Zone1 Should Obese Women Win Beauty Pageants?


A woman can be a little thick or chunky and still be beautiful and even healthy.

Obese and fat women are not beautiful and unhealthy. Them winning beauty pagents sets a bad example anyway that fat and unhealthy women are desirable.

No one really finds obese women beautiful. Black dudes will bang fat chicks because they will bang anything and fat women are easy prey for them. Other guys will do them because they can't control their need to have sex.

But no one wants to marry or be in a relationship with an obese woman. The only ones that do are as equally as ugly and undesirable by most. So it's their only option.

And whole "big beautiful woman" is a lie as much as saying all thinner chicks are beautiful. But way more thinner women are attractive than fat women.
I'm not making fun of this woman, but some people just don't have the right body for these competitions. I don't find this to be right at all.

Road Runner, "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder". The answer to your question is dependent upon the opinions of those chosen to be judges of the competitions. "In questions of taste, there can be no arguments". Respectfully, Supposn
I'm not making fun of this woman, but some people just don't have the right body for these competitions. I don't find this to be right at all.

It seems prudent to point out it was not a beauty pageant.
This is the latest example of how leftism expects everyone to not point out the obvious, and if you do you’re a big meanie.

Here’s a question… for all the leftists who are celebrating this, would you trade your looks/body with that woman’s?

99% wouldn’t, for obvious reasons.
Mr. Friscus, you seem to detect politics and post an antii leftist response within every discussion thread where I might recall having seen any of your posted responses.
Beauty is not a political topic. Regarding this topic, "In questions of taste, there can be no arguments". Respectfully, Supposn
Mr. Friscus, you seem to detect politics and post an antii leftist response within every discussion thread where I might recall having seen any of your posted responses.
Beauty is not a political topic. Regarding this topic, "In questions of taste, there can be no arguments". Respectfully, Supposn
Anybody with a three-digit IQ knows it is politics.

Woke virtue signaling and nothing more.
Usually I agree with that, but not for things like this.

Yes it was.

It used to be a beauty pageant, then the woke took over and jiggered the rules.

Those rules are probably less than a decade old. They took something existing and then mutilated it to suit their SJW goals.

They list no winner of the contest before 2018. I think this is a different pageant than most are thinking of.
They list no winner of the contest before 2018. I think this is a different pageant than most are thinking of.

So this isn't the feeder into the Miss America Pageant?

Or did they devolve from that actual pageant?

Because calling yourself "Miss State X" implies the Miss American pageant qualifiers.
So this isn't the feeder into the Miss America Pageant?

Or did they devolve from that actual pageant?

Because calling yourself "Miss State X" implies the Miss American pageant qualifiers.

Yes, I know it implies that, I think that is why they did it.
Mr. Friscus, you seem to detect politics and post an antii leftist response within every discussion thread where I might recall having seen any of your posted responses.
Beauty is not a political topic. Regarding this topic, "In questions of taste, there can be no arguments". Respectfully, Supposn
“Body positivity” is a social cultural issue. Is it not?

If she’s being promoted, am I not allowed to comment on it without being questioned as to my motives (which you’re attempting to do)?

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