Should Pelosi be removed from office? After violating 18 U.S. Code 2071

Should Pelosi be removed from office now?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Hell yeah!

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She broke every law of adult behavior and then offered a 5 year old excuse-“I did it because I felt like it”


Did she brag about how she grabs women by their pussies?
Did she mock someone for their disability?
Did she tell an American vet that he was no hero because he was captured by the enemy?
Did she call an American judge a "Mexican"?
Did she have an affair with a porn star, pay her off, and lie to the American people about it?
Did she use foul language- profanity in official public functions?
Did she suggest that a dead Congressman was in hell?

I am seeing 'laws of adult behavior' being broken by Trump virtually every day- and his followers cheer him on for every swear word, every attack on someone for their race or disability.

You have it exactly backwards. All of those things you listed about Trump are quite normal in the adult world. Sorry that's just the way it is. It would be nice if everything in our society was similar to an episode of leave It to Beaver..... Hell even Obama couldn't live up to that.

your problem is that you don't understand why knowing all of these things people still voted for Trump.... Exhibit a.... More accomplishments for pro-american purposes in 3 years then the previous 250.

So he's not Pope John..... So the fuk what?

when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU

I am as confident that Pelosi will be removed by the House, as I am that Trump will be removed from office by the Senate.

It isn't the house per se that's going to remove Pelosi.... It's her own party... They want her to move along and let the next generation in. Even if the Democrats keep the house I'm 2020 I think it's highly likely she will be voted out as speaker. She's almost 80 years old it's time to go.


Sounds good BUT there simply are not enough IQ points to go around among the Democrats to do this.

Good God! What if you're right?

She broke every law of adult behavior and then offered a 5 year old excuse-“I did it because I felt like it”


Did she brag about how she grabs women by their pussies?
Did she mock someone for their disability?
Did she tell an American vet that he was no hero because he was captured by the enemy?
Did she call an American judge a "Mexican"?
Did she have an affair with a porn star, pay her off, and lie to the American people about it?
Did she use foul language- profanity in official public functions?
Did she suggest that a dead Congressman was in hell?

I am seeing 'laws of adult behavior' being broken by Trump virtually every day- and his followers cheer him on for every swear word, every attack on someone for their race or disability.

You have it exactly backwards. All of those things you listed about Trump are quite normal in the adult world. Sorry that's just the way it is. It would be nice if everything in our society was similar to an episode of leave It to Beaver..... Hell even Obama couldn't live up to that.

your problem is that you don't understand why knowing all of these things people still voted for Trump.... Exhibit a.... More accomplishments for pro-american purposes in 3 years then the previous 250.

So he's not Pope John..... So the fuk what?


My problem is I don't think grabbing women by their pussies is 'quite normal'

My 'problem' is when I see your gullible Trumpskies piss and moan about Nancy Pelosi tearing up a piece of paper as 'broke every law of adult behavior' when we all tear up paper every day.

But most of us don't go around bragging about how we assault women.
Most of us don't mock other Americans for their disabilities
Most of us don't attack decorated dead American vets.

But you Trumpskies- you love that stuff.

And sure are offended by someone tearing up a piece of paper.
She broke every law of adult behavior and then offered a 5 year old excuse-“I did it because I felt like it”


Did she brag about how she grabs women by their pussies?
Did she mock someone for their disability?
Did she tell an American vet that he was no hero because he was captured by the enemy?
Did she call an American judge a "Mexican"?
Did she have an affair with a porn star, pay her off, and lie to the American people about it?
Did she use foul language- profanity in official public functions?
Did she suggest that a dead Congressman was in hell?

I am seeing 'laws of adult behavior' being broken by Trump virtually every day- and his followers cheer him on for every swear word, every attack on someone for their race or disability.

You have it exactly backwards. All of those things you listed about Trump are quite normal in the adult world. Sorry that's just the way it is. It would be nice if everything in our society was similar to an episode of leave It to Beaver..... Hell even Obama couldn't live up to that.

your problem is that you don't understand why knowing all of these things people still voted for Trump.... Exhibit a.... More accomplishments for pro-american purposes in 3 years then the previous 250.

So he's not Pope John..... So the fuk what?


My problem is I don't think grabbing women by their pussies is 'quite normal'

My 'problem' is when I see your gullible Trumpskies piss and moan about Nancy Pelosi tearing up a piece of paper as 'broke every law of adult behavior' when we all tear up paper every day.

But most of us don't go around bragging about how we assault women.
Most of us don't mock other Americans for their disabilities
Most of us don't attack decorated dead American vets.

But you Trumpskies- you love that stuff.

And sure are offended by someone tearing up a piece of paper.

I hate to break it to you buckey... But that shit goes on every day of the week twenty-four hours a day....and it is especially rampant in the Democratic political structure down in DC. So you're just blowing a little kid's wistful tune in The wind... In the meantime the real world goes on and real people get elected.
Now if you want to elect a make-believe candidate and see how far he gets this is the time to do it!

She broke every law of adult behavior and then offered a 5 year old excuse-“I did it because I felt like it”


Did she brag about how she grabs women by their pussies?
Did she mock someone for their disability?
Did she tell an American vet that he was no hero because he was captured by the enemy?
Did she call an American judge a "Mexican"?
Did she have an affair with a porn star, pay her off, and lie to the American people about it?
Did she use foul language- profanity in official public functions?
Did she suggest that a dead Congressman was in hell?

