Should paying taxes be a requirement to vote?

Should paying taxes be a requirement to vote?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 51.3%
  • No

    Votes: 19 48.7%

  • Total voters
No, of course not....

It also would be impossible to determine....

EVERYONE pays some sort of taxes....b,uy a pack of gum and you've paid taxes on it,

We pay all corporate taxes as well, put in to the price of goods.

we pay Social security taxes and Medicare taxes and State income taxes, and state sales taxes and property taxes even if we rent because they are in the price of our rent, we pay excise taxes...cigarette and liquor taxes, we pay gas taxes both federal and state, we pay govt fees for things like drivers licenses, tax penalties for not having insurance, we pay speeding tickets, and registration fees for our cars...

on and on and on and on....I don't think a single sole, legal or illegal, paying federal income tax or not paying any federal income tax....we ALL pay taxes in this supposed free Nation of ours....

Besides all of that...having to pay taxes in order to vote is having to pay a POLL TAX and that is unconstitutional.

You realize sales tax is STATE taxes?? As well as all of the others you mentioned?
yes, I did... but he SAID federal or state and he also said we should be stripped of our right to vote simply for not earning enough to pay only 1 of the taxes we pay, the income tax,

Should paying Income taxes, either at the state or Federal be a requirement to vote? It's like letting people who don't own stock, vote on company activities, compensation, policies, etc

THAT INCLUDES both State and federal voting....
WHY would income tax be the only dis-qualifier? MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL!

Besides, the term we so honored was<




Forget the right to vote and taxation....I mean what I say - everyone should have to pay SOME amount of federal tazes
Paying taxes should be a requirement for citizenship let alone voting.
IMO - some amount of taxes should be paid by everyone but active military.
EVERYONE pays taxes....


WE fought a Revolution over it....and NOW you want it to be just the opposite?

We LIVE in a representative Nation, a Democratic REPUBLIC....

SORRY Buddy, your class warfare against the poorest, just ain't cutting it....

Every one gets representation, not just the wealthier....

BESIDES there are so many many many things that our representatives represent us for...drug laws, driving laws, EPA laws, school boards that affect our children, etc etc etc that don't necessarily even involve whether we have paid an income tax or not....


Requiring to have paid an income tax in order to vote IS A POLL TAX, a tax that would have to be paid before voting.

Give it up, there is no way around that!

Not sure what you are rambling about.
1) We are no longer a Representative Republic. Haven't been for almost 30 years now.
We are a Plutocratic Corporatocracy.
2) Not only does nearly half the population pay no federal income tax, but almost 40% have a NEGATIVE tax liability. They are literally paid money by the Federal Government for a being a citizen. That is nuts.

That happens as more and more good paying jobs are lost.
That happens as more and more good paying jobs are lost.

100% correct.
Corporatism is blood sucking Americans dry - and NEITHER side and NEITHER candidate says one Goddamn word about it. Hillary Clinton is a corporatist through and through. Trump? I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. Bernie is the only one that isn't...but he is a socialist which is equally damning to a society.
That happens as more and more good paying jobs are lost.

100% correct.
Corporatism is blood sucking Americans dry - and NEITHER side and NEITHER candidate says one Goddamn word about it. Hillary Clinton is a corporatist through and through. Trump? I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. Bernie is the only one that isn't...but he is a socialist which is equally damning to a society.

A socialistic solution is needed.
That happens as more and more good paying jobs are lost.

100% correct.
Corporatism is blood sucking Americans dry - and NEITHER side and NEITHER candidate says one Goddamn word about it. Hillary Clinton is a corporatist through and through. Trump? I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. Bernie is the only one that isn't...but he is a socialist which is equally damning to a society.

A socialistic solution is needed.

No. Just no.
Please provide me with one example of a socialist nation throughout history that has the living standards of America.
Exactly. There is none, or will ever be. Especially for a country who has the financial responsibility to be the allied military for the world.
That happens as more and more good paying jobs are lost.

100% correct.
Corporatism is blood sucking Americans dry - and NEITHER side and NEITHER candidate says one Goddamn word about it. Hillary Clinton is a corporatist through and through. Trump? I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. Bernie is the only one that isn't...but he is a socialist which is equally damning to a society.

A socialistic solution is needed.

No. Just no.
Please provide me with one example of a socialist nation throughout history that has the living standards of America.
Exactly. There is none, or will ever be. Especially for a country who has the financial responsibility to be the allied military for the world.

Show me a non-socialist nation that has our living standards.
That happens as more and more good paying jobs are lost.

100% correct.
Corporatism is blood sucking Americans dry - and NEITHER side and NEITHER candidate says one Goddamn word about it. Hillary Clinton is a corporatist through and through. Trump? I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. Bernie is the only one that isn't...but he is a socialist which is equally damning to a society.

A socialistic solution is needed.

No. Just no.
Please provide me with one example of a socialist nation throughout history that has the living standards of America.
Exactly. There is none, or will ever be. Especially for a country who has the financial responsibility to be the allied military for the world.

Should paying Income taxes, either at the state or Federal be a requirement to vote? It's like letting people who don't own stock, vote on company activities, compensation, policies, etc

Seniors who paid in their entire lives would, of course, be eligible to vote


Just plain nuts
How many other ways can Conservatives voting rights? What it about about the right to vote that irritates Conservatives so?
That happens as more and more good paying jobs are lost.

