Should race-baiting demagogues share blame for two murdered NYPD cops?

The Blame Game is so much fun I just had to contribute.... :rolleyes:

The Media, Al Sharpton, President Obama, nor Eric Holder encouraged anyone to take up violence against the cops, and to imply such is simply political posturing and a BIG FAT LIE....

But if you want to run with that....and do a little feather ruffling of the Race Card yourselves, then you have chosen to do the same of which you claim 'they' are doing...


This guy shot his girlfriend in the stomach to kill her right before he went to Brooklyn....

Was she a cop?

Or was this rampage of his truly about killing cops when he tried to kill his girlfriend with a bullet to the gut only moments earlier in the day?

Who sold him his gun?

Isn't he a felon, and felons can't have guns? Did he buy it on the street in the black market? Did he take it from a family member? Or a friend loaned it to him?

Whoever gave this murderer his gun that killed these policemen, should be charged with the murder of these two innocent men.

If we don't start going after those who supply the guns illegally to these criminals with a heavy hand, then the illegal gun market will continue to flourish.
Answers, in order:

No. She tried to stop him from killing two minority cops
See above
He stole it
Yet he did, proving violent felons don't care about gun laws. He stole it. He stole it. He stole it.
He stole it.
Too late, he's dead.

Thank you.
I agree criminals don't care about gun laws, nor do those in the illegal gun market selling or supplying them to the criminals...

I believe this is where the gvt's focus should be, regarding guns and not with any kind of focus on the Law abiding gun owners and how they get their guns, LEGALLY.

It is the ILLEGAL gun trade that needs to be squashed and heavy heavy penalties against the illegal dealers of the guns is just a charging them as accessories to the crimes committed is that start.

I just can't go thru the 6 pages beforehand to try to find the information in this thread on how the gun was stolen or who he stole it from, or did he buy a stolen gun, or was it a "so called friend" that he stole it from.... so I will have to google it to find out, unless you are kind enough to point me to the link or give me a hint on who posted that info.... :D
Come on, people. Check the archives. The term "race baiting" is used here a dozen times per day. You must know what it means.

You need us to tell you what you've been trying to attract with your race-baiting? Why the hell did you do it if you didn't even know what you were looking for?

Work out your own stupid issues. Not our problem.
The race baiters are to blame for the murder of the two cops in New York, the murder of the cop in Florida, the burning deaths, the OTHER walk up and shoot deaths that didn't happen to cops, the people attacked in the knock out game and all the people harmed in large ways or small by the road blockages of the protesters. The race baiters are to blame for the looting and arson in Ferguson.

They need to be marginalized and silenced.
This was revenge on white people!! and even tho the cops weren't white...White people will feel like they were white in order to get in on the victim act...The only time re publicans embrace another race is when they can g et in on the whining. I.e. Black conservatives, Hispanic neighborhood watch wanna bes, an Asian cop etc
The Blame Game is so much fun I just had to contribute.... :rolleyes:

The Media, Al Sharpton, President Obama, nor Eric Holder encouraged anyone to take up violence against the cops, and to imply such is simply political posturing and a BIG FAT LIE....

But if you want to run with that....and do a little feather ruffling of the Race Card yourselves, then you have chosen to do the same of which you claim 'they' are doing...


This guy shot his girlfriend in the stomach to kill her right before he went to Brooklyn....

Was she a cop?

Or was this rampage of his truly about killing cops when he tried to kill his girlfriend with a bullet to the gut only moments earlier in the day?

Who sold him his gun?

Isn't he a felon, and felons can't have guns? Did he buy it on the street in the black market? Did he take it from a family member? Or a friend loaned it to him?

Whoever gave this murderer his gun that killed these policemen, should be charged with the murder of these two innocent men.

If we don't start going after those who supply the guns illegally to these criminals with a heavy hand, then the illegal gun market will continue to flourish.
Answers, in order:

No. She tried to stop him from killing two minority cops
See above
He stole it
Yet he did, proving violent felons don't care about gun laws. He stole it. He stole it. He stole it.
He stole it.
Too late, he's dead.

Thank you.
I agree criminals don't care about gun laws, nor do those in the illegal gun market selling or supplying them to the criminals...

I believe this is where the gvt's focus should be, regarding guns and not with any kind of focus on the Law abiding gun owners and how they get their guns, LEGALLY.

It is the ILLEGAL gun trade that needs to be squashed and heavy heavy penalties against the illegal dealers of the guns is just a charging them as accessories to the crimes committed is that start.

I just can't go thru the 6 pages beforehand to try to find the information in this thread on how the gun was stolen or who he stole it from, or did he buy a stolen gun, or was it a "so called friend" that he stole it from.... so I will have to google it to find out, unless you are kind enough to point me to the link or give me a hint on who posted that info.... :D
Do you suppose the owner of an illegal gun would readily confess who he bought it from, or where he stole it? A stolen gun may change hands 10 times and be used in 10 crimes before it's ever recovered.

I'll just state my position again, and leave it at that. If the fuckers come to my house looking to harm me or mine, I will shoot them dead.
Communist Organizers thrive off division and hate. This is what happens when you have one as a President and Mayor. So this shouldn't surprise anyone. Expect more attacks like this all across the country.
This was revenge on white people!! and even tho the cops weren't white...White people will feel like they were white in order to get in on the victim act...The only time re publicans embrace another race is when they can g et in on the whining. I.e. Black conservatives, Hispanic neighborhood watch wanna bes, an Asian cop etc
A black man killed an Asian and a Hispanic, and you call it the revenge on white people.

Police turn on De Blasio.

Along with conservatives who go out of their way to demonize black people.
As usual, the haters who make this accusation can never actually name any "conservatives" they are pretending did this.

Are you kidding? Do you not read any posts on this site? Here go to drudgereport real quick and pick any article. Scroll down to the comments.
Because that is the same as a speaker that reaches millions with their bullshit?

Republicans fall all over each other calling black people welfare queens, freeloaders, murderers... when Trayvon Martin was murdered the first thing conservatives did was assume he was guilty and scour the internet for pictures or stories of him looking like a thug. Everyday we get multiple threads about how blacks murder each other, how black people have privileged status... Hell conservatives spent YEARS saying that Obama can't POSSIBLY be a legal candidate because he's probably a Kenyan.

Face it gramps, the GOP does NOTHING to shout down racists in the republican party, and doesn't even think racism exists anymore.

There is a reason black people overwhelmingly vote Democrat, and the GOP is fine with that.
The old paint with a 12 gauge,yes every single conservative has said those exact words over and over again.

The GOP kicks people out,very unlike the dems,who are more than willing to keep scum bags.
Finger pointers are 99% guilty of the very things they claim others are doing.They have zip for integrity zip!!
Is Palin being held responsible for the shooting of Gabby Gifford?

I think the Libtards think Palin was responsible for the Gifford shooting and the NRA was responsible for Sandy Hook but Obama, deBlazio, Sharpton and Holder have absolutely no responsibility for the police assassination.

That is just how they roll.

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