Should Pelosi be removed from office? After violating 18 U.S. Code 2071

Should Pelosi be removed from office now?

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  • No

  • Hell yeah!

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Got this off FB

By tearing up (“mutilating”) the House copy of the President’s SOTU address, Pelosi, as custodian of the record, has violated the U.S. Code, below. She has forfeited her office, should be fined, AND there should be consequences!
“18 U.S. Code § 2071:

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.”​
I don't know what is funnier, the fact that the Speaker of the House threw a temper tantrum on national TV, or the fact that so many of the leftist idiots on this board look up to and support such a lunatic. I guess sheeple just can't help it.
trump cultists all upset about Speaker Pelosi ripping up some papers.'s not as if she ripped off a charity or anything.
You really are funny. A speech is not a federal document.

You really are, funniest, and yes you're dishonest too ---considering how no one here ever claimed that Nancy destroyed/mutilated a speech. A speech is oral, so it is not a document.

Nancy tore up federal documents. Period. It does not matter what was printed on them, they are still federal docx. Face this.

WillHaftawaite needs to face this, as well:

Whoever willfully and unlawfully ...mutilates, obliterates, or destroys... any ... paper, document, or other thing, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
United States.
You really are funny. A speech is not a federal document.

You really are, funniest, and yes you're dishonest too ---considering how no one here ever claimed that Nancy destroyed/mutilated a speech. A speech is oral, so it is not a document.

Nancy tore up federal documents. Period. It does not matter what was printed on them, they are still federal docx. Face this.

WillHaftawaite needs to face this, as well:

Whoever willfully and unlawfully ...mutilates, obliterates, or destroys... any ... paper, document, or other thing, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
United States.

face what?

I see an excerpt, not a link.
If nancy received that document, officially, then she is violation of the law by tearing it up. If the President or his aid or VP Pence just, handed it to her, then she is in the clear. But again, if it was delivered to her in an official capacity then she's cooked noodles ---and I will be emailing Trump, profusely, about making sure she is charged with a crime.

They already let the Dems off the hook by refusing to dismiss charges/let impeachment hoax go to a jury, so I hope they don't let Dems off the hook here.
You really are funny. A speech is not a federal document.

You really are, funniest, and yes you're dishonest too ---considering how no one here ever claimed that Nancy destroyed/mutilated a speech. A speech is oral, so it is not a document.

Nancy tore up federal documents. Period. It does not matter what was printed on them, they are still federal docx. Face this.

WillHaftawaite needs to face this, as well:

Whoever willfully and unlawfully ...mutilates, obliterates, or destroys... any ... paper, document, or other thing, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
United States.

face what?

I see an excerpt, not a link.

Yes, an excerpt from your link, showing how the law specifically applied to Nancy's illegality here.
You really are funny. A speech is not a federal document.

You really are, funniest, and yes you're dishonest too ---considering how no one here ever claimed that Nancy destroyed/mutilated a speech. A speech is oral, so it is not a document.

Nancy tore up federal documents. Period. It does not matter what was printed on them, they are still federal docx. Face this.

WillHaftawaite needs to face this, as well:

Whoever willfully and unlawfully ...mutilates, obliterates, or destroys... any ... paper, document, or other thing, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
United States.

face what?

I see an excerpt, not a link.

Yes, an excerpt from your link, showing how the law specifically applied to Nancy's illegality here.

then what is your issue.

I posted a link.

I made no comments regarding that link.

yet, you seem to believe I left something out.
Please y'all. Remember this thread and nominate it for dumbest thread of 2020 at the end of the year.

Talk about being triggered.

Shit, that crap is planned. . . .
I give a shit that our law makers are the biggest criminals on the planet and they openly do criminal acts on olive TV in front of millions watching BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEY CANNOT BE TOUCHED.

And doofuses reflexively defend them at every state.

For Christs sake I put the text in full on this thread twice now and you doofuses still cant read the damned thing.

When I left my last job at the Census building, I could not delete my emails. I had to take my laptop down to the basement where they issue laptops and the specialist ran some copying app, backing up ALL my old emails and only then let me turn it in, where they would reformat the hard drive and re-issue it.


So please stop it with the 'Oh, ikt is OK, nobody bothers with that stuff anyway' BULLSHIT.

I KNOW what I am saying, dude.
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU
If it the duplicate. There's no crime committed. But if it was the original. They can slap the cuff on her. But most likely, the original they keep in a secure place, while he reads from the duplicated copy.

Nope. It's still a fed document whether original or not. No crime, only if they were delivered in an unofficial capacity for example if Trump handed her the docx when walking by her or if Pence placed them at her seat.
Please y'all. Remember this thread and nominate it for dumbest thread of 2020

Take off your dunce cap instantaneously unless you are just too, dumb-Dem, to realize the ramifications of 147+ nations watching last night, as some female loon was allowed to mock the leader of the free world President Trump while she was seated behind him.

Yes, last night on tv ... viewing Nancy sit behind him showing her colossal disrespect right in front of the hundreds of millions maybe billions of humans and especially our enemies, should be deemed as an act of treason.

