Should paying taxes be a requirement to vote?

Should paying taxes be a requirement to vote?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 51.3%
  • No

    Votes: 19 48.7%

  • Total voters
A socialistic solution is needed.

No. Just no.
Please provide me with one example of a socialist nation throughout history that has the living standards of America.
Exactly. There is none, or will ever be. Especially for a country who has the financial responsibility to be the allied military for the world.


They have no military responsibility to speak of.
They also don't have large parasitic sub cultures to pay for.
America is unique in many ways. We ARE the police of the world. And thank God for it. The world would be a very, very different place if we wasn't. My bitch is, every single western country should be paying us a stipend for our military protection. PERIOD.
Then we can talk socialism.

We need to stop policing the world and significantly scale back our military spending.

You are truly insane if you really believe that.
Honest to God friend, read a little history. If after WWII America went back to burying it's head in the sand you would be speaking Russian now. Or Chinese, or even Japanese.
In your community would you want to dramatically scale back your police force? Would you want there to be no 911 service? The ONLY reason you can sleep every night is because of law and order provided to you by police.
The ONLY reason western democratic civilization and the free market system beat communism and totalitarianism is because of the United States Military. PERIOD.

Except your PERIOD is a load of shite....

Probably get a little hard on at the talk of every war... Another clueless individual....

How is reducing the US military by half give anyone a chance of taking on US....
Except your PERIOD is a load of shite....

Probably get a little hard on at the talk of every war... Another clueless individual....

How is reducing the US military by half give anyone a chance of taking on US....

Sorry, no. War should be the last resort. After everything else has failed.
And sorry, friend but I am not clueless either.
Again, if after WWII - the U.S. clammed up, withdrew from all theaters and buried it's head in the sand like after WWI - the world would be a very, very different place right now.
If we had not occupied Japan as well as had very strong military presence in Europe after the war - Russia would be the super power of the world, and probably would have either joined with China, or had one big ass war with them. Probably joined.
There would be no South Korea. North Korea would be KOREA.
There would be no Israel. And the Middle East?...Hah!...nothing but one giant oil farm feeding Russia.
Except your PERIOD is a load of shite....

Probably get a little hard on at the talk of every war... Another clueless individual....

How is reducing the US military by half give anyone a chance of taking on US....

Sorry, no. War should be the last resort. After everything else has failed.
And sorry, friend but I am not clueless either.
Again, if after WWII - the U.S. clammed up, withdrew from all theaters and buried it's head in the sand like after WWI - the world would be a very, very different place right now.
If we had not occupied Japan as well as had very strong military presence in Europe after the war - Russia would be the super power of the world, and probably would have either joined with China, or had one big ass war with them. Probably joined.
There would be no South Korea. North Korea would be KOREA.
There would be no Israel. And the Middle East?...Hah!...nothing but one giant oil farm feeding Russia.

If we had stayed out of WWI, there'd have been no Hitler.
Except your PERIOD is a load of shite....

Probably get a little hard on at the talk of every war... Another clueless individual....

How is reducing the US military by half give anyone a chance of taking on US....

Sorry, no. War should be the last resort. After everything else has failed.
And sorry, friend but I am not clueless either.
Again, if after WWII - the U.S. clammed up, withdrew from all theaters and buried it's head in the sand like after WWI - the world would be a very, very different place right now.
If we had not occupied Japan as well as had very strong military presence in Europe after the war - Russia would be the super power of the world, and probably would have either joined with China, or had one big ass war with them. Probably joined.
There would be no South Korea. North Korea would be KOREA.
There would be no Israel. And the Middle East?...Hah!...nothing but one giant oil farm feeding Russia.

Alot of probabilities there...

And even if you are right on everyone of those points it still doesn't explain why US needs an army of its size and cost today...

It is ridiculous...

It has got to the stage that Education has been gutted for Millitary so much that the Army says it needs to spent more on education because new recruits are too dumb to read instructions.
Except your PERIOD is a load of shite....

