Should Obama be included on Mt. Rushmore?

Weak thread for a weak president.

obama has had things in his favor and the economy is limping along, still. Bush had a hostile Congress, Katrina, 9/11, bank collapse, housing market crisis, etc. And I never heard him snivel about the other guy or blame others.

Huh? Bush inherited peace and prosperity, a budget surplus, had a Republican congress 6 of his 8 years, and a Repug majority on the USSC in his back pocket. Most of the bad things that occurred during his watch were due to his own incompetence. You don't hear him snivel about the other guy, because he couldn't. The blame was clearly his.
Republicans sniveled on his behalf.

Lucky for us Obama has done a decent job of cleaning up Bush's disasters.

What "disaster" has Obama "cleaned up", Ravi? He's run up trillions in debt while overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since FDR. We've got ISIS cutting the heads off Americans while they take over a huge part of the Middle East. Russia is invading it's neighbors. Iran is even closer to making their first nuke. We've got Ebola in the US for the first time. Am I missing what Barry's cleaned up?

1) US economy. Gone from losing 750K jobs a month at end of Bush regime to where we are slowly gaining jobs. Stock market trending up.
2) Iraq quagmire. If McCain had won in 2008, it would probably still be a hot war today. ISIS? There wouldn't be a fuckin ISIS if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq in the first place.
3) Osama Bin Laden dead after being ignored by Bush.

"Slowly" gaining jobs is the operative word, Borillar! The economy and unemployment typically bounce back following a recession. The one that Barry inherited ended five YEARS ago and both economic growth and job creation is best described as "tepid" under this President despite trillions being spent to stimulate both. The stock market recovery is the result of non-stop Quantitative Easing by the Fed...something that has made the money in your and my pockets worth less and less.

Blaming Barack Obama's complete failure to grasp the danger of ISIS on W. is laughable. That total lapse was just the latest example of a President who's generally asleep at the switch when it comes to foreign policy.

Bin Laden is dead. Of course he's probably dead because of intel we obtained using the information water boarding which led us to his whereabouts. Bush didn't "ignore" Osama...he simply pointed out that the struggle against Islamic terror wouldn't be won or lost by the killing of one man no matter who he was. Barry didn't quite grasp that concept. After the Seals killed OBL, Obama did his touchdown dance and declared the terrorists on the run. So tell me who had a better understanding of the situation...W...or Barry?

The Repugs have done a masterful job of obstructing every effort to improve the economy and then blame Obama for the outcome of their sabotage.

The Bush/Cheney war of choice in Iraq created the conditions leading to the creation of ISIS. Bush and his neocon cabal own that one.

Osama Bin Laden, AKA Osama Bin Forgotten during the Bush years, is dead. Republicans don't want to give any credit whatsoever to the CIC who gave the go ahead to take him out. Instead, they want to use it to justify their love of torture tactics.
He's one of the best presidents we've had in decades.

Under his leadership we've recovered from the worst recession of all time and he avoided a depression despite a worldwide financial meltdown. In that, he is right up there with FDR, who got us out of the depression.

Under his leadership the terrorist that was responsible for the worst terrorist attack on the US was brought to justice.

His calm leadership on the recent Ebola crisis was a refreshing breath of fresh air compared to hysterical calls from the right to take excessive and authoritarian control of the country.

There are more accomplishments and examples of leadership but these things alone make him eligible to take a place of honor in American history.

If this were true, Democrats in tight races would be saying the same thing and at least appear with the President or acknowledge they voted for him.
Huh? Bush inherited peace and prosperity, a budget surplus, had a Republican congress 6 of his 8 years, and a Repug majority on the USSC in his back pocket. Most of the bad things that occurred during his watch were due to his own incompetence. You don't hear him snivel about the other guy, because he couldn't. The blame was clearly his.
Republicans sniveled on his behalf.

Lucky for us Obama has done a decent job of cleaning up Bush's disasters.

