Should morals be taught in school? (Ethics is taught in college)

By the time a kid gets to college and takes an Ethics class, it is too late to form the child w/ proper morals and ethics... Well, I suppose it may not be too late for all students but for many, it is because they have already been formed by bad parents... parents who let their kids do whatever t hey want, have whatever t hey want... disrespect anyone they want...

hard to teach someone already set in his ways something different

but yeh... Schools teach all kinds of dumbass stuff these days but not morals... or religion... World Religions should not just be a college class...
So, we don't teach it's wrong to hit, to steal, to cheat? Make them into a good con-servative then?
I disagree. They have the kids for 8 hours a day 5 days a week 270 days a year for 12 years.
You have responsibility for your kids 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 17 years, 364 days and bear a good degree of moral responsibility for how they turned out. Government isn't the answer to your problems.
Public schools teaching morals. What could go wrong?

No, they should not. It would be nice if they just focused on getting better at teaching the core subjects.
They do. I think all children's stories have some kind of lesson that inspired a good quality or lesson. Even Aesop's fables teach moral lessons. Some stories are about heroes or patriots or some character that overcomes adversity.
Not the school's place to teach religion, religious disciplines, the ancient stories, parables, and texts of religion as a required course, unless it is a private religious school sponsored by a religion. While I agree, you are not full educated, unless you have at least a passing familiarity. It is not the public schools place, needing to devote their time to reading, english, math, science, history, computer literacy, economics/business and things to prepare for higher studies and studying or learning on their own.
Information about world religions is taught in World History courses.
You have responsibility for your kids 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 17 years, 364 days and bear a good degree of moral responsibility for how they turned out. Government isn't the answer to your problems.
I never said the government is the answer to people's problems. I only said schools are teaching morals. I never judged it one way or the other.
I never said the government is the answer to people's problems. I only said schools are teaching morals. I never judged it one way or the other.
Of course they're teaching morals all day every day . It permeates every exchange.


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