Should Pelosi be removed from office? After violating 18 U.S. Code 2071

Should Pelosi be removed from office now?

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  • No

  • Hell yeah!

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Please y'all. Remember this thread and nominate it for dumbest thread of 2020 at the end of the year.

Talk about being triggered.

Shit, that crap is planned. . . .
I give a shit that our law makers are the biggest criminals on the planet and they openly do criminal acts on olive TV in front of millions watching BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEY CANNOT BE TOUCHED.

And doofuses reflexively defend them at every state.

For Christs sake I put the text in full on this thread twice now and you doofuses still cant read the damned thing.

When I left my last job at the Census building, I could not delete my emails. I had to take my laptop down to the basement where they issue laptops and the specialist ran some copying app, backing up ALL my old emails and only then let me turn it in, where they would reformat the hard drive and re-issue it.


So please stop it with the 'Oh, ikt is OK, nobody bothers with that stuff anyway' BULLSHIT.

I KNOW what I am saying, dude.

Yet you just keep parroting something you saw on Facebook.

I pointed out your idiocy twice now- and twice you have ignored it.

Maybe you will believe Faux News?

Ingraham, while equally outraged by Pelosi's behavior, is a law school graduate who clerked at the Supreme Court. She couldn't hide her amusement at Gaetz's demand for a probe. Chuckling, she said, "Well, it's not really a formal record because it's a copy of the speech that the president signed . . . This is cute, but it's not going to work."

Gaetz and Zeldin did not raise the criminal referral again during the interview, but turned their attention instead to the dignity of the House and what Gaetz called Pelosi's "real impulse control problems."

The notion that Pelosi illegally destroyed public records appears to have originally surfaced in a tweet by Trump friend Charlie Kirk, founder of the conservative group Turning Point USA, and was quickly debunked by various fact-checkers.
Please y'all. Remember this thread and nominate it for dumbest thread of 2020 at the end of the year.

Talk about being triggered.

Shit, that crap is planned. . . .
I give a shit that our law makers are the biggest criminals on the planet and they openly do criminal acts on olive TV in front of millions watching BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEY CANNOT BE TOUCHED.

And doofuses reflexively defend them at every state.

For Christs sake I put the text in full on this thread twice now and you doofuses still cant read the damned thing.

When I left my last job at the Census building, I could not delete my emails. I had to take my laptop down to the basement where they issue laptops and the specialist ran some copying app, backing up ALL my old emails and only then let me turn it in, where they would reformat the hard drive and re-issue it.


So please stop it with the 'Oh, ikt is OK, nobody bothers with that stuff anyway' BULLSHIT.

I KNOW what I am saying, dude.

AND I know what I am saying. These folks MAKE law, so they feel they decide when it applies and doesn't.

Whether or not there is a "law" is not material to whether what a LAW MAKER DID WAS legal. It is why all these lawmakers do what ever they want. GET USED TO IT AS THE STATE IS REVEALED TO BE MORE AND MORE CORRUPT!!!!!

Legal v. Lawful


This thing was televised for a TEE VEE audience. These elites are working in tandem to get EVERYONE involved and to get them to the polls.

Neither Trump, nor Nancy care who you vote for, they only care that you vote. They only care that you THINK you have some say in what is going on in this farce. It gives this whole tragedy some veneer of legitimacy, as these millionaires and billionaires suck the corpse of a nation dry.

That piece of paper she tore up was a prop, nothing more.

Do you remember this?!? :dunno:


Damn man, I always wondered about that cat in those Tom and Jerry cartoons, or that coyote in the Road Runner cartoons. If you can't see when something is staged, I can't help you dude.

They weren't going to do shit, just like there were never going to Impeach Bill Clinton, nor were they ever going to Impeach Trump. Wake the fuck up already.

If you don't understand the system by now, and how it is all a stage show, only to manipulate your emotions, you never will get it buddy. It is all planned, both sides, carefully crafted, all of it.


So you Dems have been lying your asses off about no one being above the law?

Thought so.

Well at least you are honestly corrupt.

No- you Republicans have been lying your asses off about what the law says and what Pelosi did.

