Should Muslim Cake Makers Be Required to Depict the Prophet Muhammed on a Cake?

I ask this not only for a cake making company which is expressly muslim, but also for any private cakemaker not publicly affiliated with a Muslim company but who on religious principle must refuse to depict the Prophet Muhammed in any way shape or form.

If I, for any reason, demanded for my wedding or some other event that a muslim cake maker make me a cake with the prophet Muhammed's personage depicted on it, can I sue that person for not making that cake for me?


Or what about these other scenarios:
(1) For bachelorette party: A penis cake?
(2) A picture of a dog for a dog's B-Day. It happens, my friend's in-laws do it for their dog every year (yep she is a nut)
(3) Or a cake for a bar mitzah
(4) Or a cake for a baptism?
Well now that the Arizona issue has come up again, should a muslim be required to bake a gay wedding cake?

Yes or no?


If he's a baker, that serves the public - he can't discriminate who he's going to serve based on whether or not the person is gay.

That doesn't mean he is required to provide a cake with offensive imagery, if a product is required that he doesn't provide (or that offends him) it's different than refusing to serve a person because of who or what that person is.

I guess that depends if he is in the one of the states that defines a bakery as a public accommodation or not, wouldn't it? Or do you simply see yourself as the all knowing person who is always right?
I ask this not only for a cake making company which is expressly muslim, but also for any private cakemaker not publicly affiliated with a Muslim company but who on religious principle must refuse to depict the Prophet Muhammed in any way shape or form.

If I, for any reason, demanded for my wedding or some other event that a muslim cake maker make me a cake with the prophet Muhammed's personage depicted on it, can I sue that person for not making that cake for me?


You would go out and troll someone and then sue when you didn't get the reaction you were after?


Funny how you think it is trolling to do that to a Muslim, but think that gays doing it to Christians is acceptable.
Well now that the Arizona issue has come up again, should a muslim be required to bake a gay wedding cake?

Yes or no?


If he's a baker, that serves the public - he can't discriminate who he's going to serve based on whether or not the person is gay.

That doesn't mean he is required to provide a cake with offensive imagery, if a product is required that he doesn't provide (or that offends him) it's different than refusing to serve a person because of who or what that person is.

I guess that depends if he is in the one of the states that defines a bakery as a public accommodation or not, wouldn't it? Or do you simply see yourself as the all knowing person who is always right?


The poster asked for an opinion.

I provided it.

Do you have problems with people providing opinions that differ from your own?
Of course not. The government isn't interested in punishing muslims.

But, you'd love to see an end to the First Amendment.

Should Muslim Cake Makers Be Required to Depict the Prophet Muhammed on a Cake? Reply to Thread

Key word: "required". As in, by law.

No. Of course not.

Gays should not be required, by law, to bake cakes with religious signs and symbols of any kind on them.

If someone does not want paying customers from the community, that's their choice.
Well now that the Arizona issue has come up again, should a muslim be required to bake a gay wedding cake?

Yes or no?


If he's a baker, that serves the public - he can't discriminate who he's going to serve based on whether or not the person is gay.

That doesn't mean he is required to provide a cake with offensive imagery, if a product is required that he doesn't provide (or that offends him) it's different than refusing to serve a person because of who or what that person is.

I guess that depends if he is in the one of the states that defines a bakery as a public accommodation or not, wouldn't it? Or do you simply see yourself as the all knowing person who is always right?

Which is it?

He's "required" not to discriminate and yet he can choose to discriminate.

If he's a baker, that serves the public - he can't discriminate who he's going to serve based on whether or not the person is gay.

That doesn't mean he is required to provide a cake with offensive imagery, if a product is required that he doesn't provide (or that offends him) it's different than refusing to serve a person because of who or what that person is.

I guess that depends if he is in the one of the states that defines a bakery as a public accommodation or not, wouldn't it? Or do you simply see yourself as the all knowing person who is always right?


The poster asked for an opinion.

I provided it.

Do you have problems with people providing opinions that differ from your own?

You do see yourself as God then, that explains a lot.
I guess that depends if he is in the one of the states that defines a bakery as a public accommodation or not, wouldn't it? Or do you simply see yourself as the all knowing person who is always right?


The poster asked for an opinion.

I provided it.

Do you have problems with people providing opinions that differ from your own?

You do see yourself as God then, that explains a lot.

You confuse opinions with mandates. No wonder your knickers are in a knot :)

If he's a baker, that serves the public - he can't discriminate who he's going to serve based on whether or not the person is gay.

That doesn't mean he is required to provide a cake with offensive imagery, if a product is required that he doesn't provide (or that offends him) it's different than refusing to serve a person because of who or what that person is.

!! Homosexual marriage IS offensive imagery to a muslim :cuckoo: Homosexuality is no more innate than bulimia. They're both learned behaviors.

If he's a baker, that serves the public - he can't discriminate who he's going to serve based on whether or not the person is gay.

That doesn't mean he is required to provide a cake with offensive imagery, if a product is required that he doesn't provide (or that offends him) it's different than refusing to serve a person because of who or what that person is.

!! Homosexual marriage IS offensive imagery to a muslim :cuckoo: Homosexuality is no more innate than bulimia. They're both learned behaviors.

Whether homosexuality is inate or "learned" is another argument.