What "disaster" has Obama "cleaned up", Ravi? He's run up trillions in debt while overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since FDR. We've got ISIS cutting the heads off Americans while they take over a huge part of the Middle East. Russia is invading it's neighbors. Iran is even closer to making their first nuke. We've got Ebola in the US for the first time. Am I missing what Barry's cleaned up?

1) US economy. Gone from losing 750K jobs a month at end of Bush regime to where we are slowly gaining jobs. Stock market trending up.
2) Iraq quagmire. If McCain had won in 2008, it would probably still be a hot war today. ISIS? There wouldn't be a fuckin ISIS if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq in the first place.
3) Osama Bin Laden dead after being ignored by Bush.

"Slowly" gaining jobs is the operative word, Borillar! The economy and unemployment typically bounce back following a recession. The one that Barry inherited ended five YEARS ago and both economic growth and job creation is best described as "tepid" under this President despite trillions being spent to stimulate both. The stock market recovery is the result of non-stop Quantitative Easing by the Fed...something that has made the money in your and my pockets worth less and less.

Blaming Barack Obama's complete failure to grasp the danger of ISIS on W. is laughable. That total lapse was just the latest example of a President who's generally asleep at the switch when it comes to foreign policy.

Bin Laden is dead. Of course he's probably dead because of intel we obtained using the information water boarding which led us to his whereabouts. Bush didn't "ignore" Osama...he simply pointed out that the struggle against Islamic terror wouldn't be won or lost by the killing of one man no matter who he was. Barry didn't quite grasp that concept. After the Seals killed OBL, Obama did his touchdown dance and declared the terrorists on the run. So tell me who had a better understanding of the situation...W...or Barry?

The Repugs have done a masterful job of obstructing every effort to improve the economy and then blame Obama for the outcome of their sabotage.

The Bush/Cheney war of choice in Iraq created the conditions leading to the creation of ISIS. Bush and his neocon cabal own that one.

Osama Bin Laden, AKA Osama Bin Forgotten during the Bush years, is dead. Republicans don't want to give any credit whatsoever to the CIC who gave the go ahead to take him out. Instead, they want to use it to justify their love of torture tactics.

That's such a crock, Borillar! There are over 300 House bills sitting on Harry Reid's desk since the Democrats lost control of the House in 2010...many of which were passed to improve the economy. Reid won't even let them come to the floor of the Senate for debate, let alone a vote. For you to accuse the GOP of "obstruction" borders on farce at this point! Before 2010 Barry had Super Majorities in both the House and the Senate. He could have passed whatever he wanted to with just votes from Democrats and there wouldn't have been a damn thing the GOP could have done about it.

So tell me what Obama plan to improve the economy it was that the GOP "obstructed"? The truth of the matter is that Barry hasn't really had an economic plan since Larry Summers quit as his Chief Economic Adviser four years ago. I'll bet you don't even know fills that position now! You know why you don't? Because the Obama economic "strategy" for the past four years is to do nothing and blame the Republicans!
He's one of the best presidents we've had in decades.

Under his leadership we've recovered from the worst recession of all time and he avoided a depression despite a worldwide financial meltdown. In that, he is right up there with FDR, who got us out of the depression.

Under his leadership the terrorist that was responsible for the worst terrorist attack on the US was brought to justice.

His calm leadership on the recent Ebola crisis was a refreshing breath of fresh air compared to hysterical calls from the right to take excessive and authoritarian control of the country.

There are more accomplishments and examples of leadership but these things alone make him eligible to take a place of honor in American history.

He should have few garbage dumps named after him. the guy is a complete joke
Those Democratic politicians who are trying to distance themselves from the President are unworthy of his support. Ravi calls it stupidity. I call it cowardice.

Of course, I realize the place on Mt. Rushmore is only rhetorical. Despite my support for the president, I don't think President Obama merits a place there either. His place in history is still being written. I think he will go down as a President who was handed a huge mess, obstructed at every turn, and then criticized for not fixing everything quickly enough.

