Should our Constitution's 2nd Amendment be amended ... ?

Didn't you say there are no loophole at gun shows?
Yes. There is no gunshow loophole.

There are loophole sales at gun show but not all states.
There are no gunshow loophole sales in any states.

There is no background check proposal--no mater how "universal" it claims to be-- that will have any effect on any black-market gun transaction--whether that transaction is conducted at a gun shop, from the back of a van, or a gun show in any state.

"Gunshow loophole" is a fiction. They don't exist.

Responsible gun owners support gun measures.
Correction. Responsible gun owners support reasonable and effective gun measures.

Why and how would a background check violate my constitution or a burden to me?
To require a background check every time you let your dad borrow your shotgun is burdensome. You can't bust clays in your backyard with your buddies--trying each other's guns--without performing reciprocal background checks. The requirement is stupidly burdensome and has zero effect on crime.

Such background check proposals have only ONE purpose: to populate an unconstitutional database of gun owners.

Why in the world I need a background check borrowing a gun??? Can you explain that? LOL.
That's what universal background check means, Cupcake. ALL transfers... even temporary ones... are subject to background checks. If you read the content of your own links, you'd already know that.

Loopholes at gun show is a fiction?
For the hundredth time, yes. The "gun show loophole" is a fiction.

I cannot believe I'm reading this.
Believe it, Cupcake.

I can guarantee you 100% that loophole at gun show exist by private dealers.
Can you guarantee leprechauns exist too?

To make it easier for you why don't you use Google.
Right. I found leprechauns on the internet too. And evidence of Noah's flood. And sincere "proof" that the world is flat.

All fiction.

You work so hard that explaining that background check doesn't work.
It wasn't hard at all. In fact, it's self-evident.

Background checks for guns cannot be effective when background checks are not conducted for the person ultimately in possession of the gun. No criminal--or person with criminal intent--will subject themselves to a background check that they won't pass.

But they'll still get a gun.

You need to explain how checking the backgrounds of people who will pass the check, will prevent those who won't pass the check from obtaining a gun. Good luck.

ZERO effect when you have not proven anything.
I don't have to prove a negative.

Either you like it or not I support background checks.
Well then, explain how they could possibly work then, Cupcake.

Look pumpkin...What is leprechaun has anything to do with loophole at gun shows?
You can find them both on the internet, and they are both pieces of fiction.

That was WAY easy, Cupcake!

Let me repeat it again, why don't you Google to make it easier for you.
Right. Done. Still fiction.

So easy.

You have so much knowledge about background check and yet you don't know anything about loopholes sales by private dealer at gun show?
I know plenty, Cupcake. The "gun show loophole" is a fiction. They don't really exist. You can point at a zebra and demand unicorns exist, but you're still pointing at a zebra, and unicorns don't exist... Neither does this "gun show loophole" you're pointing at.

And you cannot even google?
I can. I read all about superstitious hand-wringers, and their belief in the scary "gun show loophole" that keeps them up at night. Hilarious!

You are lying princess or you are just in denial or maybe you have not even visited a gun shows.
I have been to plenty of gun shows. I have bought and sold guns at gun shows. There has never been any "gun show loophole."

Maybe you can take me to the loophole some day. That would be nice.

Well I have pumpkin.
Did the loophole give you a gun?

If you believe that a loophole at gun show is a friction
I do; it is.

Just imagine explaining how a background check work for you.
They are meaningless to me, except for how they inconvenience me, and violate my rights.

Do you know that Trump mother was born in Nigeria?
No. Never heard that. Was his Nigerian mother a "gun show loophole"? Could be legit.

I know that California do not have a loophole sales cause I purposely checked this out. I don't believe you that you even step into a gun shows let alone sell gun at gun shows., You are lying just to prove your points and yet you cannot even google? You are a joke.
Since you brought up leprechaun so I gave you an example about Trump mother from Nigeria. Keep trying.
Look pumpkin...What is leprechaun has anything to do with loophole at gun shows? Let me repeat it again, why don't you Google to make it easier for you. You have so much knowledge about background check and yet you don't know anything about loopholes sales by private dealer at gun show? And you cannot even google? You are lying princess or you are just in denial or maybe you have not even visited a gun shows. Well I have pumpkin.
If you believe that a loophole at gun show is a friction Just imagine explaining how a background check work for you. Do you know that Trump mother was born in Nigeria?
You were given an explanation as to why there is no gun show loophole.

