Should Muslim's be Exempt from Enhanced Security Checks at our Airports?

Should Muslim's be Exempt from Enhanced Security Checks at our Airports?

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I'm not aware of any radical Christian groups trying to change the Constitution.........

Ever heard of the Aryan Nation, Christian Identity Movement, KKK, The Order, etc.

There are dozens of radical Christian groups and Christian militia's seeking to over throw the government and change or trash the Constitution. :doubt:

They are Cult's, there is a difference.
What makes them cults??

They believe in the Bible, Jesus is God, the Trinity, the Cross, etc.

Basically, the same doctrine as any other Christian Church.
Ever heard of the Aryan Nation, Christian Identity Movement, KKK, The Order, etc.

There are dozens of radical Christian groups and Christian militia's seeking to over throw the government and change or trash the Constitution. :doubt:

They are Cult's, there is a difference.
What makes them cults??

They believe in the Bible, Jesus is God, the Trinity, the Cross, etc.

Basically, the same doctrine as any other Christian Church.

Not at all. There are things in Christianity that compare differently internally than Islam. There are strong Authorities like the Catholic Church, for example, but those rules would apply exclusively to Catholics. There are many contradictory positions between the Sects, and reason for great division. There is no one correct way to interpret scripture, that is universally agreed on. Many false paths. There are some recognized characteristics that the main stream uses to determine status. Do you know what a Trinitarian concept is? A Unitarian concept? Those are just two. The different understandings of Communion, of the Sacraments, of graven images, of Individual Salvation, the Divinity of Christ. Do you have any idea of how many Protestant Sects there are?
All Christians, reguardless of denomination.

Whether it's the Aryan Nation or the Catholic Church.

Have the same basic beliefs that define them as Christians.

Belief in the Divinity of Jesus, Trinity, Jesus virgin birth, Original Sin, His Death and Resurrection, Grace, Salvation, Atonement of Sin etc.
If I felt as oppressed as you obviously do, then I'd get while the getting was good. Where in this world would you feel less oppressed? Go there.
I am an American citizen; both by birth right and heritage.

So I will do what any other ethnic minority in this country had done to achieve equality.

I will work from the inside using the democratic political system.

To further Islam and Muslim agenda for America. :cool:

Except that the "blacks, Irish, Italians, Chinese, Greeks, etc." came here to be Americans, not to further their religion or theocratic agenda. Your sorry ass belongs in Gitmo.
If your aim is to further Islam and Muslim agenda, you are not an American. Please go somewhere you'll be welcome.
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All Christians, reguardless of denomination.

Whether it's the Aryan Nation or the Catholic Church.

Have the same basic beliefs that define them as Christians.

Belief in the Divinity of Jesus, Trinity, Jesus virgin birth, Original Sin, His Death and Resurrection, Grace, Salvation, Atonement of Sin etc.

No, there are divisions. That is a main reason why John Locke thought it prudent to separate Church and State, each with protections against the encroachments of the other. Think about the Sunni/Shiite division, if it didn't effect civil law. That is the whole point.
Not true. To know Christianity, is to know to not force will or mandate, but persuade. If it is being forced down your throat, it is not Christian.
but we are not talking about the Regular ole Christian are we?.....i said HARD CORE Christian.....a little bit of a difference i would think.....

Misguided, something that can be overcome with education and instruction. Locke does a really really good job of it.

John Locke: A Letter Concerning Toleration

easier said than done....
What are you suggesting?

Either you get it or you don't. The Left denies that Sharia Law here is a Muslim goal, when Muslim's themselves plainly admit it is. The Left denies that Muslim's Support Terrorism, when Muslim's themselves admit that Terrorism can be justified by circumstance. The Left takes Muslim's at their word, when, Muslim's admit that there are times when they must lie to advance their faith. I'm not condemning Islam. I am plainly saying that these are issues of True Reform, and until rectified, the State of Islam remains Predatory.
Sharia law is a muslim goal...that isn't going to happen because it is unconstitutional. Just like biblical law isn't going to happen.

Some muslims support terrorism. Some christians support terrorism.

I try to take everyone at their word...christians lie, too.

You really generalize a LOT.

No shit.
The TSA is just another government agency waging war on Muslims and Islam. :evil:


From the photograher Dean Shaddock:
This was captured as I collected my things from airport security (Detroit Metro Concourse A). I think of it as something like a Rorschach test. Is an elderly Catholic nun being frisked by a Muslim security agent the celebration of blind justice? Or is it simply an admission of absurdity?
Con...i have known Sunni for a good 2 years now....i have never seen him say that the US deserved 9/11...if he did you will have to show me....and i dont see him being a Muslim like that big mouth asshole in Yemen....Sunni,to me,comes off as an American who just happens to be a Muslim....and i am willing to bet he knows the difference as to being a Muslim here,as to being one in Saudi Arabia....just sayin.....
Islam in Saudia Arabia reflects Saudi culture and tradition.

Islam in Indonesia reflects their culture and tradition.

Same with Egypt, Malaysia, Turkey, etc.

So to will Islam in the U.S. reflect American values and customs.

And moderate muslims like me will help shape the destiny of Islam in America. :cool:
American fundamentalist muslims are willing to kill moderate muslims to shape the destiny of Islam in America.
Im pretty sure you will come to see things their way given the right kind of "scriptural guidance".
Don't ya just love how they call this invasion of privacy, Enhanced Security Check.

and where are all the lefties, the ACLU, etc screaming about this enacted by the Obama and his Homeland Security?
Either you get it or you don't. The Left denies that Sharia Law here is a Muslim goal, when Muslim's themselves plainly admit it is. The Left denies that Muslim's Support Terrorism, when Muslim's themselves admit that Terrorism can be justified by circumstance. The Left takes Muslim's at their word, when, Muslim's admit that there are times when they must lie to advance their faith. I'm not condemning Islam. I am plainly saying that these are issues of True Reform, and until rectified, the State of Islam remains Predatory.
Sharia law is a muslim goal...that isn't going to happen because it is unconstitutional. Just like biblical law isn't going to happen.

Some muslims support terrorism. Some christians support terrorism.

I try to take everyone at their word...christians lie, too.

You really generalize a LOT.

No shit.

Principle is general, universal, actually. Some day, you may learn to connect the dots, dare I say, even think for yourself. ;) When we apply principle to a scenario, then, the application is tailored to the need. Dick Head.
Sharia law is a muslim goal...that isn't going to happen because it is unconstitutional. Just like biblical law isn't going to happen.

Some muslims support terrorism. Some christians support terrorism.

I try to take everyone at their word...christians lie, too.

You really generalize a LOT.

No shit.

Principle is general, universal, actually. Some day, you may learn to connect the dots, dare I say, even think for yourself. ;) When we apply principle to a scenario, then, the application is tailored to the need. Dick Head.

I can think for myself just fine ... that's why I don't make moronic generalized statements like you and don't live in fear of the boogyman that is "Sharia Law." I leave that to bedwetters like yourself.

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