Should Non citizen Russians in San Francisco be allowed to vote?

Progressives don't know if they're coming or going. Their problem is they cannot think for themselves. On one hand non-citizens should be allowed to vote, on the other non-citizens shouldn't influence elections.

They were dumbed down beforehand, but since Trump's election they've regressed to an alarming rate.

LOL- coming from the usual Don the Con's parrots- your post is hilariously ironic.

Came from someone who has history on his side. On the flip-side, yours is a suggestion based on nothing.
Non citizens are not allowed to vote

Show us

I already did.

And San Francisco is not the only community to allow non-citizens to vote.

Interestingly enough Arkansas allowed non-citizens to vote in State elections until 1926.

Personally, even though I get the sentiment about school board elections, I think voting should be a privilege reserved for citizens.
The argument conservatives are making is that untold millions of non citizens voted in national elections, our President repeats the lie

Illegals are not voting. If they were, it would be easy enough to prove

You can’t

I already did.

And San Francisco is not the only community to allow non-citizens to vote.

Interestingly enough Arkansas allowed non-citizens to vote in State elections until 1926.

Personally, even though I get the sentiment about school board elections, I think voting should be a privilege reserved for citizens.
The argument conservatives are making is that untold millions of non citizens voted in national elections, our President repeats the lie

Illegals are not voting. If they were, it would be easy enough to prove

You can’t

A lot of conservatives aren't saying that. However, unlike a liberal they see the gray areas and yes, there is PROOF of illegals voting, and to suggest that doesn't occur is pretty fucking dumb on your part. Here is an example for State sponsored elections to include participation by illegal immigrants. There's more to come, because the left is so corrupt. San Francisco begins registering non-citizens, and illegal immigrants to vote for school elections -

I already did.

And San Francisco is not the only community to allow non-citizens to vote.

Interestingly enough Arkansas allowed non-citizens to vote in State elections until 1926.

Personally, even though I get the sentiment about school board elections, I think voting should be a privilege reserved for citizens.
The argument conservatives are making is that untold millions of non citizens voted in national elections, our President repeats the lie

Illegals are not voting. If they were, it would be easy enough to prove

You can’t

A lot of conservatives aren't saying that. However, unlike a liberal they see the gray areas and yes, there is PROOF of illegals voting, and to suggest that doesn't occur is pretty fucking dumb on your part. Here is an example for State sponsored elections to include participation by illegal immigrants. There's more to come, because the left is so corrupt. San Francisco begins registering non-citizens, and illegal immigrants to vote for school elections -
Again you do not understand what a national election is

I ask for proof and you offer school board elections
Show me a verified case
Could non-citizens decide the November election?

Our data comes from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES). Its large number of observations (32,800 in 2008 and 55,400 in 2010) provide sufficient samples of the non-immigrant sub-population, with 339 non-citizen respondents in 2008 and 489 in 2010. For the 2008 CCES, we also attempted to match respondents to voter files so that we could verify whether they actually voted.

How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote.

So how many verified cases of actual voter fraud by non-citizens?

Oh right- your post doesn't have that information.
. 14% of illegals are registered
ONE does not equate to millions

The cases that are found tend to be someone who believed they could vote and mistakenly registered

The point is with the vast number of registered illegals and the lack of active enforcement catching them is problematic.

Lack of prosecution doesn’t mean lack of offenses
ONE does not equate to millions

The cases that are found tend to be someone who believed they could vote and mistakenly registered

The point is with the vast number of registered illegals and the lack of active enforcement catching them is problematic.

Lack of prosecution doesn’t mean lack of offenses
Your link

Note: The post occasioned three rebuttals (here, here, and here) as well as a response from the authors. Subsequently, another peer-reviewed article argued that the findings reported in this post (and affiliated article) were biased and that the authors’ data do not provide evidence of non-citizen voting in U.S. elections.

I already did.

And San Francisco is not the only community to allow non-citizens to vote.