Probably get a little hard on at the talk of every war... Another clueless individual....

How is reducing the US military by half give anyone a chance of taking on US....

Sorry, no. War should be the last resort. After everything else has failed.
And sorry, friend but I am not clueless either.
Again, if after WWII - the U.S. clammed up, withdrew from all theaters and buried it's head in the sand like after WWI - the world would be a very, very different place right now.
If we had not occupied Japan as well as had very strong military presence in Europe after the war - Russia would be the super power of the world, and probably would have either joined with China, or had one big ass war with them. Probably joined.
There would be no South Korea. North Korea would be KOREA.
There would be no Israel. And the Middle East?...Hah!...nothing but one giant oil farm feeding Russia.

Alot of probabilities there...

And even if you are right on everyone of those points it still doesn't explain why US needs an army of its size and cost today...

It is ridiculous...

It has got to the stage that Education has been gutted for Millitary so much that the Army says it needs to spent more on education because new recruits are too dumb to read instructions.

The US spends more per capita than just about any other country in the world, yet we need more money for education?
Except your PERIOD is a load of shite....

Probably get a little hard on at the talk of every war... Another clueless individual....

How is reducing the US military by half give anyone a chance of taking on US....

Sorry, no. War should be the last resort. After everything else has failed.
And sorry, friend but I am not clueless either.
Again, if after WWII - the U.S. clammed up, withdrew from all theaters and buried it's head in the sand like after WWI - the world would be a very, very different place right now.
If we had not occupied Japan as well as had very strong military presence in Europe after the war - Russia would be the super power of the world, and probably would have either joined with China, or had one big ass war with them. Probably joined.
There would be no South Korea. North Korea would be KOREA.
There would be no Israel. And the Middle East?...Hah!...nothing but one giant oil farm feeding Russia.

If we had stayed out of WWI, there'd have been no Hitler.

Hitler would have been Gauleiter of Cincinnati.

His fanatical allegiance to the Imperial Crown would have propelled him out of the ranks of worker bees.
100% correct.
Corporatism is blood sucking Americans dry - and NEITHER side and NEITHER candidate says one Goddamn word about it. Hillary Clinton is a corporatist through and through. Trump? I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. Bernie is the only one that isn't...but he is a socialist which is equally damning to a society.

A socialistic solution is needed.

No. Just no.
Please provide me with one example of a socialist nation throughout history that has the living standards of America.
Exactly. There is none, or will ever be. Especially for a country who has the financial responsibility to be the allied military for the world.


They have no military responsibility to speak of.
They also don't have large parasitic sub cultures to pay for.
America is unique in many ways. We ARE the police of the world. And thank God for it. The world would be a very, very different place if we wasn't. My bitch is, every single western country should be paying us a stipend for our military protection. PERIOD.
Then we can talk socialism.

We need to stop policing the world and significantly scale back our military spending.

If we don't want to be the world police, than somebody else will take our place when we leave. Think of who has a military large and strong enough to do so.
Paying taxes should be a requirement for citizenship let alone voting.
IMO - some amount of taxes should be paid by everyone but active military.
EVERYONE pays taxes....


WE fought a Revolution over it....and NOW you want it to be just the opposite?

We LIVE in a representative Nation, a Democratic REPUBLIC....

SORRY Buddy, your class warfare against the poorest, just ain't cutting it....

Every one gets representation, not just the wealthier....

BESIDES there are so many many many things that our representatives represent us for...drug laws, driving laws, EPA laws, school boards that affect our children, etc etc etc that don't necessarily even involve whether we have paid an income tax or not....


Requiring to have paid an income tax in order to vote IS A POLL TAX, a tax that would have to be paid before voting.

Give it up, there is no way around that!

Then maybe a better idea is a simple test to see if a potential voter knows WTF they are even voting on.

Nothing too hard: Who is the President? What party does the VP belong to? What party is leading Congress today? The Senate today? Is the US in debt and for how much? Things like that........

If you can't pass the test, you lose your right to vote for that election.

