Should people without kids pay more in Taxes?

A sloth will pay more in lifetime taxes then a nonexistent citizen.

Some is much larger then none.

And let's talk about the sloth that dies on the battlefield so you can look down your nose at him and his parent. Dumb people die in battle, non existent people do not.

What am I missing?

You're missing my revulsion at our government's habit of using the tax code to micromanage our lives.

Prolly so. I am equally revulsed at our government allowing a demographic that cannot provide soldiers, teachers and taxpayers a status as if they can.

Allowing a demographic a status??? WTF??
What is always comes down to with lil' Johnny Reb there is that he isn't in spirit, and doesn't want to be, a real American.

In other words, I'm not a kind sized sucker who willingly marches down the chute to the abattoir like all you servile, bootlicking statist toadies are so eager to do.

NO, in the exact words: You are NOT, nor do you seem interested in being, a real American. If you have American citizenship, it is an act of fraud for you to keep it. GTFO of my country, scum.

Yes, totally in the spirit of our founding documents.

Any dissenters to our most precious morals are BANISHED!

That's why all the constraints on speaking out against the mainstream, and all the constraints against individuality in general, right?


Are you suggesting that people shouldn't be allowed any deductions and taxable income should equal gross income?

No one said any such thing. Trying to go unkotare on us?

Uh.. mani was asking me, and yeah, that is, more or less, what I'm suggesting.

Then the answer is yes. Of course they should be allowed some deductions. The question isn't about that. It is whether they should get certain ones.
No one said any such thing. Trying to go unkotare on us?

Uh.. mani was asking me, and yeah, that is, more or less, what I'm suggesting.

Then the answer is yes. Of course they should be allowed some deductions. The question isn't about that. It is whether they should get certain ones.

I'm reminded of the Churchill quote:

“Churchill: "Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?" Socialite: "My goodness, Mr. Churchill... Well, I suppose... we would have to discuss terms, of course... "
Churchill: "Would you sleep with me for five pounds?"
Socialite: "Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!" Churchill: "Madam, we've already established that. Now we are haggling about the price”
In other words, I'm not a kind sized sucker who willingly marches down the chute to the abattoir like all you servile, bootlicking statist toadies are so eager to do.

NO, in the exact words: You are NOT, nor do you seem interested in being, a real American. If you have American citizenship, it is an act of fraud for you to keep it. GTFO of my country, scum.

Yes, totally in the spirit of our founding documents.

Any dissenters to our most precious morals are BANISHED!

That's why all the constraints on speaking out against the mainstream, and all the constraints against individuality in general, right?

If you understood what the hell I was talking about you would have saved that dramatic little speech for a more appropriate moment.
NO, in the exact words: You are NOT, nor do you seem interested in being, a real American. If you have American citizenship, it is an act of fraud for you to keep it. GTFO of my country, scum.

Yes, totally in the spirit of our founding documents.

Any dissenters to our most precious morals are BANISHED!

That's why all the constraints on speaking out against the mainstream, and all the constraints against individuality in general, right?

If you understood what the hell I was talking about you would have saved that dramatic little speech for a more appropriate moment.

He does understand, jackass. You want to persecute anyone who doesn't accept all your prejudices. You're basically a fascist.
Yes, totally in the spirit of our founding documents.

Any dissenters to our most precious morals are BANISHED!

That's why all the constraints on speaking out against the mainstream, and all the constraints against individuality in general, right?

If you understood what the hell I was talking about you would have saved that dramatic little speech for a more appropriate moment.

He does understand, jackass. You want to persecute anyone who doesn't accept all your prejudices. You're basically a fascist.

Wrong Johnny Reb. Wring out your crying towel, it's fully saturated.

Hey, just a reminder: The evil scumbags of the Confederacy lost. Just didn't want you to forget.
If you understood what the hell I was talking about you would have saved that dramatic little speech for a more appropriate moment.

He does understand, jackass. You want to persecute anyone who doesn't accept all your prejudices. You're basically a fascist.

Wrong Johnny Reb. Wring out your crying towel, it's fully saturated.

Hey, just a reminder: The evil scumbags of the Confederacy lost. Just didn't want you to forget.

Lincoln and the Yankee carpet baggers were the evil scumbags. On that issue history is clear. The Confederates were minding their own business when Lincoln's troops invaded, slaughtered hundreds of thousands of them , raped their women, burned their homes looted their property and violated their constitutional rights 25 different ways.
Considering they failed to breed and thus produce workers to pay for their SS and medicare, shouldn't they pay more while they are able to work?

The people who voted for the boondoggle can pay the extra taxes to cover it.
He does understand, jackass. You want to persecute anyone who doesn't accept all your prejudices. You're basically a fascist.

Wrong Johnny Reb. Wring out your crying towel, it's fully saturated.

Hey, just a reminder: The evil scumbags of the Confederacy lost. Just didn't want you to forget.

Lincoln and the Yankee carpet baggers were the evil scumbags.