Even if that were true, the criticism would be just. He promised to fix things and didn't. And to hear Leftists whine about how he was "obstructed at every turn" when he had Congress for his first term is hilarious. Why can't you accept that your little boy president didn't fill the man sized pants like you thought he would?
Beside that, the dupes are just plain FOS, totally misinformed. He had congress for less than 6 months- taking into account Teddy being out and and actually days in session- THIRTEEN DAYS, brainwashed functional moron.
As for our "Commander In Chief"? With all due respect, Borillar...our current President has absolutely no idea whatsoever what he's doing when it comes to military strategy. He called ISIS the "JV team" even as he was being warned by his military advisers that ISIS was a real and growing danger. When ISIS poured across the border and started taking over city after city in Iraq, Barry sat on his hands in the Oval Office and pretended it wasn't happening. He could very well be the worst military leader this country has had in our history.
He's one of the best presidents we've had in decades.

Under his leadership we've recovered from the worst recession of all time and he avoided a depression despite a worldwide financial meltdown. In that, he is right up there with FDR, who got us out of the depression.

Under his leadership the terrorist that was responsible for the worst terrorist attack on the US was brought to justice.

His calm leadership on the recent Ebola crisis was a refreshing breath of fresh air compared to hysterical calls from the right to take excessive and authoritarian control of the country.

There are more accomplishments and examples of leadership but these things alone make him eligible to take a place of honor in American history.

I see you're hitting the bottle a little early...

The only place his image belongs is next to yours...

I love how you use the word leadership and try to associate it with this buffoon...

This stupid bastard couldn't lead ants to sugar, but he sure as hell can dig into my wallet with no conscience...
Those Democratic politicians who are trying to distance themselves from the President are unworthy of his support. Ravi calls it stupidity. I call it cowardice.

Of course, I realize the place on Mt. Rushmore is only rhetorical. Despite my support for the president, I don't think President Obama merits a place there either. His place in history is still being written. I think he will go down as a President who was handed a huge mess, obstructed at every turn, and then criticized for not fixing everything quickly enough.

Even if that were true, the criticism would be just. He promised to fix things and didn't. And to hear Leftists whine about how he was "obstructed at every turn" when he had Congress for his first term is hilarious. Why can't you accept that your little boy president didn't fill the man sized pants like you thought he would?
Beside that, the dupes are just plain FOS, totally misinformed. He had congress for less than 6 months- taking into account Teddy being out and and actually days in session- THIRTEEN DAYS, brainwashed functional moron.

You know what I love about you die hard Obama Kool Aid drinkers, Franco? You know that Obama rammed through the ACA with zero Republican votes...yet for some reason you think those same Republicans who couldn't keep Barry from getting ObamaCare made into law were somehow able to keep him from passing legislation to create jobs and stimulate the economy. How does that work exactly?
Republicans sniveled on his behalf.

Lucky for us Obama has done a decent job of cleaning up Bush's disasters.

What "disaster" has Obama "cleaned up", Ravi? He's run up trillions in debt while overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since FDR. We've got ISIS cutting the heads off Americans while they take over a huge part of the Middle East. Russia is invading it's neighbors. Iran is even closer to making their first nuke. We've got Ebola in the US for the first time. Am I missing what Barry's cleaned up?

1) US economy. Gone from losing 750K jobs a month at end of Bush regime to where we are slowly gaining jobs. Stock market trending up.
2) Iraq quagmire. If McCain had won in 2008, it would probably still be a hot war today. ISIS? There wouldn't be a fuckin ISIS if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq in the first place.
3) Osama Bin Laden dead after being ignored by Bush.

"Slowly" gaining jobs is the operative word, Borillar! The economy and unemployment typically bounce back following a recession. The one that Barry inherited ended five YEARS ago and both economic growth and job creation is best described as "tepid" under this President despite trillions being spent to stimulate both. The stock market recovery is the result of non-stop Quantitative Easing by the Fed...something that has made the money in your and my pockets worth less and less.

