Should Pelosi be removed from office? After violating 18 U.S. Code 2071

Should Pelosi be removed from office now?

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  • No

  • Hell yeah!

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Crazy Nancy Pelosi who is infected "forever" with a severe case of TDS will be removed by voters come this November.

Oh I will take that bet.

Will you?

How about this?

If Pelosi is voted out of office this November- i won't post on USMB for the entire month of December
If Pelosi is not voted out of office this November- you don't post on USMB for the entire month of December.

Care to put your posting where you mouth is?
lol.... you pull that tribble off donny's head & there will be an orange 666 for sure.
Only in bizarro Tardville could Trump beat the Mistress Nancy and her flying monkeys and their impeachment trap and it be seen as a failure for him.

You're a bunch of delusional losers losing your party as you go .

Her blithering excuse and justification was as repugnant as the act
Keep digging Nancy I think she’s trying to get kicked out
She has a new moniker now; Nancy the Ripper, lol.

she's embracing it & she's got the support of the house members that matter. that was a fucking mic drop & y'all are delusional to think she is gonna leave or her caucus wants her out.
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU
Not sure that a complimentary copy of a president's speech counts as a federal document.
I think it would need to be a controlled, sequential numbered and tracked document.
It is an official document.

Think about it, the President is giving the speech, the SOTU, to CONGRESS, and so the heads of both houses get signed, registered and number primary original documents.

And it does not matter anyway. No one can legally destroy a federal document, or email, or map or message of any kind without permission and doing it by the means documented and transmitted with the material.

I h ave provided the law in detail several times now. What about the English language is so hard for you deniers?

You have provided the law in detail several times now- except you forget some of the little details each time don't you?
Fact check: Did Pelosi break the law by ripping up Trump's speech? ::
"Her copy of the State of the Union address is not a government record or government property at all," said Douglas Cox, professor of law at the City of New York University School of Law and an expert in the laws governing the preservation of government records. "It is personal property."

Under House rules, members of Congress are encouraged to preserve records or donate them to a research institution for historical study, Cox said. Unlike congressional committees, members are not legally required to hold onto their office’s files

"They can keep them private, they can destroy them, or they can rip them up," he said.

"The State of the Union is a presidential record, which must go to the National Archives under the Presidential Records Act," Nourse said "(Pelosi) did not mutilate the record that is filed with the Archives."

The purpose of the records law "is to prevent someone from depriving the government from the use of its documents," so Pelosi’s move "doesn’t fit within the statute," added Kathleen Clark, professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis.

There are probably countless copies of Trump’s address, such as the version the White House posted online. Pelosi’s action doesn’t preclude future generations from accessing one.

"If the statute were not read this way, then any copy of the State of the Union held by anyone could never be destroyed," Nourse said.

"I take it that this is a printout of the Trump speech, in which case it is absurd to suggest that Pelosi can be prosecuted for doing with it whatever she pleases," said Heidi Kitrosser, a law professor at the University of Minnesota.

For what it’s worth, Trump has a habit of ripping up papers when he’s done with them. According to Politico, staff members have had to tape Trump’s shredded files together in order to send them to the Archives and avoid crossing the Presidential Records Act.

"The point of the statute is to prevent people from destroying records in official repositories like the National Archives or in courts," said Georgetown Law professor Victoria Nourse.

"The State of the Union is a presidential record, which must go to the National Archives under the Presidential Records Act," Nourse said "(Pelosi) did not mutilate the record that is filed with the Archives."

The purpose of the records law "is to prevent someone from depriving the government from the use of its documents," so Pelosi’s move "doesn’t fit within the statute," added Kathleen Clark, professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis.

Laurence Tribe, the Carl M. Loeb University Professor at the Harvard Law School of Harvard University, told Law and Crime:

What a dumb idea! Not even Bill Barr would fall for that ludicrous misapplication of the federal law criminalizing mutilation of government records. The copy was the Speaker’s own, it wasn’t a government record to begin with, and her action was purely symbolic expression well within the protection of both the speech and debate clause and the first amendment.

Jonathan Turley, a professor at the George Washington University Law School who also served as a Republican witness during a congressional hearing on President Trump’s impeachment, said

That last act (tearing her copy of the speech) has led some to allege that she also violated 18 U.S.C. §2071 in the destruction of an official document. That claim is dubious.......The main problem is that I am not convinced that this is a covered document. The law does not prevent the destruction of any government document in any form. If so, we would have nothing but warehouses from sea to sea. I cannot find any source that stipulates the preservation of this document or even requires that it be given to the Speaker.