No, the vile traitors who led good men to their deaths in the name of evil and vanity were dogs that needed to be brought to heel. That's just what Lincoln did. The Union was magnanimous in victory instead of exacting what would have been justifiable revenge for the crimes of the traitors. Considering what side you would have allied with, you should be grateful and humble. Of course you are not a real American and have no interest in being one, so I guess you don't care. You wallow in self-centeredness, ignorance, bitterness, and frustration rather than trying to raise your status to that of a decent human being.
NO, in the exact words: You are NOT, nor do you seem interested in being, a real American. If you have American citizenship, it is an act of fraud for you to keep it. GTFO of my country, scum.

Yes, totally in the spirit of our founding documents.

Any dissenters to our most precious morals are BANISHED!

That's why all the constraints on speaking out against the mainstream, and all the constraints against individuality in general, right?

If you understood what the hell I was talking about you would have saved that dramatic little speech for a more appropriate moment.

Sorry, but I get exactly what you're talking about. I read the context leading up to that point.

Your implied position in that post was that if someone was more willing to let old people starve to death than they are willing to let the government force everyone to pitch in money to feed old people, then that someone isn't a "real American" and should gtfo of "your" country.

Pretty accurate? If it isn't, it's because you failed to separate this thought from the ones preceding it.
Considering they failed to breed and thus produce workers to pay for their SS and medicare, shouldn't they pay more while they are able to work?

The people who voted for the boondoggle can pay the extra taxes to cover it.

Well, I take it you'll be refunding your soc sec and paying for your own HC then

Lol, always love this argument.

I can't vouche for Bripat, but I am willing to bet, based on what I've seen, that he shares my views on this.

Yes, I'm down to let y'all keep the Soc Sec taxes I've been paying for the past 15 or so years and never pay me a cent back, so long as I can stop paying into that bullshit pyramid effective immediately. The medicare taxes, too. I'm down to take full responsibility of my healthcare -and- my retirement, as long as I don't have to take partial responsibility for yours or anyone else's except when I choose to. None of this threat of persecution for tax evasion bullshit. I can put together a much better retirement plan -and- take care of my healthcare more efficiently than some bureaucratic one-size-fits-all bullshit solution.

Kinda my Ben Franklin take on these government programs. I prefer freedom over security. This includes my preference of economic/financial freedom over social security.

If I don't have kids, I -still- don't owe you extra, cuz I never -owed- it to you to buy into your bullshit retirement safety net in the first place. I was forced into it without my consent. Once you reconcile that, it might set you straight on who "owes" what to who.
Your implied position in that post was that if someone was more willing to let old people starve to death than they are willing to let the government force everyone to pitch in money to feed old people, then that someone isn't a "real American" and should gtfo of "your" country.

Pretty accurate?

NO. That's the kind of assumption you stumble into when you stick your nose in without understanding what the hell is going on.
Your implied position in that post was that if someone was more willing to let old people starve to death than they are willing to let the government force everyone to pitch in money to feed old people, then that someone isn't a "real American" and should gtfo of "your" country.

Pretty accurate?

NO. That's the kind of assumption you stumble into when you stick your nose in without understanding what the hell is going on.

Sorry, but at this point you're just talking out your ass to win an argument. Lemme show you where you said exactly what I'm getting at.

"To start with it's NOT YOU. It's not some developmentally arrested halfwit who thinks crying "leave me alone!" is a political philosophy. You would last not very long at all in the world you THINK you want.

A real American is someone holding legal United States citizenship who accepts and embraces the principles upon which this country was founded and by which we became and remain the greatest country on earth. Too ignorant to know what those principles are? Consult the founding documents and try to understand them the way a rational adult would (impossible for you, I know, but you could try). It is not some twitchy-eyed nut in a bunker, it is not some imbecile trying to pretend he's the only person on earth, it is not the ignorant, selfish and irresponsible like yourself, it is not some empty-headed drone chanting about open borders or global citizens or workers of the world uniting, and it is not any manner of cowardly, racist, near-sighted douchebags dreaming of imagined racial purity or hiding from our responsibilities as the most powerful nation on the planet.

A real American wouldn't need to ask."

The reason my previous explanation included starving old people is because this quote I've just posted came right on the tail end of that discussion, from which point you launch into a rant about selfish people pretending they're the only people on earth.

Are you trying to say that the discussion on taxation to benefit old people who might starve had -nothing- to do with you ranting about the selfish? If that's true, then do feel free to remove that particular bit from my assessment of your words.

At the very least, what you did with that quote is said that, among the other qualifiers, one prerequisite to being a "real America" is that one embrace the principles of the founding fathers, which you then dare to attempt to define by process of elimination. Sorry, but that attempt unavoidably implies that you hold the definition of those principles, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to make the connection that those principles that you speak of are based on -your- interpretation of the founding documents and -your- interpretation of what made/keeps America great.

Hate to break it to you, but you said, EXACTLY, that part of what makes someone a "real American" is adherence to YOUR philosophical principles, or at least YOUR interpretation of the founders' principles.

I would argue that everything about the Bill of Rights speaks of individual freedom. The First Amendment alone is enough to convince me that the founders intended to create a place where everyone could live by their -own- principles.

Then again, I'm not arrogant enough to believe that my standards are the ones by which all people in "my" society should be judged, and maybe, by some odd stretch of the imagination, that objectivity makes my thought on the matter less valid.
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