Federal law applies everywhere, including gun shows; buying a gun at a gun show does not allow you to circumvent Federal law in regard to background checks.
Thus, there is no gun show loophole.

What here, specifically, confuses you?
I know that California do not have a loophole sales cause I purposely checked this out. I don't believe you that you even step into a gun shows let alone sell gun at gun shows., You are lying just to prove your points and yet you cannot even google? You are a joke.
Since you brought up leprechaun so I gave you an example about Trump mother from Nigeria. Keep trying.
You were given an explanation as to why there is no gun show loophole.

Federal law applies everywhere, including gun shows; buying a gun at a gun show does not allow you to circumvent Federal law in regard to background checks.
Thus, there is no gun show loophole.

What here, specifically, confuses you?
Yes. There is no gunshow loophole.

There are no gunshow loophole sales in any states.

There is no background check proposal--no mater how "universal" it claims to be-- that will have any effect on any black-market gun transaction--whether that transaction is conducted at a gun shop, from the back of a van, or a gun show in any state.

"Gunshow loophole" is a fiction. They don't exist.

Correction. Responsible gun owners support reasonable and effective gun measures.

To require a background check every time you let your dad borrow your shotgun is burdensome. You can't bust clays in your backyard with your buddies--trying each other's guns--without performing reciprocal background checks. The requirement is stupidly burdensome and has zero effect on crime.

Such background check proposals have only ONE purpose: to populate an unconstitutional database of gun owners.

Why in the world I need a background check borrowing a gun??? Can you explain that? LOL.
That's what universal background check means, Cupcake. ALL transfers... even temporary ones... are subject to background checks. If you read the content of your own links, you'd already know that.

Loopholes at gun show is a fiction?
For the hundredth time, yes. The "gun show loophole" is a fiction.

I cannot believe I'm reading this.
Believe it, Cupcake.

I can guarantee you 100% that loophole at gun show exist by private dealers.
Can you guarantee leprechauns exist too?

To make it easier for you why don't you use Google.
Right. I found leprechauns on the internet too. And evidence of Noah's flood. And sincere "proof" that the world is flat.

All fiction.

You work so hard that explaining that background check doesn't work.
It wasn't hard at all. In fact, it's self-evident.

Background checks for guns cannot be effective when background checks are not conducted for the person ultimately in possession of the gun. No criminal--or person with criminal intent--will subject themselves to a background check that they won't pass.

But they'll still get a gun.

You need to explain how checking the backgrounds of people who will pass the check, will prevent those who won't pass the check from obtaining a gun. Good luck.

ZERO effect when you have not proven anything.
I don't have to prove a negative.

Either you like it or not I support background checks.
Well then, explain how they could possibly work then, Cupcake.

Look pumpkin...What is leprechaun has anything to do with loophole at gun shows?
You can find them both on the internet, and they are both pieces of fiction.

That was WAY easy, Cupcake!

Let me repeat it again, why don't you Google to make it easier for you.
Right. Done. Still fiction.

So easy.

You have so much knowledge about background check and yet you don't know anything about loopholes sales by private dealer at gun show?
I know plenty, Cupcake. The "gun show loophole" is a fiction. They don't really exist. You can point at a zebra and demand unicorns exist, but you're still pointing at a zebra, and unicorns don't exist... Neither does this "gun show loophole" you're pointing at.

And you cannot even google?
I can. I read all about superstitious hand-wringers, and their belief in the scary "gun show loophole" that keeps them up at night. Hilarious!

You are lying princess or you are just in denial or maybe you have not even visited a gun shows.
I have been to plenty of gun shows. I have bought and sold guns at gun shows. There has never been any "gun show loophole."

Maybe you can take me to the loophole some day. That would be nice.

Well I have pumpkin.
Did the loophole give you a gun?

If you believe that a loophole at gun show is a friction
I do; it is.

