Should Muslim Cake Makers Be Required to Depict the Prophet Muhammed on a Cake?

I ask this not only for a cake making company which is expressly muslim, but also for any private cakemaker not publicly affiliated with a Muslim company but who on religious principle must refuse to depict the Prophet Muhammed in any way shape or form.

If I, for any reason, demanded for my wedding or some other event that a muslim cake maker make me a cake with the prophet Muhammed's personage depicted on it, can I sue that person for not making that cake for me?


You could ‘sue’ but you’d not get very far.

Given the fact that a Muslim baker doesn’t depict the Prophet Muhammad on cakes as a rule, and that you don’t belong to a particular class of persons, no civil rights or public accommodations laws have been violated, and consequently no lawsuit would be valid.

Even if you belonged to a particular class of persons, no violations would have taken place, as you’re requesting a good or service the baker does not provide in the first place.

Let us imagine a scenario that covers your perfunctory objections.

Let us imagine that a Muslim owned bakery that advertises special order cakes for parties. Further imagine that this baker makes a practice of baking cakes for all different types of parties, from corporate shindigs to birthdays, and that they have perfected a propitiatory method of taking any picture, including portraits, onto cakes. They even have an album available showing some of their work, and it includes examples of everything from the Last Supper to a picture drawn by a child for their mother's birthday.

Now let us assume that the local Nation of Islam mosque obtained "Muhammad at the Ka'ba" and wanted to celebrate hanging it with a cake depicting the artwork. They do a little research, and isvoer that a baker just down the street is famous for the way they reproduce works of art in cakes. We now have a business that is open to the public that is being asked to do what they normally do as part of their business, and a member of a protected class under US law asking them to do it. We also have a Muslim who suddenly objects to doing that on religious grounds, and a pissed of member of a victim class that wants to get back at them for killing Malcolm X, so they sue

What should the courts say?
As much as I dislike the tenets of Islam, I find this to be a rather dumb thread.

According to Islamic law, artists cannot depict living beings and, to my knowledge, there has never been an Islamic depiction of Allah. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
As much as I dislike the tenets of Islam, I find this to be a rather dumb thread.

According to Islamic law, artists cannot depict living beings and, to my knowledge, there has never been an Islamic depiction of Allah. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

In Islam we have basically the same commandment of the Bible, "No graven images". (people or animals)

Even in a muslim home you won't see any family members pictures hanging on the wall or on the shelves. .. :cool:
As much as I dislike the tenets of Islam, I find this to be a rather dumb thread.

According to Islamic law, artists cannot depict living beings and, to my knowledge, there has never been an Islamic depiction of Allah. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Your knowledge is lacking.

As much as I dislike the tenets of Islam, I find this to be a rather dumb thread.

According to Islamic law, artists cannot depict living beings and, to my knowledge, there has never been an Islamic depiction of Allah. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

If there is now or ever will be a musliim cake maker in Colorado, should they be forced to depict a gay wedding on the top of a cake to sell to a customer?
As much as I dislike the tenets of Islam, I find this to be a rather dumb thread.

According to Islamic law, artists cannot depict living beings and, to my knowledge, there has never been an Islamic depiction of Allah. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Your knowledge is lacking.
Of course there has been deviant Sufi groups and others who violated the 'no graven image' prohibition.

But 99% of muslims refuse to allow any pictures of Muhammad or the other Prophets of Islam to be drawn or displayed. ... :cool:
As much as I dislike the tenets of Islam, I find this to be a rather dumb thread.

According to Islamic law, artists cannot depict living beings and, to my knowledge, there has never been an Islamic depiction of Allah. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Your knowledge is lacking.
Of course there has been deviant Sufi groups and others who violated the 'no graven image' prohibition.

But 99% of muslims refuse to allow any pictures of Muhammad or the other Prophets of Islam to be drawn or displayed. ... :cool:

Should they be forced as a matter of law to depict two gay men on a wedding cake they build?
As much as I dislike the tenets of Islam, I find this to be a rather dumb thread.

According to Islamic law, artists cannot depict living beings and, to my knowledge, there has never been an Islamic depiction of Allah. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

If there is now or ever will be a musliim cake maker in Colorado, should they be forced to depict a gay wedding on the top of a cake to sell to a customer?


Those gay people might want a giant cock on top of their cake.:eek: No one should be forced to do something but the freedom to do so should be legal.
As much as I dislike the tenets of Islam, I find this to be a rather dumb thread.

According to Islamic law, artists cannot depict living beings and, to my knowledge, there has never been an Islamic depiction of Allah. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Your knowledge is lacking.
Of course there has been deviant Sufi groups and others who violated the 'no graven image' prohibition.

But 99% of muslims refuse to allow any pictures of Muhammad or the other Prophets of Islam to be drawn or displayed. ... :cool:

If they actually followed the tenets of Sunnism there would be no pictures of any people, period. This would prohibit all photography and television broadcasts. In other words, 99% of all Muslims, including you in your avatar, actually use graven images. Whinging about who is in the picture is, at best, disingenuous.
There aren't any pictures in my home.

Just saying........ :cool:

Hey Sunni Man {specifically}. Should a muslim cake maker be required to build a "gay wedding" cake for two men or two women wanting to marry? ie: would that muslim denying them service in this regard solely because they are gay be against the law/illegal discrimination?
Hey Sunni Man {specifically}. Should a muslim cake maker be required to build a "gay wedding" cake for two men or two women wanting to marry? ie: would that muslim denying them service in this regard solely because they are gay be against the law/illegal discrimination?
How should I know?? ..... I am not a lawyer. .. :cool:

But if I owned a wedding cake shop.

I would refuse to bake a homo wedding cake. Period. ... :doubt:
How should I know?? ..... I am not a lawyer. .. :cool:

But if I owned a wedding cake shop.

I would refuse to bake a homo wedding cake. Period. ... :doubt:

So then your answer is "muslims should not have to violate their faith to enable homosexuals pretending to "marry"?
I thought Muslims were against depicting anything as an image.

They are an artless culture.
So then your answer is "muslims should not have to violate their faith to enable homosexuals pretending to "marry"?
Whether it's Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, etc.

I do not believe any religious person should be forced by the law or government to violate the core theology of their religion. ... :cool:
Well now that the Arizona issue has come up again, should a muslim be required to bake a gay wedding cake?

Yes or no?
Well now that the Arizona issue has come up again, should a muslim be required to bake a gay wedding cake?

Yes or no?


If he's a baker, that serves the public - he can't discriminate who he's going to serve based on whether or not the person is gay.

That doesn't mean he is required to provide a cake with offensive imagery, if a product is required that he doesn't provide (or that offends him) it's different than refusing to serve a person because of who or what that person is.
I ask this not only for a cake making company which is expressly muslim, but also for any private cakemaker not publicly affiliated with a Muslim company but who on religious principle must refuse to depict the Prophet Muhammed in any way shape or form.

If I, for any reason, demanded for my wedding or some other event that a muslim cake maker make me a cake with the prophet Muhammed's personage depicted on it, can I sue that person for not making that cake for me?


You would go out and troll someone and then sue when you didn't get the reaction you were after?


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