Should race-baiting demagogues share blame for two murdered NYPD cops?

Along with conservatives who go out of their way to demonize black people.
As usual, the haters who make this accusation can never actually name any "conservatives" they are pretending did this.

Are you kidding? Do you not read any posts on this site? Here go to drudgereport real quick and pick any article. Scroll down to the comments.

You could pick any gun thread on any message board just about. Conservatives effectively talk about killing law enforcement, they just mask it behind a "they" like "they will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands". The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event, but some people feel that rights other than the second amendment are denied them too and it comes at the hands of the police, so it is hard to say that one right somehow is more or less important than another in a free society. There is no justification for what happened to these officers, but both sides encourage extreme rhetoric, extreme thinking, and us v. them attitudes when it suits them.

I heard the following being chanted during the 'peaceful' protests in NYC.

NYPD/KKK, how many kids have you killed today!

Hey Hey, Ho Ho, These racist cops have to go!

What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want it? Now!

Can you find any conservative chants to match that?

Yes. All of the anti-government rhetoric being spewed in the rightwing media and elsewhere that was going on during the Bundy standoff (not to mention that it goes on constantly anway).

During that time 2 cops were murdered in Las Vegas by a rightwing extremist couple.
The big difference is that the shooting of the cops was an attack by a racist Black Muslim and the Eric Garner death was simply a bust gone bad.
Eric Garner's homicide was simply the latest in a long list of crimes perpetrated by the NYPD against unarmed civilians. Recent protests in New York have pointed this out, and the NYPD has chosen to talk about "war time policing" instead of purging their ranks of abusive cops.
Correction, the cops responded to a call from a store owner that called in a complaint about Garner disrupting customers in front of his store.
Do you have a link for that claim?

The officers involved, part of a plainclothes unit, suspected Mr. Garner of selling cigarettes on the street near the Staten Island Ferry Terminal, a complaint voiced by local business owners.
The big difference is that the shooting of the cops was an attack by a racist Black Muslim and the Eric Garner death was simply a bust gone bad.
Eric Garner's homicide was simply the latest in a long list of crimes perpetrated by the NYPD against unarmed civilians. Recent protests in New York have pointed this out, and the NYPD has chosen to talk about "war time policing" instead of purging their ranks of abusive cops.

There was nothing that indicated the death was racially motivated. In fact the police supervisor on scene was a Black woman. The idiot President of the US, the filthy Attorney General of the US, the commie Mayor of New York and that hate mongering asshole Sharpton all directly or indirectly accused the police of being racist and that led to the assassination of the two police officers.

The Left needs to start taking responsibility for the consequences of their race baiting for political purposes but i doubt they will. They will either try to blame the NRA, George Bush, Sarah Palin or go into their denial mode, which they do quite often.

DeBlazio better be careful with the police and stop being making them the whipping boy. He needs them to enforce the oppression of his communist administration and to collect the cigarette taxes
The big difference is that the shooting of the cops was an attack by a racist Black Muslim and the Eric Garner death was simply a bust gone bad.
Eric Garner's homicide was simply the latest in a long list of crimes perpetrated by the NYPD against unarmed civilians. Recent protests in New York have pointed this out, and the NYPD has chosen to talk about "war time policing" instead of purging their ranks of abusive cops.

Do you think Chief Philip Banks is a racist for giving the order to crack down on a violation of the law? It is going to be fun when they go to court and try and prove racism, since Chief Banks is a large BLACK man.

"An order to crack down on the illegal sale of 75-cent cigarettes in Staten Island came directly from Police Headquarters, setting off a chain of events that ended in Eric Garner’s death, the Daily News has learned.

Chief of Department Philip Banks — the highest-ranking uniformed cop in the city — sent a sergeant from his office at 1 Police Plaza in July to investigate complaints of untaxed cigarettes being sold in the Tompkinsville neighborhood, a source close to the investigation told The News.:

NYPD No. 3 s order over loose smokes led to Garner chokehold death - NY Daily News
The big difference is that the shooting of the cops was an attack by a racist Black Muslim and the Eric Garner death was simply a bust gone bad.
Eric Garner's homicide was simply the latest in a long list of crimes perpetrated by the NYPD against unarmed civilians. Recent protests in New York have pointed this out, and the NYPD has chosen to talk about "war time policing" instead of purging their ranks of abusive cops.

Do you think Chief Philip Banks is a racist for giving the order to crack down on a violation of the law? It is going to be fun when they go to court and try and prove racism, since Chief Banks is a large BLACK man.

"An order to crack down on the illegal sale of 75-cent cigarettes in Staten Island came directly from Police Headquarters, setting off a chain of events that ended in Eric Garner’s death, the Daily News has learned.

Chief of Department Philip Banks — the highest-ranking uniformed cop in the city — sent a sergeant from his office at 1 Police Plaza in July to investigate complaints of untaxed cigarettes being sold in the Tompkinsville neighborhood, a source close to the investigation told The News.:

NYPD No. 3 s order over loose smokes led to Garner chokehold death - NY Daily News

Were the police instructed to summarily impose the death penalty on any suspects who didn't behave?
Obviously the one most responsible, is the guy who pulled the trigger and shot the cops.

