Should Muller's investigation include Trump's financial history?

I've got a better question. Why hasn't there been a special investigation into the Clinton Foundation Money Laundering Scheme which has never had a single audit and has been protected by the very agencies / people who should have called for an investigation! What I see is a diversion being led by the very people who have a history of protecting criminals while accusing the innocent!

It isn't as if there isn't a money trail to follow. The last known words from Seth Rich was .....follow the money! Considering that Haiti publicly outed Clinton Foundation as robbing the poorest of their poor of over 1 billion dollars in money donations allocated to them, I'd say it is high time we get to the bottom of this. Why are we allowing these people to falsely accuse the very man who is capable of exposing the real corruption and putting them all on trial!
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with Trump? Hopefully the trump foundation will also be investigated.
Everything. The wrong person is being investigated. It should be Hillary Clinton and her husband. This is nothing more than a diversion to keep the spotlight off the real criminals. The same ones that President Trump said he would go after once elected. The American people are not stupid. We see what is going on here.
How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
WikiLeaks: Clinton Fdn Funds Used to Pay for Chelsea's Wedding, Aide Says
"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown | Zero Hedge
The Mysterious Disappearance of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman | The Stream

The problem with your links Zero Hedge,, National Review ------- Promote conspiracy and alt right bias media.

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check

The Stream - Media Bias/Fact Check

National Review - Media Bias/Fact Check
ROFL! No one who uses CNN or NYT as sources is in any position to be attacking rightwing sources. The later have proven to be far more credible than the former.

You are free to attached your link Bri. But make its doesn't belong to conspiracy news and racist group news.
Need a straight answer from someone, please.

bripat: a radical libertarian or an anarchist?
I'm an anarcho-capitalist.
The willingness to admit to a "form" of anarchism puts one on the Ignore list permanently.
Yes, there is such a thing. All the forum cowards have me on their ignore list.

you're a dum dum with no morality who makes things up.
And you're a big dummy, Nana nana boo boo!

What have I "made up," dingbat?
No. Trump says it is off limits and his 5th amendment rights should be observed.
So if the IRS audits me I can just say "no" and they have to respect my 5th amendment rights? Who knew!?
IRS? What do they have to do with this? Trump filed his taxes just like everyone else and the IRS has found that over decades of business, he is a lawful tax payer.
Last edited:
I've got a better question. Why hasn't there been a special investigation into the Clinton Foundation Money Laundering Scheme which has never had a single audit and has been protected by the very agencies / people who should have called for an investigation! What I see is a diversion being led by the very people who have a history of protecting criminals while accusing the innocent!

It isn't as if there isn't a money trail to follow. The last known words from Seth Rich was .....follow the money! Considering that Haiti publicly outed Clinton Foundation as robbing the poorest of their poor of over 1 billion dollars in money donations allocated to them, I'd say it is high time we get to the bottom of this. Why are we allowing these people to falsely accuse the very man who is capable of exposing the real corruption and putting them all on trial!
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with Trump? Hopefully the trump foundation will also be investigated.
Everything. The wrong person is being investigated. It should be Hillary Clinton and her husband. This is nothing more than a diversion to keep the spotlight off the real criminals. The same ones that President Trump said he would go after once elected. The American people are not stupid. We see what is going on here.
How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
WikiLeaks: Clinton Fdn Funds Used to Pay for Chelsea's Wedding, Aide Says
"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown | Zero Hedge
The Mysterious Disappearance of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman | The Stream

The problem with your links Zero Hedge,, National Review ------- Promote conspiracy and alt right bias media.

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check

The Stream - Media Bias/Fact Check

National Review - Media Bias/Fact Check
ROFL! No one who uses CNN or NYT as sources is in any position to be attacking rightwing sources. The later have proven to be far more credible than the former.

You are free to attached your link Bri. But make its doesn't belong to conspiracy news and racist group news.
Conspiracy theories is exactly where your posts belong.

I love it when you douche bags call me a racist. Have you got a shred of evidence to back up that claim? Why, of course not. When have you ever backed up anything with actual facts?
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with Trump? Hopefully the trump foundation will also be investigated.
Everything. The wrong person is being investigated. It should be Hillary Clinton and her husband. This is nothing more than a diversion to keep the spotlight off the real criminals. The same ones that President Trump said he would go after once elected. The American people are not stupid. We see what is going on here.
How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
WikiLeaks: Clinton Fdn Funds Used to Pay for Chelsea's Wedding, Aide Says
"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown | Zero Hedge
The Mysterious Disappearance of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman | The Stream

The problem with your links Zero Hedge,, National Review ------- Promote conspiracy and alt right bias media.