Just imagine explaining how a background check work for you.
They are meaningless to me, except for how they inconvenience me, and violate my rights.

Do you know that Trump mother was born in Nigeria?
No. Never heard that. Was his Nigerian mother a "gun show loophole"? Could be legit.

I know that California do not have a loophole sales cause I purposely checked this out.
There you have it then... No gunshow loophole. Just like I said.

I don't believe you that you even step into a gun shows let alone sell gun at gun shows.
Well, you're not really competent to form an opinion on the subject, are you Cupcake?

You are lying just to prove your points and yet you cannot even google?
Not one lie from me. And this nonsense about not being able to Google is just your own desperation speaking.

Get over it Cupcake, the "gun show loophole" is a fiction, a myth.

You are a joke.
Get over yourself, Cupcake.

Since you brought up leprechaun so I gave you an example about Trump mother from Nigeria. Keep trying.
And your "gun show loophole" is in fine company with those fictions.

You're welcome!
Last edited:
Enforce the current laws that is all that is needed... NO MORE FRIVOLOUS LAWS.
Look pumpkin...What is leprechaun has anything to do with loophole at gun shows? Let me repeat it again, why don't you Google to make it easier for you. You have so much knowledge about background check and yet you don't know anything about loopholes sales by private dealer at gun show? And you cannot even google? You are lying princess or you are just in denial or maybe you have not even visited a gun shows. Well I have pumpkin.
If you believe that a loophole at gun show is a friction Just imagine explaining how a background check work for you. Do you know that Trump mother was born in Nigeria?

The 'loopholes' are not actual loopholes as in they are not accidental oversights in the law that lets people get away with doing things that the law makers did not intend. I don't think there has been any law passed that mandates all sales at gun shows do background checks, but I think all FFL sales have to have them. I am not sure what the exact lines are, but there is no kind of sale of guns that are legal without background checks that was not fully intended when Congress passed the laws on mandatory back ground checks.

Look pumpkin...What is leprechaun has anything to do with loophole at gun shows? Let me repeat it again, why don't you Google to make it easier for you. You have so much knowledge about background check and yet you don't know anything about loopholes sales by private dealer at gun show? And you cannot even google? You are lying princess or you are just in denial or maybe you have not even visited a gun shows. Well I have pumpkin.
If you believe that a loophole at gun show is a friction Just imagine explaining how a background check work for you. Do you know that Trump mother was born in Nigeria?
You were given an explanation as to why there is no gun show loophole.

Federal law applies everywhere, including gun shows; buying a gun at a gun show does not allow you to circumvent Federal law in regard to background checks.
Thus, there is no gun show loophole.

What here, specifically, confuses you?

Do yourself a favor and stop wasting your breath and just look it up in Google. Aside from that I'm not going to waste my time dealing with people pretending that loophole at gun shows doesn't exist.
Look pumpkin...What is leprechaun has anything to do with loophole at gun shows? Let me repeat it again, why don't you Google to make it easier for you. You have so much knowledge about background check and yet you don't know anything about loopholes sales by private dealer at gun show? And you cannot even google? You are lying princess or you are just in denial or maybe you have not even visited a gun shows. Well I have pumpkin.
If you believe that a loophole at gun show is a friction Just imagine explaining how a background check work for you. Do you know that Trump mother was born in Nigeria?

The 'loopholes' are not actual loopholes as in they are not accidental oversights in the law that lets people get away with doing things that the law makers did not intend. I don't think there has been any law passed that mandates all sales at gun shows do background checks, but I think all FFL sales have to have them. I am not sure what the exact lines are, but there is no kind of sale of guns that are legal without background checks that was not fully intended when Congress passed the laws on mandatory back ground checks.


Jimbo just google Google Google Google.
Look pumpkin...What is leprechaun has anything to do with loophole at gun shows? Let me repeat it again, why don't you Google to make it easier for you. You have so much knowledge about background check and yet you don't know anything about loopholes sales by private dealer at gun show? And you cannot even google? You are lying princess or you are just in denial or maybe you have not even visited a gun shows. Well I have pumpkin.
If you believe that a loophole at gun show is a friction Just imagine explaining how a background check work for you. Do you know that Trump mother was born in Nigeria?
You were given an explanation as to why there is no gun show loophole.