100% correct.
Corporatism is blood sucking Americans dry - and NEITHER side and NEITHER candidate says one Goddamn word about it. Hillary Clinton is a corporatist through and through. Trump? I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. Bernie is the only one that isn't...but he is a socialist which is equally damning to a society.

A socialistic solution is needed.

No. Just no.
Please provide me with one example of a socialist nation throughout history that has the living standards of America.
Exactly. There is none, or will ever be. Especially for a country who has the financial responsibility to be the allied military for the world.


They have no military responsibility to speak of.
They also don't have large parasitic sub cultures to pay for.
America is unique in many ways. We ARE the police of the world. And thank God for it. The world would be a very, very different place if we wasn't. My bitch is, every single western country should be paying us a stipend for our military protection. PERIOD.
Then we can talk socialism.
Social Security has always been funded by contributors.

and that funding has been taken by the Feds for the general fund, and replaced with "IOU's"
that can only be repaid via the general fund.
As long as the debt is paid...just like at an investment firm..

Someone on welfare. Government taxes money from your children and gives it to them

You on social security. Government takes money from your children and gives it to you

You: Wow, those are completely different ...
How ever the cow gets milked and fed..

With food you bought from your welfare check
I grow my own....Sucks don't it..Wanna buy a side of beef? Some home canned green beans? Wild berries frozen in da freezer.....
and that funding has been taken by the Feds for the general fund, and replaced with "IOU's"
that can only be repaid via the general fund.
As long as the debt is paid...just like at an investment firm..

Someone on welfare. Government taxes money from your children and gives it to them

You on social security. Government takes money from your children and gives it to you

You: Wow, those are completely different ...
How ever the cow gets milked and fed..

With food you bought from your welfare check
I grow my own....Sucks don't it..Wanna buy a side of beef? Some home canned green beans? Wild berries frozen in da freezer.....

Whatever you want to do with your welfare check
That happens as more and more good paying jobs are lost.

100% correct.
Corporatism is blood sucking Americans dry - and NEITHER side and NEITHER candidate says one Goddamn word about it. Hillary Clinton is a corporatist through and through. Trump? I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. Bernie is the only one that isn't...but he is a socialist which is equally damning to a society.

A socialistic solution is needed.

No. Just no.
Please provide me with one example of a socialist nation throughout history that has the living standards of America.
Exactly. There is none, or will ever be. Especially for a country who has the financial responsibility to be the allied military for the world.


They have no military responsibility to speak of.
They also don't have large parasitic sub cultures to pay for.
America is unique in many ways. We ARE the police of the world. And thank God for it. The world would be a very, very different place if we wasn't. My bitch is, every single western country should be paying us a stipend for our military protection. PERIOD.
Then we can talk socialism.

We need to stop policing the world and significantly scale back our military spending.
As long as the debt is paid...just like at an investment firm..

Someone on welfare. Government taxes money from your children and gives it to them

You on social security. Government takes money from your children and gives it to you

You: Wow, those are completely different ...
How ever the cow gets milked and fed..

With food you bought from your welfare check
I grow my own....Sucks don't it..Wanna buy a side of beef? Some home canned green beans? Wild berries frozen in da freezer.....

Whatever you want to do with your welfare check
usually put it in the bank and deal drugs with it..
100% correct.
Corporatism is blood sucking Americans dry - and NEITHER side and NEITHER candidate says one Goddamn word about it. Hillary Clinton is a corporatist through and through. Trump? I have no idea, and neither does anyone else. Bernie is the only one that isn't...but he is a socialist which is equally damning to a society.

A socialistic solution is needed.

No. Just no.
Please provide me with one example of a socialist nation throughout history that has the living standards of America.
Exactly. There is none, or will ever be. Especially for a country who has the financial responsibility to be the allied military for the world.


They have no military responsibility to speak of.
They also don't have large parasitic sub cultures to pay for.
America is unique in many ways. We ARE the police of the world. And thank God for it. The world would be a very, very different place if we wasn't. My bitch is, every single western country should be paying us a stipend for our military protection. PERIOD.
Then we can talk socialism.

We need to stop policing the world and significantly scale back our military spending.

You are truly insane if you really believe that.
Honest to God friend, read a little history. If after WWII America went back to burying it's head in the sand you would be speaking Russian now. Or Chinese, or even Japanese.
In your community would you want to dramatically scale back your police force? Would you want there to be no 911 service? The ONLY reason you can sleep every night is because of law and order provided to you by police.
The ONLY reason western democratic civilization and the free market system beat communism and totalitarianism is because of the United States Military. PERIOD.
To me it isn't paying taxes that is the issue, its public sector unions and the undue influence they have on the governments that their members work in.

Public employees should get a choice, keep your union and lose your vote at the level of government you work in, or lose your union and keep your vote.

Good way there to wipe your ass with the constitution...
So let's give everyone one vote and the more taxes one pays, the more one's vote counts. Pay ten times the baseline tax rate, that vote counts ten times as much. Everyone has skin in the game, but the people footing the bill get more than just to be vilified for not paying their "fair share".​

So go back to pre French revolution times.... Good Thinking...
One Man, One Vote is great...until the majority figures out they can pick the pockets of the minority.
Universal Suffrage is great, except that people who have no skin in the game get to vote.
Restricting the vote is great, except then not every is represented.

There's simply no good solution.

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