Should Obama be included on Mt. Rushmore?

Weak thread for a weak president.

obama has had things in his favor and the economy is limping along, still. Bush had a hostile Congress, Katrina, 9/11, bank collapse, housing market crisis, etc. And I never heard him snivel about the other guy or blame others.
Where would Obama be without David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett?
Mayor of Chicago or Senior sales rep at a used car lot.
He's one of the best presidents we've had in decades.

Are you kidding me? Unlike the insanely partisan Cinos around here I won't demonize Obama just for shits and giggles. But to say that he's the best President we've had in decades is equally insane. Clinton was a much better President than Obama. If you, as a member of the left, can't admit that much, then you really are deluded.
This picture tells the truth

Everything Obama is able to do, as well as any other statist president such as Wilson or FDR, is because of that supreme asshole Herr Abraham Lincoln Über Alles.

All powerful federal government was inevitable after that highly illegal war.
He's one of the best presidents we've had in decades.

Are you kidding me? Unlike the insanely partisan Cinos around here I won't demonize Obama just for shits and giggles. But to say that he's the best President we've had in decades is equally insane. Clinton was a much better President than Obama. If you, as a member of the left, can't admit that much, then you really are deluded.
clinton can rot in hell
He's one of the best presidents we've had in decades.

Under his leadership we've recovered from the worst recession of all time and he avoided a depression despite a worldwide financial meltdown. In that, he is right up there with FDR, who got us out of the depression.

Under his leadership the terrorist that was responsible for the worst terrorist attack on the US was brought to justice.

His calm leadership on the recent Ebola crisis was a refreshing breath of fresh air compared to hysterical calls from the right to take excessive and authoritarian control of the country.

There are more accomplishments and examples of leadership but these things alone make him eligible to take a place of honor in American history.

April Fools!
He's one of the best presidents we've had in decades.

Under his leadership we've recovered from the worst recession of all time and he avoided a depression despite a worldwide financial meltdown. In that, he is right up there with FDR, who got us out of the depression.

Under his leadership the terrorist that was responsible for the worst terrorist attack on the US was brought to justice.

His calm leadership on the recent Ebola crisis was a refreshing breath of fresh air compared to hysterical calls from the right to take excessive and authoritarian control of the country.

There are more accomplishments and examples of leadership but these things alone make him eligible to take a place of honor in American history.
A typical delusional libtard. There is no hope nor when talking about Obutthurt.
Removing Jefferson and Washington and replacing them with Obama and Bush or Reagan would make far more sense, frankly. Make it a government shrine to sociopathic warmongers.
As opposed to slavers?
Absolutely. Remove the slavers and put up the butchers of scores of innocent men, women, and children from the Middle East. It fits the theme of Rushmore much better, and there are plenty of other temples and shrines to the slavers elsewhere.
Not for nothing, Ravi...but when your Presidential motto is "Leading from behind!" you're really not deserving of memorials to your greatness! I would say that Obama will be judged by history to be someone who was overwhelmed by the position that he held and totally unprepared by life experience to deal with that.
Not for nothing, Ravi...but when your Presidential motto is "Leading from behind!" you're really not deserving of memorials to your greatness! I would say that Obama will be judged by history to be someone who was overwhelmed by the position that he held and totally unprepared by life experience to deal with that.
Well, of course you would say that. Not one of you can disprove the accomplishments in the op.
Not for nothing, Ravi...but when your Presidential motto is "Leading from behind!" you're really not deserving of memorials to your greatness! I would say that Obama will be judged by history to be someone who was overwhelmed by the position that he held and totally unprepared by life experience to deal with that.
Well, of course you would say that. Not one of you can disprove the accomplishments in the op.
If Obama is so damn good why is almost every single democrat pretending they don't know him?

Pull your head out of his ass

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