You aren't even honestly corrupt.
uh-huh. there's no deflection when he throws tantrums daily & can't act like a leader when he is suppose to. & ya, he may not have seen her hand, because he didn't want to make eye contact.

You are comparing apples to oranges here, and deflecting.

Pelosi broke the law. Period.

Trump has never broken the law, in public tantrums, nor whenever he is publicly showing his discontent with the Dem's deceitful deeds. But hey, you are a Dem so you are genetically programmed to disregard, the truth.

For example, like I said earlier, you Dems hate the fact that long before Trump was ever U.S. President, we had a foreign policy in Ukraine which focused specifically on exposing corruption ---if they are to receive aid from the USA. Period.

President Trump got impeached for doing his job, perfectly, by exposing American's 2014-'16 corruption in Ukraine. He did his job. Period. Our foreign policy in Ukraine did not say that Trump can't expose corrupt Dems.

Only irrational, bizarre Trump haters will disagree.


you have trump devotion syndrome bigley.
lol.... you pull that tribble off donny's head & there will be an orange 666 for sure.
Only in bizarro Tardville could Trump beat the Mistress Nancy and her flying monkeys and their impeachment trap and it be seen as a failure for him.

You're a bunch of delusional losers losing your party as you go .
Again, Tramp breaks the same law nearly every day ...

Nope. Your rattled emotions simply do not count.

Post your proof yep post your evidence that Trump broke the 18 U.S. Code 2071 or are you incapable of posting proof to validate your claim??

I know ahead of time here...You will fail to present any proof/any evidence that someone who the Trump Admin/Fed GOVT pays and appoints specifically to destroy GOVT documents that the govt is reqd to destroy, did break the law by doing their job.
Nuttjob Nancy was not hired to destroy SOTU documents and was not ordered to destroy SOTU documents, so she broke the law. Period.

Your claim here, is the same as all Dems since late 2016; make up nonsense about Trump then hope it sticks when you throw against the wall. And we make sure undecided voters get to see exactly how lowdown dirty and illegal Dems do get, just to gain an edge vs Trump.

We all saw Nancy with our own, eyes, and so it is Dems like you and Nancy that I love most ---to use as my exhibits! Whenever I am speaking with undecided voters, where I validate how the Dems are satanic fools who hate the idea of honesty.

This thread is about how Nancy broke the law, in front of all of our eyes, as you have many posts in this thread and none of them address this truth about Nancy's act. Why? Because You are a Dem/too deceitful to honestly address Nancy's act.

Thanks for your demonic display here :)
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Her blithering excuse and justification was as repugnant as the act
Keep digging Nancy I think she’s trying to get kicked out
Crazy Nancy Pelosi who is infected "forever" with a severe case of TDS will be removed by voters come this November.
I suppose you are right. With only partisan votes possible in the House, a majority party wouldn't censure their own Speaker if she punched out the Sargeant-at-arms.
the vote for impeachment in the Senate was bipartisan tho….

for the first time in US HISTORY....
Please y'all. Remember this thread and nominate it for dumbest thread of 2020 at the end of the year.

Talk about being triggered.

Shit, that crap is planned. . . .
I give a shit that our law makers are the biggest criminals on the planet and they openly do criminal acts on olive TV in front of millions watching BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEY CANNOT BE TOUCHED.

And doofuses reflexively defend them at every state.

For Christs sake I put the text in full on this thread twice now and you doofuses still cant read the damned thing.

When I left my last job at the Census building, I could not delete my emails. I had to take my laptop down to the basement where they issue laptops and the specialist ran some copying app, backing up ALL my old emails and only then let me turn it in, where they would reformat the hard drive and re-issue it.


So please stop it with the 'Oh, ikt is OK, nobody bothers with that stuff anyway' BULLSHIT.

I KNOW what I am saying, dude.

AND I know what I am saying. These folks MAKE law, so they feel they decide when it applies and doesn't.

Whether or not there is a "law" is not material to whether what a LAW MAKER DID WAS legal. It is why all these lawmakers do what ever they want. GET USED TO IT AS THE STATE IS REVEALED TO BE MORE AND MORE CORRUPT!!!!!

Legal v. Lawful


This thing was televised for a TEE VEE audience. These elites are working in tandem to get EVERYONE involved and to get them to the polls.

