sexual disorders and perversions.

Do you really want to trust these same schools to teach morality or ethics to children?
And the evil, sick, ghoulish left actually do believe that they are moral people!
Okay...just looked at a univeristy ethics course syllabus.

LOLOL bullshit. That's not ethics in the sense of what we think of as ethics. It is political.
I don't believe that i have ever, EVER, seen a course on Ethics in any college i have attended.
I've attended ethics class
he said We don't teach our kids to THINK
which they seem to be doing a grand job of.....
Do you really want to trust these same schools to teach morality or ethics to children?
No, and why does anyone think it's an educational facilities job to do so?
Ought to be taught in the home, by example and training, as well as in church. I think all kids should be exposed to church and Sunday school at an early age, whether they reject it later or not.
While i'll not disagree , that could be thread worthy W6 .....
Teaching them that there are consequences for breaking the rules and laws that would be a very valuable thing to teach as well.
Yes, but why them?
Those who would do this, what choices do you think they would make as far as choosing “moral” people to teach morals to these children?
you 'get it' BB
Morals should be taught by parents

They want our kids to feel sorry for black people. Indoctrination is what it is.
I've got no problem with teaching the historical truth.
What happened to the Indians, blacks, Asians, etc... was nothing to be proud of but nobody alive now had anything to do with that. Teach it with the proper context, like the whole world was involved in slavery not so long ago & many countries still to this day.
Don't expect me to accept responsibility for it or bow to racist claims based on skin color
By the time a kid gets to college and takes an Ethics class, it is too late to form the child w/ proper morals and ethics... Well, I suppose it may not be too late for all students but for many, it is because they have already been formed by bad parents... parents who let their kids do whatever t hey want, have whatever t hey want... disrespect anyone they want...

hard to teach someone already set in his ways something different

but yeh... Schools teach all kinds of dumbass stuff these days but not morals... or religion... World Religions should not just be a college class...

Morals taught specifically? No I don't think so.

What I do think though is school staff should teach morals by leading by example though. School staff should have common decency, morals, and belief in America. Even if they have to fake those during school hours.

And no, religion doesn't belong in school, ever. That's too slippery of a slope to start down. Facts and reality that applies to all people is what should be taught in school. Sports, science, math, English, writing, critical thinking, history and so on belong in school. The parents should decide what their kids learn about religion.
By the time a kid gets to college and takes an Ethics class, it is too late to form the child w/ proper morals and ethics... Well, I suppose it may not be too late for all students but for many, it is because they have already been formed by bad parents... parents who let their kids do whatever t hey want, have whatever t hey want... disrespect anyone they want...

hard to teach someone already set in his ways something different

but yeh... Schools teach all kinds of dumbass stuff these days but not morals... or religion... World Religions should not just be a college class...

I think a stable society is a society where most people have the same sense of right and wrong. Kids are being taught what is right and wrong all the time, but often this is contradictory because it comes from lots of people.
initforme said:
Morals can vary widely and this is ok.

That would be an interesting discussion. They may vary widely....can you give me an example? But there is only one set that is innate in all of us.
I've attended ethics class

which they seem to be doing a grand job of.....

No, and why does anyone think it's an educational facilities job to do so?

While i'll not disagree , that could be thread worthy W6 .....

Yes, but why them?

you 'get it' BB


Because a great many kids today aren't' learning any of those things at home.

That's why inner city schools in particular tend to be zoos needing keepers and handlers even more than teachers.
I've got no problem with teaching the historical truth.
What happened to the Indians, blacks, Asians, etc... was nothing to be proud of but nobody alive now had anything to do with that. Teach it with the proper context, like the whole world was involved in slavery not so long ago & many countries still to this day.
Don't expect me to accept responsibility for it or bow to racist claims based on skin color
Folks need to read up on "no corruption of blood" and it's constitutional meaning.

We're only responsible for our own actions and those we endorse.

Every living slave owner should divide their wealth among all the living slaves they ever owned.

That isn't possible though since there are none of either still living.

My family was literally dirt poor a hundred years ago and 3 generations had to work their asses off, stay sober, and out of jail not making babies they couldn't support to accomplish that.
That would be an interesting discussion. They may vary widely....can you give me an example? But there is only one set that is innate in all of us.

Morals are taught, they are not innate, numerous studies over the years have proven that.

Without a moral code we're all living in "Lord of the Flies" territory.
well how do you know which ones to teach...and what evidence is there that children have no basic morals Which studies?
As I said, you have to start by coming up with a set of moral guidelines everyone can agree to which isn't all that hard. Every society has established pretty common basic moral standards.
It doesn't matter if they agree to them. They must be so based in common sense or 'something' that every one knows it whether they abide by it or not

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