And when people simply report the truth and that upsets somebody, that's not the reporters' fault.

But when people like Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews etc. go around telling long-debunked lies ("Michael Brown had his hands up and was surrendering when he was shot", "Cops killed Eric Garner because they hated blacks") and their lies inflame some whacko to the point where he murders two cops in cold blood, shouldn't those lying race-baiters share some responsibility for the murdered cops?

How long will we tolerate people telling flagrant lies to whip up their hatred and resentment?

Yes they share blame. Along with conservatives who go out of their way to demonize black people.

Uhm, like who?
The big difference is that the shooting of the cops was an attack by a racist Black Muslim and the Eric Garner death was simply a bust gone bad.
Eric Garner's homicide was simply the latest in a long list of crimes perpetrated by the NYPD against unarmed civilians. Recent protests in New York have pointed this out, and the NYPD has chosen to talk about "war time policing" instead of purging their ranks of abusive cops.

Do you think Chief Philip Banks is a racist for giving the order to crack down on a violation of the law? It is going to be fun when they go to court and try and prove racism, since Chief Banks is a large BLACK man.

"An order to crack down on the illegal sale of 75-cent cigarettes in Staten Island came directly from Police Headquarters, setting off a chain of events that ended in Eric Garner’s death, the Daily News has learned.

Chief of Department Philip Banks — the highest-ranking uniformed cop in the city — sent a sergeant from his office at 1 Police Plaza in July to investigate complaints of untaxed cigarettes being sold in the Tompkinsville neighborhood, a source close to the investigation told The News.:

NYPD No. 3 s order over loose smokes led to Garner chokehold death - NY Daily News

Were the police instructed to summarily impose the death penalty on any suspects who didn't behave?

They were instructed to arrest the person who was breaking the law.
The big difference is that the shooting of the cops was an attack by a racist Black Muslim and the Eric Garner death was simply a bust gone bad.
Eric Garner's homicide was simply the latest in a long list of crimes perpetrated by the NYPD against unarmed civilians. Recent protests in New York have pointed this out, and the NYPD has chosen to talk about "war time policing" instead of purging their ranks of abusive cops.

Do you think Chief Philip Banks is a racist for giving the order to crack down on a violation of the law? It is going to be fun when they go to court and try and prove racism, since Chief Banks is a large BLACK man.

"An order to crack down on the illegal sale of 75-cent cigarettes in Staten Island came directly from Police Headquarters, setting off a chain of events that ended in Eric Garner’s death, the Daily News has learned.

Chief of Department Philip Banks — the highest-ranking uniformed cop in the city — sent a sergeant from his office at 1 Police Plaza in July to investigate complaints of untaxed cigarettes being sold in the Tompkinsville neighborhood, a source close to the investigation told The News.:

NYPD No. 3 s order over loose smokes led to Garner chokehold death - NY Daily News

Were the police instructed to summarily impose the death penalty on any suspects who didn't behave?

No, and they did not....
Gotta love it.. these leftist idiots finally have their authoritarian state they always wanted, taxing the shit out of everything and enforcing said taxation... now they're bitching about it.

We warned you...
The Left needs to start taking responsibility for the consequences of their race baiting for political purposes but i doubt they will. They will either try to blame the NRA, George Bush, Sarah Palin or go into their denial mode, which they do quite often.
Cops need to be stopped from killing with impunity:
"Nicholas Heyward Jr.
Sept. 27, 1994

Nicholas, 13, was playing cops and robbers with friends in a Gowanus Houses building stairwell when Officer Brian George, mistaking the teenager’s toy rifle for a real gun,shot him to death.

"What happened: The Brooklyn district attorney decided not to present the case to a grand jury, saying the real culprit was an authentic-looking toy gun."
Police departments that confuse themselves with war-time occupations are the problem the Right needs to confront.
...Conservatives effectively talk about killing law enforcement, they just mask it behind a "they" like "they will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands"...
I am a Centrist - some Liberal and some Conservative leanings - and I have a fair number of Conservative friends, family, work-colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances, and I have never heard nor seen one of them manifest such behaviors...

I think you are confusing Gun Rights activists and supporters with political Conservatives - which is a huge mistake.

...The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event, but... There is no justification for what happened to these officers, but...
There is no 'but'.

The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event.

There is no justification for what happened to these officers.

The race-baiting demagogues in this country (ala Sharpton, Jackson, et al, and their partners-in-crime, the Liberal element of the mainstream media) must share the blame.

Deer bait is used to attract deer. Fish bait is used to attract fish.

What does one attract with race bait?
Reverse racism - race hatred and bigotry, re-packaged for a different audience.

But you knew that, even before you asked the question, didn't you?
They were instructed to arrest the person who was breaking the law.
"But the 311 tip made its way to Banks’ office where 'the untaxed cigarette problem on Bay St.' was discussed, a source said.

"A day after the 311 call was made, cops arrested Garner for selling cigarettes without proper tax stamps.

"Cops found him in possession of 23 sealed packs of untaxed cigarettes and one open pack, officials said. He was arrested with untaxed cigarettes again on May 7, officials said.