Republicans would welcome the idea with open arms, but the Democrats would be protesting in the street.
Regarding the question at hand I vote absolutely not. Scares me that somebody should even ask. We must strive to limit our private information such as income and race from government eyes, not expand it.
I am tempted to say YES, because I just shelled out a bundle to the IRS today. I also know a couple of people that have managed to dodge taxes for over 15 years, and they are still American as apple pie. Then again, well, illegals pay taxes too. So I say, NO. American citizenship should be based on your birth status or immigration status ONLY.
Regarding the question at hand I vote absolutely not. Scares me that somebody should even ask. We must strive to limit our private information such as income and race from government eyes, not expand it.

So if everybody participating in this topic voted for you to give us each $100.00, you would approve of that?

Because that's what really happens when people who contribute nothing get to vote; they get to vote money out of your pockets and mine for their own benefit without spending a cent of their own.
Paying taxes should be a requirement for citizenship let alone voting.
IMO - some amount of taxes should be paid by everyone but active military.
EVERYONE pays taxes....


WE fought a Revolution over it....and NOW you want it to be just the opposite?

We LIVE in a representative Nation, a Democratic REPUBLIC....

SORRY Buddy, your class warfare against the poorest, just ain't cutting it....

Every one gets representation, not just the wealthier....

BESIDES there are so many many many things that our representatives represent us for...drug laws, driving laws, EPA laws, school boards that affect our children, etc etc etc that don't necessarily even involve whether we have paid an income tax or not....


Requiring to have paid an income tax in order to vote IS A POLL TAX, a tax that would have to be paid before voting.

Give it up, there is no way around that!

Then maybe a better idea is a simple test to see if a potential voter knows WTF they are even voting on.

Nothing too hard: Who is the President? What party does the VP belong to? What party is leading Congress today? The Senate today? Is the US in debt and for how much? Things like that........

If you can't pass the test, you lose your right to vote for that election.

Republicans would welcome the idea with open arms, but the Democrats would be protesting in the street.
Seriously Ray? YOU want to go back to the Jim Crow era and require a test?
A socialistic solution is needed.

No. Just no.
Please provide me with one example of a socialist nation throughout history that has the living standards of America.
Exactly. There is none, or will ever be. Especially for a country who has the financial responsibility to be the allied military for the world.


They have no military responsibility to speak of.
They also don't have large parasitic sub cultures to pay for.
America is unique in many ways. We ARE the police of the world. And thank God for it. The world would be a very, very different place if we wasn't. My bitch is, every single western country should be paying us a stipend for our military protection. PERIOD.
Then we can talk socialism.

We need to stop policing the world and significantly scale back our military spending.

If we don't want to be the world police, than somebody else will take our place when we leave. Think of who has a military large and strong enough to do so.

Let them bankrupt themselves doing it.
Regarding the question at hand I vote absolutely not. Scares me that somebody should even ask. We must strive to limit our private information such as income and race from government eyes, not expand it.

So if everybody participating in this topic voted for you to give us each $100.00, you would approve of that?

Because that's what really happens when people who contribute nothing get to vote; they get to vote money out of your pockets and mine for their own benefit without spending a cent of their own.

You mean like when the Republicans passed Medicare Part D?
Paying taxes should be a requirement for citizenship let alone voting.
IMO - some amount of taxes should be paid by everyone but active military.
EVERYONE pays taxes....


WE fought a Revolution over it....and NOW you want it to be just the opposite?

We LIVE in a representative Nation, a Democratic REPUBLIC....

SORRY Buddy, your class warfare against the poorest, just ain't cutting it....

Every one gets representation, not just the wealthier....

BESIDES there are so many many many things that our representatives represent us for...drug laws, driving laws, EPA laws, school boards that affect our children, etc etc etc that don't necessarily even involve whether we have paid an income tax or not....


Requiring to have paid an income tax in order to vote IS A POLL TAX, a tax that would have to be paid before voting.

Give it up, there is no way around that!

Then maybe a better idea is a simple test to see if a potential voter knows WTF they are even voting on.