As usual- you are just a gullible fool parroting what the Trump propaganda machine put out.
She broke every law of adult behavior and then offered a 5 year old excuse-“I did it because I felt like it”
She didn't destroy the speech. Do you think Trump handed her the only copy in existence?

Not to mention it was a televised event. Is she going to destroy the only video as well?

That is not what the law says, dude.

But tell me how Trump violated universal human rights by talking to the Head of State of the Ukraine, lol.

Yes, that is what the law says. You cannot read.
What exactly made Pelosi a 'lunatic'?
Tearing up the written record of the SOTU address, which is a federally mandated document, like a petulant four year old!

This coming from the sheeple that started this idiotic thread based upon a Facebook rumor.
I doubt if this little fit by Nan will actually result in any legal action but she should be censored by Congress at the least.
It's not a "rumor", jazz hands. It's US code.

A photocopy is not a “federally mandated document.”

By extension of your argument, if 10,000,000 photocopies were made, putting one in the recycle bin is an offense.

You guys really need to get out more.

It literally does not matter. EVERY copy of any official document is to be kept and maintained unless given permission to destroy it and then it must be destroyed in a proscribed manner.

I have worked as a contractor for the Federalis for 22 years and I have had this branded into my brain so many times I can almost recite it in my sleep.

Which is why I am so disgusted that Hillary Clinton got off scott free after destroying THIRTY THREE THOUSAND of said documents.

The law are only for the little people we see again.

Pelosi was being her normal petulant, heedless vindictive personality she always has been.

Were you an employ of the Federalis and done that YOU would go to jail and so would I.

But we are Little People.

Do you have brown eyes because you are full of shit? I destroy documents like that every day.
I don't know what is funnier, the fact that the Speaker of the House threw a temper tantrum on national TV, or the fact that so many of the leftist idiots on this board look up to and support such a lunatic. I guess sheeple just can't help it.

What exactly made Pelosi a 'lunatic'?

This coming from the sheeple that started this idiotic thread based upon a Facebook rumor.

Most of her actions starting with "we have to pass this bill so you can find out what's in it" and ending with her 4 year attempt to overturn an election she disapproved of by using fictitious and non-existent evidence of malfeasance.

There is nothing fictitious and non-existent. Trump has sought the help of Russia in 2016 and now in 2020.

Mueller disagrees, dumbass!
You really are funny. A speech is not a federal document.
A copy of it is, you imbecile. And it's required by law.

You're all for impeaching Trump if he doesn't wipe his ass the right way. But Nan Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, `Schiff, Biden, Comey, etc....enforcing the law isn't so important to you then.

A speech is not a federal document. It is not required by any law.

I am for impeaching Trump for wanting a foreign country to interfere in our elections by initiating a phony investigation. neither Pelosi, Clinton, Schiff, Biden, Comey etc have broken any laws. The DOJ does not even have enough to open a preliminary investigation.

Why do you care? Biden's campaign is toast at the hands of his own supporters defecting!
Prove she tore up the original, then worry about it.

Um , no, that it was not the original is entirely irrelevant.

Do you think someone deleting an email from a colleague at work is deleting an original email?

No, of course not.

But is it still illegal?

You bet your sweet bippy it is broski.

Do you have an infinite supply of bullshit? I work for the US Army and delete emails all night long.
She broke every law of adult behavior and then offered a 5 year old excuse-“I did it because I felt like it”


Did she brag about how she grabs women by their pussies?
Did she mock someone for their disability?
Did she tell an American vet that he was no hero because he was captured by the enemy?
Did she call an American judge a "Mexican"?
Did she have an affair with a porn star, pay her off, and lie to the American people about it?
Did she use foul language- profanity in official public functions?
Did she suggest that a dead Congressman was in hell?

I am seeing 'laws of adult behavior' being broken by Trump virtually every day- and his followers cheer him on for every swear word, every attack on someone for their race or disability.
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU

I am as confident that Pelosi will be removed by the House, as I am that Trump will be removed from office by the Senate.

It isn't the house per se that's going to remove Pelosi.... It's her own party... They want her to move along and let the next generation in. Even if the Democrats keep the house I'm 2020 I think it's highly likely she will be voted out as speaker. She's almost 80 years old it's time to go.


Sounds good BUT there simply are not enough IQ points to go around among the Democrats to do this.
Did you post that from Kansas City, Kansas? Home of the Chiefs and state capital?

It is none of those things, Your attempt failed, dumbass!

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