We've never seen that flagrant type of behavior before in USA history, ever, at any SOTU Address. Yes. She inspired more global disrespect and world hate, toward Trump, when she did that nonsense last night. That's huge.

So she needs to pay a price And if Trump is smart, he'll move on it ---then you'd better make sure to remember this thread pal :)
Please y'all. Remember this thread and nominate it for dumbest thread of 2020 at the end of the year.

Talk about being triggered.

Shit, that crap is planned. . . .
I give a shit that our law makers are the biggest criminals on the planet and they openly do criminal acts on olive TV in front of millions watching BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEY CANNOT BE TOUCHED.

And doofuses reflexively defend them at every state.

For Christs sake I put the text in full on this thread twice now and you doofuses still cant read the damned thing.

When I left my last job at the Census building, I could not delete my emails. I had to take my laptop down to the basement where they issue laptops and the specialist ran some copying app, backing up ALL my old emails and only then let me turn it in, where they would reformat the hard drive and re-issue it.


So please stop it with the 'Oh, ikt is OK, nobody bothers with that stuff anyway' BULLSHIT.

I KNOW what I am saying, dude.

AND I know what I am saying. These folks MAKE law, so they feel they decide when it applies and doesn't.

Whether or not there is a "law" is not material to whether what a LAW MAKER DID WAS legal. It is why all these lawmakers do what ever they want. GET USED TO IT AS THE STATE IS REVEALED TO BE MORE AND MORE CORRUPT!!!!!

Legal v. Lawful


This thing was televised for a TEE VEE audience. These elites are working in tandem to get EVERYONE involved and to get them to the polls.

Neither Trump, nor Nancy care who you vote for, they only care that you vote. They only care that you THINK you have some say in what is going on in this farce. It gives this whole tragedy some veneer of legitimacy, as these millionaires and billionaires suck the corpse of a nation dry.

That piece of paper she tore up was a prop, nothing more.

Do you remember this?!? :dunno:


Damn man, I always wondered about that cat in those Tom and Jerry cartoons, or that coyote in the Road Runner cartoons. If you can't see when something is staged, I can't help you dude.

They weren't going to do shit, just like there were never going to Impeach Bill Clinton, nor were they ever going to Impeach Trump. Wake the fuck up already.

If you don't understand the system by now, and how it is all a stage show, only to manipulate your emotions, you never will get it buddy. It is all planned, both sides, carefully crafted, all of it.

Please y'all. Remember this thread and nominate it for dumbest thread of 2020 at the end of the year.

Talk about being triggered.

Shit, that crap is planned. . . .
I give a shit that our law makers are the biggest criminals on the planet and they openly do criminal acts on olive TV in front of millions watching BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEY CANNOT BE TOUCHED.

And doofuses reflexively defend them at every state.

For Christs sake I put the text in full on this thread twice now and you doofuses still cant read the damned thing.

When I left my last job at the Census building, I could not delete my emails. I had to take my laptop down to the basement where they issue laptops and the specialist ran some copying app, backing up ALL my old emails and only then let me turn it in, where they would reformat the hard drive and re-issue it.


So please stop it with the 'Oh, ikt is OK, nobody bothers with that stuff anyway' BULLSHIT.

I KNOW what I am saying, dude.

AND I know what I am saying. These folks MAKE law, so they feel they decide when it applies and doesn't.

Whether or not there is a "law" is not material to whether what a LAW MAKER DID WAS legal. It is why all these lawmakers do what ever they want. GET USED TO IT AS THE STATE IS REVEALED TO BE MORE AND MORE CORRUPT!!!!!

Legal v. Lawful


This thing was televised for a TEE VEE audience. These elites are working in tandem to get EVERYONE involved and to get them to the polls.

Neither Trump, nor Nancy care who you vote for, they only care that you vote. They only care that you THINK you have some say in what is going on in this farce. It gives this whole tragedy some veneer of legitimacy, as these millionaires and billionaires suck the corpse of a nation dry.

That piece of paper she tore up was a prop, nothing more.

Do you remember this?!? :dunno:


Damn man, I always wondered about that cat in those Tom and Jerry cartoons, or that coyote in the Road Runner cartoons. If you can't see when something is staged, I can't help you dude.

They weren't going to do shit, just like there were never going to Impeach Bill Clinton, nor were they ever going to Impeach Trump. Wake the fuck up already.

If you don't understand the system by now, and how it is all a stage show, only to manipulate your emotions, you never will get it buddy. It is all planned, both sides, carefully crafted, all of it.


So you Dems have been lying your asses off about no one being above the law?

Thought so.

Well at least you are honestly corrupt.
Please y'all. Remember this thread and nominate it for dumbest thread of 2020 at the end of the year.

Talk about being triggered.

Shit, that crap is planned. . . .
I give a shit that our law makers are the biggest criminals on the planet and they openly do criminal acts on olive TV in front of millions watching BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEY CANNOT BE TOUCHED.

And doofuses reflexively defend them at every state.