Interestingly enough Arkansas allowed non-citizens to vote in State elections until 1926.

Personally, even though I get the sentiment about school board elections, I think voting should be a privilege reserved for citizens.
The argument conservatives are making is that untold millions of non citizens voted in national elections, our President repeats the lie

Illegals are not voting. If they were, it would be easy enough to prove

You can’t

A lot of conservatives aren't saying that. However, unlike a liberal they see the gray areas and yes, there is PROOF of illegals voting, and to suggest that doesn't occur is pretty fucking dumb on your part. Here is an example for State sponsored elections to include participation by illegal immigrants. There's more to come, because the left is so corrupt. San Francisco begins registering non-citizens, and illegal immigrants to vote for school elections -
Again you do not understand what a national election is

I ask for proof and you offer school board elections

What do you mean AGAIN? I don't need you to validate liberals are cause/effect challenged. The link I provided demonstrates the ideology of today's progressive. You're a FOOL to believe non-citizens do not vote, national, State and local. Here are more links for you to enjoy:

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? - ScienceDirect

Texas AG to Prosecute Non-Citizen Voter Fraud in Harris County - Texas Scorecard

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

I already did.

And San Francisco is not the only community to allow non-citizens to vote.

Interestingly enough Arkansas allowed non-citizens to vote in State elections until 1926.

Personally, even though I get the sentiment about school board elections, I think voting should be a privilege reserved for citizens.
The argument conservatives are making is that untold millions of non citizens voted in national elections, our President repeats the lie

Illegals are not voting. If they were, it would be easy enough to prove

You can’t

A lot of conservatives aren't saying that. However, unlike a liberal they see the gray areas and yes, there is PROOF of illegals voting, and to suggest that doesn't occur is pretty fucking dumb on your part. Here is an example for State sponsored elections to include participation by illegal immigrants. There's more to come, because the left is so corrupt. San Francisco begins registering non-citizens, and illegal immigrants to vote for school elections -
Again you do not understand what a national election is

I ask for proof and you offer school board elections

What do you mean AGAIN? I don't need you to validate liberals are cause/effect challenged. The link I provided demonstrates the ideology of today's progressive. You're a FOOL to believe non-citizens do not vote, national, State and local. Here are more links for you to enjoy:

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? - ScienceDirect

Texas AG to Prosecute Non-Citizen Voter Fraud in Harris County - Texas Scorecard

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
From your link

Dear Washington Times,

As a primary author cited in this piece, I need to say that I think the Washington Times article is deceptive. It makes it sound like I have done a study concerning the 2016 election. I have not. What extrapolation I did to the 2016 election was purely and explicitly and exclusively for the purpose of pointing out that my 2014 study of the 2008 election did not provide evidence of voter fraud at the level some Trump administration people were claiming it did. I do not think that one should rely upon that extrapolation for any other purpose. And I do not stand behind that extrapolation if used for ANY other purpose.

Best Regards,

Jesse Richman
If someone wants to prove voter fraud.......why not just go out and prove it

We have certified voter registrations. Go through those registrations and find people who are not legally allowed to vote........then show where they actually voted
I already did.

And San Francisco is not the only community to allow non-citizens to vote.

Interestingly enough Arkansas allowed non-citizens to vote in State elections until 1926.

Personally, even though I get the sentiment about school board elections, I think voting should be a privilege reserved for citizens.
The argument conservatives are making is that untold millions of non citizens voted in national elections, our President repeats the lie

Illegals are not voting. If they were, it would be easy enough to prove

You can’t

A lot of conservatives aren't saying that. However, unlike a liberal they see the gray areas and yes, there is PROOF of illegals voting, and to suggest that doesn't occur is pretty fucking dumb on your part. Here is an example for State sponsored elections to include participation by illegal immigrants. There's more to come, because the left is so corrupt. San Francisco begins registering non-citizens, and illegal immigrants to vote for school elections -
Again you do not understand what a national election is

