Should Pelosi be removed from office? After violating 18 U.S. Code 2071

Should Pelosi be removed from office now?

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  • No

  • Hell yeah!

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Did the Document have some sort of official seal on it or was it simply a copy of the speech?

Was there no other copies available, so the record would be destroyed completely and there would be no record without the document that was destroyed....? That IS what is required for it to be an actual crime....

Should President Trump be censored or charged with destroying official documents for the National Archives, when he took the govt transcriber's record document of his conversation with Putin in Helsinki, and ripped it up and refused to submit it for the record? It was the only record....of the conversation...
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU

LOL. Have YOU every had an original thought in your life? Do you always echo opinions, without thought, just to get attention? Are you happy now, you got some attention. Maybe now you will have some self confidence and believe you will finally fit in.
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU

LOL. Have YOU every had an original thought in your life? Do you always echo opinions, without thought, just to get attention? Are you happy now, you got some attention. Maybe now you will have some self confidence and believe you will finally fit in.
No crime ,no evidence ,and to cowardly to NAME Eric Ciaramella the Traitor.
Most all polls are in the range of 3-1 to 6-1 for some formal action against Nutsy
Prove she tore up the original, then worry about it. Until then, relish the fact that she did it out of anger and frustration that she was unable to take Trump down. She failed, again.
She forgot the words of Emerson... "When you strike at a king, you must kill him.”

Please don't give those batshit crazies any ideas. Geeez.
Yes. She destroyed a historical document that was supposed to be archived in The House records as all SOTU speeches are.

Except of course- there is no actual requirement to do any such thing.

But I do find it fascinating how Nancy Pelosi has managed to completely obscure Trump's speech by the simple act of tearing a piece of paper up.

What is everyone talking about? Not your Dear Leader's speech- but your whining about how mean Pelosi was to your Dear Leader.
Most all polls are in the range of 3-1 to 6-1 for some formal action against Nutsy

Most polls showed Americans wanted witnesses in the Senate. Oddly enough Republicans didn't care about what the polls said then.

I don't see any consistency by either side when they try to claim something should or should not be done because a poll says Americans are in favor.
when destroying Federal documents, last night, while having a temper tantrum/standing behind the President at the SOTU

LOL. Have YOU every had an original thought in your life? Do you always echo opinions, without thought, just to get attention? Are you happy now, you got some attention. Maybe now you will have some self confidence and believe you will finally fit in.
No crime ,no evidence ,and to cowardly to NAME Eric Ciaramella the Traitor.

Absolutely there was no crime by Pelosi or Biden and there is no evidence of any such crime.

Don't know who this Eric Ciaramella is but tell us more about how you think that he " levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort"

It is almost like you Trumpskyites think that any criticism of your Dear Leader is treason.

Wait- not almost like- that is what you Trumpskyites think.
Yes. She destroyed a historical document that was supposed to be archived in The House records as all SOTU speeches are.

Except of course- there is no actual requirement to do any such thing.

But I do find it fascinating how Nancy Pelosi has managed to completely obscure Trump's speech by the simple act of tearing a piece of paper up.

What is everyone talking about? Not your Dear Leader's speech- but your whining about how mean Pelosi was to your Dear Leader.
It was an act of surrender by Pelosi. After disgracing herself and her Party with the faux impeachment, she tore up the speech to acknowledge she has no answer to President Trump's success and his increasing popularity.
Yes. She destroyed a historical document that was supposed to be archived in The House records as all SOTU speeches are.
are you saying the national archives are not digital and are on paper only?
No. He was saying that she destroyed a Document.

Speaking of destroying a document. I don't remember any of you Trumpskyites stomping your feet about your Dear Leader destroying official documents

Richard Nixon Is the Reason President Trump's Aides Have to Repair Documents He Rips Up
President Trump reportedly has a habit of ripping up documents after he’s done with them, a tendency that has sent aides scrambling to quite literally pick up the pieces.

“I had a letter from [Senate Minority Leader Chuck] Schumer — he tore it up,” Solomon Lartey, one of the officials in record management who restored the documents but was terminated this past spring, told Politico. “It was the craziest thing ever. He ripped papers into tiny pieces.”

Trump is required by law to preserve all documents he handles during his presidency. The Presidential Records Act mandates that presidents retain all “documentary material,” which includes documents, papers, books, pamphlets, audiotapes and videos, so that

Or Trump's head of EPA destroying documents
EPA chief of staff under investigation in document destruction

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