Should Pelosi be removed from office? After violating 18 U.S. Code 2071

Should Pelosi be removed from office now?

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trump cultists all upset about Speaker Pelosi ripping up some papers.'s not as if she ripped off a charity or anything.

or poor schmucks enrolled in a fraudulent university scam.
trump cultists all upset about Speaker Pelosi ripping up some papers.'s not as if she ripped off a charity or anything.

or tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman outa her home, have it bulldozed to make way for a casino parking lot....
Professor Turley: Pelosi Should Resign Over SOTU Actions

February 5, 2020
George Washington Law Professor Jonathan Turley said on Wednesday that after her disrespectful actions at the State of the Union address, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should resign.
Professor Turley: Pelosi Should Resign Over SOTU Actions

February 5, 2020
George Washington Law Professor Jonathan Turley said on Wednesday that after her disrespectful actions at the State of the Union address, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should resign.

he shouldn't hold his breath on that.
uh-huh. there's no deflection when he throws tantrums daily & can't act like a leader when he is suppose to. & ya, he may not have seen her hand, because he didn't want to make eye contact.

You are comparing apples to oranges here, and deflecting.

Pelosi broke the law. Period.

Trump has never broken the law, in public tantrums, nor whenever he is publicly showing his discontent with the Dem's deceitful deeds. But hey, you are a Dem so you are genetically programmed to disregard, the truth.

For example, like I said earlier, you Dems hate the fact that long before Trump was ever U.S. President, we had a foreign policy in Ukraine which focused specifically on exposing corruption ---if they are to receive aid from the USA. Period.

President Trump got impeached for doing his job, perfectly, by exposing American's 2014-'16 corruption in Ukraine. He did his job. Period. Our foreign policy in Ukraine did not say that Trump can't expose corrupt Dems.

Only irrational, bizarre Trump haters will disagree.

I doubt if this little fit by Nan will actually result in any legal action but she should be censored by Congress at the least.

I agree. They censored Wilson for yelling "You lie!" at Obama; so censor Pelosi for her petulant tantrum during the same exact event, a constitutionally mandated State-of-the-Union speech. I hope to see a move for this start up.
Oh the little antic on TV last night??? That's meaningless. It wouldn't matter who was president at this point whether it was Trump or have seriously underestimated the deadly force that's bearing down on Pelosi's career. The up-and-coming branch of the left can't function with her in the place that she's in.

I agree that failure on this scale has negative political consequences. She'll be gone whoever wins in 2020, and I would not be at all surprised if she either resigns the Speakership soon or there is a coup against her. There have been plenty of coups against Speakers, and not long ago.

I don't think the young communists in the House can function without her, either, but I agree they'll come after her. The impeachment was their fault: they required it as a condition of Nancy keeping the Speakership, but they'll take it back now that she failed.
That is most certainly NOT something I ever wrote.
I am telling you, that is how things are. I also told you, that you are being conned if you think that was ever a legal document.
These elites are all working in tandem.
You find the two tier justice system to be quite comfortable and oppose and mock effort to reform it.

That is you by your own words.

Welcome to my ignore list; you are wasting my time.
That is most certainly NOT something I ever wrote.
I am telling you, that is how things are. I also told you, that you are being conned if you think that was ever a legal document.
These elites are all working in tandem.
You find the two tier justice system to be quite comfortable and oppose and mock effort to reform it.

That is you by your own words.

Welcome to my ignore list; you are wasting my time.

How can we reform it if we are fighting with each other and ignoring each other?

I would say, I am trying to do more to unite folks and wake them up than you are.

I educate and inform. I post links to educational materials. . . what do you do?

I KNOW more about it than most folks. Tell me, have you ever been educated at University, in any class about Plato's dialogs or the Republic? I know how these folks think, do you? :dunno:

Please do not tell me shit like, "You find the two tier justice system to be quite comfortable and oppose and mock effort to reform it," when you have NO EVIDENCE OF SUCH CLAIMS.

I work tirelessly against such things. I try to wake folks up to the fact, that Trump, Pelosi, and all politicians, on all sides, have this POV though, whether you believe it or not. DO NOT mistake this fact, for something I believe in. DO NOT attribute it to me.

I am trying to tell you, THEY MOCK YOU.

You want to create division and hatred, clearly.

You put folks on ignore for disagreeing.

You call people names who disagree with you and make veiled threats about using their blood to water trees with. :71:

I want to find solutions, you parrot propaganda which entrenches the problems we have had for seventy years now.

I am telling you to stop it.
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Nancy tore up federal documents. Period. It does not matter what was printed on them, they are still federal docx.
Tramp destroys federal documents nearly every day, so much so that the national archives was paying someone $64,000 a year to tape them back together, so Tramp in turn fired him!
You really are funny. A speech is not a federal document.

You really are, funniest, and yes you're dishonest too ---considering how no one here ever claimed that Nancy destroyed/mutilated a speech. A speech is oral, so it is not a document.

Nancy tore up federal documents. Period. It does not matter what was printed on them, they are still federal docx. Face this.

WillHaftawaite needs to face this, as well:

Whoever willfully and unlawfully ...mutilates, obliterates, or destroys... any ... paper, document, or other thing, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
United States.

face what?

I see an excerpt, not a link.

Yes, an excerpt from your link, showing how the law specifically applied to Nancy's illegality here.
It also applies to Tramps habitual illegality, but you hypocritically do not mind Tramp's illegality!!!
No surprise there!
I doubt if this little fit by Nan will actually result in any legal action but she should be censored by Congress at the least.

I agree. They censored Wilson for yelling "You lie!" at Obama; so censor Pelosi for her petulant tantrum during the same exact event, a constitutionally mandated State-of-the-Union speech. I hope to see a move for this start up.

It would fail
Don't give her that.
Let her poor behavior stand on its own
We've never seen that flagrant type of behavior before in USA history, ever, at any SOTU Address.
.. GOP Wilson Yelling out "YOU LIE" in Obama's STOU!!!!!

Good point.

'Twas very Disrespectful of Wilson to do that. Still, yonder Nazi did not break the law.

Pelosi broke tthe law, and your refusal to address the legal aspect of her act w/ respect to the thread's theme ... only solidifies that Pelosi broke the law here and let us, pray, that Trump goes after her.

I've been emailing the WH profusely, and plan to get a legion of others involved this weekend. Wish us luck!!
Pelosi broke tthe law, and your refusal to address the legal aspect of her act w/ respect to the thread's theme ... only solidifies that Pelosi broke the law here and let us, pray, that Trump goes after her.
Again, Tramp breaks the same law nearly every day and there are staffers who are payed over $60,000 a year each to tape the destroyed official documents back together and Tramp then fired them, so w/respect to this thread's theme, why aren't you demanding the same treatment for Tramp's breaking the same law????

Other than you being a hypocritical partisan hack, of course!
I agree. They censored Wilson for yelling "You lie!" at Obama; so censor Pelosi for her petulant tantrum during the same exact event, a constitutionally mandated State-of-the-Union speech. I hope to see a move for this start up.

It would fail
Don't give her that.
Let her poor behavior stand on its own[/QUOTE]

I suppose you are right. With only partisan votes possible in the House, a majority party wouldn't censure their own Speaker if she punched out the Sargeant-at-arms.

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