I ask for proof and you offer school board elections

What do you mean AGAIN? I don't need you to validate liberals are cause/effect challenged. The link I provided demonstrates the ideology of today's progressive. You're a FOOL to believe non-citizens do not vote, national, State and local. Here are more links for you to enjoy:

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? - ScienceDirect

Texas AG to Prosecute Non-Citizen Voter Fraud in Harris County - Texas Scorecard

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
From your link

Dear Washington Times,

As a primary author cited in this piece, I need to say that I think the Washington Times article is deceptive. It makes it sound like I have done a study concerning the 2016 election. I have not. What extrapolation I did to the 2016 election was purely and explicitly and exclusively for the purpose of pointing out that my 2014 study of the 2008 election did not provide evidence of voter fraud at the level some Trump administration people were claiming it did. I do not think that one should rely upon that extrapolation for any other purpose. And I do not stand behind that extrapolation if used for ANY other purpose.

Best Regards,

Jesse Richman

Ha ha ha..............You just attacked your own position. Read what you put in bold. You might want to go back to school. Trade school. Stay away from the schools in liberal indoctrination. They're real bad.
You cant vote if you are not a citizen.

Actually that is not exactly true.

Only citizens can vote in federal elections- but states- and localities decide who can vote within their own elections.

San Francisco has decided to let non-citizens vote in school board elections- perfectly legal to do- even though I disagree with the decision.
/——/ It’s a stepping stone. Libs always advance their filthy agenda in baby steps.
Give us an example
/——/ One example is the Gaye rights movement that started with We just want to be left alone In the 1960s To in your face gay sex on parade down Main Street

How often are you seeing gay sex on your Main Street?

What town do you live in?

Because I live in San Francisco and the only actual sex I have seen in public here has been drunk hetero couples.

But I do get your point in a way- Contards were happier when they could legally discriminate and prosecute gays for wearing dresses or dancing in a bar- or when 5 brave contards could get away with finding a lone guy who looked fem to bravely beat up.
/----/ Main Street? How about 5th Ave? Gayes dry humping at the parade.
gay pride parade nyc - Google Search
Progressives don't know if they're coming or going. Their problem is they cannot think for themselves. On one hand non-citizens should be allowed to vote, on the other non-citizens shouldn't influence elections.

They were dumbed down beforehand, but since Trump's election they've regressed to an alarming rate.

LOL- coming from the usual Don the Con's parrots- your post is hilariously ironic.
/----/ I guess you can easily refute his point but choose to hurl insults instead.
Show me a verified case
Could non-citizens decide the November election?

Our data comes from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES). Its large number of observations (32,800 in 2008 and 55,400 in 2010) provide sufficient samples of the non-immigrant sub-population, with 339 non-citizen respondents in 2008 and 489 in 2010. For the 2008 CCES, we also attempted to match respondents to voter files so that we could verify whether they actually voted.

How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote.

So how many verified cases of actual voter fraud by non-citizens?

Oh right- your post doesn't have that information.
. 14% of illegals are registered

No- you can't even read your own citation correctly.
14% of non-citizens- within that sample- within that study- non-citizens does not = illegal

And the 'scientific conclusions' of the article?

Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010.

But their 'best guess' has been challenged- repeatedly by others- and again- is no evidence that there is a substantial issue of fraudulent votes by illegals being cast.

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population. Consequently, the assumption that non-citizens, who volunteered to take online surveys administered in English about American politics, would somehow be representative of the entire non-citizen population seems tenuous at best.