Neither Trump, nor Nancy care who you vote for, they only care that you vote. They only care that you THINK you have some say in what is going on in this farce. It gives this whole tragedy some veneer of legitimacy, as these millionaires and billionaires suck the corpse of a nation dry.

That piece of paper she tore up was a prop, nothing more.

Do you remember this?!? :dunno:


Damn man, I always wondered about that cat in those Tom and Jerry cartoons, or that coyote in the Road Runner cartoons. If you can't see when something is staged, I can't help you dude.

They weren't going to do shit, just like there were never going to Impeach Bill Clinton, nor were they ever going to Impeach Trump. Wake the fuck up already.

If you don't understand the system by now, and how it is all a stage show, only to manipulate your emotions, you never will get it buddy. It is all planned, both sides, carefully crafted, all of it.


So you Dems have been lying your asses off about no one being above the law?

Thought so.

Well at least you are honestly corrupt.

No- you Republicans have been lying your asses off about what the law says and what Pelosi did.

You aren't even honestly corrupt.

If she is all that, then she should not be that easily baited by Trump. She was al so upset when the congressman spouted "You lie" at Obama's State of the Union. Now we know she is a bullshit artist and liar. So if she accuses Trump of something I am supposed to believe her! She is a reason as we know that Trump was elected. Trump has shown us so many people that are swamp dwellers that have come up for air that we still have not counted them all. Nancy showing class would be a reason to disprove the reason for the election of trump. She failed just like agendas she promotes have failed from extremism that started from nobility.
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU
Not sure that a complimentary copy of a president's speech counts as a federal document.

I think it would need to be a controlled, sequential numbered and tracked document.
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU
Not sure that a complimentary copy of a president's speech counts as a federal document.

I think it would need to be a controlled, sequential numbered and tracked document.

It's not a comp copy
It's the official House Copy
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU
Not sure that a complimentary copy of a president's speech counts as a federal document.
I think it would need to be a controlled, sequential numbered and tracked document.
It is an official document.

Think about it, the President is giving the speech, the SOTU, to CONGRESS, and so the heads of both houses get signed, registered and number primary original documents.

And it does not matter anyway. No one can legally destroy a federal document, or email, or map or message of any kind without permission and doing it by the means documented and transmitted with the material.

I h ave provided the law in detail several times now. What about the English language is so hard for you deniers?
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU
Not sure that a complimentary copy of a president's speech counts as a federal document.
I think it would need to be a controlled, sequential numbered and tracked document.
It is an official document.

Think about it, the President is giving the speech, the SOTU, to CONGRESS, and so the heads of both houses get signed, registered and number primary original documents.

And it does not matter anyway. No one can legally destroy a federal document, or email, or map or message of any kind without permission and doing it by the means documented and transmitted with the material.

I h ave provided the law in detail several times now. What about the English language is so hard for you deniers?

Look for Comey to come out and say that while she did break the law, it's not clear if she had the mental acumen to understand that it was illegal and that no prosecutor would prosecute.
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU
Not sure that a complimentary copy of a president's speech counts as a federal document.
I think it would need to be a controlled, sequential numbered and tracked document.
It is an official document.

Think about it, the President is giving the speech, the SOTU, to CONGRESS, and so the heads of both houses get signed, registered and number primary original documents.

And it does not matter anyway. No one can legally destroy a federal document, or email, or map or message of any kind without permission and doing it by the means documented and transmitted with the material.

I h ave provided the law in detail several times now. What about the English language is so hard for you deniers?
No, Nancy Pelosi Didn’t Break the Law When Destroying Trump’s Speech
No, Nancy Pelosi Didn’t Break the Law When Destroying Trump’s Speech

". . .Trump handed Pelosi a copy of the speech. He didn’t file this copy with any official—clerk or otherwise—whose job it is to make sure such documents are collected, recorded and physically and legally protected. The president gave Pelosi a copy of his address as a memento of sorts. This action wasn’t an official deposit. It was an act of theater.

Pelosi responded with her own bit of theater in turn. The action was purely performative just as Trump’s gifting of the controversial speech was itself a performative action. Nothing official happened here one way or another and certainly no laws were broken by the speaker.. . . "

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