I am seeing 'laws of adult behavior' being broken by Trump virtually every day- and his followers cheer him on for every swear word, every attack on someone for their race or disability.

You have it exactly backwards. All of those things you listed about Trump are quite normal in the adult world. Sorry that's just the way it is. It would be nice if everything in our society was similar to an episode of leave It to Beaver..... Hell even Obama couldn't live up to that.

your problem is that you don't understand why knowing all of these things people still voted for Trump.... Exhibit a.... More accomplishments for pro-american purposes in 3 years then the previous 250.

So he's not Pope John..... So the fuk what?


My problem is I don't think grabbing women by their pussies is 'quite normal'

My 'problem' is when I see your gullible Trumpskies piss and moan about Nancy Pelosi tearing up a piece of paper as 'broke every law of adult behavior' when we all tear up paper every day.

But most of us don't go around bragging about how we assault women.
Most of us don't mock other Americans for their disabilities
Most of us don't attack decorated dead American vets.

But you Trumpskies- you love that stuff.

And sure are offended by someone tearing up a piece of paper.

I never said a word about it.... I think it's great stuff. I predicted all of this....
I said when Trump got elected... he's going to bring the WWF to DC lol! Damn but we have gotten our money's worth!

She's a little past her prime now.... But I can't say I haven't enjoyed watching that gorgeous woman on the telly for the past 20 years. Can't stand her politics but she sure used to be easy on the eyes.

A buddy of mine down in DC who worked several seasons as an intern said that those legs have been opened more than the elevator doors in the empire State Building lobby. Lol.... I can well imagine.

There is a US Code against tearing up a Trump speech?
There is a US Code against tearing up a Trump speech?

Well if the Trumpskies have their way there will be laws doing exactly that

Remember the sad story of Otto Warmbier- who the North Koreans arrested and tortured because he stole an image of North Korea's Dear Leader?

The poster stated (in Korean), "Let's arm ourselves strongly with Kim Jong-il's patriotism!" Damaging or stealing such items with the name or image of a North Korean leader is considered a serious crime by the North Korean government

That is what the Trumpskies what in America.
There is a US Code against tearing up a Trump speech?

Well if the Trumpskies have their way there will be laws doing exactly that

Remember the sad story of Otto Warmbier- who the North Koreans arrested and tortured because he stole an image of North Korea's Dear Leader?

The poster stated (in Korean), "Let's arm ourselves strongly with Kim Jong-il's patriotism!" Damaging or stealing such items with the name or image of a North Korean leader is considered a serious crime by the North Korean government

That is what the Trumpskies what in America.
Trump does learn a lot from Kim Jong Ill

I’m sure he would beat Pelosi into a coma if he could
Interesting, so that was the only copy of the SOTU and Trump refuses to make it public.

Unlike his telephone calls with world leaders, his income taxes, his Bank of China and German loans, his emails with his staff and other documents which are part of the public record which anyone can consult.
Yes. She destroyed a historical document that was supposed to be archived in The House records as all SOTU speeches are.

Did she brag about how she grabs women by their pussies?
Did she mock someone for their disability?
Did she tell an American vet that he was no hero because he was captured by the enemy?
Did she call an American judge a "Mexican"?
Did she have an affair with a porn star, pay her off, and lie to the American people about it?
Did she use foul language- profanity in official public functions?
Did she suggest that a dead Congressman was in hell?

I am seeing 'laws of adult behavior' being broken by Trump virtually every day- and his followers cheer him on for every swear word, every attack on someone for their race or disability.
B.S.! Did Trump ever call MS-13 gang members "children of God" rationalizing their savagery?
Did Trump tell voters you have to pass Obama Care to find out what's in it?
Did Trump make one of the most serious blunders in American political history by authorizing the impeachment of the President of the USA based on nothing more than the word of a political operative overhearing a president's phone call?
Did Trump delay sending a bill to the floor saving Visa credit card giant billions of dollars for two years after Paul Pelosi was given a sweetheart stock deal in which he invested five million dollars in Visa getting in on the deal before Pelosi ended "swipe fees"?
Yes. She destroyed a historical document that was supposed to be archived in The House records as all SOTU speeches are.
So Trump refuses to give out copies?
No reason for him to give The House another copy. They destroyed theirs and they only get one. So America will know 100 years from now what Pelosi did, and no one will be talking about Shampeachment.

Did she brag about how she grabs women by their pussies?
Did she mock someone for their disability?
Did she tell an American vet that he was no hero because he was captured by the enemy?
Did she call an American judge a "Mexican"?
Did she have an affair with a porn star, pay her off, and lie to the American people about it?
Did she use foul language- profanity in official public functions?
Did she suggest that a dead Congressman was in hell?

I am seeing 'laws of adult behavior' being broken by Trump virtually every day- and his followers cheer him on for every swear word, every attack on someone for their race or disability.
B.S.! Did Trump ever call MS-13 gang members "children of God" rationalizing their savagery?
Did Trump tell voters you have to pass Obama Care to find out what's in it?
Did Trump make one of the most serious blunders in American political history by authorizing the impeachment of the President of the USA based on nothing more than the word of a political operative overhearing a president's phone call?
Did Trump delay sending a bill to the floor saving Visa credit card giant billions of dollars for two years after Paul Pelosi was given a sweetheart stock deal in which he invested five million dollars in Visa getting in on the deal before Pelosi ended "swipe fees"?
Only Pelosi does stupid Liberal things like that. Libs ALWAYS talk about the Constitution. Except when THEY are violating it.

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