Perhaps a bigger problem with utilizing CCES data to make claims about the non-citizen voting in the United States is that some respondents might have mistakenly misreported their citizenship status on this survey (e.g. response error). For, as Richman et al. state in their Electoral Studies article, “If most or all of the ‘non-citizens’ who indicated that they voted were in fact citizens who accidentally misstated their citizenship status, then the data would have nothing to contribute concerning the frequency of non-citizen voting.” In fact, any response error in self-reported citizenship status could have substantially altered the authors’ conclusions because they were only able to validate the votes of five respondents who claimed to be non-citizen voters in the 2008 CCES.
The argument conservatives are making is that untold millions of non citizens voted in national elections, our President repeats the lie

Illegals are not voting. If they were, it would be easy enough to prove

You can’t

A lot of conservatives aren't saying that. However, unlike a liberal they see the gray areas and yes, there is PROOF of illegals voting, and to suggest that doesn't occur is pretty fucking dumb on your part. Here is an example for State sponsored elections to include participation by illegal immigrants. There's more to come, because the left is so corrupt. San Francisco begins registering non-citizens, and illegal immigrants to vote for school elections -
Again you do not understand what a national election is

I ask for proof and you offer school board elections

What do you mean AGAIN? I don't need you to validate liberals are cause/effect challenged. The link I provided demonstrates the ideology of today's progressive. You're a FOOL to believe non-citizens do not vote, national, State and local. Here are more links for you to enjoy:

Do non-citizens vote in U.S. elections? - ScienceDirect

Texas AG to Prosecute Non-Citizen Voter Fraud in Harris County - Texas Scorecard

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
From your link

Dear Washington Times,

As a primary author cited in this piece, I need to say that I think the Washington Times article is deceptive. It makes it sound like I have done a study concerning the 2016 election. I have not. What extrapolation I did to the 2016 election was purely and explicitly and exclusively for the purpose of pointing out that my 2014 study of the 2008 election did not provide evidence of voter fraud at the level some Trump administration people were claiming it did. I do not think that one should rely upon that extrapolation for any other purpose. And I do not stand behind that extrapolation if used for ANY other purpose.

Best Regards,

Jesse Richman

Ha ha ha..............You just attacked your own position. Read what you put in bold. You might want to go back to school. Trade school. Stay away from the schools in liberal indoctrination. They're real bad.


And I do not stand behind that extrapolation if used for ANY other purpose.
If someone wants to prove voter fraud.......why not just go out and prove it

We have certified voter registrations. Go through those registrations and find people who are not legally allowed to vote........then show where they actually voted

Where is the proof of anyone voting illegally
Actually that is not exactly true.

Only citizens can vote in federal elections- but states- and localities decide who can vote within their own elections.

San Francisco has decided to let non-citizens vote in school board elections- perfectly legal to do- even though I disagree with the decision.
/——/ It’s a stepping stone. Libs always advance their filthy agenda in baby steps.
Give us an example
/——/ One example is the Gaye rights movement that started with We just want to be left alone In the 1960s To in your face gay sex on parade down Main Street

How often are you seeing gay sex on your Main Street?

What town do you live in?

Because I live in San Francisco and the only actual sex I have seen in public here has been drunk hetero couples.

But I do get your point in a way- Contards were happier when they could legally discriminate and prosecute gays for wearing dresses or dancing in a bar- or when 5 brave contards could get away with finding a lone guy who looked fem to bravely beat up.
/----/ Main Street? How about 5th Ave? Gayes dry humping at the parade.
View attachment 206109 gay pride parade nyc - Google Search

Good evasion of the question- how often are you seeing gay sex on your Main Street- or are you having to use Google to satisfy your desire to find examples of gays- not having sex- on Main Street?

Because as we all know- straights don't do that kind of stuff on Main Street....



Progressives don't know if they're coming or going. Their problem is they cannot think for themselves. On one hand non-citizens should be allowed to vote, on the other non-citizens shouldn't influence elections.

They were dumbed down beforehand, but since Trump's election they've regressed to an alarming rate.

LOL- coming from the usual Don the Con's parrots- your post is hilariously ironic.
/----/ I guess you can easily refute his point but choose to hurl insults instead.

I refuted his insults by pointing out the irony.

I am good with that.

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