For Christs sake I put the text in full on this thread twice now and you doofuses still cant read the damned thing.

When I left my last job at the Census building, I could not delete my emails. I had to take my laptop down to the basement where they issue laptops and the specialist ran some copying app, backing up ALL my old emails and only then let me turn it in, where they would reformat the hard drive and re-issue it.


So please stop it with the 'Oh, ikt is OK, nobody bothers with that stuff anyway' BULLSHIT.

I KNOW what I am saying, dude.

AND I know what I am saying. These folks MAKE law, so they feel they decide when it applies and doesn't.

Whether or not there is a "law" is not material to whether what a LAW MAKER DID WAS legal. It is why all these lawmakers do what ever they want. GET USED TO IT AS THE STATE IS REVEALED TO BE MORE AND MORE CORRUPT!!!!!

Legal v. Lawful


This thing was televised for a TEE VEE audience. These elites are working in tandem to get EVERYONE involved and to get them to the polls.

Neither Trump, nor Nancy care who you vote for, they only care that you vote. They only care that you THINK you have some say in what is going on in this farce. It gives this whole tragedy some veneer of legitimacy, as these millionaires and billionaires suck the corpse of a nation dry.

That piece of paper she tore up was a prop, nothing more.

Do you remember this?!? :dunno:


Damn man, I always wondered about that cat in those Tom and Jerry cartoons, or that coyote in the Road Runner cartoons. If you can't see when something is staged, I can't help you dude.

They weren't going to do shit, just like there were never going to Impeach Bill Clinton, nor were they ever going to Impeach Trump. Wake the fuck up already.

If you don't understand the system by now, and how it is all a stage show, only to manipulate your emotions, you never will get it buddy. It is all planned, both sides, carefully crafted, all of it.


So you Dems have been lying your asses off about no one being above the law?

Thought so.

Well at least you are honestly corrupt.


I don't have a clue what you are talking about. I never said anything about no one being above that law? Did I write that? What the hell?



Why do you partisans have in your head. . . .

. . . "oh, this person disagrees with me, doesn't see the world like I do, they must vote differently than me, or support different candidates than I do. . . "


You just don't get what I am saying. NOTHING EVER CHANGES. NOT REALLY. Except the FED is the one in control, the debt gets larger, the interest payment are getting bigger and bigger, and regardless of party, economic growth is being squeezed completely out, DESPITE the bullshit propaganda from BOTH parties.


No matter WHO gets elected after Trump? Economic growth will shrink, because of national debt, THAT affects growth, and has been since Reagan started his deficit spending and we have been ignoring it.

Get out of Trump cult, Get out of GOP Cult, Get out of DNC cult. GET OUT OF FEDERAL RESERVE CULT.

Why deficits stopped mattering : Magic or Conspiracy ?





Example of stuff covered in this article;


This goes way beyond issues of "liberal" or "conservative" bias. Through the use of media blackouts, smear/disinformation campaigns, and false narratives, US media shields the government from all forms of accountability.


There are entire subjects of the highest importance which are being systematically ignored by mainstream media. These topics are so toxic, the facts so damning, that no one will touch them. The results are total media blackouts.

Below is an example of what such a blackout looks like.

MEDIA BLACKOUT: CIA's role in contra drug trafficking. . . "




Media blackouts don't just cover government frauds. The basic background/historical knowledge necessary to understand the frauds is also blacked out, as is any knowledge which might undermine the dollar by suggesting future inflation (ie: how China's dollar peg works). As a result, the average American is amazingly uninformed about how the world really works. I am talking about the real mechanics behind the scenes (ie: how our monetary system works, how clearing in equity market works, who is in charge of defending the dollar (it isn't the fed), etc). This general lack of understanding makes it frustratingly difficult to have any serious discussion about government fraud (how do explain murder to someone who doesn't understand the concept of death?).

Another affect of keeping the world uninformed is that it hides the government's motive to commit fraud. Without understanding how sharply the government's self-interest diverges from their own, it is hard for people to accept government dishonesty.
Consider, for example, how the government benefits profits from the "war on drugs."

MEDIA BLACKOUT: The profits of the "war on drugs""


. . . . IN the end? YOU have no idea what you don't know. You actually BELIEVE all these folks, down deep, are separated, when their interests align more than the folks you argue with or call "libtards" every day.

Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump talk every day about how they are going to screw the little folks of this nation over. ... . . I Guarantee you that my friend. Everything else you see in public? That is just an act.
Says the peasant who supports a dual system of laws, one for the rulers and the other for the Little People.

I am starting to think we really badly need to water that tree.
Don't construct straw men.

That is most certainly NOT something I ever wrote.

I am telling you, that is how things are. I also told you, that you are being conned if you think that was ever a legal document.

These elites are all working in tandem.
uh-huh. there's no deflection when he throws tantrums daily & can't act like a leader when he is suppose to. & ya, he may not have seen her hand, because he didn't want to make eye contact.
I wouldn't want to make eye contact either with the evil malevolent being who twice has tried to illegally remove me from
my office of President.

noooooooooooo - it's cause he was a coward.

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