Should people without kids pay more in Taxes?

Thats how a society / community works. I might not ever use your playground but to whine about it when we all benefit in some way is some only child shit.

Ever question the answer is society. You are free to leave it or continue to complain about the reality but that doesnt get you anywhere.

That's all you got? That's how it should be because that's how it is and if you don't like it then fuck you, only child!

What a deep thinker you are.

What do you want me to do. Answer every question you asked with an explanation of what it means to live in a society? To be part of a community? Thats a waste of time because if you dont understand that simple reality then you'll forever be confused.

You can scream at the local dog park, playground, subway station, earned income credit, housing tax credit etc individually if you want. No problem. That doesnt mean I have to play this game with you where you act all confused.

Its society dude. Dont like it....Find a cave, live off the land and hopefully no one will bother you. I have no problem with people that do or go off the grid, but complainers...pbbbt :eusa_hand:

I find you throught processes...convoluted, at best. You dun those of us who do not feel we should have to pay for other people's children. You condemn us as greedy and selfish. And yet, you completely ignore the fact that people who produce offspring they cannot, or will not, support on their own, are a greater, more selfish and greedy, drag on the community. Does it ever occur to you that the productive members of a community are the responsible members of the group, that those who choose to breed indiscriminately, regardless of the community's ability to support their spawn are the ones that do more damage?
That's all you got? That's how it should be because that's how it is and if you don't like it then fuck you, only child!

What a deep thinker you are.

What do you want me to do. Answer every question you asked with an explanation of what it means to live in a society? To be part of a community? Thats a waste of time because if you dont understand that simple reality then you'll forever be confused.

You can scream at the local dog park, playground, subway station, earned income credit, housing tax credit etc individually if you want. No problem. That doesnt mean I have to play this game with you where you act all confused.

Its society dude. Dont like it....Find a cave, live off the land and hopefully no one will bother you. I have no problem with people that do or go off the grid, but complainers...pbbbt :eusa_hand:

I find you throught processes...convoluted, at best. You dun those of us who do not feel we should have to pay for other people's children. You condemn us as greedy and selfish. And yet, you completely ignore the fact that people who produce offspring they cannot, or will not, support on their own, are a greater, more selfish and greedy, drag on the community. Does it ever occur to you that the productive members of a community are the responsible members of the group, that those who choose to breed indiscriminately, regardless of the community's ability to support their spawn are the ones that do more damage?

Having children is a selfish act. Period
This was the bullshit question on Fox News this morning. The "me me me" crowd was making the point that single people shouldnt have to pay "more" in taxes than people without kids. Because people with kids receive more tax breaks than those without Fox News says that that isnt fair. They say that single people are treated unfairly because they contribute to the success of the next generation. THE HORROR!

I say its bullshit. If we live in a society we all pitch in to things that we dont get to use or benefit from personally and or directly. Stop being a stingy callous fuck

Wrong as usual.

Why should a person with no kids have to pay more in taxes than a person who chooses to have kids?

People with no kids use less government services and therefore as members of society cost less than those who have kids.

Our income tax code is out of whack.

We charge high rates and then give all kinds of deductions and credits that are so complicated it takes thousands of pages to try to codify them.

We should charge one rate on income earned period. There should be no deductions no exemptions and no special treatment for anyone.
Because we are paying taxes on our NET, not our GROSS and people with more children have less of a profit left over to tax than people with no children.....

they aren't paying less than you on their and your NET income...they are paying the exact same as you on their NET income as you would pay if you had the same NET income.....

This is why it is downright silly for anyone to compare what the poorest or lower 50% pay in federal income taxes compared to those in the top 10% of the earners because NO ONE, not even the top 10% is being taxed on their GROSS.....we are taxed on our NET income which is considered our PROFIT...just like a business's profit, just like YOUR business's profit, is what is taxed, NOT your total revenues or GROSS.

so what all these charts are showing us is that those in the upper 10% are much more PROFITABLE with their gross incomes than those at the bottom, with their measly incomes...

YOU, the individual, PAY INCOME TAXES on your supposed PROFIT,

NOT on your GROSS, Just like businesses pay taxes on their PROFIT, on their NET income.

the top 10% paying more and more of the percentage of the federal income taxes just shows that they are doing really well and accumulating more and more wealth, (yes, profit is wealth), while the bottom 50% are not.
Maybe, instead of just complaining about parents.. you should maybe complain about those who have no career gumption and pay nothing in income tax on their earnings of a lower level... maybe you should complain about those who deduct medical expenses or COLLEGE expenses

Flat tax.. no deductions.. no exceptions.. no ceiling.. no floor.. no exemption... for every single dollar earned by every citizen
THERE is your solution

Flat tax on what? The complications of the income tax system involve determining what income is subject to taxation, not on the tax rate that you pay.

It can be argued that a person working for wages does not have taxable income. He/she is simply trading one asset, their skills, talents, knowledge, and strength, for another asset, money. No profit, no taxable income.

The only logical alternative to the horrors of the income tax system is the FAIR tax. The benefits to all Americans far outweigh any negatives. American manufactured products would become markedly cheaper, and that would reinvigorate manufacturing in America, and help balance out our foreign trade deficits.

