Should race-baiting demagogues share blame for two murdered NYPD cops?

As usual, the haters who make this accusation can never actually name any "conservatives" they are pretending did this.

Are you kidding? Do you not read any posts on this site? Here go to drudgereport real quick and pick any article. Scroll down to the comments.

You could pick any gun thread on any message board just about. Conservatives effectively talk about killing law enforcement, they just mask it behind a "they" like "they will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands". The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event, but some people feel that rights other than the second amendment are denied them too and it comes at the hands of the police, so it is hard to say that one right somehow is more or less important than another in a free society. There is no justification for what happened to these officers, but both sides encourage extreme rhetoric, extreme thinking, and us v. them attitudes when it suits them.

omg, that's BS and it's OFFENSIVE.... I've been a conservative for 60 years never talking of KILLING ANYONE
are you people all so brainwashed against conservatives?

Who is he saying he will kill you ignorant fool?

You, Mr. T.
You could pick any gun thread on any message board just about. Conservatives effectively talk about killing law enforcement, they just mask it behind a "they" like "they will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands". The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event, but some people feel that rights other than the second amendment are denied them too and it comes at the hands of the police, so it is hard to say that one right somehow is more or less important than another in a free society. There is no justification for what happened to these officers, but both sides encourage extreme rhetoric, extreme thinking, and us v. them attitudes when it suits them.

omg, that's BS and it's OFFENSIVE.... I've been a conservative for 60 years never talking of KILLING ANYONE
are you people all so brainwashed against conservatives?

you're a dunce. holding up a gun and being a member of the Nra now equates someone to talking of killing cops. go sit down

If you want people to have guns, then you are assuming the risk of them being used on people you don't want them used on. It is that simple. Even a President of the United States quit the NRA because of their anti-law enforcement "jack-booted stormtroopers" rhetoric. Bury your hand in the sand and pretend that it doesn't happen.

You a Bush guy, Dekster?

I am a common sense guy, though I seldom see much of it on political boards these days.
Should race-baiting demagogues share blame for two murdered NYPD cops?

Of course but the far left will never admit they are wrong!

We will have to suffer and be tortured by them as they will act like two year olds and not assume any responsibility.
Along with conservatives who go out of their way to demonize black people.
As usual, the haters who make this accusation can never actually name any "conservatives" they are pretending did this.

Calling Obama a tyrant, a Stalinist, a Marxist, the Devil,

those are demonizations.
Only the last one. The others are succinct, accurate characterizations of Obama. He is the socialist's socialist.
...Conservatives effectively talk about killing law enforcement, they just mask it behind a "they" like "they will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands"...
I am a Centrist - some Liberal and some Conservative leanings - and I have a fair number of Conservative friends, family, work-colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances, and I have never heard nor seen one of them manifest such behaviors...

I think you are confusing Gun Rights activists and supporters with political Conservatives - which is a huge mistake.

...The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event, but... There is no justification for what happened to these officers, but...
There is no 'but'.

The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event.

There is no justification for what happened to these officers.

The race-baiting demagogues in this country (ala Sharpton, Jackson, et al, and their partners-in-crime, the Liberal element of the mainstream media) must share the blame.
...Conservatives effectively talk about killing law enforcement, they just mask it behind a "they" like "they will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands"...
I am a Centrist - some Liberal and some Conservative leanings - and I have a fair number of Conservative friends, family, work-colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances, and I have never heard nor seen one of them manifest such behaviors...

I think you are confusing Gun Rights activists and supporters with political Conservatives - which is a huge mistake.

...The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event, but... There is no justification for what happened to these officers, but...
There is no 'but'.

The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event.

There is no justification for what happened to these officers.

The race-baiting demagogues in this country (ala Sharpton, Jackson, et al, and their partners-in-crime, the Liberal element of the mainstream media) must share the blame.

Deer bait is used to attract deer. Fish bait is used to attract fish.

What does one attract with race bait?
...Conservatives effectively talk about killing law enforcement, they just mask it behind a "they" like "they will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands"...
I am a Centrist - some Liberal and some Conservative leanings - and I have a fair number of Conservative friends, family, work-colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances, and I have never heard nor seen one of them manifest such behaviors...

I think you are confusing Gun Rights activists and supporters with political Conservatives - which is a huge mistake.

...The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event, but... There is no justification for what happened to these officers, but...
There is no 'but'.

The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event.

There is no justification for what happened to these officers.

The race-baiting demagogues in this country (ala Sharpton, Jackson, et al, and their partners-in-crime, the Liberal element of the mainstream media) must share the blame.

Deer bait is used to attract deer. Fish bait is used to attract fish.

What does one attract with race bait?

Hatred leading to violence.
Come on, people. Check the archives. The term "race baiting" is used here a dozen times per day. You must know what it means.
I keep hearing that if someone yells FIRE in a crowded theater (when there is no fire), and people are injured or killed in the resulting stampede for the exits, that guy is partly to blame for those tragedies. And he can be PROSECUTED for causing the panic resulting in injuries or deaths.