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check

The Stream - Media Bias/Fact Check

National Review - Media Bias/Fact Check
ROFL! No one who uses CNN or NYT as sources is in any position to be attacking rightwing sources. The later have proven to be far more credible than the former.

You are free to attached your link Bri. But make its doesn't belong to conspiracy news and racist group news.
Conspiracy theories is exactly where your posts belong.

I love it when you douche bags call me a racist. Have you got a shred of evidence to back up that claim? Why, of course not. When have you ever backed up anything with actual facts?

Actually your posts are generally filled by ignorance, and racism is a product of ignorance. But, I find you to be a misanthrope, you hate people indiscriminately (not that I think about you usually, but given your comment above, I've considered what I know about you by your posts). I've concluded you are a curmudgeon, and became one because you have a character disorder (narcissistic personality) and never have gotten the recognition you believe you deserve. Your avatar seems to confirm that judgment.
Everything. The wrong person is being investigated. It should be Hillary Clinton and her husband. This is nothing more than a diversion to keep the spotlight off the real criminals. The same ones that President Trump said he would go after once elected. The American people are not stupid. We see what is going on here.
How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
WikiLeaks: Clinton Fdn Funds Used to Pay for Chelsea's Wedding, Aide Says
"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown | Zero Hedge
The Mysterious Disappearance of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman | The Stream

The problem with your links Zero Hedge,, National Review ------- Promote conspiracy and alt right bias media.

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check

The Stream - Media Bias/Fact Check

National Review - Media Bias/Fact Check
ROFL! No one who uses CNN or NYT as sources is in any position to be attacking rightwing sources. The later have proven to be far more credible than the former.

You are free to attached your link Bri. But make its doesn't belong to conspiracy news and racist group news.
Conspiracy theories is exactly where your posts belong.

I love it when you douche bags call me a racist. Have you got a shred of evidence to back up that claim? Why, of course not. When have you ever backed up anything with actual facts?

Actually your posts are generally filled by ignorance, and racism is a product of ignorance. But, I find you to be a misanthrope, you hate people indiscriminately (not that I think about you usually, but given your comment above, I've considered what I know about you by your posts). I've concluded you are a curmudgeon, and became one because you have a character disorder (narcissistic personality) and never have gotten the recognition you believe you deserve. Your avatar seems to confirm that judgment.
Talk about a narcissistic personality: you actually believe I care about your opinion of me!
I think there's a real possibility that the Trumps have been laundering money for the Russian oligarchs through the sale of high priced real estate and that this is why Trump doesn't want Mueller looking at his personal finances.

Back when the housing bubble burst, Trump made headlines by selling an estate in Florida is a Russian oligarchs for the unheard of price of $95 million. Trump had paid a little over $40 million for the place, fixed it up a little and put it back on the market for $125 million and it sat, for years.

Donald Trump and the mansion that no one wanted. Then came a Russian fertilizer king

This transaction raised eyebrows at the time, but what if it was just one of many deals that brought the Trumo family millions from Russian "investors".

Don Jr. has bragged about making a lot of sales to Russian clients. And then there's his meeting with the Russian lawyer who was representing a client in a money laundering case, a case which Jeff Sessions settled for less than 3 cents on the dollar. What if that dossier she gave Junior wasn't about Hillary, but was all about the Trumps laundering money for Russian mobsters.

Donnie Senior is scared shirtless about something. His NYT interview showed that in spades. He's talking about firing Sessions, and Mueller, asking his lawyer about pardons.

I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if money laundering is at the root of it all.
What does the Clinton foundation have to do with Trump? Hopefully the trump foundation will also be investigated.
Everything. The wrong person is being investigated. It should be Hillary Clinton and her husband. This is nothing more than a diversion to keep the spotlight off the real criminals. The same ones that President Trump said he would go after once elected. The American people are not stupid. We see what is going on here.
How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
WikiLeaks: Clinton Fdn Funds Used to Pay for Chelsea's Wedding, Aide Says
"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown | Zero Hedge
The Mysterious Disappearance of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman | The Stream

The problem with your links Zero Hedge,, National Review ------- Promote conspiracy and alt right bias media.

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check

The Stream - Media Bias/Fact Check

National Review - Media Bias/Fact Check
ROFL! No one who uses CNN or NYT as sources is in any position to be attacking rightwing sources. The later have proven to be far more credible than the former.

