Should Muslim's be Exempt from Enhanced Security Checks at our Airports?

Should Muslim's be Exempt from Enhanced Security Checks at our Airports?

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Muslims in America are oppressed because they are not permitted to impose Sharia law on everyone else.

and those hard core Muslims are no different then the hard core Christians who want to impose their version of Christianity on everyone...

Not true. To know Christianity, is to know to not force will or mandate, but persuade. If it is being forced down your throat, it is not Christian.
Surah 2:256 "There is no compulsion in the Religion"

In this verse of the 2nd chapter of the Quran.

Means there is no to be no forcing of the religion.

People are free to except or reject the religion.
Muslim women dressed in their garb should be exempt from a pat down.

However, in order to determine if they are actually a woman and not a man dressed like a woman, they should initially be patted down to ensure that they qualify for an exemption (the pat down should focus on the chest, groin and the areas in between...and the back, legs, and arms)
and those hard core Muslims are no different then the hard core Christians who want to impose their version of Christianity on everyone...

Not true. To know Christianity, is to know to not force will or mandate, but persuade. If it is being forced down your throat, it is not Christian.
Surah 2:256 "There is no compulsion in the Religion"

In this verse of the 2nd chapter of the Quran.

Means there is no to be no forcing of the religion.

People are free to except or reject the religion.

I understand that in the Quran, unlike in the Bible, the Later Verses Over Rule Earlier Verses where there is contradiction.
I understand that in the Quran, unlike in the Bible, the Later Verses Over Rule Earlier Verses where there is contradiction.

There are NO contradictions in the Quran.

People say that about the Bible too. In matters of Faith, when in question, seek Conscience First. We Must learn to truly put God First in all things, sometimes this is not what it seems, sometimes it is more than what it seems. When the Shit does hit the fan, and it will, try to remember that Our reason for being is greater than the tangents we create, even if we don't know what we are doing, He does. :):):)
I'm not aware of any radical Christian groups trying to change the Constitution or be given special protections or exemptions. (Forget gay marriage and abortion because those are "issues" not an "agenda" that are shared by Muslims and people of other faiths or no faith) but Sunni Man has claimed that ALL Muslims want Sharia. Big diff.
How about sharing with the board some actual fact of Muslim oppression in America rather than emotional opinion.

Muslims in America are oppressed because they are not permitted to impose Sharia law on everyone else.

and those hard core Muslims are no different then the hard core Christians who want to impose their version of Christianity on everyone...

Which is why we are having this big debate about how peaceful Christianity is while Christians are blowing up buildings, flying airliners into buildings, and fighting wars against us in Jerusalem.
and those hard core Muslims are no different then the hard core Christians who want to impose their version of Christianity on everyone...

Not true. To know Christianity, is to know to not force will or mandate, but persuade. If it is being forced down your throat, it is not Christian.
Surah 2:256 "There is no compulsion in the Religion"

In this verse of the 2nd chapter of the Quran.

Means there is no to be no forcing of the religion.

People are free to except or reject the religion.

Which is why Muslims never kill anyone who converts to Christianity.
I'm not aware of any radical Christian groups trying to change the Constitution.........

Ever heard of the Aryan Nation, Christian Identity Movement, KKK, The Order, etc.

There are dozens of radical Christian groups and Christian militia's seeking to over throw the government and change or trash the Constitution. :doubt:
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I'm not aware of any radical Christian groups trying to change the Constitution or be given special protections or exemptions. (Forget gay marriage and abortion because those are "issues" not an "agenda" that are shared by Muslims and people of other faiths or no faith) but Sunni Man has claimed that ALL Muslims want Sharia. Big diff.

Actually, what he is saying is that all "true Muslims" what Sharia, and in fact most Western Muslims don't want SHaria and hence the "true Muslims" hate them , and want to kill them to.
Some people need to educate themselves on Islam before it's too late.
Muslims in America are oppressed because they are not permitted to impose Sharia law on everyone else.

and those hard core Muslims are no different then the hard core Christians who want to impose their version of Christianity on everyone...

Not true. To know Christianity, is to know to not force will or mandate, but persuade. If it is being forced down your throat, it is not Christian.
but we are not talking about the Regular ole Christian are we?.....i said HARD CORE Christian.....a little bit of a difference i would think.....
I'm not aware of any radical Christian groups trying to change the Constitution.........

Ever heard of the Aryan Nation, Christian Identity Movement, KKK, The Order, etc.

There are dozens of radical Christian groups and Christian militia's seeking to over throw the government and change or trash the Constitution. :doubt:

They are Cult's, there is a difference.
Muslims in America are oppressed because they are not permitted to impose Sharia law on everyone else.

and those hard core Muslims are no different then the hard core Christians who want to impose their version of Christianity on everyone...

Which is why we are having this big debate about how peaceful Christianity is while Christians are blowing up buildings, flying airliners into buildings, and fighting wars against us in Jerusalem.

i thought this was about wanting to impose a certain religious lifestyle HERE,in the US...not doing terrorist acts against a govt or people because of politics....are we talking about the same thing?....
and those hard core Muslims are no different then the hard core Christians who want to impose their version of Christianity on everyone...

Not true. To know Christianity, is to know to not force will or mandate, but persuade. If it is being forced down your throat, it is not Christian.
but we are not talking about the Regular ole Christian are we?.....i said HARD CORE Christian.....a little bit of a difference i would think.....

Misguided, something that can be overcome with education and instruction. Locke does a really really good job of it.

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