Federal law applies everywhere, including gun shows; buying a gun at a gun show does not allow you to circumvent Federal law in regard to background checks.
Thus, there is no gun show loophole.

What here, specifically, confuses you?

Do yourself a favor and stop wasting your breath and just look it up in Google. Aside from that I'm not going to waste my time dealing with people pretending that loophole at gun shows doesn't exist.

It does not exist...
Why in the world I need a background check borrowing a gun??? Can you explain that? LOL.
That's what universal background check means, Cupcake. ALL transfers... even temporary ones... are subject to background checks. If you read the content of your own links, you'd already know that.

Loopholes at gun show is a fiction?
For the hundredth time, yes. The "gun show loophole" is a fiction.

I cannot believe I'm reading this.
Believe it, Cupcake.

I can guarantee you 100% that loophole at gun show exist by private dealers.
Can you guarantee leprechauns exist too?

To make it easier for you why don't you use Google.
Right. I found leprechauns on the internet too. And evidence of Noah's flood. And sincere "proof" that the world is flat.

All fiction.

You work so hard that explaining that background check doesn't work.
It wasn't hard at all. In fact, it's self-evident.

Background checks for guns cannot be effective when background checks are not conducted for the person ultimately in possession of the gun. No criminal--or person with criminal intent--will subject themselves to a background check that they won't pass.

But they'll still get a gun.

You need to explain how checking the backgrounds of people who will pass the check, will prevent those who won't pass the check from obtaining a gun. Good luck.

ZERO effect when you have not proven anything.
I don't have to prove a negative.

Either you like it or not I support background checks.
Well then, explain how they could possibly work then, Cupcake.

Look pumpkin...What is leprechaun has anything to do with loophole at gun shows?
You can find them both on the internet, and they are both pieces of fiction.

That was WAY easy, Cupcake!

Let me repeat it again, why don't you Google to make it easier for you.
Right. Done. Still fiction.

So easy.

You have so much knowledge about background check and yet you don't know anything about loopholes sales by private dealer at gun show?
I know plenty, Cupcake. The "gun show loophole" is a fiction. They don't really exist. You can point at a zebra and demand unicorns exist, but you're still pointing at a zebra, and unicorns don't exist... Neither does this "gun show loophole" you're pointing at.

And you cannot even google?
I can. I read all about superstitious hand-wringers, and their belief in the scary "gun show loophole" that keeps them up at night. Hilarious!

You are lying princess or you are just in denial or maybe you have not even visited a gun shows.
I have been to plenty of gun shows. I have bought and sold guns at gun shows. There has never been any "gun show loophole."

Maybe you can take me to the loophole some day. That would be nice.

Well I have pumpkin.
Did the loophole give you a gun?

If you believe that a loophole at gun show is a friction
I do; it is.

Just imagine explaining how a background check work for you.
They are meaningless to me, except for how they inconvenience me, and violate my rights.

Do you know that Trump mother was born in Nigeria?
No. Never heard that. Was his Nigerian mother a "gun show loophole"? Could be legit.

I know that California do not have a loophole sales cause I purposely checked this out.
There you have it then... No gunshow loophole. Just like I said.

I don't believe you that you even step into a gun shows let alone sell gun at gun shows.
Well, you're not really competent to form an opinion on the subject, are you Cupcake?

You are lying just to prove your points and yet you cannot even google?
Not one lie from me. And this nonsense about not being able to Google is just your own desperation speaking.

Get over it Cupcake, the "gun show loophole" is a fiction, a myth.

You are a joke.
Get over yourself, Cupcake.

Since you brought up leprechaun so I gave you an example about Trump mother from Nigeria. Keep trying.
And your "gun show loophole" is in fine company with those fictions.

You're welcome!

There are no private dealers at gun shows in California that is why there no loophole in California. It exists in Arizona, Texas or Nevada just to name a few.
Wipe the foaming off your mouth pumpkin. Google Google Google Google. You do not even know how to Google or you just plain retarded.
Loki, Rustic, Jimbowie, where are my keys.... Don't fucking tell me none of you don't know how to Google. Or all of you just plain dumb.
That's what universal background check means, Cupcake. ALL transfers... even temporary ones... are subject to background checks. If you read the content of your own links, you'd already know that.