You are free to attached your link Bri. But make sure it doesn't belong to a conspiracy news and racist group news.
Conspiracy theories is exactly where your posts belong.

I love it when you douche bags call me a racist. Have you got a shred of evidence to back up that claim? Why, of course not. When have you ever backed up anything with actual facts?

In this thread alone several links came from garbage conspiracy or racist media like Infowars submitted by your group.

I always post facts and reality Bri.
Of course not. He was appointed to investigate Russian influence. Not finding anything, he is exceeding the scope of his investigation looking for anything at all.

Looking at Trump's financial dealings with Russia is a part of that. Anyone who has a brain would see that.
The problem with your links Zero Hedge,, National Review ------- Promote conspiracy and alt right bias media.

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check

The Stream - Media Bias/Fact Check

National Review - Media Bias/Fact Check
ROFL! No one who uses CNN or NYT as sources is in any position to be attacking rightwing sources. The later have proven to be far more credible than the former.

You are free to attached your link Bri. But make its doesn't belong to conspiracy news and racist group news.
Conspiracy theories is exactly where your posts belong.

I love it when you douche bags call me a racist. Have you got a shred of evidence to back up that claim? Why, of course not. When have you ever backed up anything with actual facts?

Actually your posts are generally filled by ignorance, and racism is a product of ignorance. But, I find you to be a misanthrope, you hate people indiscriminately (not that I think about you usually, but given your comment above, I've considered what I know about you by your posts). I've concluded you are a curmudgeon, and became one because you have a character disorder (narcissistic personality) and never have gotten the recognition you believe you deserve. Your avatar seems to confirm that judgment.
Talk about a narcissistic personality: you actually believe I care about your opinion of me!

Actually I believe less than that, you are like Trump, incapable of introspection.
No. It's time for this stupid witch hunt to end. Waste of time, money and energy. Trump won. Get over it and move on.
I think there's a real possibility that the Trumps have been laundering money for the Russian oligarchs through the sale of high priced real estate and that this is why Trump doesn't want Mueller looking at his personal finances.

Back when the housing bubble burst, Trump made headlines by selling an estate in Florida is a Russian oligarchs for the unheard of price of $95 million. Trump had paid a little over $40 million for the place, fixed it up a little and put it back on the market for $125 million and it sat, for years.

Donald Trump and the mansion that no one wanted. Then came a Russian fertilizer king

This transaction raised eyebrows at the time, but what if it was just one of many deals that brought the Trumo family millions from Russian "investors".

Don Jr. has bragged about making a lot of sales to Russian clients. And then there's his meeting with the Russian lawyer who was representing a client in a money laundering case, a case which Jeff Sessions settled for less than 3 cents on the dollar. What if that dossier she gave Junior wasn't about Hillary, but was all about the Trumps laundering money for Russian mobsters.

Donnie Senior is scared shirtless about something. His NYT interview showed that in spades. He's talking about firing Sessions, and Mueller, asking his lawyer about pardons.

I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if money laundering is at the root of it all.
Only in bizarro snowflake land does getting a good deal on a piece of real estate become a crime.

Get this: The snowflakes have attacked Trump for making too much on a real estate deal, and they attacked him for having some real estate deals go bankrupt.

Yep, that's typical Democrat horseshit.
Last edited:
ROFL! No one who uses CNN or NYT as sources is in any position to be attacking rightwing sources. The later have proven to be far more credible than the former.

You are free to attached your link Bri. But make its doesn't belong to conspiracy news and racist group news.
Conspiracy theories is exactly where your posts belong.

I love it when you douche bags call me a racist. Have you got a shred of evidence to back up that claim? Why, of course not. When have you ever backed up anything with actual facts?

Actually your posts are generally filled by ignorance, and racism is a product of ignorance. But, I find you to be a misanthrope, you hate people indiscriminately (not that I think about you usually, but given your comment above, I've considered what I know about you by your posts). I've concluded you are a curmudgeon, and became one because you have a character disorder (narcissistic personality) and never have gotten the recognition you believe you deserve. Your avatar seems to confirm that judgment.
Talk about a narcissistic personality: you actually believe I care about your opinion of me!

Actually I believe less than that, you are like Trump, incapable of introspection.
Yeah, because if I was capable of introspection I would be as irrational and stupid as you, right?