We could do away with income taxes altogether, keep the capital gains taxes, and put income taxation back to the original intent.

Thank you for bringing that up. I have long been an advocate for the FAIR tax. I wonder whether more people might not favor it if they actually read about and looked into what it really is and how it is proposed to change and improve our system of taxation.
Why should a person with no kids have to pay more in taxes than a person who chooses to have kids?

Why should a person with no kids but who enjoys the absolutely essential benefit of producing more productive citizens pay less than a person who chooses to have kids and who takes on that vital responsibility from which all of society benefits?

What proof do you have that these children will be productive? What proof do you have that the parents take on any responsibility whatsoever for their children? What proof do you have that a particular single person pays less into the grand "collective" (is that what you are talking about when you say pay less?) than another particular married person with kids?

Parents gain the benefit of their children, they don't have to and should not be "paid" for having children. What do you think, parents are community whores that should be paid to raise children or something?

Irregardless, income taxes are vile. We should switch to a sales tax system.
So if I don't have anything to do with your kids, and I certainly didn't tell you to have kids, why is it my responsibility to pay extra

Do you consider it a benefit to society for married couples to have children?

Certainly, as long as the married couple can afford to house, clothe, feed, and educate those children. Otherwise, their children become a burden on society, expecting everyone else to sacrifice in ways the parents are unwilling to sacrifice.
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This was the bullshit question on Fox News this morning. The "me me me" crowd was making the point that single people shouldnt have to pay "more" in taxes than people without kids. Because people with kids receive more tax breaks than those without Fox News says that that isnt fair. They say that single people are treated unfairly because they contribute to the success of the next generation. THE HORROR!

I say its bullshit. If we live in a society we all pitch in to things that we dont get to use or benefit from personally and or directly. Stop being a stingy callous fuck

Wrong as usual.

Why should a person with no kids have to pay more in taxes than a person who chooses to have kids?

People with no kids use less government services and therefore as members of society cost less than those who have kids.

Our income tax code is out of whack.

We charge high rates and then give all kinds of deductions and credits that are so complicated it takes thousands of pages to try to codify them.

We should charge one rate on income earned period. There should be no deductions no exemptions and no special treatment for anyone.
Because we are paying taxes on our NET, not our GROSS and people with more children have less of a profit left over to tax than people with no children.....

they aren't paying less than you on their and your NET income...they are paying the exact same as you on their NET income as you would pay if you had the same NET income.....

This is why it is downright silly for anyone to compare what the poorest or lower 50% pay in federal income taxes compared to those in the top 10% of the earners because NO ONE, not even the top 10% is being taxed on their GROSS.....we are taxed on our NET income which is considered our PROFIT...just like a business's profit, just like YOUR business's profit, is what is taxed, NOT your total revenues or GROSS.

so what all these charts are showing us is that those in the upper 10% are much more PROFITABLE with their gross incomes than those at the bottom, with their measly incomes...

YOU, the individual, PAY INCOME TAXES on your supposed PROFIT,

NOT on your GROSS, Just like businesses pay taxes on their PROFIT, on their NET income.

the top 10% paying more and more of the percentage of the federal income taxes just shows that they are doing really well and accumulating more and more wealth, (yes, profit is wealth), while the bottom 50% are not.

We do not pay taxes on out net.

If we did then we should be able to deduct utility bills etc.

And profit is not wealth. Net worth is wealth.

Using your example if I make a million a year and spend a million a year then my net is 0.
So if I don't have anything to do with your kids, and I certainly didn't tell you to have kids, why is it my responsibility to pay extra

Do you consider it a benefit to society for married couples to have children?

Certainly, as lon as the married couple can afford to house, clothe, feed, and educate those children. Otherwise, their children become a burden on society, expecting everyone else to sacrifice in ways the parents are unwilling to sacrifice.

And if those parents devote the very considerable resources of many sort to raising productive citizens, it's not so outrageous to give them a break on the already burdensome taxes we find imposed upon us, right?
Everyone should pay a flat tax.

25grand? Or do you mean flat percentage of income, or flat percentage of goods purchased, or flat percentage of goods that are deemed as taxable?

IMO the best system is the Texas and Florida sales tax system. We exempt from sales tax food products, medicine, and a few other necessities of life. Works great.
Do you consider it a benefit to society for married couples to have children?

Certainly, as lon as the married couple can afford to house, clothe, feed, and educate those children. Otherwise, their children become a burden on society, expecting everyone else to sacrifice in ways the parents are unwilling to sacrifice.

And if those parents devote the very considerable resources of many sort to raising productive citizens, it's not so outrageous to give them a break on the already burdensome taxes we find imposed upon us, right?

If you can't afford kids without stealing from people who don't have kids then maybe you shouldn't have kids in the first place.
You're right as people that have kids use more of societies resources....They should pay more.

Fox is full of shit.

Yeah, but it's their kids that will prop up the social security that those single people will be collecting in their old age.