For the hundredth time, yes. The "gun show loophole" is a fiction.

Believe it, Cupcake.

Can you guarantee leprechauns exist too?

Right. I found leprechauns on the internet too. And evidence of Noah's flood. And sincere "proof" that the world is flat.

All fiction.

It wasn't hard at all. In fact, it's self-evident.

Background checks for guns cannot be effective when background checks are not conducted for the person ultimately in possession of the gun. No criminal--or person with criminal intent--will subject themselves to a background check that they won't pass.

But they'll still get a gun.

You need to explain how checking the backgrounds of people who will pass the check, will prevent those who won't pass the check from obtaining a gun. Good luck.

I don't have to prove a negative.

Well then, explain how they could possibly work then, Cupcake.

Look pumpkin...What is leprechaun has anything to do with loophole at gun shows?
You can find them both on the internet, and they are both pieces of fiction.

That was WAY easy, Cupcake!

Let me repeat it again, why don't you Google to make it easier for you.
Right. Done. Still fiction.

So easy.

You have so much knowledge about background check and yet you don't know anything about loopholes sales by private dealer at gun show?
I know plenty, Cupcake. The "gun show loophole" is a fiction. They don't really exist. You can point at a zebra and demand unicorns exist, but you're still pointing at a zebra, and unicorns don't exist... Neither does this "gun show loophole" you're pointing at.

And you cannot even google?
I can. I read all about superstitious hand-wringers, and their belief in the scary "gun show loophole" that keeps them up at night. Hilarious!

You are lying princess or you are just in denial or maybe you have not even visited a gun shows.
I have been to plenty of gun shows. I have bought and sold guns at gun shows. There has never been any "gun show loophole."

Maybe you can take me to the loophole some day. That would be nice.

Well I have pumpkin.
Did the loophole give you a gun?

If you believe that a loophole at gun show is a friction
I do; it is.

Just imagine explaining how a background check work for you.
They are meaningless to me, except for how they inconvenience me, and violate my rights.

Do you know that Trump mother was born in Nigeria?
No. Never heard that. Was his Nigerian mother a "gun show loophole"? Could be legit.

I know that California do not have a loophole sales cause I purposely checked this out.
There you have it then... No gunshow loophole. Just like I said.

I don't believe you that you even step into a gun shows let alone sell gun at gun shows.
Well, you're not really competent to form an opinion on the subject, are you Cupcake?

You are lying just to prove your points and yet you cannot even google?
Not one lie from me. And this nonsense about not being able to Google is just your own desperation speaking.

Get over it Cupcake, the "gun show loophole" is a fiction, a myth.

You are a joke.
Get over yourself, Cupcake.

Since you brought up leprechaun so I gave you an example about Trump mother from Nigeria. Keep trying.
And your "gun show loophole" is in fine company with those fictions.

You're welcome!

There are no private dealers at gun shows in California that is why there no loophole in California. It exists in Arizona, Texas or Nevada just to name a few.
Wipe the foaming off your mouth pumpkin. Google Google Google Google. You do not even know how to Google or you just plain retarded.

There is no loophole anywhere... Right are rights.

See: hope and change
That's what universal background check means, Cupcake. ALL transfers... even temporary ones... are subject to background checks. If you read the content of your own links, you'd already know that.

For the hundredth time, yes. The "gun show loophole" is a fiction.

Believe it, Cupcake.

Can you guarantee leprechauns exist too?

Right. I found leprechauns on the internet too. And evidence of Noah's flood. And sincere "proof" that the world is flat.

All fiction.

It wasn't hard at all. In fact, it's self-evident.

Background checks for guns cannot be effective when background checks are not conducted for the person ultimately in possession of the gun. No criminal--or person with criminal intent--will subject themselves to a background check that they won't pass.

But they'll still get a gun.

You need to explain how checking the backgrounds of people who will pass the check, will prevent those who won't pass the check from obtaining a gun. Good luck.