Homosexual marriage might be offensive but that doesn't mean a person can discriminate against homosexuals. :cuckoo:
Muslims will do to gays just what they do to Christians. Not bake wedding cakes at all. Unless you know them from mosque and can place your order in arabic, farsi or maybe pashtun you are out of luck. Several bakeries in the area were bought by Muslims who stopped offering wedding cakes.

So far no complaints.
Whether homosexuality is inate or "learned" is another argument.
Homosexual marriage might be offensive but that doesn't mean a person can discriminate against homosexuals. :cuckoo:

Whether or not homosexuality is innate or learned/behavior IS the argument.

For a muslim to depict a "gay wedding" on a cake is heretical to his faith and can cost him his soul. The "harm" done by his refusing to make a "gay wedding" cake is far far outweighed by the harm done to his soul for this critical breach of his faith. This will be a contest of the rock solid 1st amendment to his freedom of practice of his religion vs the very shakey/non-existant "right" of LGBT behaviors to the 14th.

That is what this whole thing boils down to. A muslim's right to the 1st Amendment or gays "rights" to the 14th.

The US Supreme Court already weighed in on that last Summer when in Windsor, they found that even after bringing up Loving v Virginia [the 14th], they Found that gay marriage was up to the states to define as their "unquestioned authority" and that as of that Decision, gay marriage was "only allowed" "in some states". Not all. So that's their de facto Finding on gay marriage and the 14th. The 14th covers race, religion, gender & country of origin. It does not cover behaviors. Especially incomplete groupings of some sexual orientations. Conspicuously missing from "LGBT" is "P" [polygamy]. The millisecond if LGBT get granted a new type of class in the 14th [behavioral], polygamy will also be granted marriage rights. They cannot be denied. This poses a huge problem, among others, [see my signature for details] with the Utah case making its way to SCOTUS right now. And what other behaviors will say they are "born that way" to gain special exemption from local laws and customs? ie: how can we tell their self-diagnosis "No" while we tell LGBT's self-diagnosis "yes"? Wouldn't that be discriminatory?
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If he's a baker, that serves the public - he can't discriminate who he's going to serve based on whether or not the person is gay.

That doesn't mean he is required to provide a cake with offensive imagery, if a product is required that he doesn't provide (or that offends him) it's different than refusing to serve a person because of who or what that person is.

!! Homosexual marriage IS offensive imagery to a muslim :cuckoo: Homosexuality is no more innate than bulimia. They're both learned behaviors.

Whether homosexuality is inate or "learned" is another argument.

Homosexual marriage might be offensive but that doesn't mean a person can discriminate against homosexuals. :cuckoo:

That probably explains why the only people that are doing that are the imaginary people inside your head.
I ask this not only for a cake making company which is expressly muslim, but also for any private cakemaker not publicly affiliated with a Muslim company but who on religious principle must refuse to depict the Prophet Muhammed in any way shape or form.

If I, for any reason, demanded for my wedding or some other event that a muslim cake maker make me a cake with the prophet Muhammed's personage depicted on it, can I sue that person for not making that cake for me?


There is a wise saying;

"Avoid litigation like the plague" ...even if you have free legal, if you lose you could well have to pay the other party's costs.'ll be going down the "religious freedom" road...and courts are a lottery much of the time.

Me, I wouldn't be suing anyone over a cake.
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Muslims will do to gays just what they do to Christians. Not bake wedding cakes at all. Unless you know them from mosque and can place your order in arabic, farsi or maybe pashtun you are out of luck. Several bakeries in the area were bought by Muslims who stopped offering wedding cakes.

So far no complaints.

There have been complaints I'm sure but CAIR probably threatened lawsuits. I think on the Ask an Imam website someone said they cannot sell a cake to polytheists ( they consider christians polytheists - idolaters ) or they are partaking in idolatry?

I don't mind them not selling cakes to Christians but I do mind them locking their bathrooms off the interstates - they put signs at their gas stations - out of order bathroom - because of the issue of cleaning up after a non muslim. There were thousands of complaints about this practice because many motorists could not find a bathroom to use! It became common practice for the excuse - bathroom is out of order. The next time I take a road trip I'll update you on whether that is still going on.
Personally, I would not enjoy eating something that I forced someone to make. People should be able to refuse service to anyone based on religious beliefs.

Does anyone think Muslims would bake a cake with Jesus on it?

Yes, of course. I know there are Muslims who would bake a cake with Jesus on it. I know and have known uncountable Muslims who are respectful about other religions, including, of course, Christianity. The reason a Muslim could not put a picture of Mohammed on a cake is because it is forbidden in Islam to depict Mohammed. It is blasphemy. It is taboo. In Christianity, it is not a sin or blasphemy to depict Jesus. A Muslim who owned a bakery would have no problem depicting Jesus, Buddha or any other figure from another religion on a cake because it is not against that religion, but he cannot depict Mohammed because it is totally against his religion, a huge wrong. BTW, I have lived in and vistied Muslim countries that bake cakes and sell cakes, etc., to Christians. Whatever Muslims you are dealing with, they do not represent the majority.
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I agree that with Esmeralda that some Muslims will sell a wedding cake to Christians. Some will and some won't. I don't have any idea which represent the majority.

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