Nothing too hard: Who is the President? What party does the VP belong to? What party is leading Congress today? The Senate today? Is the US in debt and for how much? Things like that........

If you can't pass the test, you lose your right to vote for that election.

Republicans would welcome the idea with open arms, but the Democrats would be protesting in the street.

You confirm my past accusations that what conservatives really want is an oligarchy.
Except your PERIOD is a load of shite....

Probably get a little hard on at the talk of every war... Another clueless individual....

How is reducing the US military by half give anyone a chance of taking on US....

Sorry, no. War should be the last resort. After everything else has failed.
And sorry, friend but I am not clueless either.
Again, if after WWII - the U.S. clammed up, withdrew from all theaters and buried it's head in the sand like after WWI - the world would be a very, very different place right now.
If we had not occupied Japan as well as had very strong military presence in Europe after the war - Russia would be the super power of the world, and probably would have either joined with China, or had one big ass war with them. Probably joined.
There would be no South Korea. North Korea would be KOREA.
There would be no Israel. And the Middle East?...Hah!...nothing but one giant oil farm feeding Russia.

If we had stayed out of WWI, there'd have been no Hitler.

Hitler would have been Gauleiter of Cincinnati.

His fanatical allegiance to the Imperial Crown would have propelled him out of the ranks of worker bees.

The Allies would have not had the power to crush Germany at Versailles in 1919 without the massive assistance of the US. The Nazis rose to power in the only environment they could have, severe misery in Germany.
Should paying Income taxes, either at the state or Federal be a requirement to vote? It's like letting people who don't own stock, vote on company activities, compensation, policies, etc

Seniors who paid in their entire lives would, of course, be eligible to vote


Just plain nuts
How many other ways can Conservatives voting rights? What it about about the right to vote that irritates Conservatives so?

ALWAYS Conservatives who want to disenfranchise CITIZENS from voting...ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS

it's truly sickening!!!
Paying taxes should be a requirement for citizenship let alone voting.
IMO - some amount of taxes should be paid by everyone but active military.
EVERYONE pays taxes....


WE fought a Revolution over it....and NOW you want it to be just the opposite?

We LIVE in a representative Nation, a Democratic REPUBLIC....

SORRY Buddy, your class warfare against the poorest, just ain't cutting it....

Every one gets representation, not just the wealthier....

BESIDES there are so many many many things that our representatives represent us for...drug laws, driving laws, EPA laws, school boards that affect our children, etc etc etc that don't necessarily even involve whether we have paid an income tax or not....


Requiring to have paid an income tax in order to vote IS A POLL TAX, a tax that would have to be paid before voting.

Give it up, there is no way around that!

Then maybe a better idea is a simple test to see if a potential voter knows WTF they are even voting on.

Nothing too hard: Who is the President? What party does the VP belong to? What party is leading Congress today? The Senate today? Is the US in debt and for how much? Things like that........

If you can't pass the test, you lose your right to vote for that election.

Republicans would welcome the idea with open arms, but the Democrats would be protesting in the street.

You confirm my past accusations that what conservatives really want is an oligarchy.

In a way, yes. Only those who understand politics and issues should be voting on them. The problem we have today is voters who really don't know WTF they are voting on. You know, Obama Money? Obama give us a free cell phone?

We have people going to the polls who don't even understand the rudiments of our country yet alone the current state of affairs. As I pointed out, Democrats heavily rely on this bunch to gain or maintain power which is why they would reject such a proposal.
Regarding the question at hand I vote absolutely not. Scares me that somebody should even ask. We must strive to limit our private information such as income and race from government eyes, not expand it.

So if everybody participating in this topic voted for you to give us each $100.00, you would approve of that?

Because that's what really happens when people who contribute nothing get to vote; they get to vote money out of your pockets and mine for their own benefit without spending a cent of their own.

You mean like when the Republicans passed Medicare Part D?

Yes, that's exactly what I mean....... although most people on Medicare did contribute to it.

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