Why should it be any different for Sharpton, Matthews etc.?
Because you would lose badly pursuing such an idiotic course of action.
only because there is a double standard for blacks and liberals .

My guess/hope is that this tragedy may temper the race pimps' rhetoric, at least for a little while.

That would be better than nothing. They can't be expected to hold off forever, they have an agenda to push.

Silence, troll!

You are in fact justifying why those two cops were assassinated. Dont even try to cover it up. This is a pitiful excuse at objectivity. Be ashamed.
I am ashamed; of your blatant attempt to put words in my mouth.Just so there's no doubt, the coward who executed the two cops got exactly what he deserved for his crimes. I can't say the same for the cops responsible for Eric Garner's homicide. And the local DA who covered for the cops responsible for Garner's homicide also bears a significant level of blame.

The big difference is that the shooting of the cops was an attack by a racist Black Muslim and the Eric Garner death was simply a bust gone bad.

The same Democrat Mayor that incited the killing of the police officer with his crap about racist cops is the same one whose administration was pissed that they weren't collecting enough cigarette taxes from Garner so they sent the police after him.
...Conservatives effectively talk about killing law enforcement, they just mask it behind a "they" like "they will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands"...
I am a Centrist - some Liberal and some Conservative leanings - and I have a fair number of Conservative friends, family, work-colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances, and I have never heard nor seen one of them manifest such behaviors...

I think you are confusing Gun Rights activists and supporters with political Conservatives - which is a huge mistake.

...The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event, but... There is no justification for what happened to these officers, but...
There is no 'but'.

The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event.

There is no justification for what happened to these officers.

The race-baiting demagogues in this country (ala Sharpton, Jackson, et al, and their partners-in-crime, the Liberal element of the mainstream media) must share the blame.

Deer bait is used to attract deer. Fish bait is used to attract fish.

What does one attract with race bait?

Black cop killers.
Along with conservatives who go out of their way to demonize black people.
As usual, the haters who make this accusation can never actually name any "conservatives" they are pretending did this.

Are you kidding? Do you not read any posts on this site? Here go to drudgereport real quick and pick any article. Scroll down to the comments.

You could pick any gun thread on any message board just about. Conservatives effectively talk about killing law enforcement, they just mask it behind a "they" like "they will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands". The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event, but some people feel that rights other than the second amendment are denied them too and it comes at the hands of the police, so it is hard to say that one right somehow is more or less important than another in a free society. There is no justification for what happened to these officers, but both sides encourage extreme rhetoric, extreme thinking, and us v. them attitudes when it suits them.

I heard the following being chanted during the 'peaceful' protests in NYC.

NYPD/KKK, how many kids have you killed today!

Hey Hey, Ho Ho, These racist cops have to go!

What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want it? Now!

Can you find any conservative chants to match that?
Silence, troll!

You are in fact justifying why those two cops were assassinated. Dont even try to cover it up. This is a pitiful excuse at objectivity. Be ashamed.
I am ashamed; of your blatant attempt to put words in my mouth.Just so there's no doubt, the coward who executed the two cops got exactly what he deserved for his crimes. I can't say the same for the cops responsible for Eric Garner's homicide. And the local DA who covered for the cops responsible for Garner's homicide also bears a significant level of blame.

The big difference is that the shooting of the cops was an attack by a racist Black Muslim and the Eric Garner death was simply a bust gone bad.

The same Democrat Mayor that incited the killing of the police officer with his crap about racist cops is the same one whose administration was pissed that they weren't collecting enough cigarette taxes from Garner so they sent the police after him.

Correction, the cops responded to a call from a store owner that called in a complaint about Garner disrupting customers in front of his store.
Along with conservatives who go out of their way to demonize black people.
As usual, the haters who make this accusation can never actually name any "conservatives" they are pretending did this.

Are you kidding? Do you not read any posts on this site? Here go to drudgereport real quick and pick any article. Scroll down to the comments.

You could pick any gun thread on any message board just about. Conservatives effectively talk about killing law enforcement, they just mask it behind a "they" like "they will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands". The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event, but some people feel that rights other than the second amendment are denied them too and it comes at the hands of the police, so it is hard to say that one right somehow is more or less important than another in a free society. There is no justification for what happened to these officers, but both sides encourage extreme rhetoric, extreme thinking, and us v. them attitudes when it suits them.

I heard the following being chanted during the 'peaceful' protests in NYC.

NYPD/KKK, how many kids have you killed today!

Hey Hey, Ho Ho, These racist cops have to go!

What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want it? Now!

Can you find any conservative chants to match that?


...Tiller the Baby Killer, and all of the other anti-abortion protests, wanted posters, and other inflammatory rhetoric and action that has gotten many doctors killed and clinics blown up.

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