Blaming Barack Obama's complete failure to grasp the danger of ISIS on W. is laughable. That total lapse was just the latest example of a President who's generally asleep at the switch when it comes to foreign policy.

Bin Laden is dead. Of course he's probably dead because of intel we obtained using the information water boarding which led us to his whereabouts. Bush didn't "ignore" Osama...he simply pointed out that the struggle against Islamic terror wouldn't be won or lost by the killing of one man no matter who he was. Barry didn't quite grasp that concept. After the Seals killed OBL, Obama did his touchdown dance and declared the terrorists on the run. So tell me who had a better understanding of the situation...W...or Barry?

The Repugs have done a masterful job of obstructing every effort to improve the economy and then blame Obama for the outcome of their sabotage.

The Bush/Cheney war of choice in Iraq created the conditions leading to the creation of ISIS. Bush and his neocon cabal own that one.

Osama Bin Laden, AKA Osama Bin Forgotten during the Bush years, is dead. Republicans don't want to give any credit whatsoever to the CIC who gave the go ahead to take him out. Instead, they want to use it to justify their love of torture tactics.

That's such a crock, Borillar! There are over 300 House bills sitting on Harry Reid's desk since the Democrats lost control of the House in 2010...many of which were passed to improve the economy. Reid won't even let them come to the floor of the Senate for debate, let alone a vote. For you to accuse the GOP of "obstruction" borders on farce at this point! Before 2010 Barry had Super Majorities in both the House and the Senate. He could have passed whatever he wanted to with just votes from Democrats and there wouldn't have been a damn thing the GOP could have done about it.

So tell me what Obama plan to improve the economy it was that the GOP "obstructed"? The truth of the matter is that Barry hasn't really had an economic plan since Larry Summers quit as his Chief Economic Adviser four years ago. I'll bet you don't even know fills that position now! You know why you don't? Because the Obama economic "strategy" for the past four years is to do nothing and blame the Republicans!
Every single house bill is crappe designed only for propaganda purposes, dupe. Ever heard of the jobs/infrastructure act, or taxes on the bloated megarich to be used. for training for tech jobs going begging, tax cuts for small business- all blocked, all just typical remedies in a recession. Try reading a newspaper, hater dupe.- you're absolutely clueless.
Those Democratic politicians who are trying to distance themselves from the President are unworthy of his support. Ravi calls it stupidity. I call it cowardice.

Of course, I realize the place on Mt. Rushmore is only rhetorical. Despite my support for the president, I don't think President Obama merits a place there either. His place in history is still being written. I think he will go down as a President who was handed a huge mess, obstructed at every turn, and then criticized for not fixing everything quickly enough.

Even if that were true, the criticism would be just. He promised to fix things and didn't. And to hear Leftists whine about how he was "obstructed at every turn" when he had Congress for his first term is hilarious. Why can't you accept that your little boy president didn't fill the man sized pants like you thought he would?
Beside that, the dupes are just plain FOS, totally misinformed. He had congress for less than 6 months- taking into account Teddy being out and and actually days in session- THIRTEEN DAYS, brainwashed functional moron.

You know what I love about you die hard Obama Kool Aid drinkers, Franco? You know that Obama rammed through the ACA with zero Republican votes...yet for some reason you think those same Republicans who couldn't keep Barry from getting ObamaCare made into law were somehow able to keep him from passing legislation to create jobs and stimulate the economy. How does that work exactly?
Read something. They passed ACA, then Scott Brown was elected. End of story as far as passing anything goes. Idiot. The stimulus ran out right after.
As for our "Commander In Chief"? With all due respect, Borillar...our current President has absolutely no idea whatsoever what he's doing when it comes to military strategy. He called ISIS the "JV team" even as he was being warned by his military advisers that ISIS was a real and growing danger. When ISIS poured across the border and started taking over city after city in Iraq, Barry sat on his hands in the Oval Office and pretended it wasn't happening. He could very well be the worst military leader this country has had in our history.
No one saw ISIS coming, NO ONE. Idiot.
Republicans sniveled on his behalf.