No, all the single people are paying into the Social Security ponzi scheme. SS is not an entitlement in the same sense as food stamps, rental assistance, and many other "social welfare" programs. SS was sold to the public as a retirement investment account. Many prospective recipients have been forced to contribute a portion of their earnings into the account with the promise that the funds would then be available to them when they retire. SS is not a "freebie", it's been paid for by single people as well as married people, people with and without children.
It is not the fault of those who have been lied to by government and had their retirement savings stolen by the pols that other people's children have to "prop up" SS.
You will learn to speak more respectfully about people's families, or not at all. Got it?

Now, go back and read through the entire thread so you don't need it posted all over again just for you.

Fuck Off Ukunthair..

Fuck Off Ukunthair.

If you want kids than you pay for them.

Hey, you will learn to speak more respectfully about people's families, or not at all. Don't forget it.

Again. Fuck Off Ukunthair.

If you want kids then be a man and pay for them yourself.
Everyone should pay a flat tax.
Avatar, what is the flat tax suppose to cover and replace in Federal taxes?

Does it eliminate and replace corporate tax revenues?

Does it eliminate and replace Social Security tax revenues?

Does it eliminate and replace Excise tax revenues?

In other words, does this one flat tax from the federal gvt cover all of the gvt's means to tax us and corps...... that is being done now?

just one big tax to pay and not all this other nickle and diming for everyone, including businesses/corps, to pay, on our gross?
Everyone should pay a flat tax.
Avatar, what is the flat tax suppose to cover and replace in Federal taxes?

Does it eliminate and replace corporate tax revenues?

Does it eliminate and replace Social Security tax revenues?

Does it eliminate and replace Excise tax revenues?

In other words, does this one flat tax from the federal gvt cover all of the gvt's means to tax us and corps...... that is being done now?

just one big tax to pay and not all this other nickle and diming for everyone, including businesses/corps, to pay, on our gross?

Tell me do you think the current income tax is meant to be the end all of taxes or is it simply an income tax?

A flat income tax is just that. It is meant to replace the current cluster fuck of our income tax code.
Certainly, as lon as the married couple can afford to house, clothe, feed, and educate those children. Otherwise, their children become a burden on society, expecting everyone else to sacrifice in ways the parents are unwilling to sacrifice.

And if those parents devote the very considerable resources of many sort to raising productive citizens, it's not so outrageous to give them a break on the already burdensome taxes we find imposed upon us, right?

If you can't afford kids without stealing from people who don't have kids then maybe you shouldn't have kids in the first place.

See, here is where that argument fails. Regardless if a couple can afford a child or not, the childless REQUIRE children to care for them in their old age. The childless require the children to become taxpayers to fund the childless's Social Security

The opposite is never true. The child bearing couples will not be able to rely on the childless couple to supply population to care for us, or additional taxes to fund our social security.

Sorry, but facts is facts. Until the ACA was enacted to take care of "freeloaders", none of this would have ever been seriously considered. Now it's cool to out freeloaders.
Do you consider it a benefit to society for married couples to have children?

Certainly, as lon as the married couple can afford to house, clothe, feed, and educate those children. Otherwise, their children become a burden on society, expecting everyone else to sacrifice in ways the parents are unwilling to sacrifice.

And if those parents devote the very considerable resources of many sort to raising productive citizens, it's not so outrageous to give them a break on the already burdensome taxes we find imposed upon us, right?

I think it is. We really need to understand that giving people a break on their taxes provided they agree to some behavior that the state deems 'beneficial' is fundamentally no different than fining those who refuse. The practice of using tax incentives to manipulate society is really just a way for government to circumvent constitutional limits to its power.

If a given behavior is considered harmful enough that government should curtail it, then we should pass criminal laws limiting the behavior. But these laws would have to respect Constitutional protections to individual liberty and withstand legitimate Court challenges. And I don't think a law fining people for not procreating sufficiently would meet such standards.
And if those parents devote the very considerable resources of many sort to raising productive citizens, it's not so outrageous to give them a break on the already burdensome taxes we find imposed upon us, right?

If you can't afford kids without stealing from people who don't have kids then maybe you shouldn't have kids in the first place.

See, here is where that argument fails. Regardless if a couple can afford a child or not, the childless REQUIRE children to care for them in their old age. The childless require the children to become taxpayers to fund the childless's Social Security

I do not require children to care for me in my old age. I will have enough money to maintain my own home and can hire people if needs be to tend to me. Or I can simply choose to end my life. No children needed.

The opposite is never true. The child bearing couples will not be able to rely on the childless couple to supply population to care for us, or additional taxes to fund our social security.

Social Security? Really your argument is that we need to have kids to shore up the biggest government scam in history? I will not need SS to secure my retirement and if you di it is because you failed to plan.
Fuck Off Ukunthair..

Fuck Off Ukunthair.

If you want kids than you pay for them.

Hey, you will learn to speak more respectfully about people's families, or not at all. Don't forget it.

Again. Fuck Off Ukunthair.

If you want kids then be a man and pay for them yourself.

You would then agree to keep paying into social security! Medicaid and Medicare but just never be able to use them or withdraw the funds, because are reliant on the children becoming tax payers to pay into those funds.

Or are you a freeloader?

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