I don't have to prove a negative.

Well then, explain how they could possibly work then, Cupcake.

Look pumpkin...What is leprechaun has anything to do with loophole at gun shows?
You can find them both on the internet, and they are both pieces of fiction.

That was WAY easy, Cupcake!

Let me repeat it again, why don't you Google to make it easier for you.
Right. Done. Still fiction.

So easy.

You have so much knowledge about background check and yet you don't know anything about loopholes sales by private dealer at gun show?
I know plenty, Cupcake. The "gun show loophole" is a fiction. They don't really exist. You can point at a zebra and demand unicorns exist, but you're still pointing at a zebra, and unicorns don't exist... Neither does this "gun show loophole" you're pointing at.

And you cannot even google?
I can. I read all about superstitious hand-wringers, and their belief in the scary "gun show loophole" that keeps them up at night. Hilarious!

You are lying princess or you are just in denial or maybe you have not even visited a gun shows.
I have been to plenty of gun shows. I have bought and sold guns at gun shows. There has never been any "gun show loophole."

Maybe you can take me to the loophole some day. That would be nice.

Well I have pumpkin.
Did the loophole give you a gun?

If you believe that a loophole at gun show is a friction
I do; it is.

Just imagine explaining how a background check work for you.
They are meaningless to me, except for how they inconvenience me, and violate my rights.

Do you know that Trump mother was born in Nigeria?
No. Never heard that. Was his Nigerian mother a "gun show loophole"? Could be legit.

I know that California do not have a loophole sales cause I purposely checked this out.
There you have it then... No gunshow loophole. Just like I said.

I don't believe you that you even step into a gun shows let alone sell gun at gun shows.
Well, you're not really competent to form an opinion on the subject, are you Cupcake?

You are lying just to prove your points and yet you cannot even google?
Not one lie from me. And this nonsense about not being able to Google is just your own desperation speaking.

Get over it Cupcake, the "gun show loophole" is a fiction, a myth.

You are a joke.
Get over yourself, Cupcake.

Since you brought up leprechaun so I gave you an example about Trump mother from Nigeria. Keep trying.
And your "gun show loophole" is in fine company with those fictions.

You're welcome!

There are no private dealers at gun shows in California that is why there no loophole in California.
There is no "gun show loophole" in California, because the "gun show loophole" is a myth.

It exists in Arizona, Texas or Nevada just to name a few.
Sorry about your luck Cupcake, but the "gun show loophole" exists only in the minds of the superstitious.

Wipe the foaming off your mouth pumpkin. Google Google Google Google. You do not even know how to Google or you just plain retarded.
You're the one frothing here, Cupcake. No amount of "Googling" will make the "gun show loophole" anything but a fiction crafted to frighten the weak minded.
Look pumpkin...What is leprechaun has anything to do with loophole at gun shows? Let me repeat it again, why don't you Google to make it easier for you. You have so much knowledge about background check and yet you don't know anything about loopholes sales by private dealer at gun show? And you cannot even google? You are lying princess or you are just in denial or maybe you have not even visited a gun shows. Well I have pumpkin.
If you believe that a loophole at gun show is a friction Just imagine explaining how a background check work for you. Do you know that Trump mother was born in Nigeria?

The 'loopholes' are not actual loopholes as in they are not accidental oversights in the law that lets people get away with doing things that the law makers did not intend. I don't think there has been any law passed that mandates all sales at gun shows do background checks, but I think all FFL sales have to have them. I am not sure what the exact lines are, but there is no kind of sale of guns that are legal without background checks that was not fully intended when Congress passed the laws on mandatory back ground checks.


Jimbo just google Google Google Google.

Chucky, I have googled googled googled.
Buy more guns and ammo...

Good Gawd, I have five rifles, and four handguns and a 12 gauge shotgun and a crossbow.

WTF else do I have to buy?

The more the better... Really good investment, hold their value, good trade item.
I have over 120... Some are worth several thousand dollars.

You know if you ever feel the need to turn in some of them there guns for gun-buy-back-prices, just want you to know I am willing to pay double the gun-buy-back price on them. A real bargain, promise.

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