Lucky for us Obama has done a decent job of cleaning up Bush's disasters.

What "disaster" has Obama "cleaned up", Ravi? He's run up trillions in debt while overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since FDR. We've got ISIS cutting the heads off Americans while they take over a huge part of the Middle East. Russia is invading it's neighbors. Iran is even closer to making their first nuke. We've got Ebola in the US for the first time. Am I missing what Barry's cleaned up?

1) US economy. Gone from losing 750K jobs a month at end of Bush regime to where we are slowly gaining jobs. Stock market trending up.
2) Iraq quagmire. If McCain had won in 2008, it would probably still be a hot war today. ISIS? There wouldn't be a fuckin ISIS if Bush hadn't invaded Iraq in the first place.
3) Osama Bin Laden dead after being ignored by Bush.

"Slowly" gaining jobs is the operative word, Borillar! The economy and unemployment typically bounce back following a recession. The one that Barry inherited ended five YEARS ago and both economic growth and job creation is best described as "tepid" under this President despite trillions being spent to stimulate both. The stock market recovery is the result of non-stop Quantitative Easing by the Fed...something that has made the money in your and my pockets worth less and less.

Blaming Barack Obama's complete failure to grasp the danger of ISIS on W. is laughable. That total lapse was just the latest example of a President who's generally asleep at the switch when it comes to foreign policy.

Bin Laden is dead. Of course he's probably dead because of intel we obtained using the information water boarding which led us to his whereabouts. Bush didn't "ignore" Osama...he simply pointed out that the struggle against Islamic terror wouldn't be won or lost by the killing of one man no matter who he was. Barry didn't quite grasp that concept. After the Seals killed OBL, Obama did his touchdown dance and declared the terrorists on the run. So tell me who had a better understanding of the situation...W...or Barry?

The Repugs have done a masterful job of obstructing every effort to improve the economy and then blame Obama for the outcome of their sabotage.

The Bush/Cheney war of choice in Iraq created the conditions leading to the creation of ISIS. Bush and his neocon cabal own that one.

Osama Bin Laden, AKA Osama Bin Forgotten during the Bush years, is dead. Republicans don't want to give any credit whatsoever to the CIC who gave the go ahead to take him out. Instead, they want to use it to justify their love of torture tactics.

That's such a crock, Borillar! There are over 300 House bills sitting on Harry Reid's desk since the Democrats lost control of the House in 2010...many of which were passed to improve the economy. Reid won't even let them come to the floor of the Senate for debate, let alone a vote. For you to accuse the GOP of "obstruction" borders on farce at this point! Before 2010 Barry had Super Majorities in both the House and the Senate. He could have passed whatever he wanted to with just votes from Democrats and there wouldn't have been a damn thing the GOP could have done about it.

So tell me what Obama plan to improve the economy it was that the GOP "obstructed"? The truth of the matter is that Barry hasn't really had an economic plan since Larry Summers quit as his Chief Economic Adviser four years ago. I'll bet you don't even know fills that position now! You know why you don't? Because the Obama economic "strategy" for the past four years is to do nothing and blame the Republicans!
Republicans love to whine about Harry Reid, but totally ignore their record number of filibusters. In the Senate, they have filibustered hundreds of bills, blocking everything since the 2009 stimulus. In the House, Boner won't allow any votes on anything that would help the economy beyond tax cuts for the very wealthy.
Maybe they could build a giant ceramic Obama head mold and put it in the path of the lava flow on the Big Island in Hawaii. It could fill up with lava, then cool. They could break the mold and voila! A monument to Obama in his home state. :D

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