One thing you aren't capable of is committing logic.
Everything. The wrong person is being investigated. It should be Hillary Clinton and her husband. This is nothing more than a diversion to keep the spotlight off the real criminals. The same ones that President Trump said he would go after once elected. The American people are not stupid. We see what is going on here.
How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians
WikiLeaks: Clinton Fdn Funds Used to Pay for Chelsea's Wedding, Aide Says
"Clinton Foundation Is Charity Fraud Of Epic Proportions", Analyst Charges In Stunning Takedown | Zero Hedge
The Mysterious Disappearance of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman | The Stream

The problem with your links Zero Hedge,, National Review ------- Promote conspiracy and alt right bias media.

Zero Hedge - Media Bias/Fact Check

The Stream - Media Bias/Fact Check

National Review - Media Bias/Fact Check
ROFL! No one who uses CNN or NYT as sources is in any position to be attacking rightwing sources. The later have proven to be far more credible than the former.

You are free to attached your link Bri. But make sure it doesn't belong to a conspiracy news and racist group news.
Conspiracy theories is exactly where your posts belong.

I love it when you douche bags call me a racist. Have you got a shred of evidence to back up that claim? Why, of course not. When have you ever backed up anything with actual facts?

In this thread alone several links came from garbage conspiracy or racist media like Infowars submitted by your group.

I always post facts and reality Bri.
Infowars is far more credible than the New York Times.

You post a constant stream of pure horseshit.
No. Trump says it is off limits and his 5th amendment rights should be observed.
So if the IRS audits me I can just say "no" and they have to respect my 5th amendment rights? Who knew!?

No......this is an investigation looking for a crime...not an investigation into an actual crime..there is a huge difference. Transactions 8 years ago have no bearing on the 2016 Rush pointed out, mueller is essentially doing the opposition research for the democrat party for the 2020 election and he is now allowed to dig through every personal aspect of Trump's life with federal warrants and handcuffs.....the wet dream of the democrats going into 2020.....

As legal analysts have pointed out...there is no crime here...there should never have been a special council appointed since the actual statute dictates that an actual crime needs to have occurred to trigger the special council law....this is, in truth, a witch hunt and opposition research with federal arrest powers behind it.....

There was an actual crime committed in Whitewater......there is no crime in this Russia investigation, except for the unmasking of flynn and the leaks by comey......and since mueller is a good and close personal friend of comey, he should have recused himself from the beginning....
I think the question is what does probable cause require

Q. what does probable cause require

A. "sufficient reason based upon known facts to believe a crime has been committed or that certain property is connected with a crime.

Legal Dictionary -
Mueller doesn't have it.

He has Donald Jr's. e-mails.
Donald Jr's. e-mails are not evidence of any crime, moron. They are evidence of Americans exercising their Constitutional rights.

they're not? dispositively, probably not.... but they are certainly evidence which will lead to further evidence.

now stamp your widdle feet again.

They will lead to further evidence of a nothing burger.

BTW, another form of cowardice is assigning one of those laughing emojis to my post and running away rather than responding to what I said.
And here it is broken down pretty well...mueller is doing opposition research for the democrats for the 2020 race, and his hilary supporting lawyers will leak whatever they find to the press and the democrats...

Blog: What is Mueller investigating?

The purpose of a special counsel is to investigate if a federal crime was committed. There has been no charge or allegation that Trump or his campaign workers violated any federal law. The authorization by Assistant Attorney General Rosenstein to Mueller read:

(a) Robert S. Mueller III is appointed to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice.

(b) The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confirmed by then-FBI Director James B. Comey in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including: (i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and (ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and (iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

(c) If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.

What are "links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump?" "Links and Coordination" is not a specific charge of violation of federal law. It is not like the Russians and others paying hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and $500,000 in speech fees to Bill Clinton in connection with Hillary approving the sale of 20% of our uranium by a Canadian company to the Russians.

The authorization given by Rosenstein is broad and vague, which allows Mueller to investigate anything he wants under the guise that it is a "link" or "coordination." Rosenstein should have given a specific authorization to investigate any Russian or other foreign efforts that affected the results of the election. Of course, we know there is no evidence that voting machines were hacked to change votes, or that thousands of Russians illegally came to Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan to vote for Trump. There is no such evidence because these things did not occur.

It is basic criminal law that a criminal statute must be specific and clear to define the conduct that is declared illegal so that one knows that the conduct is illegal. Similarly, if one is being investigated, the investigators must be authorized to seek out some specific conduct that is illegal and have probable cause to believe that the target of the investigation is involved illegally. There is no such evidence here.

It appears that Mueller is using the "link and/or coordination" authority to investigate matters totally unrelated to whether the Russians affected the 2016 election. For example, according to the latest leaks, most likely from the Obama-Clinton attorneys on the Mueller staff:

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