"Then, a week before his death, Garner was 'warned and admonished' about selling untaxed cigarettes, a police source said."

So maybe the next question to ask is whether Garner had any untaxed cigarettes in his possession the day he died?

NYPD No. 3 s order over loose smokes led to Garner chokehold death - NY Daily News
omg, that's BS and it's OFFENSIVE.... I've been a conservative for 60 years never talking of KILLING ANYONE
are you people all so brainwashed against conservatives?

you're a dunce. holding up a gun and being a member of the Nra now equates someone to talking of killing cops. go sit down

If you want people to have guns, then you are assuming the risk of them being used on people you don't want them used on. It is that simple. Even a President of the United States quit the NRA because of their anti-law enforcement "jack-booted stormtroopers" rhetoric. Bury your hand in the sand and pretend that it doesn't happen.

You a Bush guy, Dekster?

I am a common sense guy, though I seldom see much of it on political boards these days.

That's not what I asked you.
...Conservatives effectively talk about killing law enforcement, they just mask it behind a "they" like "they will have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hands"...
I am a Centrist - some Liberal and some Conservative leanings - and I have a fair number of Conservative friends, family, work-colleagues, neighbors, and acquaintances, and I have never heard nor seen one of them manifest such behaviors...

I think you are confusing Gun Rights activists and supporters with political Conservatives - which is a huge mistake.

...The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event, but... There is no justification for what happened to these officers, but...
There is no 'but'.

The deaths of these two officers is a tragic event.

There is no justification for what happened to these officers.

The race-baiting demagogues in this country (ala Sharpton, Jackson, et al, and their partners-in-crime, the Liberal element of the mainstream media) must share the blame.

Deer bait is used to attract deer. Fish bait is used to attract fish.

What does one attract with race bait?
Al Sharpton, President Obama, and AG Holder
Gotta love it.. these leftist idiots finally have their authoritarian state they always wanted, taxing the shit out of everything and enforcing said taxation... now they're bitching about it. We warned you...
You're the idiot, if you you're equating stuff with people.
The Blame Game is so much fun I just had to contribute.... :rolleyes:

The Media, Al Sharpton, President Obama, nor Eric Holder encouraged anyone to take up violence against the cops, and to imply such is simply political posturing and a BIG FAT LIE....

But if you want to run with that....and do a little feather ruffling of the Race Card yourselves, then you have chosen to do the same of which you claim 'they' are doing...


This guy shot his girlfriend in the stomach to kill her right before he went to Brooklyn....

Was she a cop?

Or was this rampage of his truly about killing cops when he tried to kill his girlfriend with a bullet to the gut only moments earlier in the day?

Who sold him his gun?

Isn't he a felon, and felons can't have guns? Did he buy it on the street in the black market? Did he take it from a family member? Or a friend loaned it to him?

Whoever gave this murderer his gun that killed these policemen, should be charged with the murder of these two innocent men.

If we don't start going after those who supply the guns illegally to these criminals with a heavy hand, then the illegal gun market will continue to flourish.
The Blame Game is so much fun I just had to contribute.... :rolleyes:

The Media, Al Sharpton, President Obama, nor Eric Holder encouraged anyone to take up violence against the cops, and to imply such is simply political posturing and a BIG FAT LIE....

But if you want to run with that....and do a little feather ruffling of the Race Card yourselves, then you have chosen to do the same of which you claim 'they' are doing...


This guy shot his girlfriend in the stomach to kill her right before he went to Brooklyn....

Was she a cop?

Or was this rampage of his truly about killing cops when he tried to kill his girlfriend with a bullet to the gut only moments earlier in the day?

Who sold him his gun?

Isn't he a felon, and felons can't have guns? Did he buy it on the street in the black market? Did he take it from a family member? Or a friend loaned it to him?

Whoever gave this murderer his gun that killed these policemen, should be charged with the murder of these two innocent men.

If we don't start going after those who supply the guns illegally to these criminals with a heavy hand, then the illegal gun market will continue to flourish.
Answers, in order:

No. She tried to stop him from killing two minority cops
See above
He stole it
Yet he did, proving violent felons don't care about gun laws. He stole it. He stole it. He stole it.
He stole it.
Too late, he's dead.

Thank you.
The reference was nationwide... race-baiting demagogues (Sharpton, Jackson, et al) tend to gravitate to the Democratic Party.
Trigger-happy cops tend to vote Republican.
Put the blame where it (mostly) belongs.

Oh, we're putting it RIGHT where it belongs . . . on you leftist pissheads and your . . . what was it you bastards called it when you were tripping over yourselves to blame the Tucson shootings on conservatives? Oh, yes. Your "Climate of Hate". The difference, of course, being that while the Tucson shootings had nothing to do with Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, or anyone connected to politics, this assassin himself connected his actions to every leftist shitstain in the country who gleefully rushed to fan the flames of rampaging mobs and insist that the police are racists assholes hunting black people for sport.

You wanna talk "trigger happy", scumbag? You might as well have squeezed this trigger with your own blood-dripping fingers.

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